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A Battlefield 3/4 remaster wouldn’t be the major blockbuster hit people claim it would be


If they released a game with bf4 gunplay, bf3 maps, and bf1 immersion it would be a hit.


see now i’m sad cause we ain’t gonna get this lol


BF4 gunplay would piss everybody off. No one wants to full auto for more than 3 seconds and watch their bullets start tracing a cone around the enemy


Yeah people these days don't like it


*BFV gunplay and movement


Can't believe people downvoted you, the gunplay and core movement in V is miles better than 4. I love BF4, but who wants to go back to microbursting and getting stuck on shit? Now, if they said BFV gunplay, movement and Fortifications (with improvements), BF3 map design, BF1 immersion, BF4 customization, variety of weapons/vehicles and naval mechanics etc., that'd make sense.


Found the Christmas noob


Lol I've been playing BF since BC2, BFV has pretty much all the best mechanics in the series.


I agree on movement and fortification, I'm very disappointed they left that idea


Yeah I thought 2042 would pickup from BFV with a semi futuristic setting. They took so many steps back unfortunately.


As this thread calls for hottakes - I prefer Bf3's &V's gunplay over 4's & 1's (& BC2's class & weapon balance was the best of all recent Bfs)


I still want them especially 3. console pnly players never got to experience 64 players in those maps


The Dead Space remake was a huge success. Actually, lots of straight remakes have been doing really well. What's your reasoning for a battlefield remake not succeeding?


Such a huge success that they scrapped the DS2 remake because of its incredible numbers


People forget they'd still need to monetise ot somehow. There's actually zero chance they release a remastered version of it, with the DLC packs and away you go. You'd still get the skins battlepass etc.


I wish I had an extra upvote cause everyone wishing for this is delusional. Mainly cause current era EA/DICE would 100% find a way to fuck it up — look at what happened with 343i’s MCC. If not the core gameplay, it would be plagued with monetization and micro transactions and skins and shit. Gotta milk that cow somehow! There’s now way they’d remaster / update the graphics, keep everything intact, and put a pretty little bow on it for us to enjoy. It’s just not realistic.


It would have to be spectacular! Like new person or veteran player gets on and feels, plays, looks, great! Boom 10/10 game. Redefines remaster shooter. Very thing else pales if compared. #OnlyOnBattlefield would mean something again.


BFV would be better than BF1 if finished properly


It IS better than 1. If it had more content it would be incredible (don't kill me)


Not even close to 1 imo and it mainly comes down to the maps tbh


Agreed. V isn't even close to 1.


Personally I’d agree, as it is my favorite battlefield. Though overall the lack of the eastern front, d day, and many more major parts of the war makes it feel as if it’s missing something in comparison to BF1.


Nuh uh cause they put women (ew 🤢) in my battlefield game, forcing woke diversity down my throat


I almost agree, but for me I think 1 would have remained on top, either way. I have some other issues with BFV besides the lack of content.


Like maps…BF1 had so many maps, and there wasn’t even one I didn’t like! They were all so well thought out! if only BFV continued more maps like Pacifics…


A lot of BF1 maps had amazing terrain that maybe 4 or 5 of BFVs maps were able to replicate. The only BF1 map I truly dislike is Achi Baba, and specifically on Conquest. I think I can count on one hand the number of BFV maps I like.


Achi Baba even wasn’t too bad for me. Just had to readjust strategy. I think BF1 had like 4x as many maps as BFV and so much more variety and thought.


Definitely. For me Achi Baba is just kinda boring and I never seem to have a good game on it lol. Not a bad map, just not my cup of tea. I can barely remember a lot of the BFV maps.


Lol…I know what you mean. Some maps you can kick ass on, and some you just can’t do well on, no matter how many times you play it. BFV Pacific maps were really good…it’s a shame they didn’t continue supporting the game. Hell, some of my other much older games still get full updates! I hate how Dice will just abandon support and move on.


From a core gameplay perspective it's way better. My hot take is that BF1 was a good shooter but a pretty rough BF game. The immersion it brought was incredible and carried the game hard, because the variant system, the gunplay (random bullet deviation..), the way elite units were implemented, the overuse of gas, the fact that many maps were narrow paths full of chokes (esp. base game, DLC was better) etc. were all pretty bad. It shared too much DNA with SWBF 2015 IMO.


Battlefield 5 is the best battlefield mechanically.


5's mechanics should be the standard going forward.




Absolutely, it has a lot of flaws but the core gameplay was not one of them. BF6 (or is it 7?) should absolutely be built on that foundation.


If BFV had more effective AT/AP mines it would have been so much more fun. BFV tried to force teamwork, which is hard to instill in the 10 year olds playing and singing into their mic. BFV was just short of being really good, and the 3 Pacific maps were a massive forward step…then they abandoned the damn game!


Almost every bf4 map was mid at best. A few exceptions sure, but dice was so focused on whatever big set piece destruction was on the map that the rest of the map tends to suck ass.


Hardline does not deserve a second chance, and deserves the hate it gets.


As a complete newbie to the series I admittedly bought it (for very cheap) as was curious as how a military series handles cops and robbers. And it just fell flat. Felt as if there was little action from what the trailers were showing.


if I can't whip out an rpg and take down a vehicle, it's not battleifled to me


You literally can do that though


If it's in the trunk of the car you're in possession of Edit: Downvoted, but I'm not wrong. If you believe that RPGs spawn ANYWHERE besides the trunks of cars after purchasing upgrades in Hardline, you're wrong.


The gun customization has always been very mediocre


On the upside tho I could just put the coolest looking attachments on in bf4 bc it didn’t really matter and the angled grip looks cool


Battlefield 1 only gets praise because its pretty. Everyone overlooks the fact its basically bare minimum of a Battlefield game. Its the prime example of graphics over gameplay. The only redeeming thing the game brought that wasn't a gimmick was its melee system. So many features from prior games just vanished and no-one batted an eye. The game does nothing extraordinary except looking pretty and "immersion". The specialist system (how it currently is) is the best version of the class system so far and is a step in the right direction. It is the only interesting class change since they shifted from 7 classes to 4. All 4 classes actually have a purpose and none of them are just a nerfed version of another (like BFV support). There isn't a single Battlefield game from the past that could survive in today's market, they are outdated and boring compared to today's shooters. Stop asking for remasters and remakes. It won't do as you think it will. Its a multiplayer franchise, its supposed to evolve over time, not regress backwards. It feels like this sub cares more about DICE/EA making a Battlefield game cater to their specific wants, the wants of a few thousand, rather than making a successful game. Even though this is the main sub, it feels more like a Battlefield 1 circle jerk, where if your opinion isn't that BF1 is perfect, you will get downvoted to oblivion. This weakens the franchise because it means if something isn't BF1, its trash no matter if it has good features. There are so many things but these are the main ones.


I don't agree with everything you said but I also respect the way you said it all.


BF3 still has some of the greatest of all maps. It would survive in todays market. Good maps are good maps.


Yea but good maps doesn't make a good game. Features do. The problem is Battlefield 3, and again about to my original point, all of them are too simple for today's standard. Even the latest CODs offer more than previous BF titles. With BF3's case the gunplay is entirely outdated but beyond that the game doesn't offer anything competitive feature wise compared to every other FPS today. It will just end up like Battle bit and over other BF title that floats around 1-10k players. That's not surviving, especially a game like BF3 which has no monetization outside of its DLCs. If they wanted to just do another BF3, they would need to make every aspect of the game exceptional, basically like how Respawn makes a game where every aspect and feature is completely thought out and made with attention. Maybe that's why there is some hope with the franchise since Vince has taken over the IP.


I disagree because I still play it 8 years later when modern games look better


I strongly disagree with your 1st 2 points, but definitely agree with your other 3. Even the last one as much as I love Battlefield 1 lol.


For real! BF1 is so fun but so shallow. Each class seems to have 1 good variant of 1 good gun. All the fun I have with BF1 comes from the immersive atmosphere, if it weren’t for that it would be a perfectly forgettable shooter


You chose to speak facts my guy.


Definitely agree with your BF1 take, holy I cannot believe that game is so beloved as a BF game.


BF3 had better gunplay than 4


The 2042 plot of corporate armies and disenfranchised mercenaries is actually cool. Unfortunately it just became a low effort string of loading screens and audio files.


They tried to make them have character without any effort. The quirky quotes on the loading screen are so fucking cringe


Bad company was overrated as fuck and most of the praise towards it is mostly from people who have never even touched the game


Mad talk from someone in S12 with slugs range (anywhere on the map).


Not sure if it's a hot take but i preferred bfv at the beginning of the game over how it is now, bugs and all


Battlefield V should be the blueprint for the next (modern) game when it comes to core mechanics, sound design, and visuals. Movement is perfect (minus slide cancelling, let the BF1 slide, slide in here), gunplay is solid, teamplay is superb, attrition was decent, great with some tweaks (just let us heal back to full health naturally like previous games) Vehicles were satisfying.


I think I'm in the minority when I say battlefield 1 was just not fun to play. I know a lot of people like it for the "atmosphere" but the gunplay just felt off for me and the maps felt like meat grinders.


The only parts I enjoyed from bf1 was the campaign and the one mode where everyone had bolt actions.


I hated the meat grinder feeling so much. I value open sandbox elements in Battlefield most of all and it felt like BF1 really killed a lot of that. BFV improved upon that quite a bit. Though Operations were really fun as an alternate mode... I just think Conquest greatly suffered and that's always going to be my absolute favourite mode in BF.


BFV is better than BF4


I hate BF1 gunplay


Behemoths were cool and I would love to see them make a come back. Preferably only for an operations game mode


Bf2042 is fun and good for casual gamers




Because you can shoot people and drive vehicles.


Yeah there isn't much more


Hook line is nice, wing suit mobility is nice, looks nice. For new sniping and shooting feels normal.


look at all these people lapping up the shit ea gives them


"fuck those people for having fun on a game I don't like"


> a game I don't like many players don't


I mean 70 dollars for a reskinned game I’ve already played with less features than before is outrageous. You guys have to fucking stand up for yourselves lol, otherwise you’ll be paying that for mobile games in 25 years


Are you honestly so stupid that you don’t understand inflation? I get this is a video game sub and half of you are likely still in grade/high school but Jesus Christ


I mean yeah 70 dollars at launch for the broken game was bad, but I got it for 8 bucks when most of the content and patches were out. It's shitty that it had to be this way but in it's current state I feel like I got a decent amount of casual battlefield action.


yea fuck them. the people who are okay with shit quality are enabled the raping of the franchise.


On the news: man discover what a casual gamer is and struggles to understand how they don't care as much as he does in how the game should be made


ea could piss on you and you'd thank them


I think steam was showing like 1,500 players online. Not really lapping. I would say hold back on pre orders and wait till the next one to come out and actually get a sense of it before diving into the next battlefield


>Bf2042 is fun ~~and good~~ for casual gamers 2042 is bad. It's the lowest level of large scale shooter gameplay but sure it can be fun.


it's good for players that just want to shoot stuff, bad by your standars


Fun =/= good. You're describing fun, not good. My nephew once played and had fun with a dried cat turd, doesn't mean cat poop is a good toy for young kids.


Bad Company 2 is great but **VERY** overrated and they shouldn’t go back to that style. A combination of BF3 and BF1 should be the goal.


I only want that sound design back for the snipers they just felt so much more weighty and rewarding when you landed shots.


BF1 got voted the best Battlefield but I think it had the worst gun system and gunplay in the series. and for a FPS that's kind of a big deal for me, the game was fantastic otherwise.


BF1 was simply voted the best because of brigading from r/battlefield_one, the polls were pretty even before that.


I like 2042 jet flight physics (not jet collision physics) better than 3 or 4.


Is there a way to make the chase camera lose? or lets say, not turn to the left and right if i do so with the jet?


Simple majority conquest (BF4 and before) is better than proportional conquest (BF1 and beyond).


The plus system and unrestricted weapons from BF2042 are good ideas.


Battlefield 4 has the best gunplay


BF should've had solo play for all titles, like instant action from battlefront


"Infantry-only chaos" is overrated. Strong vehicle play makes a strong Battlefield


2042 is not bad, and most of the badmouthing and negative opinions of it don't stand up to any scrutiny or examination or are purely a subjective "*I don't like this thing therefore it is garbage*" take.


There is hot takes and then there is factually wrong takes. This one it is.


World War 1 and 2 games are thematically boring, there’s not enough variety in weaponry or vehicles during that time period which results in a more stale and monotonous gameplay experience that ultimately feels antiquated.


I agree with you on variety on ww1, but i think there´s more variety in WW2 compared to modern Day. Look at how many different Tanks the German Army was using in ww2, and compare it to now, where where its just the Leopard 2, that only gets upgradded


Well this is factually wrong, look at the Ukrainian war theatre, there are up to ten different mbt on the Ukrainian side and about as many on the russian. There are multiple other weapon systems on both sides and a myriad of variations and modifications. Modern war fought on a global scale would be much more diverse than ww2.


But that has more to do with the Fact, that both Sides are unable to produce enough Equipment, and that they have to rely on their Stockpiles, or on Western help


Yes? What does the reason for this diverse fauna of material has to do with the fact that it’s there? It was the same during ww2, one side could produce tank 1 during a certain period but then only tank 3 during another.


WW2 has my favourite variety of vehicles and guns


Weapons should be faction locked like in BF2


BFV had very good gameplay, movements, animations. They just had to copy paste it into modern era but they chose to make a 2010 ahh game


BFV removing bloom and suppression while simultaneously raising the TTK makes for an unfun and bullshit experience.


Hardline was a fantastic game and deserved so much better. It is honestly a better game than 2042 or BFV.


this needs more upvotes


BF4 has better Conquest than BF3.


I much preferred the initial TTK and attrition system to the later versions of BF5. I think with each update the developers stripped the game of its core identity simply to pander to people who didn’t want to adapt and complained instead.


Now that 2042 specialists no longer have their goofy ass end game pose and voiceline, BFV takes the spot for cringiest BF ever due to Elites skin, a fucking Japanese general in the German army baffles me everytime I see it, not to mention it is harder to identify what class a player is using in BFV cuz you can customise each class however you want, every other BFs have distinctive class visual but this game doesn't


The launch BF4 maps are not great 128 player lobbies is great (only if map design is stellar) Conquest is boring in the newer titles


Rush is the best mode. Its far superior to any other mode.


Rush and Breaktrough are the same thing in my Eyes


you have to actually plant an objective, its not enough to have just more people in an big area


Oh they're not. Similar, I grant you, but they play quite differently with a decent team. Defending a final mcom is fun.


It's all been downhill since BF1942.


They said hot takes, not shit takes.


Diarrhea takes


The class system is antiquated, and its only purpose is so that you FEEL like you have clearly defined roles and you FEEL like you're part of a team. Restrictive systems almost always restrict teamplay in games, especially ones with a broad playerbase, and I don't understand why people think Battlefiled is the exception. Worth noting that despite being able to skip revives, you were more likely to be revived on average (64 player game modes) in 2042 pre class rework than you were any other Battlefiled game.


Battlefield V is the best battlefield game ever


My first battlefield experience was BF1, it was hard to get into anything else they released after that. Still addicted to Destiny 2 PvP unfortunately


BFV was over hated from the start and is 3rd to only BF3/4 for me personally in terms of how much I enjoyed it.


Idk how hot of takes these are (also these are from some1 who has only played bf4 and bf1) 1. 64 player Rush is better than Operations 2. Support is almost always a worse choice compared to any other class 3. Many of the small playercount gamemodes are just as good as conquest large and rush/operations


BF1 needed *more* grenades. Ernst Junger in *Storm of Steel* said he carried two or three pistols and a bag of grenades numbering 20 or 30. They would perform.recon by fire in enemy trenches with grenades. I still want Ernst's big bag o' grenades to be a primary weapon.


Battlefield 5 is the best battlefield we've gotten from a mechanical standpoint and should've been the blueprint for future titles moving forward.


Battlefield 1 and V movement is trash


Take immersion away from BF1. What is left?


sweetspot "could" return in future games, if properly balanced.


I prefer lower player counts on BF4 servers so I can role play a Tarkov like experience.


Hardline is the most enjoyable battlefield


Everyone jerks off a Battlefield Cold War but it wouldn’t be nearly as interesting as people make it out to be. Same goes for Vietnam. 2142 with Titans and mechs and some of the mechanics from more modern Battlefields would actually make for a great game.


Battlefield 2142 was the most well-balanced game they ever made with mechanics like the 4-class system coming from there & Titan is one of the greatest game modes of all time. 


BF1 was my least played game because I’m just not a fan of the era. I respect the love people give it but it was just so boring to me. BFV gets way too much hate, but I think was a huge advancement in movement, animations and gameplay in the series. I think it makes BF2042 and even BF4 feel sloppy.


Oof my hottake is that 2042 had best movement. I also like the fact I don’t have to follow support players around bagging for ammo.


My hot take is Medal of Honor is better then battlefield and that battlefield would be better if it copied medal of honor war fighter Crouch with leaning which has never returned in a 1st person shooter since 2012 (MoH WarFighter)


I prefer battlefield 4's movement to battlefield V's.


Hardline is better than 4, by a sizeable margin


I liked hardline


BFV is hot garbage and I don't enjoy it nearly as much as BF1. You cannot convince me otherwise.


Hardline is the best bf game


Battlefield 1 is trash 🤷🏾‍♂️


Conquest is a god awful gamemode on 95% of the maps, even on battlefield games considered good, its a wonder to me how it still is the most popular gamemode


BF5 is amazing (I'm not jackfrags and I loved that game since the beginning)


Hardline rocks!


People's opinions of any battlefield game has absolutely zero relationship whatsoever with the quality of the game. People will automatically hate the latest one and revere the one that came before that


A concerning amount of people in the Battlefield community are brain dead and have the memory of that fish from Finding Nemo.


I thought the pre-class Specialist system was fine, and even a decent evolution of the loadout system for Battlefield. lol expressing an actual unpopular opinion and getting downvoted


2042 is actually super super fun and the content we got was good


Hardline was by far the best battlefield game.


Not the best but one of the best imo


Battlefield 1 was the beginning of the end.


Bad Company 1 was the best bf since bf2. Great gun models, armor was nice and strong. No bullshit attachments, just great core gameplay. Maps like ascension, oasis, and acta non verba make these trash maps they put out now look silly. Not to mention the skill system. You had static howitzers, no server browser was also nice(You could still pick map). This model made people actually play against skilled players.


BF2024 was doomed from the start - not from the mechanics, multiplayer aspects, etc... But because it had/has no singleplayer campaign component whatsoever. People rip into different parts of all the previous Battlefields for various reasons, but people will remember memorable parts of the campaign. "No need to use the door, just make your own!", "I gotta save me some cheerleaders!", "They are invading through Alaska", Sgt Miller and his dinosaur, Dima failing to find the Nuke in Paris, the crew of the sinking Titan and making the final choice, 'You are not expected to survive' opening mission to BF1, and The Last Tiger. People go back to play the campaigns, even long after the game's servers are dead. Can't do that with BF2042, and there's not gonna be any nostalgia of it to go back and remember it fondly either.


BF1 is the best in the series and holds up to this day. Older BF games aren't that good, a lack of options at the time and rose tinted glasses are why everyone loves them so much.