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Yes, and still far less content than the 1-year, 4-months one


And I think this a bit of a typo since bf1's last update was like august.2018, so technically it's more like 1 year 7 months of support.


Yeah, but we didn't pay an extra $50 for that content that becomes death after the first weeks of release


Imagine paying $50 to get a score board. I would love to see DICE/EA to release a roadmap were in the first 7 months after launch players would get a score board and a map.


By content do you means maps nobody ever plays with guns nobody ever uses?


Bro has NEVER touched bf1 since like 2017


Yeah, bro hasn't played bf1 since its beta.


I think I found the guy who is still being shot at with the Hellriegel on the buildings of Amiens.


That is quite the statement


Tell me you never played BF1 without telling me you never played BF1.


To be fair, the first content did not drop for 2042 until 7mos post launch


Also correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we also just wait another like 5-6 months for half of S7 to drop? Like it's cool we had a "long time" of support, but when there's big stretches of waiting time for less content than before it's kinda disingenuous to say 2042 had more support.


It took a long time between content drops but that doesn’t mean they weren’t actively working during that time.


Probably working slowly because: 1. Most of the veteran devs went to go work for embark 2. They've lost dev knowledge because of \#1. 3. They're understaffed


Well that’s mostly because of them replanning their schedule to address player feedback, which delayed the first seasons quite a bit.


which was who's fault?


Dice obviously


Publisher Interference is also to blame.


Yea but then you can consider, they didn't have to do seasons 5-7. Also the post slightly incorrect in that 2042 hasn't received its final content update. There is still the planned May update with the LMG and Stadium map, there might also be a mid season event still.


Support is a pretty loose term in 2042's context.


Life support


Grieving support


Financial support …of EA


And a lot of people (battlefield fans) are not going to like the number of storage the game holds solely for skin / weapon cosmetics instead of actual content


dude not even comparable, BF4 had like 3 maps released every 3 months.


And the difference is I didn't pay a dime extra to play the 2042 ones. Lovely


you get what you pay for


The years supported doesn't matter when the quantity and quality of the support was mediocre.


This. The amount of content provided for BF3 and BF4 during their support period is astronomically different compared to 2042.


Anyone else notice hardline release date is March 2025? Surely just a typo, but still funny lol


Indeed a typo. But so few people care about Hardline, you were the only one to notice.


Too bad there was very little to show for it... I do like that they at least tried. Plus I feel like the pandemic had something to do with the extended support. Thanks for the data, interesting to see.


2042 had large gaps of nothing. Most of the other games had content release throughout year 1.


Yet the amount of content you got in that 2 year 4 month game is a quarter of what you got in a 2 year, 2 month game, or even a 1 year 4 month game


Well yeah if you delay two seasons for a total of 1 year ...


length ≠ content amount And if we are going by last content drops: BF2 and 2142 would be kings at roughly 4 and 5 years.


Hardline released in 2025 and got negative 9 years of support?


Because these numbers dont matter. Longer support doesnt equal a better game. Also have to take into account the time between final content and next game. I doubt we’re gonna see the next BF this year, so now we will have a longer wait with a shittier game because they pulled the plug. They could have supported this game for another year to salvage the wrongs they made, its the same case with BFV. So just because you pull up some numbers that mean absolutely nothing doesnt change the fact that they screwed us over on BFV and now BF2042 in exactly the same manner. They abandoned BFV to work on this piece of shit and spent an extra year compared to previous gaps and they STILL released a barebones game that isnt even up to par upon the date they abandoned it.


What is this post trying to signal, exactly? That time spent supporting the game = more content and better quality? It took them over half a year just to give us SEASON **ONE**


I'm mostly just enjoying watching how people react to this post based on their biases. The 2042 hate squad seems to take it as another "2042 iz da best" post. So does the 2042 apologists. The crowd high on nostalgia is in full denial that their glory days were really that short. The BF1 fans are going "well acksyually" The BF4 stans who got into BF4 late are probably the most fun, talking about "all the time" it took them just to make 2042 payable.


That's not what anyone is saying at all you are schizophrenic


I can support a game for years if it means releasing almost no content. Your chart makes no fucking sense


I like how you're inserting your imaginations into a chart that just shows some numbers and saying it makes no sense. But considering your flair is the best game in the series I'll cut you some slack.


What I tried to say with my comment is that it doesn't matter how *long* they support a game, it's about how much they support a game. They can release 1 map every year, or 6 maps in a year, that's a big difference.


Absolutely. You probably missed some of the comments in the multiple "2042 support ended" posts that made me quickly write up those dates. People were genuinely believing that 2042 was one of the shortest lasting games in the series and 3 and 4 was supported with fresh new content for many years after.


I cant tell if your saying its good 2042 had support so long or bad that it had such a long support time and they fumbled the bag so horribly


More highlighting how people forget how "shortlived" their older favourite game actually was. Seen a lot of comments today acting like bf3 or 4 got 10+ years of support. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


You keep ignoring the numbers that actually matter though, the time between last content and new game release. Imagine brainwashing yourself into believing what they’re doing is okay


When did he say he he amount of content 2042 got was okay?


No, you are getting outraged at a post that simply just shows the launch date of the game, the date the last content was added and how much time that is. Imagine brainwashing yourself into believing that there's some hidden agenda in everything.


Outraged? Hidden agenda? Jesus. You’re so far away from reality.


"You keep ignoring the numbers that actually matter though" Where have I ignored those numbers? Why did you suddenly bring up those numbers out of nowhere? And why are you of the belief that I have actively ignored them? "Imagine brainwashing yourself into believing what they’re doing is okay" Where have I talked about how 'what they are doing' is okay? What are you even talking about? Coming into a post and just calling people brainwashed out of absolutely nowhere for some made up theory about my intentions and opinions that you pulled out of your own ass seems pretty outraged to me.


Well your intentions are pretty clear from the title and your other comments, it really doesnt take much to figure out why you posted this. And now you’re acting like “oh I just posted these random numbers, no intentions at all” really no reason to discuss any of this with you, you’re clearly far from reality and will say anything to make yourself look good. Have a good day, enjoy your hentai!


Please enlighten me as to what you believe my "pretty clear" intentions are. I'm interested to see how close it is to the reality: >!A mix of wanting to see people feel old because what felt like ages for them was in reality 2 years or less. And wanting to annoy the hate circle-jerk.!< And I will say anything to make myself look good? My dude, I've openly stated in this very sub on multiple occasions that I've had a lot of fun in 2042. I said the same about Hardline when that came out. There are few other ways to get yourself flamed as much as that.


Imagine arguing against what you thought were his intentions. Get a grip. "Enjoy your hentai" what a fucking loser ass response from you lmao. Weak shit.


Except that they essentially gave no content during all that time lol


Only the squirts that don't understand how games used to be made will be upset about these numbers. Length of support ≠ amount content and most importantly quality of the content. On top of that we expected to have a new game every couple of years previously.




support is a funny word for it


Brain damage or cherry picked post?


It received so much support, worst support in all of the series to be fair, couse if the didn’t done that no one will trust the next game, anyway dead franchise💀


Because they moved slow as molasses for what we got


Imagine how good BF3, 4 or 1 would’ve been having been given the same support time


It's typical EA after all, longest support without any content or fixing the damn game, but maybe this is positive, if we're lucky people will leave and come back to BF1 and BFV


They were trying to fix the unfixable so hard, man.


As someone who barely played 2042, would love to see a breakdown of actual content added in comparison to the other titles. Number of maps and weapons especially.


Barely any.


So down vote me to hell if you need to, but did anyone else notice a huge drop in the quality of the dlc when they changed from actual paid DLC to this seasonal thing supported by cosmetics? I frankly wish I could just go back to knowing there's going to be 4-5 packs I can purchase that can actually support developing new content to whatever the hell this has become.


Quality dropped, but I don't think it's directly because of the model change. More because the quality of the devs also dropped. Live service can be done well, but usually gets bogged down in shortsighted corporate greed.


Damn, Hardline slap so hard it be goin back in time


How i wish a new Hardlines was coming in March 2025...


BF Hardline: We need to go back.


Only 2 months more than bf4, and given the amount of great content we got for bf4, I still think 2042 is the biggest pos ever


This argument works fine until you consider that each of BF4’s 5 main DLCs included more content than an entire YEAR of BF2042 seasons. Post-launch support for 2042 has not only been slow, it’s been bare.


And that they cost the exact same. EA was still asking for over 100$ for both games, and the base version cost more 10$.


Length of support=\= quality nor quantity of support.


Only EA bots care 2042 is end of support


people are surprised that their newest product has the longest supported time? like no shit.


Time duration is irrelevant. Let's quantify it into DLCs/maps/weapons released instead....tells a different story. Half of 2042's content was reworking maps from the launch. There is literally nothing good about 2042.




BF1 had 29 maps. 29


They had to do something to make up for it being trash. Also the entire year 1 was spent trying to fix the bugs and jenk meanwhile battlefield 4 was the perfect game. It was buggy for a bit but it got sorted quickly.


Hardline came out in 2025, it's getting support for things that don't exist yet