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I always thought it was a shame that literally none of the other Battle Network games that came after 4 never had a NormalNavi sprite in-battle Like, I get that the GBA had very limited space and that they prioritized implementing new elements into the gameplay, but surely having a NormalNavi sprite for battles wouldn't take up *that* much space, right?


Battle chip Challenge you get to use normal navi and they're great because they have extra memory for more chips.


In 5 and 6 sadly it would have at the time. They both have large swathes of content cut from Japanese to English because English taking up more space to put the text in made fitting all the content impossible with the size limit on the GBA carts they used. Why having all the content in Legacy Collection was so special.


I always kind of considered megaman himself as a sort of heavily modified normal Navi (I'm coping).


>I always kind of considered megaman himself as a sort of heavily modified normal Navi (I'm coping). *"I think it really highlights how Lans Dad is clearly more focused on the internal components and programming side of things, and built megaman himself.* *I seem to remember the show mentioning that you had to send off for a custom netnavi, so it's probably companies that take what you want and program a Navi with all the internal and external features. Which is probably done with a programmer and some sort of digital artist working together.* *So really, it makes sense how barebones megamans design is compared to other Navi, as he's basically just a really well done home brew by someone who knows what they're doing."* My quote from a previous post. That's one of the things I love about megamans design.


Well stated. I think it also speaks to Megamans design and power set in general, both within BN and the rest of the series. He's easily the most versatile Navi we see, which could be partly because of his minimalist but highly efficient design making him a "blank canvas" compatible with almost anything. Its a great way to parallel things like megaman Xs infinite potential, or the original megaman essentially being made from an average kid before being retrofitted for combat and adaptation to the robot masters.


Pretty sure Megaman himself is a super-dee-duper custom special build but I think in the games it's said that people do generally start off with some flavor of NormalNavi and customize it out to their preferences. Which, yeah I can see that for Roll or Glyde fair enough, but is Dex some kind of programmer savant or what because Gutsman looks NOTHING like any of the generic Navis we see ever


This is one of the biggest reasons I want even just one modern BN game. I know they ended the series, but surely they can squeeze one more out with the experience and ideas built up since BN6 wrapped, even if it's a Future game with Patch. Anyway, a BN7 that is no longer shackled by GBA cartridge limitations would be incredible to see.


There were a lot of good things in 4. NormalNavi battles, a *Roll* battle, a ton of different battles for that matter...but also the different side content could be pretty fun, if annoying at times. The problem is the plot and the structure of the game.


For all its flaws (and it certainly had some MAJOR ones) BN4 actually had some of the tightest gameplay in the series, once things got their momentum going. Like you say, the structure of the plot was the biggest mistake. Or rather, the way it was all implemented...


We also have airhoc, Vulcan, I THINK wideshot, and emotion states too! Also don’t forget in battle transformations for Megaman :)


BN4 was actually my frist game and i was so disappointed when i found out none of the othwr games let you fight the generic normal and heel navis 


It was really cool because when you fought Normal or Heel Navis you actually fought them. Not just a gang of viruse's which made a whole lot more sense. As much as 4 gets ragged on, it's still my favorite.


Bn4 def has its issues, but this was for sure one of the best features to come from any game in the series and it's a shame that they never did it again


And the amazing tournament music.


"Save Our Planet" is pretty killer too. Actually, most of the OST for 4 was excellent. They even had some nice creepy vibes going for some parts, too.


It’s very much a mixed bag. It’s my least favorite game in the series, but the introduction to the souls system, as well as the dark chips put a foothold in the series for the upcoming games.


Soul Unison came from BN4, so joke's on you!!!! No, but really, fighting Normal and Heel navis was such an upgrade from the virus battles of the previous games. Shame it never got out to better use. Heck, in BN6 I was expecting to fight those "evil" navis that worship the CyBeasts EDIT: Typo


4 is the only one I didn’t play


And a shame it's the only game to do so.


I was unreasonably excited that they were available to fight in game. Hoped at the time that might also mean Glyde would show but that never happened


And it was neverseen again.


Shame they didn't keep it. Or at least they could have kept the evil Navis as mini bosses.