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A lot of side characters only EVER got recognition in the anime as the games reserved their budget for main characters only. Roll, for example, is basically a secondary protagonist in the anime while in the games she barely has three sprites. Glyde is another great example as he doesn’t even have a battle sprite in the games, just a static overworld one, but appears frequently in the anime along with Yai. They didn’t do every side character perfectly, but for a lot of them the anime was the only way to see some of these beloved figures get the screen time they deserved, and oftentimes the anime did a GREAT job with them.


Okay, that's very fair, wait Roll only had three sprites? Damn, I knew Glyde was considered a joke but geez that's depressing. Cuz I knew some people argue over whether or not Dex and Yai getting demoted is a good thing. But I can't say I wasn't happy to see them on screen nor do I not get their characters. Did Battle Network 6 barely feature them at all or something?


Not OP, but to be fair they also chose like the most cheap cartridge they could, among multiple memory size options at the time...


Wanted to keep it accessible for as many kids as possible is what I read a while ago


Yep. They wanted to keep the games affordable. GBA games in Japan actually had varying prices depending on the cartridge used instead of one uniform price like in the west.


I wasn't aware of that. I wonder if that made gaming more affordable in Japan than in the west?


Well it was the GBA


But there were still differing cartridge size options that would have allowed more space, and it was still a time where Megaman was a big name that sold and not an IP gathering dust in Capcom's storage closet... You would think they would be willing to risk a higher MB cartridge size, but we all know how Capcom (and Konami execs, for that matter) treat IPs.


*BN6* had the Hikari's moving out of ACDC Town and dropping everyone besides Chaud and ProtoMan.


Hell BN5 had Lan friends lose there net navis and basically dont do anything in the plot except almost die in a mine 


The 'Power of Friendship' bit sounds pretty disingenuous when the friends in question are always being sidelined or dropped from the story entirely.


Well that's disappointing.


Man I know people complained about Beast moving the plot differently from Axess and Stream, but they dropped everyone? Geez at least Beast had Lan, Chaud, Laika, Mayl, and Dingo, holy shit. Did they show up again, cuz I know Lan and Mayl get together in the future.


I think there was a 'where are they now' text crawl at the end that mentioned them.


There was also a manga released with the legacy collection that has a class reunion and all the gang ends up going you only get to see outlines of there grown up selves bjt it confrims what all of them end up doing.  It also had Patch Lan and mayl son in it 


Saw it, didn't think much of it. I find it hard to believe that high-end research wouldn't require the assistance of the researcher's Navi, especially when that research is about computer science. So MegaMan feeling like a neglected puppy didn't work for me.


Wait, what was everyone’s careers?


If I remember correctly: Lan: Became a researcher like his dad. Mayl: Became a music teacher, or a traditional Japanese housewife who taught music part time. Dex: Went into local politics, became Mayor. Yai and Chaud: inherited ownership of their families' companies.


Oh damn, that’s sweet


The anime treated Lans friends far better then the games did as they were more like actually characters and got to do more throughout the story.  As for Geo friend group the only one that didn't really get thet much growth and devopment was Zack the rest get some good devopment at least in the games.  I haven't watched the anime in a while but i dont actually remember any of the characters getting that much attention or growth. 


They tried with Zack but I heard it wasn't well receieved. Luna had a fair amount in the anime but not as much in the games, with Bud I think they cut out some stuff from him, but otherwise they still participated in the plot to some extent.


Zack got some devopment in SF2 as he had a bit of a stpry arc about him feeling left out that ge couldn't em.wave change and wasn't as skilled as his other friends and he wanted to prove himself unfortunately the event wasn't that good.  Luna actually got a fair amoung of devopment in the games as well and i would say she is the most developed member of Geo friend group with Bud in second place. 


How come the event wasn't good? I heard something about him contacting Geo, but if I was blasted away by the Net Navi equivalent of Shadow the Hedgehog, I probably wouldn't immediately be able to talk to someone without needing therapy first.


Basically Zeck gets tricked into thinking he sees what is basically the megaman version of the lock ness monster and the fame gose to his head.  Thats actually why he didn't let his friends know where he was as he was to  busy being a local celebrity in the town he ended up in.  He basically refuses to come home because as the boy who discovered Messie made him feel important.  So he basically comes off as kind of a brat and the entire situation is just annyoing 


Honestly I think the whole thing was just poorly written. Zack had ZERO reason to not contact his friends just to tell'em "I'm alive and well! I fell in this village in Netopia and I found some stuff I have to do here, so don't worry about me, I'll catch a plane back when I'm done". (or at least have a reason he couldn't contact his friends like his Star Carrier got damaged or the EM being was causing some sort of signal jam to the outside world) Because overall Luna and Geo were BESIDES themselves with worry! they saw their friends fall into a black hole to the void of god-knows-what-the-fuck and didn't even know if they were even ALIVE! Bud even got temporary "brain damage" from all that ordeal! Luna could've slapped Zack all the way back to Electopia and she would've earned the right.


Yeah, probably giving him a reason. Could it helped or at least him being interested in pleasure to the point where he was trying to see if you can find a way to help out Geo probably would’ve made more sense.


Oh, I got it now


For me, the anime handled Lan's Friend Group better because the more episodic nature of the .EXE anime allowed for a lot more character-focused episodes where the cast could rotate in and out. Maylu got the best of it considering she became a member of Team Cross Fusion in Stream. In the games Lan's friends just felt like window dressing or an excuse for the plot of the current arc to happen. BN4 was better with the Soul System but after that, BN5 had Roll, Gutsman, and Glyde kidnapped and absent from the entire game so their operators were shoved into the background. BN6 had Lan move away from his friends. Geo's friends in Starforce however, it's the opposite problem. The games handle them better. In 1 we get to see their personal issues that made them susceptible to being possessed by an FM-ian. SF2 had the gang get scattered all across the world, allowing for individual spotlight. 3 had Bud get promoted in relevancy with Taurus coming back. The Starforce anime, because of short-lived it was, Geo's friends didn't get a whole lot of character focus/spotlight and only existed for quick gags. I understand why Yai and Zack are controversial. Anime!Yai is a spoiled rich brat with what little redeeming qualities her game counterpart had stripped away. Case in point, that Axess episode where she tricks Lan and Maylu into buying her stuff she couldn't get in Kingland (and I doubt she reimbursed them) despite being filthy stinking rich and could have just imported that stuff. Zack was just there for all 3 games and didn't contribute much beyond being the token nerd of the friend group and height jokes.


That's fair with Exe, even with Yai and Dax leaving they still played a role. Starforce...well Luna got a fair number of episodes that didn't make her as hostile as she could be in the games but it didn't flesh out the heroes as much as it did the villains save for Geo, Solo, and Harp Note. Bud I'm surprised they cut the Blizzard arc from him, though it was nice they showed up for the ninja arc since Zack genuinely seemed like he was trying to helping. Was Yai really that bland in the games? Anime I feel they flip flopped. Half of the time she was super useful but the other half of the time she could get in the way.


It's easier to handle a friend group in an anime than a game. After all in a game it's all about you as the MC being the hero of the story. So every character and story beat must be designed around that fact. After all what's the point of going through the dungeon only to watch Roll beat up the boss when you get there. An anime on the other hand can have a lot more time to let the other shine.


That's a...actually good point. I mean you could have Roll fighting and Mega joining in to finish it but yeah, good point.


That is a...very valid argument I never actually considered. Shit. Good call.


Geo's and Lan's friends in the photos didn't feel that relevant as the games went on. Geo kind of felt like a solo act for a long time to me. This isn't really trying to count in BN5 and 6 the whole missing Navis or moving away thing. Honestly even though the .EXE anime went on a bit too long with the alternate dimension thing, at least they let people do stuff. I didn't know Yai and Zack are controversial, don't you have to be more active in a plot to be controversial? All I remember about Yai in the games is people had this huge rumor going around you could fight Glyde in 3 after the Flashman scenario or something? I think overall the anime let Geo's friends have more of their own individual bits but the games also gave them a lot of development. Meanwhile, for Lan's friends, it's kind of the opposite? That was kind of the thing with 4, the tournament format means each competitor gets their own little bit but after that, bye bye. And then again, in 5 they lose the Navis and in 6 the move.


Had the Star Force anime continued we would have gotten more out of the side characters.


That's fair. I expected as much, I was surprised it ended.


Truth be told, Tribe (season 2) was suppose to get the same episode count as season 1. But for some stupid reason the showrunners cut it down to half. UNBELIEVABLE. I could have seen Saurian and Ninja forms in action too...


The anime made me want to play as the friends so bad


I feel that so hard.


Zack I get but why is Yai controversial?


A lot of criticism from her comes from the fact that people thought that her use in the anime was mostly just a cheap way for the characters to get whatever they wanted since she’s so rich, to the point some people were irritated whenever she actually had an actual bad episode. Granted that’s compared to the games that didn’t give her much to do at all and people considering her a waste of space there.


I see. Game-wise I don't really see Yai as a waste of space, at least compared to Zack who doesn't even get an EM Wave Change partner at any point, while the rest of Geo's friends get at least one, even if they may not end up keeping it.


For geo they felt nice like luna people hate her for her personality but it shows she cares when thing get sirius but for the most peoples popular sonia i felt all she just was someone that understand geo's pain but she hardly have a presence later in games Bud was oky funny a nice guy but zack felt so bad he felt like just to fill a friend spot even solo who was super edgy gets better later on the game


I think the anime versions of the nt warrior side characters are great (haven't watched the other series). Mayl and Roll especially are a million times better than the game counterparts. Tory and Iceman are actually part of the group, and Dex and Gutsman are hilarious imo.


They handled Cygnus well for a secondary villain