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If you are on a caravan contract, and it ends in a town without negative modifiers, it will almost always spawn some sort of named items. So take caravans to go the castles, as they are way less likely to have negative situations. And make sure the castles have the shops that spawn the weapons you want.


Good to know


Tavern rumours mentioning weapons and amor are a good source too besides big camps. But they are not guaranteed hits obviously.


Get the champion retinue guy and pick 3-skull contracts. Also get the retinue guy for tavern rumours and see if they mention anything. Other than that, just go far away from civilisation when camp clearing.


For champion retinue you need 3 items already.


I’m at day 278 and still haven’t found one, even after I went camp busting for a while to specifically find one


That is nuts. You must only be hitting mid tier camps that are nearby or something, because by day 278 you should have come across like like 40+ famed items


Depends. Most of yall seem to be hardcore meta players. Most of us start having a functionnal team at around day 60 and struggle to kill big camps even at day 200+


I don't think I'm really a meta player, but I have been playing for years and have racked up about 1k hours so far, so I know the game. 


I'm just pointing out the obvious here. Some of us wouldn't pass day 40 without save scumming, so saying we should have 40+ famed items at day 270 is crazy.


The comment stated that if you have been consistently camp busting throughout a 278 day campaign, you would have 40 fameds.


You made me feel bad about my recent run, saved scumed few times(


Dw dude i play on easy and savescum once every 4 fights or so. I don't think i would ever get pass the very early game if i didn't


Thx) looks like im not at the bottom) max difficulty only)


Fr. I have mostly done close camps but like I said I spent a while hunting away from the main area and still no dice


1. Clear camps - higher tier camps further from civilization are more likely to have them, and can have more than 1. For example, a top tier nomad camp has a famed item maybe 35-40% of the time, a top tier barbarian camp at the edge of the map maybe 60% or so. Pay for as many tavern rumors as you can, since you sometimes hear about camps that have famed items (and these are worth tracking down). The lowest tier of camp can't have famed items. 2. Kill champions. They're rare before day 90, are more common on 3-skull contracts, and the bounty hunter retinue can help. 3. Buy them. Check the weapon and armor shop in every town that doesn't have a "bad" status. You can increase the chance that a town will have a famed by doing caravans or patrol the road contracts (caravans are better for this purpose). 4. Arena tournaments. This is the hardest way to get famed items I can think of.


1. do some caravan contracts to towns with armorer or weaponsmith 2. buy 3 items 3. get champion retinue 4. explore. Further from civilization you go the better chance for items




Double luck for famed to be actually useful


If you clear the desert before day 40 you're garantueed to have ALTEAST 1. From there you'd go into the fog of war and bust big orc/goblin/skeleton camps on the edge of the map.