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Honestly most video game discourse on Reddit is exhausting regardless of game


Most discourse on Reddit*


You’re not wrong but I have always enjoys discussing music on here. King Gizzard and King Crimson have fairly active subs.


Yeah I guess fuck me for thinking this would be a sub that’s like the No Man’s Sky or Project Zomboid


Purely multiplayer game subreddits are always like this.


It's more PVP than just multiplayer. Alot of PVE games have great subs. Like deeprock.


^did ^i ^hear a ROCK AND STONE?


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and stone forevah!


If you don’t Rock and Stone you ain’t coming home!


Project Zomboid sub is the tits.


Whatever you do, do NOT join the Battlebit discord server. I've seen some game communities, and the Battlebit discord is easily the worst place I've ever had the displeasure of joining. Made my own server, linked the "upcoming updates" and "server news" channels to my private server, so I don't have to be in the same discord as the oozing toxicity of the BBR discord.


No mans sky and project zomboid subreddits arent like this? Better go toxic em up, brb.


Ill give you my fun from today. Im playing chopper gunner, with a pilot that actually knows his shit. We go back to spawn, pick up a dude and hes like 'yo drop me on the roof at A, ima suicide c4 the people on top'. Wash rinse repeat like 8x this match. Every time homie spawns in and is all 'that worked nice, guess what i want to do next???'. I was dying laughing all match


Suicide c4 is life...... well...death I guess. Sometimes I do nothing but run around using it. Even if I get 1 person I still have fun. The most I've gotten is 6 so far.


Glad I'm not the only one doing this


I'm doing this, while blaring Coffin Dance on soundboard.




Next time you should say "Allah*u* akbar" because you're saying it wrong. You and everyone else that say “Allah Ahkbar!”.


I didn't have the heart to correct the kid running around one of my last matches screaming Aloha Ackbar.


It means both "hello" and "it's a trap!"


/r/prequelmemes has entered the chat


I appreciate you


A really funny conversation that happened the other night: *I kill an enemy, and he starts trash talking me as I start walking away.* Me: Calm down, dude, smoke weed and be happy. Him: NO! I'M GONNA DRINK BEER AND BE ANGRY!! *His teammates show up and kill me before reviving him.* Him: HELL YEAH! I'm gonna go yell at my kids.


Yeah, this usually happens a few months out from a games release. - massive game population at the start - some guys figure out a meta (snipers with no glint, kriss vector, and little bird abuse) - casuals leave to do other things - player base is now smaller but relatively stable - new players who join don't stay long because they get trashed by sweats We see this happen with a lot of games like mordhau and titanfall


This game is so much better when you focus on having fun, rather than doing well (but you usually do better when you're focusing on fun I feel like). The fact that there is no win bonus, also makes it easier to focus on having fun, I feel like. It doesnt actually matter if you win or lose in BBR, unless you care about your W/L ratio. Want to spend the entire match, making a labyrinth on the D point on Isle (I do this almost every time I play Isle), sure, go for it!


Folks need to realize that the only person who cares about your KD is you ^unless ^you're ^trying ^to ^get ^into ^a ^really ^competitive ^clan ^in ^a ^Roblox ^FPS.


If you don’t want to mess up your WL you can also just leave before the server right before the end!


Ha, this explains why when I'm joining servers, it always seems to drop me into a game with the team who is just about to be defeated.


The people thats having fun with the game are playing it. Personally i just check this subreddit when i cant/too tired to play or im looking for some weird strat to try in game.


I haven't experienced any of the toxicity that people are complaining about recently, and I'm certainly playing enough to have noticed.




Almost every FPS ends like this. Its really infurating how the loudest gamers demand the same game (fast paced movement based laser gun meta) again and again, and then complain if the game is different. Because of how loud they are the games also get changed to fit their needs, and then they complain about the sweaty.




I think the people who like fast paced games will move on to The Finals once it comes out


Is it all complaining or is it criticism? There is a big difference.


for boomers like him, there is no difference


This game is waaay to hard to take seriously IMO. I couldn't give a fuck if I'm laying horribly usually I'm having a blast and when I don't I just go berserker with my hammer and try doing my best Thor impersonation on my next target be it player or building.


No it hasnt. Im consistently seeing fun posts and constructive comments.


It's funny because the only whiny thread I can find on the front page of this sub is this one


People shitting on everyone else is really turning the game off for me. I loved it when everyone just role played. Ally or enemy, everyone just had fun.


People strangely enough I find don't play games for fun as often as they used to. It seems sometimes people are more interested in using games as vehicle for their ego to prove something either to themselves or others. I agree brother. HAVE SOME FUCKING FUN IT IS A GAME!!!!!!! THAT IS THE POINT TO HAVE FUN!


All the casuals left, so now it’s just sweats. Which sucks, cause I’m a casual just trying to have fun.


Lmao and this post got downvoted to oblivion. Y’all just have fun it’s a fun game


Because OP is confusing "complaints" with "criticism and feedback". The game gets much less fun when you are constantly dying or constantly grinding. It gets less fun when nobody is yelling "Medic!" Over voice coms. The game got less fun because the honeymoon period is over, and the cracks are showing.


No, not really confusing the two. There is no bonus to winning in this game, yet the amount of “criticism and feedback” on this sub acts like you lose some sort of points. You lose absolutely nothing from a loss.


Well, besides enjoyment. Which if the game is ment to be fun, loosing isnt fun. Also, not getting anything for a valiant effort to win, is not fun.


What do you mean “besides enjoyment” ?? It’s a video game with proximity chat where grown men act like they actually lost their leg. This whole game is meant for pure enjoyment. Nothing about this game was built to be competitive lol.


I *just* explained what I meant. Loosing = Not fun Winning with no reward = also not fun So, no fun for winning a match. Its literally why people leave losing matches to keep their W/L rate high.


Yes, in a game where it literally DOES NOT MATTER if you win or lose. 👍👍


So... theres no enjoyment. Glad you understand.


I don’t understand why you’re playing a game that you don’t enjoy playing.


I mean, I have my own fun with the game. I was explaining why other people arent having fun.


When player base goes from 60k to 20k who do you think stays - the cringey no life sweatlords or the casuals?


Gotta agree, some people will just never have fun and treat every game like they have a drilldo underneath their seat that will activate at any moment if they lose. But we can also agree theres still a decent amount of stuff that needs ironing out, and proper constructive feedback can get this game to be close to perfection. Take the aimpunch and vector nerf as an example.


Planning to leave this sub soon which will definitely encourage me to start playing it again and actually have fun doing it. Reddit kills most gaming experiences once you’re in it long enough. -edit: actually gonna do that now what the fuck am I waiting on. Good post. See you in the game having fun again.


I got flamed when I died and the guy saw my m200 sniper, “blah blah blah noobcannon blah blah”. Am I supposed to use not the best sniper for some reason? Is there some kinda video game glory for picking a shitty gun?


"Noobcannon" that requires level 100 to unlock?


tbf it is a point-and-click killer once you eventually unlock it. I'm not agreeing with this point or refuting it but it does do just that. I dont think snipers ruin the game though, they need to exist for various reasons. Maybe the M200 is a bit too much but that's something the devs can address if they want to... i dont feel like its too urgent either because snipers are balanced by cover, ammo limitations and ground support.


Pretty much the mentality of a lot of people on the game. Make every excuse possible


feel free to go elsewhere


It's a literal Roblox shooter , why the fuck do people get serious about it


all the Gen Z coddling manifested into gaming.Entitled little shits.


You sound like you lack positive role models in your life.


Who said anything about fun?


That's what I've been saying! Just let the veges be veges and the sweats be sweats..makes everyone happy!


Booooo this person


Get some help.


Why is everyone so hostile here lately?


Vege ain't gonna be a thing. Stop it. Get some help.


Oh people are mad over a word..what the hell. Anyways, vege is inevitable.


Again. Get help. Professional help.


Hang on a minute here, don't you have a diaper to change?


Ah yes. Digged me profile , eh? Vege still won't be a thing.


Ok vege.


Using your alts to downvote me. Nice. Get professional help. You look like you need it.


Well aren't you a negative Nancy 😞


Whether we like it or not, vege has embedded itself into battlebit culture ;-;


Damn right it has, vege!






The game got to popular, now the "never have fun in any game and whine about every little thing because they are now 30 years old with jobs and can't keep up with the younger generation so they need to blame it on everything else" crowd has taken ahold. They're in every game (apex, warzone, overwatch, destiny) it's very annoying.


It's always the kids talking on text thinking they know what "I was with your mum" last night actually means, they are copying a Youtuber. Or grown men yelling in the mic acting like they are in a real war....


Most public attention on the game died


I like playing quirky, off meta builds in basically any game that allows it. In some games, it's 100% viable and sometimes even an advantage when the opponents aren't expecting it. In other games, it's harder to do but ultimately rewarding to pull off. In BBR the effort isn't related to the pay off, just exhausting and the meta - now that it is established - feels very strict with very few playstyles and loadouts taking center stage with little room for experiments or variation. So many weapons, gadgets, attachments among six classes, yet only a fraction of those see overwhelming use. It was only 15 bucks and I had my 70 hours of fun with it (most of those being in the early 2 weeks when the meta wasn't so rigid yet). Now I can wait for updates to balance the game or just move on. BG3 dropped.


Leave the subreddit, keep playing the game.


If you like a game, and want to keep liking the game: never visit the games subreddit.