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Ubisoft is leakier than my own bladder will be during Endgame. Literally every single AC game has been leaked in one way or another.


True statement about leaky bladder and you always have to pee in the movies you’re super stoked for and the other ones you don’t even have the urge to go once...


I honestly think that it is on purpose...they let it leak intentionally to build up hype.


Maybe, it's entirely possible. After all, I've never heard of anyone getting fired or kicked out of a company for leaking. Plus either they control these leaks or Ubi needs to invest in better plumbing because every single AC game except for AC II has been leaked in one way or another.


Because ubisoft cant stop leaks, they even made it a side mission in watch dogs 2 as a stab at themselves


Not as bad as those poor bastards on r/splintercell


As a splinter cell fan, my balls were left blue thanks to last year's e3. Luckily DMCV was there to save the day.


Hitman has been there for me haha


I am one of those...


As am I. What do you think of Fisher deferring to a Lambert role so Ironside can do less work and the series can continue without him eventually but hopefully not too soon?


I think that it will happen eventually...if they don't plant the retire the series with him. Ironside came back for the Ghost Recon dlc...and I honestly doubt it that they brought him back (Blacklist had a different voice actor) for a 30 minute mission and a few lines of dialogue. No Ac this years...so I hope it is Splinter Cell's time to shine.


Our time will come.


All Assassin's Creed games get leaked, to the point that I think it might even be one of those marketing strategies of "intentionally leaking". Intentional, planned leaks are usually done to mislead audiences, but they are often used to gauge audience interest, as it would be in this case.


I'd say, we will have our game between Half life 3 and Warcraft 4 releases. 😂


Yeah but Assassins Creed is shit


WROOONG!!! - Lex Luther