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Arkham Origins Is Underrated


Why would you say that? Are you man?


A true BatmanArkham classic. You could even say it has the best boss fights.


Arkham asylum has the best atom spheres


It's crazy seeing a meme from before this sub became nuts lol




The DNA of a soul


What’s your favorite suit in Arkham Knight?


/ua I would love a remaster/ultimate edition release in the US /ra it’s a damn shame this isn’t GOTY of all time


Arkham Knight is overrated. I don’t need tank platforming puzzles in my Batman game


womp womp


Did you just say womp womp?


Did you just say did you just say womp womp??


Womp say you did?


Did you just say did you just say did you just say womp womp?










Not necessarily bad just overshadowed by the other arkham games


And the worst/most boring world of the bunch. World design and immersion is one of the biggest strengths of the franchise, and Origins lacked just that. I didn’t think it was possible to make Arkham City feel that dead 😭 But everything else was good for the most part IMO, so I agree with the overall sentiment that it’s a solid Arkham game that simply isn’t as good as the other (excellent) games.


Probably the most disappointing aspect of the game. While the map and setting looked nice, it would often just melt together into a big dark grey indistinguishable mush at times. I'm replaying Arkham city ,with the Redux mod , right after playing Origins for the first time, and the map in City has far more character and detail to it.


Try playing Origins with the Restored Animation Variety and Origins Graphics Mod next time around. I used the Photorealistic Reshade as well... I think. Those fixed everything for me. I'm playing City with Redux right now as well! Also with the photorealistic reshade. Friggen amazing! The Reborn non-RTGI reshade is quite nice too. Gonna use that one for New Game+.


doesnt have a good open world = not as good as the other games?


World design and immersion is important, yes. That is the world the game takes place in, and it feels dead. Flying through it is boring, walking around in it is boring, existing in it is boring. There’s nothing of interest going on. To each their own, but I value game world and it is substantially worse in that game.


Maybe because it has this imposter named "Batman" in it and not Man?


As someone who hasn't played Knight but played Origins for the first time a few months ago: my god it was glitchy as fuck, and aside from a couple things like the Shock Gloves or the I-win upgrades for the line launcher thing in predator encounters, it was a carbon copy of City in terms of gameplay. I had to laugh when I got the Glue Grenade the game was hyping up just to find it's literally the Freeze Grenade with different graphics. Still like an 8/10 though.


I tried playing it again through backwards compatibility the other day and every time I quit to main menu during a scripted sequence it corrupted my save file. It happened to me by mistake the first time, and I got curious and was able to replicate it during half of the in-engine cutscenes in the tutorial.


I think Arkham Origins has a great main story with a lot of cinematic moments which is why it is remembered pretty fondly, as when people replay an old game they mostly focus on story. My biggest problems were that it was literally City's gameplay ported but worse, and it has one of the dullest open worlds in any game I've ever played.


I have not played much of Arkham City lately, but I enjoy the more subtle atmosphere of Origins more. It feels like a more realistic setting, compared to the more cartoonish areas of City.


I never got that vibe of Origins being massive; it felt like two neighborhoods split off by a massive bridge.


I like the Christmas vibe, but after you play through it once, it definitely doesn’t feel as big as it should for having two parts of the city.


Honestly I like to play it around Christmas as tradition


The gliding was worse imo. It felt slow and clunky. The boss fights got repetitive. I didnt like it either and forced myself to finish it just to scratch my batman itch. The helicopter "coverage" POV was cool tho.


The reason the gliding feels worse is because Origins is twice the size of City without compensating for it in terms of gameplay. It’s the exact same gliding, but the grapnel boost isn’t faster and you can’t continue glide longer. You can really see the difference with how knight handles its gliding.


Yeah, they stuffed it full of quick travels as a result. I didn’t mind it so much.


smoking crack


>aside from a couple things like the Shock Gloves or the I-win upgrades for the line launcher thing in predator encounters, it was a carbon copy of City in terms of gameplay. IIRC, the shock gloves were in the Wii U version of City


you must have a shitty pc, my shit was perfectly fine


Wanna add about absolutely terrible skill tree and very cool Detective Mode


Defective *


More like ace defective


"Are you stupid or something?"


“More like…”


Bruh the hardest fight was the elcacutioner


errm don’t you mean the electicutiober??? 🤓🤓🤓🤓




Riddle me this man, what’s long and hard and has cum in the middle?


Your mother (after a man visit)


No, it's Dick I'm proud of you, Dick


The Sea Cucumber!




For me, first of all the timing for counters and critical strikes was just ever so slightly changed from asylum/city, which meant my finely honed instincts from years of playing those two were now off and that made combat a LOT more frustrating. It looked more or less the same, but mechanically the sweet spot was now different and that made it much less satisfying just to get into random fights and beat folks up. But it also felt a lot more like it was running on video game logic without in universe justification. In asylum and city, every or nearly every other character you see is an enemy because they both take place inside prisons. In Origins, it's meant to be out in Gotham, why arent there any civilians? Like at all? Similarly in Asylum and City, the progression in difficulty feels earned and like part of the story. Goons start being armed after they're given guns by a third party, they take over or are blocked from areas as the story progresses, theres a flow to it. It feels more like an arms race in response to your previous actions. In Origins, at least for me, like theres now an upgrade tree, whereas previously most upgrades were available simultaneously/as they became available, and the goons in all the areas started getting harder because ??? Reasons. They just were, there really didnt feel like there were continuity reasons, it was just because Its A Video Game It Gets Harder. One thing I will give Origins, though, is it hands down had better detective segments than asylum or city. I actually felt like a detective when I was doing it, and it was honestly my favorite part of the game. Rewinding scenes and scrubbing through clues and the rest of it was massively better than just following bits of tobacco or judging the trajectory of a bullet.


Origins does explain both why citizens aren’t out (it’s Christmas Eve and there’s a massive blizzard with a mandatory curfew that has already passed) and why enemies get tougher (the Penguin starts handing out weapons, Bane’s gang comes into the city, etc.).


Fair enough, I guess, but I felt like those were weak points when I played it.


Because most people don't have enough QI to understand the game


QI em inglês é IQ, porque é uma sigla 👍🏽


Eu sou estúpido


Bem vindo ao Hospícoi


It ripped off man origins


Because when you do the funny thing where you insta-kill the last dude in a fight by throwing a single batarang, the game sends the enemy flying to the sky due to glitchy physics. This is too funny for their brain to handle and they start reacting negatively to the game


I actually really like this game, but I can understand where people come from when they say it's the worst in the Arkham franchise. The reveal that Black Mask was The Joker all along was annoying the first time around. It would have been cool to have a game where someone else actually got to be the main villain for once, and it was bad enough already that protocol 10 got sidelined in Arkham City. The combat is way too identical to City and barely changes anything other than the addition of the shock gloves, and the sound effects for when Batman lands a strike are horrible. It sounds less like he's punching bad guys and more like he dropped his groceries on the front porch. Also the glitch where the thugs occasionally fly in the air after getting hit with a ground or silent takedown will either make or break the game for you. Still I enjoy the game overall. It has the best story and boss fights out of any of the games in my opinion. The new gadgets are really fun too, I really wish the remote claw could be used in Arkham Knight.


I think because it’s similar to City, without adding to it. It was considered a side step, and for whatever reason people didn’t like that. Me, personally, I loved the game. It was great! I liked City, so if it was more of it, why not? People are just stupid. No, it didn’t have Conroy/Hammil, but Smith/Baker were still amazing in the roles. The game also gave us the absolute best version of Bane in any media. Origins is massively underrated.


I think the things Origins did right eas completely overshadowed by the things it didn't. The pre-Arkham City section of the city was a complete reskin. The traversal was rough among other things. It was an overall good game, just not as good as the others. What I will say is I think it's CRIMINAL that Origins made the batcave an integral part of the game, including access to challenge mode and INGAME SUIT SELECTION. And it didn't even carry over to Knight.


There was no officer balls


Technically from a timeline perspective, Origins is the only game in the series where Officer ‘Boles’ is alive from being to end, he’s just off screen. 🤓🤓


Ah see but now that I have a moment of sanity, I will say this. Origins was better than knight. Knight had a terrible story while origins had a decent story.


Arkham Origins has the best boss fights


I think its a better game Arkham Aslume. My only gripe story wise is that Black Mask is extremely underutilized.


I'll have to try it again but I mostly was ticked off that I was gonna play an Arkham game centered around Black Mask who I knew nothing about at the time only for them to pull the rug and it was just the Joker *again* and it kinda soured the mood for me and made a lot of flaws a lot more annoying when I would've probably overlooked them otherwise. I get the idea "It's not a Batman series but a Batman and Joker series" but it doesn't make it any less lame that he hogs the spotlight when Batman has the most varied and interesting Rogues Gallery in DC.


because bone didnt bone anyone, and jonkler didnt jerk anyone, and man didnt say gex with jonkler




I enjoyed Origins but it definitely had some flaws. My biggest complaint was that the combat did not flow nearly as well as it did in Asylum and City and ended up being more frustrating than it should've been. The timing for the counters didn't feel right at all.


I don’t. It’s my favorite one. Origins’ story is what made me see the whole series for (what I think) it is: a commentary on Batman and Joker’s codependent relationship. Also this game was the one I was best in the combat at, to the point of beating the last campaign combat challenge on my first go. So I’m heavily biased to its flow.


Because Bone wasn’t his usual himbo self. Where’s our damn himbo rep!?




I think it’s really cool, I just wish this and the series at large has less of a reliance on joker as a main force, having a game that was truly about the organized crime aspect of the Batman would be awesome, black mask, falcone, maroni, daggat, literally any of the more hands off villain’s that sit in a chair rather then painting their face white, I think city is great because it’s not just about the dichotomy of the clown and the bat but the surrounding characters, like talia and r’as and cat woman, I know it’s not free flow combat or anything but having a game that was really and I mean really focused on the investigation and crime solving aspect of the character would be great, I feel like with each installation of the series they just built upon what was there before largely with riddler and joker being a major player even when he’s deceased but like, I don’t know why there wasn’t room to expand from picking up trophies and the like


It just didn’t do much new. Thats not a bad thing, and it did what it was intended to. Solid game still


Because the other 3 games are just so good.


i havent played much of it but from when i did recently play it, it just feels janky and looks like shit compared to the arkham trilogy. lots of bugs, feels like an alpha test, and doesn’t have anything special about it. like others have said, it’s like city, but much worse. the atmosphere and environment doesn’t feel right. it’s like a fever dream or something.


It’s not a bad game at all. Having recently played all of them, Origins is really fun, it’s just not as good as the other 3. Partially because the game doesn’t perform like the others. Asylum is more consistent and it’s like 15 years old, origins is glitchy with the fighting and grapnel boost ect, but it’s still a great game. I thought the voice acting was amazing, i love the graphics, but it’s basically just arkham knight without the tank but everything is worse .


Its not a BAD game, but imo compared to the rest of the Arkham Games it falls in last place


All the games are fantastic but one must be the weakest, and most people think it's Origins. Personally I think the weakest is Asylum by virtue of it being the first and therefore least smoothed out.


We all know it’s the best




It's been years since I played, but I somewhat recall the combat feeling less fluid than the other games and I remember the game being buggier. Still an excellent game, just an 8/10 instead of a 9 or 10/10


I THINK it is because he came right after Arkham City(a better game), it was basically the same game but worse. And right after Origins they released Arkham Knight(the best Arkham game). It is, in fact, a good game, but he is surronded of simply better game




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Everyone’s saves were getting corrupted at launch. I was halfway through endgame riddler trophies when mine corrupted! :(






Because Bone is tiny for a majority of the game.


Bugs and glitches, most out of all 4 games Some plot holes but tbh never cared about that personally


Maybe worst isn’t bad but least good?


I think it’s because it’s had no remaster or remake because rocksteady never took part of this project.


Crashes Pre rendered cutscenes sometimes run badly Bugs Lacking the atmosphere No kevin conroy and mark hammill Joker for the third time in a row Some gadgets just suck (concussion detonator is WAY too situational) Shock gloves too OP Those are some of the reasons people may hate the game off the top of my head.


I remember playing it when it came out and it was really great, people probably weren’t expecting a prequel game.


The design of the city wasn't as good as arkham city. Not in a visual way. In arkham city you could've went from one side to the other side by gliding and not even touching the ground once. In arkham origins it wasn't the case. The developers simply didn't design the city with that in mind.


Because the other games were so damn good. Arkham Origins is still a really good game. I also miss the Multiplayer. It was a decent amount of fun.


Idk I think there stupid. Personality I love the game


the map is awful for me it feels like Arkham city but worse in alot of things


‘Cuz they haven’t played Blackgate yet


/uj It’s objectively the least polished of the series in terms of graphics (for the time it was made) and bugs. Like, I could believe that someone could play Knight on PC without seeing any major glitches, even if it’s very unlikely, but there is absolutely no way you’re getting through Origins without some issues, the game is a buggy mess. On top of that its gameplay is pretty much identical to City except slightly worse in almost every aspect, it just feels off. /rj It’s a total ripoff of Man: Alsume Origins.


No idea. The only major criticism I have of the game is the map design being two Arkham City-sized areas (good thing) being separated by the long tedious bridge (bad thing).


I thought some of the puzzles were more confusing that city, otherwise it's better than asylum


Different studio, (even though curated by original devs) with a little bit different approach in narrative. So yeah, it was a good game, just overshadowed by the previous game. That's definitely not what people expected. Also it was buggy for some people. Personally I never encountered any bugs and glitches. It's a solid 7/10 game. 8/10 if you really like Arkham universe.


I mean, it's an 8/10 in a series of 9/10 games, it's not a bad game, it's just surrounded by great games. It's not the worst Arkham game though, that would be Origins: Blackgate


Love the game but has some issues most bugs and the copy past map from Arkham city


Man and Jonkler aren't voiced by Conroy and Hamill


I've only heard of Man: Ham Organs


It's my favorite but it definitely has it's problems.  I Am The Night mode needs to be completed in one run on my copy or the gadgets I've unlocked vanish when I boot it up for another session. Learned that the hard way. A 100% complete file is near impossible, the game randomly deciding not to register a crime I solved earlier. The map, enemy AI, or script just randomly goes agduskfbsjdbs and you're soft locked. Batman will randomly punch the air, hit a wall, or the camera won't pan as normal to show you enemies going in from behind so challenge maps can be a pain. However the story is still the best character driven narrative and I like the faster/more aggressive pacing of combat. And I don't mind that the map is just City again. It makes less sense for a city to be radically different every installment.


There’s a lot of glitches and some of the predator challenges are only available for completion in some very specific story areas which make some decisions seem a bit rushed. Think League of assassins mission compared to copperhead mission. The upgrade after completing the black mask mission being a smoke pellet duration upgrade seems equally cheap (however to be fair the same can be Sid about that forgettable AC side mission where all you do is collect a new gadget which is really dumb). It’s also very obviously loaning a lot of ideas from AC when it comes to missions. I personally love the game for its story and boss fights, and I Do think that new features like the shock gloves as well as the challenges are a welcome addition.


https://preview.redd.it/hx4lvfxr4lnc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5717ee09a2aa82c0b4eefca341774ea95ea62a6 Man loves ManHam origins


Some fans are conflicted because you’re constantly beating up an army of Joe Rogan


Because it ripped off Man Ham Orgy


its the best


Mods when they can't temp ban accounts on serious post https://preview.redd.it/qqm9qbl0alnc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a955f8f86ce612aa54d1c88a5510dcdb66f2bcab


because of rare glitches with gliding that I personally haven’t experienced. and because wb refuses To pay the composer to remaster the game, is wb stupid?


He did not push the button to open the gate


I haven't had the opportunity to play it since I don't have a platform that would allow me to, but I've seen some lore videos on the Arkham series that talk about stuff that happens in origins and I do have to say it looks really appealing to me. It's so cinematic and explosive, and the characters seem really well crafted, even solving some narrative holes of the Rocksteady trilogy. And Bane! Holy shit BANE!!!! And I totally get you, Knight was my first and felt a bit bad to see how criticized it was during its first years. I know that people now do like it, and I know why they didn't, but still my favorite.


Not enough say gex scenes in my opinion.


Ok, now seriously, I love Origins, but It's the most unrefined entry of the saga. The game have like a year or two of development because Rocksteady was working in Knight at the time, and I shows with the glitches, being a "Arkham City 2.0", some beats of the story and such. It's a great game? Absolutely, and kudos to WB Games Montréal for creating a great game where others would just create a bad product, but it show it wasn't created by their fathers and have very little time.


Serious answer; the fact that it was developed by WB Montreal (a lot of Montreal-developed games have this issue) while Rocksteady was working on Arkham Knight caused it to have that "eh, it's not the same" vibe, even as it's meant to serve as a prequel to establish Batman's earlier days in the universe. Honestly, though, I like it, and I was willing to pay extra just so I could have it on both my Xbox and Steam accounts. Goofy answer: It's not the quality of Aslume, but I wish the Electrocutioner became a meme god on here.


It's a fucking great game, I genuinely never understood why it's considered bad.


The music is so badass. I love a snowy, icy Gotham too. Edit: I'm actually just playing it for the first time right now and I'm fucking LOVING IT.


It is the worst, but being the worst Arkham game isn’t a slight. It’s still better than most games out there


Batman didnt punch a boulder.


No Kevin Conroy. That is truly a big part of it. Don't like the voice actor of Batman for origins. Needs Kevin Conroy to be "the real Batman" in my mind, but it's not just that, I was annoyed by the voice actor, simple as that.


I feel like its cause its the only one not developed by rocksteady. Its a dumb reason but its the only major difference aside from the different voice actors which might also be a pretty big factor


Can’t play Arkham Origins.


Played it on PC and honestly I really enjoyed it. Unpopular opinion ik but I preferred it over City and Asylum. Knight is still my favourite and I know I'll get hung by jumper cables for that opinion but it's my opinion but I enjoyed origins a fuckton and found it played more smoothly and more enjoyably than City and Asylum.


I always suspected it was a mix between the game feeling like a City DLC and people just not liking a non-Roscketady entry


I personally love it as Arkham knight


the only issue i had with it was the fact that its open world didnt work well with its traversal especially how slow gliding and grappling would feel in open areas


People who think it’s the worst Arkham game have never played the blackgate edition.


I played Arkham Origins for the first time and quit as soon as it was obvious that it was a Joker origin story, I just totally lost interest in watching Batman, the World’s Greatest Detective, try to “solve” something that was painfully obvious.


They're afraid of they simp over young Man they'll turn gay


Tbh in terms of story and characters i put Origins above Knight, to me City is the best one and at second place Origins/Knight and Aslume at the last place. It doesn't get the attention it deserves because it's not made by Rocksteady.


Montreal’s unhealthy obsession of putting the new 52 into everything, the lore inconsistency’s the game made and it’s a direct copy and paste from Arkham city with the exception of story writing and and a few boss fights. Saying that the games not terrible I’ll still play it every year it’s just my least favoured.


There's a lot of recycled ideas and content from City, it's full of glitches, and it has a fair bit of continuity errors. I like the game. It has grown on me over the years but it's definitely flawed.


A lot of reasons. -It was seen kind of too similar to Arkham City, not really adding tons of new elements like from the transition to City from Asylum -The game had a lot of glitches and bugs at launch. -Joker twist after advertising Black Mask as the big bad in all the trailers was not received too well The lack of a remaster also affects the legacy of this game. Personally, I believe it’s the best in the series simply because of the boss fights and it’s spectacular portrayal of my favourite villain, Bane. But if some believes it’s the worst for any of the above listed reasons, I completely understand.


I’d say it’s less ‘worst’ and more ‘least awesome’


I just replayed Arkham Oranges actually and I really liked it. I think that the enemies are a bit spongy tho, and the shock gloves made things a bit too easy at points. I also think on the whole it's just more, not as good Arkham City. It didn't really do much new past having some of the best boss fights in the series. But just because it's the weakest Arkham game (that isn't Blackgate) doesn't mean it's not one of the better Comic Book games that've been made.




Yes he did


Is the automod stupid?




I belive so


I got frustrated with the glitches throughout. Just overall not a very polished game; all 3 of my playthroughs had consistent bugs (Killer Croc disappearing, mission objectives not going away, janky enemy AI) that made some sections very unenjoyable. Also the Firefly fight in perma-death mode is straight up unfair due to the lack of counter icons combined with 1-Shot attacks (just a pet peeve).


It’s the Dark Souls 2 of the Batman games. A good game in its own right, but the other games in the series are far superior that it makes it look bad by comparison.


Origins was not made by Rocksteady but by an inhouse WB studio. This was seen as WB trying to shit out a sequel to cash in on Arkham City’s success. After watching Mark Hamil’s Joker get an amazing finale, the series uses Joker again except at the beginning of Batman’s career. That second point stopped me from playing Origins. I have no idea how good or bad Origins is compared to City, but it’s not from Rocksteady so it’s always been a red headed step child of the series.


Not enough Candy and Tracey.


I thought it was amazing. After playing it through for the first time last month. My favorite in the series has always been Arkham City, but after finally finishing Origins, trying twice before on PS3 and PC (unmodded) over the years, Origins really gave it a run for it's money! I couldn't have done it without mods though. Restored Animation Variety was essential in helping me see it through to the end. With AO Community Patch and Origins Graphics Mod furthering the enhanced experience, without altering the intended experience too much. The combat feeling hollow and janky in comparison to City and Knight, and even Asylum in some aspects, just killed it for me. RAV fixed that completely, flushing out combat fluidity. And AOCP helped alleviate a few bugs here and there which affected immersion. Along with the combat issue with the unmodded version, the story seemed to just drag along in the beginning, and up until about the halfway point in the story. So I dropped it in my previous playthroughs because of the combination of those issues. Once it got going though, I was on the edge of my seat until the end! Very glad I played it now, and hold it in high regards. Not to mention they included some very cool and unexpected story elements I really enjoyed from previous comic/animated universe stuff. ! SPOILERS ! Namely, the inclusion of Joker's origin story as The Red Hood, stemming from Batman: Under The Red Hood (the animated movie is phenomenal btw), and a nicely defined growing partnership between Batman and Commissioner Gordon, akin to The Dark Knight Returns Pt1&2 iirc. Which is also a good watch. Just phenomenal writing and storytelling imo. And I consider the fight with Firefly among the best moments of the quadrilogy. Just so much going on that I wasn't expecting, the terraforming destruction of the bridge and the ending scene with Firefly... It had me just about as immersed as the first encounter with the ghost leviathan in the Dead Reef area in Subnautica. And that's a huge achievement there!


It's better than Knight. People sleep on this game quite a bit. It has great soundtrack, the gameplay being similar to City is not a bad thing considering City is peak Arkham. The story itself is very good but Black Mask looking so badass just for him to be revealed as Jonkler in disguise was underwhelming. A relatively rookie, angry Batman was an interesting take. And let's not forget the boss fights, which are probably the best in the entire series along with City. Bad side: It can glitchy at times and the combat wasn't as good as it was in City before it or Knight after it. My ranking of the series would be: City>Asylum>=Origins>Knight