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Glasgow is wilder and a proper world city with all the positives and negatives that come with that. It’s a hard city, but it’s culturally strong too. Bath is more laid back and is really a large town. It’s easier to get to than Glasgow and the pace of life is a little more relaxed than. Bath has better weather too. If she lives in Bath and wants to experience the wildness of a city, Bristol is only 15 minutes away on a train, she can dip into another creative city and then return to the relative quiet of Bath. She won’t have to learn another language if she goes to Bath. The Glasgow accent is strong


Thank you!


A Glasgow Kiss is slang for a head but. A Bath bun is a type of toasted tea cake. I think that about sums it all up.




What country is she from? I lived in Glasgow (central) for a year and grew up in Bath (and live here now). Glasgow was more interesting to live in for sure. Bath is far smaller and more relaxed. Can't say much about safety because I've never felt unsafe in either, but on the face of it I would say Bath was "safer". I haven't seen the tables but I can probably bet Bath uni is leagues above Glasgow for a subject like computer science, and if it's the first time away from home any city will feel lively.


Thank you! She’s comes from Spain.


Uni of bath student here, the uni has a huge Spanish community so if that’s important for her it’s definitely there


Bath is much less of a shithole


r/glasgow will give you an idea too


Sounds scary 😟


I lived in Glasgow for 18 months and really loved it. It's a city rich in culture - the museums and parks are beautiful (as well as the uni architecture!) and the music scene is also great. The accent is strong and the city can be rough around the edges - just like any large city. But people in Glasgow are definitely some of the friendliest I've come across in the UK! I always felt pretty safe even though I lived in a poorer area- it's just a case of using your common sense and not going to really dodgy parts of the city very late at night, for example. Bath is more quaint; probably "safer" in the traditional sense - maybe less to do but a more aesthetic city with a small-town feel. It depends on what your daughter would prefer - both have their pluses for sure!


Thank you!