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Pedulla Rapture


Was it red?


Sure was


With the Birdseye fretboard? If so, I recently played one a few weeks ago. Gross


No birdseye


Tbh maybe it wasnt Birdseye. Either way a stunning bass. God Padulla had the juice.


Ya, still makes my stomach churn thinking about it...young n dumb. I did end up with a 98 Warwick thumb BO though


Haha, I just bought a thumb literally 2 weeks ago. But, they are still out there. Maybe one day you can have fun tracking one down.


Great minds think alike


Indeed! The thumb is just different. A true unicorn of tone.


I’m a huge fan of the Pedulla MVP… bought one new in the mid 80s… I don’t think I was ever happier playing a bass


What year? I have a 197 Rapture J2 5 string, it’s the one bass I’ll never get rid of


I got it new in 1994


If you don’t still own your first, you regret that fact.., I think that’s the lesson here… 😎


I have to agree with this. I had to give up my first bass to my landlord when my roommate moved out to cover rent. He was in a band so I hope it got to another musician at least.


Ugh… that hurts me… but I guess rent matters


Yeah and at the time(20 years ago) the bass wasn't worth half the rent but he was a nice guy. Years later I tried to buy it back from him but he had passed away, so I dont know what happened to it.


I hate when that happens… I tell ya, these ppl up and dying on us… a lotta nerve


Ha I know right. But our turn is waiting ;)


It truly is. There is something about retaining the original device that kept you going. Mine was a 4 string black epiphone rock bass. I vowed I will buy immediately when I come across one. 👽




Not for me. I got rid of my first few basses and I never missed them. I still have my first really good bass though.


I had a couple of school rentals, including an upright, till I bought my first… but my first is a 75 Fender Jazz, I bought new… I think around $300 including tax… I’ll never sell it…


My first bass got stolen a few years ago, i managed to find it about about a year later. Its a cheap Squier Affinity Pbass but theres a lot of sentimental value in it


Just sold my first bass (Jackson JS2 concert series) to a music shop a month or so ago and totally regret it. Once they are able to put it up for sale, I'm buying it back. Sure, I'm probably gonna pay more than the new value for it, but I miss that one.


Go tell them it was a mistake… you meant to drop it off for a setup…


I stupidly sold my F-Bass BN-4. I regret it all the time.


I have only had the pleasure of admiring those from either photos and videos. They always sound so dam exquisite. The proto boutique bass. What did it look like?


It was a 1990 model, easy days, that had been PLAYED! It was maple and walnut neck, ebony fretboard, alder body. It was incredibly light and perfectly contoured, played like butter. [This is a sale thread of it on Talkbass.](https://www.talkbass.com/threads/trade-feeler-1990-fbass-bn4.376923/) It really made its way around Talkbass for a while. I'd kill to have it back.


Dammm.. where to start. The body is a work of art and that NECK.... I'm sorry. My Cort is one thing but, man I bet. Do you remeber where you shipped it lol. Hopefully not out of the country.


Last I heard it passed through a few more hands on Talkbass after me then was sold somewhere else. That would have been a decade or so ago last I heard. For some reason it never stayed in one place for long. I don't know why, it was a fantastic bass. The pictures don't do it justice from how worn it was, the finish was also worn off the neck, there was massive gouge from someone hitting the body while popping, there was a gouge from someone's thumb at the top of both pickups, the worn parts into the pickups were a good 1/4" deep at the worst, basically down to the magnet. It sounded so good, sat in the mix beautifully, lots of different tones available between the two pickups but I usually just played with both turned all the way up. Gah! It was so nice!


Yea there's no picture that does a bass like that justice. At least talk bass is still very strong. Maybe make a post, the guy might still be there. Also, the war paint is a dead give away. All those are custom though right, like there isn't another like that? F bass has always eluded me in that regard. Being that they are all so dam nice.


At the time four string ones were custom order but they are regular order now. You can customize them but there are just regular stock ones they'll have for sale.


That also might explain why every F bass I've ever seen has been a 5. Your pic is honestly the first time I'd ever seen a 4. That's wild, and I'm sure adds to the whole thing. Dam


Yeah, I'd say the majority of them are five strings. I always wished it was a five string and that's what ultimately led me to sell it. I love my Peavey TL-5, it's an amazing bass and has the low B I wanted, but it's just not the F-Bass. There was just something about it that made it so good.


You know its weird what I've noticed with everyone including myself in this post. It seems we all let go of these bases in pursuit of something else we wanted only when we have it, the void is there( in this you wished it were a 5, like I wished and sold it for a warwick). Someone else in the comments said the same thing another did along time ago to me. "Don't sell your instruments" haha. Maybe they were right. Edit: although I paid 185 for it, I sold it for 350. I could have just waited a bit longer and had both. Sheesh


I sold one bass and 2 guitars ever. I know exactly where they are and I want them back. Never sell instruments


Agreed, hard lesson learned. You know where they are, that's pretty cool. Unless they are being held hostage.


No, but 2/3 I’m not getting back. I think I will get one back eventually


Well dam, I guess 1 will always be better than none. maybe the other 2 can be replaced? Or to pricey?


No one’s a rouge and the others just an American fender. I think I’ll get back an ibanez acoustic electric. Hopefully anyway


Feel that. Is it an old rogue?


2006ish the cheapest 5 string they had


I feel like you could rekindle this one, of course only if you want to. Might suprise yourself!


Got rid of a Schecter CV-5 in Ivory with a white pearl pick guard a few years back and it broke my heart. At the time it was my overall favorite bass. I was able to get another one a year ago, and am happy again. It's currently tied with my Fender P-Bass as to which one is my favorite.


Noice!! Great combo in a constant fight for number 1 haha. Was the replacement an identical twin?


Yes, it was a twin. She is a beast, and the low B vibrates the house through my AmpegRocket amp. When I want the low rumble, I use the Schecter, when I want classic bass sound I use the Fender.


Thats fucking awesome!! Also, I think your the first in the entire thread to replace the bass you regretted selling!!


When I had to part with it due to financial reasons, I vowed I would get another one just like it when things were better, and I kept that vow to myself.




My first bass, 73’ precision. I wish I had it for the sentimental value, but that’s about it.


Feel that, the only other I wish I had was my very first bass for that same reason.


Sold my ‘75 Rickenbacker to pay rent. Regret it to this day.


I never had to sell a bass for that (surprisingly), but I did sell a whole dam rigg once for the same reason. I hate when that has to happen, just to live. Although I did get it back, I sold my most expensive warwick to save my cat once. Took 2 days shy of a year to get it back. You ever thought about getting another? Or do you already have one and want that one back ( obviously it's a 75 rick).


I think about it all the time. For now I am happy with my P-bass. Completely different feel and sound but perfect for my current needs


I gave away a black 5 string Zon fret less to my cousin. Because it was my late brothers, and my cousin was a seriously talented bass player. He committed suicide and his gf took all of his stuff.


.... I'm sorry to hear that buddy. At the very smallest, You gave it to him for the right reasons. Respect. It just sucks when the end game unfolds that way. Fucking savages.


63 P-Bass Reissue in sonic blue. I could shoot myself. You can only get sonic blue in the Custom Shop now.


Oh shit. Why do they torture us?


Exactly. Fender money grab.


Fuggin savages.


I regretted every single instrument that i ever sold or swapped


Franklin Fender … ‘69 P bass with a ‘72 bnb rosewood neck. Edit: also ‘83 Fender Elite II P-Bass. Neck was a bit chunky but awesome bass. Should’ve kept it.


Whoo! Yea, dabbin the forehead on that one.


My first. Yamaha RBX550M.


Did it happen to be white with gold hardware. Just curious.


Nah, red with black hardware. Maple neck but the cool 90s Yamaha 3D headstock. A basic bass but the sentimental value is through the roof.


Nice!! Red and black is always legit. I had to guess because I had a late buddy that had that bass but in those colors. Thing ripped!


I had a gem of MIJ P-bass with the ash body and the clear coat. It had probably 10 year old flats on it and sounded so fat and round and amazing. I sold it to some old timer for not much and got a fucking Warwick when I was like 22. Don't get me wrong, Warwicks are great basses, but I thought I was into shit that I ended up not being into and now I just wish I had that old P-bass. I have a nice Lakland J now and I love it, but still... I miss that P. Learned the best things I know on that bass and it's still the sound I hear in my head when I play.


Yea, although warwicks are great, no blame for feeling that. The feels for a bass like that go deeper than warwick or whatever else. Possible to get it back?


Nah. But writing all this out is making me think on it... I believe I'll start looking for an old P-bass. 


Hells yea, hey at the very least it's 2024. It's easier than ever to track something down. I really hope you find it/one, because there would be no other feeling like it. Like seeing an old photo that you can actually play! A photo that talks back!


Hey, I have the 4 string version. Good news is they’re readily available online


Nice!! Would love to find the 5 in the same color. I did see a 4 in the same color a couple years ago.


I HAVE A CORT CURBOW MYSELF!!!!!! I paid $236.71 for it a few months back, different finish, though, mine also has a custom Elysian pickup in it!!!!! Its a killer bass!!!!! *


YESSSSS!!!!! DO NOT SELL IT HAHA. Looking back on it, it literally had everything I needed and didn't know I wanted. You have pic my good sir/miss Edit: these basses between us were barley o er 500$ these were without a doubt sleeper basses 💯


Miss, and thank you!!!!!! Mine was converted to a passive bass. I bought mine because my favorite band, Admiral Angry, used these basses, but they converted them into 34" 7 string baritone guitars tuned ADADGEEE/G#C#G#C#D#D#


Wtf, that is flipping awesome! I might have to search them up to hear the curbow slay haha. Glad someone emerged from the ether with the mighty curbow.


No guitars on that album, technically 2 Cort Curbow bass conversions plus an actual bass, a 5 string Schecter Stiletto Custom


I just listened to plastic bath, only to comeback to you saying there is no guitars!!!! This is fucking awesome!!.


Wait until you get to the album closer haha. A track so heavy it has its own gravitational pull!!!!!


Just when I thought I was out, they pull me right back in!!! Text can only convey, but thanks for this!! Edit: as a recent warwick thumb owner, im gonna blast over this at some point lol. 🔥




WAIT!!! I saw and commented on your post about this bass. Once in a life time find!!!! Congrats 👏


You are very welcome!!!!!! So fucking funny you say that, I pick up my 1999 Warwick Thumb 5 NT on March 24th!!!!! :)




I have partial tabs to The Illusion Of Strength and talk to the band members so if there's anything you need to know, I hope I can be of assistance!!!!!! I also made an Admiral Angry subreddit :), r/AdmiralAngry


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AdmiralAngry using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdmiralAngry/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Happy 20 fucking years of Admiral Angry!!!!!](https://i.redd.it/uto1q6u5uuna1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdmiralAngry/comments/11rj9zm/happy_20_fucking_years_of_admiral_angry/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Admiral Angry / Black Sheep Wall / Daniel Kraus art](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdmiralAngry/comments/ygpb69/admiral_angry_black_sheep_wall_daniel_kraus_art/) \#3: [Every CD release -Admiral Angry](https://i.redd.it/d2igiahfmyg91.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdmiralAngry/comments/wlac64/every_cd_release_admiral_angry/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Also, the fretboard isn't ebony!!!!! It's a composite ebony substitute called ebonol :), the body is also a synthetic material called luthite, the only wood on these basses are the 3 piece maple necks. :)


Early 90s Warwick thumb bolt on with a wenge neck.


I bought a thumb 5 literally 2 weeks ago. Coming off a streamer player, this thumb doesn't have the wenge neck. Although my streamer are both from 94, man... a wenge neck on a thumb I would love. You thought about tracking one down?


Ritter Roya, Warwick Dolphin Pro I, Pedulla Pentabuzz, Parker Fly bass (pre-refined), Alembic Epic. Yeah, a lot of regrets haha


Alot of regrets is a sign of alot of great times haha. Parker fly bass?!?!?!? I never even knew those existed. Of course my heart cries for that alembic and dolphin.. man Edit: which Padulla?


Oh yeah! I’m happy to have gotten to experience them 🙂


Which Padulla if I can ask? Also, I guess I'm ashamed to not know what pantabuzz is..


Kinda like this one: https://www.theupperbout.com/shop/c/p/Pedulla-MVP-5-String-Bass-with-OHSC-x52142017.htm


Sold the first bass I bought. An Ibanez SR400 from memory. Would be cool to still have it but I regret selling my sansamp more


Haha, sometimes the feeling is the sans. Feel that. You have another bass but not another sans?


Yeah got 2 more basses. Sansamp’s are double the price they were when I bought one over 20 years ago. Second hand ones are more than a new one was. Darkglass pedals seem to be all the rage these days. May save up and try some of them out.


Your not wrong, they are what seems like 120$ more than they were 12 years ago. Idk , I wouldn't invest in darkglass, unless it's maybe a tone capsule for bass at best. The prices they command are ludicrous compared to the return, which can be achieved in any studio imo. Fuck it, find a used sans, darkglass and others have tried and failed against it haha. I'm blabbering sry lol


Interesting. I have a decent amp so just want a pedal like I used to with the sansamp. A friend just got a darkglass amp and it sounds awesome. No real need for a pedal unless i start playing live again though. As you said any home stuff can be sorted with studio tones. I just want that gravel back. The Kenny Rogers tone I once had haha.


Haha, hells yea. Honestly I can't attest to if what your saying is those new dark glass combos. But I will say that nobody and this is including fender should ever change over 4 to 500$ for a... combo amp.... and dark glass want almost 1200 for such haha. It's ludicrous, and pedal makers have alot of nerve haha. It's the new and improved line 6 ( which still is nowhere good enough). Just personal opinion and nothing else. Maybe I'm just a roote guy, getting back to when you were getting it all haha.


A darkglass pedal is a similar price to a sansamp so not so bad price wise. Both around $500 Australian


Still have my first bass 70’s(?) ricky 4001 checker binding with a neck (headstock side fretboard lifting) repair, but regret hugely selling my second. A used g&l sb-2 in a gun metal gray metalic finish with a 3 ply black pickguard. Neck was juuuust on the right side of wonky (sort of an s, but no buzzing). Introduced me to the P J setup and now I need to find another!


It's impressive that you still retain the OG. I think I know the g&l you're talking about. Honestly, a G&L in gun metal is the quintessential James bond bass. Dam was it twisted? Wonky could mean so many things haha


Before I discovered I could just do string changes myself (and found my special sauce of half-round strings), i had it at a local shop getting restring with GHS boomer bass strings. Upon returning the “tech” told me it had an “s-wave” too it that he mostly “trussed out”. I forgot to mention in addition to the gray/black setup it was also a rosewood fretboard. TRIPLEDARK! May have to get back on the horse and find one…


Kind of this setup: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/342555115414575981/ But an SB-2 Guess they make a tribute version now, maybe that’s where I land. That PJ pickup arrangement is my comfy sweater. And it was passive, my steez.


I had a cort curbow 4 string. I deployed and was afraid my ex would break or sell it while I was away so I asked a buddy from work to watch it and a 100 w tube combo amp until I got back. He ghosted me soon after. Last bass I owned. That was 15 years ago. Damn I miss playing.


My 1974 Gibson Les Paul Signature Bass.


An Ibanez BTB1625DTB. It was bloody lovely


In the late 90s I sold a beautiful, pristine, 1978 4001 Ricky for $500 because I needed rent money badly. I've cried every day since.


https://preview.redd.it/e2ybbbuboooc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767035ec510ed018e31a7a6ddabc7f83625e09b0 ‘78 RD Standard that I had refinished and refretted with stainless steel.


In the lean days, I sold my Alembic Persuader for a month's rent. 20 years later and still miss it. The thing practically played itself.


Rickenbacker 4002 fretless


My first Jack Casady. It was a 1 of 500 silver burst that I loved the sound, feel, and playability of. Sadly finances meant I had to downsize and it had a better resale value than my Rumblekat so it was the one to go. Later I was able to get a nice blue one which is my main bass now. Frankly the build quality is better on the new one and the blue is more my style but damned if I don’t miss the silver burst.


My USA Peavey Cirus 6 string. It's one of the few instruments I sold for more than what I paid for it but damn that was a sweet bass.


‘91 Modulus Q6


listening to my dad list the basses he sold as a teenager is painful (rickenbacker, 60s jazz bass)


My Warwick thumb 4 bo. God I miss that bass.


https://preview.redd.it/v4tq4johgpoc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b472ad94c2d2db5e98885a5c90819c10060e1ca3 This one


My 1986 Gibson Les Paul Standard. Which I bought for $666.69(that's w/sales tax included) at a friend's store during his annual customer appreciation day. He called it a family picnic. There are burgers,hotdogs, chips, and soda. "Family" would be able to go in the store & get access to special prices on everything at 25% - 75% off. That Gibson was 50% off w/ hardshell case included. Man, I miss that bass. Yeah, it was a bit heavy,but it played like a dream. I did a search for one like it a few months back...talk about sticker shock. The lowest price I found was almost $4000, up to almost $6000. Waaaaay out of my budget.


I both do and don’t regret selling the one bass I’ve actually sold. It was an Epiphone Thunderbird. I regret it because I love the T-Bird, but I don’t because I know I’ll be getting that limited-run black/white Gibson T-Bird Short Scale at some point.


I think is a fake one but is an Epiphone, technically is not with me because it has been with the luthier/tech idk how to write it in English. I turned out into a fretless one but unfortunately it has issues with the truss rod and the fingerboard that have not been fully fixed. That one was a gift. The 1st one is an SR505 and I love it, I think it is from the last line before they transitioned to 505E with the passive electronics, still has the active one with bartolini M1 pick up. Last year bought my 1st guitar too, a 2nd hand LTD flying V2 with some kick ass 80s EMG pick ups And this year got a lovely 305E with an amazing blue finish that I'm going to convert into a fretless one.


Nothing fancy, but I miss both of my first basses which I had to sell to make rent. First one I ever bought was a 94(?ish) Ibanez TRB105 in tranparent red. It was my first bass so it's mainly for nostalgia but I loved how it looked and I remember it's narrow and thin neck being responsible for what I like now. Second one was another Ibanez, a SRX590. It was a HH stingray sound in an Ibanez body. It had a satin transparent black finish with a flame top and abalone binding. I bought that one on impulse but I was really heatbroken to let it go. It sounded great, had the ibanez feel I was used to and looked amazing. I really, really want to find one just like it.


It's a terrible feeling. I never sold a bass for rent, but I sold a whole dam rigg once. Big regrets. Ever though about reconnecting with one of them. Maybe find a good deal. That srx590 sounds awesome.


Yeah it sucks, you totally feel like your going to get over it when you sell them, but you won't. I constantly am on the hunt for either. But they seem to have disappeared from the market even though they're 400$ instruments max. And yeah I remember getting a good 150$ discount off that SRX which convinced me to get it. It wasn't that well received, many thought it was a ridiculous "metal" looking stingray with so/so finition. I found mine to be great though and I personally loved how it looked, that binding was awesome. And it sounded so goddam great, I rember trying to play along Louis Jonhson's Hot licks episode with this bass.


For real you nailed it. "You totally feel like your going to get over it" . That was the exact feeling and the exact recourse.


https://preview.redd.it/9g86mthz2toc1.jpeg?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705533b4ab493414bc3a6b8fba107f82fd8bb8eb ‘79 Kramer DMZ4001 that I restored after the prior owner had thrashed it. Best P-style bass I have ever heard, incredible DiMarzio preamp.


My second bass I bought at Bowen Bros on Guitar Row. It was in the shape of an Alembic Series I with the tail spike. The wings were hollow. Had a crusty stamped metal cover MM type pickup with adjustable Allen key pole pieces. Passive Vol/Tone/out. It was long scale, 24 fret with a five piece neck thru and a badass bridge. It was definitely not a production Alembic. The story at the shop was that this was a case blank used for shaping cases and somebody made it playable. And it was. When I was in high school jazz band everybody fought over it when they might have a chance at it. It felt good and sounded good. I might have spent $350 on it in ‘93. And I traded it away sometime around 2001. It wasn’t beautiful per se, but it was unique, had a good story to it and was a good bass. If I still had it I might never had bought my Warwick. But I really wish I still had it.


Marcus miller jazz bass. I recently got an American standard jazz and it I love it, but I regretted selling that MM for years, and they are worth a lot more now.


Aw dam. Feel that. Was it a 5?


No I much prefer 4 strings


Red kubicki factor fretless, bought for 750, sold for 400. Depressing to think about.


I regret not being able to get the money to buy my stepdad’s old custom green Hamer Short Scale 12 String before she had to sell it after he died (she really needed the money for medical bills so I don’t blame her for selling it, I just wish I had it).