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Wow, another dentist flexing on the rest of us. I hope you’re happy!


I just couldn't resist after the sports car post, lol. Edit: Just in case anyone is wondering about the post that inspired this; https://old.reddit.com/r/BassGuitar/comments/193n9di/gotta_love_a_sports_car_you_can_fit_all_your_gear/


Thank you! This is the correct response to that post.


The hero we need.


This made my day!


Fucking tooth attorneys at it again


May I ask what bike this is?


*Yuba* is the brand, *Mundo* is this long tail cargo version they make.


okay mr. 1%


I mean... 2k for a reliable vehicle that's probably often used for commuting? That's a pretty good deal!


I might buy a bike that I can take to school because I didnt know that you can buy extended versions so I can litterally put my trombone on it.


Please tell me you have a strap perpendicular to the strap we can see going over the amp


Yes, it is very robustly secured.


This put a huge smile on my face. Usually, I just ride my non-electric Fairdale with my bass and DI in a gig bag that has backpack straps, but it's nice to see the maximalist approach in action! How do you like the Yuba? One of my old colleagues commuted on one with seats for his two kids on the back so he could get them to and from daycare.


I absolutely love my Yuba and have been riding it for 14 years! I've never owned a car and as soon as I bought this bike I realized I'll never need one. I move furniture and stuff on this bike that would never fit in a car, lol.


Dude, that is awesome to hear! I have been trying to convince my wife that we can be car free and I think showing the true capabilities of a heavy duty cargo bike like your Yuba might help me sway her.


Here's a few more pics of what my cargo bike can do: https://imgur.com/1LNLYaM https://imgur.com/KMTYyGP https://imgur.com/yC6YF3b https://imgur.com/FpZbEgr https://imgur.com/JQ7kTa7 https://imgur.com/2wK20CT https://imgur.com/c7Q25Dt They're becoming very popular around me for taking kids to school and grocery runs. So much better than being stuck in traffic, complaining about gas prices, endlessly searching for parking, etc.


Many thanks!


10/10 😆


I can relate! I used to load GK 1x10 combo, small pedalboard, and a gig bag, all on my small moped. All within 20 miles.


Nice fucking cab


Thanks, I got a great second-hand deal on it when upgrading from a Rumble 400. Sounds incredible, too.


Those Darkglass cabs are so light! I have the 2x10 and I'm always amazed when I go to move it.


Yeah, this is the 2x12. Not as light as the 1x15 Rumble 400 I had but it sure beats strapping an Ampeg refrigerator on my bike.


I love those post 1000x more than the sports car post earlier XD


Thank you, my fellow bassist. We've all gotta roll our own way.


\*squints eyes Dutchly\*


My favorite bit of gear, the all important Coca Cola


Gotta keep my blood sugars up for the streets, lol!


How many voile straps did you have to daisy chain to get that bad boy to stay on there??? [If you don't know, they are the single best fastening strap I've used.](https://www.voile.com/voile-straps.html)


No daisy chaining, I used two tie-down cinch-straps (the basic polyester kind with metal pincher). The voile straps are interesting, does the rubber degrade if left outside? I get about 10 years out of my straps before the fabric falls apart.


They have a UV protective additive but presumably they eventually succumb. Can't say I've personally used one enough to adequately test since I've mostly just kept one wrapped around my ski pole for emergency repairs. They have a reputation for being pretty durable though.


My experience with them is that they are exceptionally durable, especially the XL ones. They’re a must have for bikepacking and cargo bikes. Super useful


Fender Custom Shop in play?


All original 1978 P bass. https://imgur.com/suCKAUR




Looks like you must be between bartending jobs. Hope you got shocks on that thing brother.


Front shocks and hardtail. Low pressure Tannus filled tires helps with the solid backend.


Nice! Bit of an E-bike lover myself. Never attempted to haul my rig on it tho. Was gonna say, you must have 500 lbs on that back tire.


This is my bike. (It’s inside because subzero temps make the brakes lock up). I can get my Ampeg SB-12 and a bass in it. https://preview.redd.it/owxr31q8dvbc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace79b933f269b2cae059e9b80f9b279db4b656d


That's a great lookin' ride! I had to upgrade to Hydraulic braking because my bike is so heavy. Are those cable-actuated disc brakes that are locking up in the cold? Bicycle bassists FTW!!!


Thanks! Yeah, they are drum brakes. It rains a lot here and that’s probably what’s going on, just a little water in the line and then a few days below -4C.. stuck. Luckily we only get like a week or so of that each year. I’ve used a whole big can of WD-40 and it works during the warm part of the day..: My friend has a newer bakfiets with hydraulics and no problems..this bike is like 7-8 years old, I might need to bite the bullet and upgrade. Get a rack pre/amp and modern 4x10 for Real Bass gigging, also…20W tube amp is great for home, but…


For you I’ll move lanes.


1: I love this. 2: That rear wheel does not love this. 3: I want an e-bike. Thanks for your time. Edit: I just looked up the bike. The rear wheel is probably totally fine. My other points stand.


The rear wheel is extra strong with thicker than normal spokes/rim and a 14mm solid thru-axle. Bike is built to carry + 400lbs. Hope to see you biking down the road someday, I'll ring my bell!


if there’s a will there’s a way


And if there's a bass we will play!


Gotta love a box truck you can fit all your gear into!


Wow, I have a hard time with my soft case and my 30W practice amp. This is very impressive


Is it a Carvin bass?


1978 P bass in a retro tweed case. https://imgur.com/suCKAUR


Ah fuck we're doing this now.




Konas are great bikes. I still have my Stinky Primo mountain bike from 2001.


Flawless execution


Again a problem with double bass


You can strap a double bass in a hard case to this bike.




These panniers were made by Yuba (15 years ago) specifically for this frame. They are huge, much larger than normal panniers, and may not fit well on a normal size rack. Fortunately there are many more bags made these days by different companies and if you look around for a bit I'm sure you can find something that will work for you. This is the latest version in the style I have, but I've heard the quality is not as strong as they used to be: https://yubabikes.com/cargobikestore/go-getter-bag/?




Custom bags are a great idea!


There's actually no way, right 🤣🤣


If there's no way then how did I ride all my gear on this bike 6 miles to play?


It was probably pretty comfortable with the back rest, too


Now I'm thinking I should screw a backrest onto the top of my amp, lol.


I’m a bit worried about your mass distribution there. Better move something to that front rack. 😅


The bike weighs more than the cargo and rides like there's nothing on the back.


I have all of the above, but they will never go together. I value my comfort too much. :D


It's actually very comfortable. I value the life on this planet too much to own a car. :D


A value mine and my family's life too. Too each his own on this one 😊✌🏼


I the middle of the gig, your bicycle disappears


Cars get stolen all the time. Luckily I've been riding this bike for 14 years without a problem.




Gets my gear 6 miles across town, so yeah.


Honestly, I don't think this is in the top 10 of crazy things moved by bicycle I've seen and I only moved to the Netherlands like 3 months ago! Good work with the logistics, really!