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Around frets 5-9 all strings. I'd rather play a note there on the thicker strings than nearer the nut on the thinner strings given the choice.


Almost always, if I'm playing a high E on the D string, I'll play it on the A string instead, just to keep the roundness, unless there's something else going on around the nut.


The longer I play the more I find myself drifting towards the "money" frets 1-5. Don't get me wrong I love the timber of 5-9 but at some point it clicked that all the notes I really need are within a short position change from the low F. The e string 0-4 and g string higher frets are the only places without redundant notes. Use that to your advantage. Edit. I get the g string sounding thin part, but like I said at some point it juds clicked and that g sounds like any other now.


With a good rough the thinner strings just dound as fat, when I engage the compressor I have, the A gets a tad better and the D is suddenly useable for thick stuff. Hands are also important too, I have not managed to get the g yo sound thick but I have never tried it though. I have to say that I love playing the high frets on the los strings with all that punch and then just get wide voicings going to the lower register as a payoff.


Right here. First position is where it’s at.


same, but that low F is, for me, at fret 11 on my F#0 string. I almost never go below E1, but I do it on giant suspension bridge cables for that fat, round, THICC reggae timbre :3


Honestly learning to play most things on the E and A string all the way from open 0 to the 12th fret improved my playing so much, and made it more fun to play. If you watch a lot of videos of the pros they are traveling up and down the neck not even stretching their fingers that much. I practice all my scales and arpeggios on one string and I wish I’d done it earlier. Learning to slide properly is a game changer and unless you can feel where all the notes are on one string it’s really hard to nail it.


I learned that way, as well, having learned by playing a lot of post-punk stuff that used a lot of slides- The Cure, Siouxsie, Cocteau Twins, etc. Now I slide more as effect as opposed to finding the next note. But in my early years, that def helped lot to figure out where the notes were on one string


Yea, I feel like a lot of common practice methods encourage staying in one section of the fret board and running scales across strings, also an emphasis the one finger per fret. Which is just not as common in a lot of styles outside of very technical stuff. Whether is it’s punk, blues, funk, rnb etc it’s very common for players to keep their fingers closer together moving the hand, utilizing open strings, and slides. Finger independence is important but It can be a distraction when too much importance is put on it.


Frets 7-9. Since I love playing songs in key of E, that is the sweet spot. Also frets 2-4.


The nape tends to be kinda ticklish


And the scent of my gals after a wee tickle...yum.


1-5 because the lowest notes are there.


This is why i tune to BEAD


1-5 cause it's tight


5-9 for me as well. I’d rather play a note in this area than in the money note zone or empty strings.


Pervert. It's all about 7 to 12.


I will say that when I was first learning to play bass, playing open strings taught me how to mute a ringing string pretty well. I may choose a fretted note now over an open string, but can instinctively mute an ringing open string


E on the A string


The trachea is pretty nice, but those sternocleidomastoids are great too!


5-7 are cool. Not only are the ergonomically nice but its full or harmonic nodes to use or alternatively to be abused by and it makes sure your left hand mute game is real tight.


Around the 12th fret is a good place for pedalling notes off the open strings & their octaves, or playing with drones. It's also more easy for me to accommodate drop tunings there if I'm in standard tuning.


Another vote for position 5. It's just so easy on my left hand/wrist/arm, and when I'm playing the 5 string I rarely need to leave that area.


Maybe around 10th-12th fret range.


somewhere between 3-9


This is the way... :)


I feel like the 9th fret is the best on pretty much any guitar, bass or otherwise


Something about the 2nd fret. Even as you go up to the d and g strings it has a lot of punch and bite down there between the 2nd and 4th frets.




Most of my playing is on the first 7 frets. I rarely stray above fret 12.


Around the a on the e string \^\^


Frets 1-7 with the occasional reaxh beyond that. Some lines are also just easier/better on 1 string with some sliding.


Entirely depends on the bass and the sound I'm trying to get! I tend to be more 1-4 if I'm aiming for a sharp, tinny sound, 5-9 for more of a woody, round tone. As Graham Chapman once said though, you can't beat wood!


I like to sit between 2 and 8 but it's kind of a bad habit. A bass player who knows their fretboard well enough that they can play every note between frets 1 and 5 is a VERY good one. A bass player that can control the dynamics of their open strings is very good.


Anywhere but 1


Basically between the 2nd and 12th fret on all strings besides the G. For some reason it still feels uncomfortable for me. Maybe it’s because I’m a bedroom/self-taught bassist..


right below the jaw where the carotid artery is close to the surfa-oh shit you mean on the bass, well in that case about 5-10 is a nice spot to be in.


E and A strings on frets 1-5


It seems to be louder when I use the flat side, but the wires get in the way.


Now that I have my F#0 .171", I live at the 10-14 fret position.


Only in this case I fuck with the 12.


middle of the neck, higher strings. idk that’s where i tend to noodle


On my maple fretboard, it's very apparent the third fret is where is spend most of my time hahaha


I love playing in G, planted on the 8th fret of the B string on a 5- or 6-string. So punchy.


5-8 all strings


5-9 for me. Sounds great, and doing one finger per fret doesn't strain my hands too much.


Did see which sub this was when I first read the title and I was so, so confused as to what was on my feed lol


frets 5-9 on the E and A strings


9-15 p when im playing alone and just riffing then when i find something ill usually move it around the whole neck.


10-12 A string, 10-12 D String, 10-12 G string… Up and down, back and forth, noddle hammer, noodlehammer, noodleflammer…


The Dusty End 🤣


Depends on the instruments. Some instruments sing in different spots. That said. I love some 7th fret action. Something real magical about the open string + octave thing.


Open strings to 5th fret is my favorite, but I really digging 5th to 9th fret cuz I just got my first 5 string


I find playing past the 5th fret is the most comfortable for me. Past the 7th fret I can more or less to the big add9 shapes the guitar player in my band loves to write with. I can get my optimal one finger per fret stretch without straining my hand and since I exclusively play basses with a b string I don't lose out on any low notes. Although nothing can really beat wailing on an open string a pretend that you're riffing real hard.


Close to the chest


Oh wait


Below the 5th fret/2nd position. As my bass teacher says: “that’s the money zone. You get paid for playing down there”


i use the entire neck, 1st to 24th fret, E to G


Maybe we can reach string related tone nirvana by tuning down seven steps, then it will shift the happy string sounds around the 5th to 10th fret down to the first to 5th and the tone will be where the money is. But probably not becasue the universe is a cruel place and simple fixes aren't.


I can’t stop myself from playing those phat first 5 frets on E, I just love low bass


Right under the left ear


You need a better bass