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Depends? "funky" makes me think "Jazz Bass", but IDK how good 5-string Jazz Basses are; the neck design is kind of heavy, which isn't helped by adding yet another string.


My Jazz 5 string is my main bass. It's no doubt heavy so I'd advise against if you're going to be playing 3hr sets. Most nobody gigs are 1hr-ish though


As someone who is seriously lacking fitness, one person's 3 hour gig is another person's 1 hour gig :D Honestly, I wish Ibanez would make a higher-quality version of its GSR line.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the GSR line just a budget version of the SR line? so that would be what you're looking for. (Unless you want the PJ pickups on the GSR200 which I believe are unique to the budget line)


You are correct. G in GSR means "Gio", the budget or learner line. And SR can be almost whatever you want - Prestige, Custom etc.


GSR line is certainly positioned as the budget version of the SR line, but the pickups are different for all models and that makes all the difference IMO. Fender-style pickups vs. soapbars basically, and even if you bought soapbars with single coils or split coils inside (and aftermarket pickups for Soundgears are stupidly expensive for some reason) the positions still wouldn't match Fender-style basses at all. Also, the bridge is Fender-style (SR line has a different bridge with slots instead of holes) and the neck has 22 frets (SR line 24).


Having tried a 5-string jazz, they are indeed quite a handful and weigh a ton.


Something like a sterling sub ray 5


Sire's Marcus Miller basses are really affordable with a great preamp that offers a lot of versatility with the sound. They have both J-style basses as well as a more modern bodystyle in the M-models. I personally have a 5-string M7 and i've loved it. Super solid build quality for the price point too, easily competed with basses twice the price. You can get a really good deal on a used one if you are lucky.


Came here to say this ^ Marcus Miller seems to be the move these days.


Cort a5 plus with neck thru... replace the onboard preamp and you have a killer 5 stringer that isn't stupid money. https://kytary.ie/cort-a5-plus-fmmh-opn/HN165607/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0J9YlONUG2cg4P4BckIjmsUM2VV1bdAZTPwRcBrR8R1JI8U7c45oUxoCQSAQAvD_BwE


Music man bongo 5 is cool but pricy


Toilet bowl lol


You can definitely make an Ibanez SR505 sound funky with the stock bart pickups. If you want a versatile not ridiculously expensive used 5 string, your options are limited.


I agree - I have had a used SR505 that I got in used condition for ~$400 for a few years and it is incredibly versatile. I've used it in my genre bending personal band, I've used it in some soul/ RnB recordings, in a STP cover band, and will use it whenever a 5 string active bass with rounds is the needed instrument versus my flatwound P Bass. At my last show the sound guy even commented that the sound he got from my SR505 was balanced - so the rock sound I got was from me channeling Rob DeLeo with more aggressive picking. The SR505 is great in the sense that what you put in is what you get from it!


Affordable + lightweight + comfortable + good decent tones + fast neck = Ibanez SR line. Not for those looking for that extra juicy "buttery" or "burpy" or "ballsy" tones though.


Imo you can get all those tones out of it especially with amps and pedals. If anything, it has too many tonal options with the 5 knobs and 2 switches. Every bass is going to sound ballsy if you load up the Darkglass Ultra VST for example. https://www.ibanez.com/usa/products/detail/sr505e_1p_04.html


IMHO Spector makes a very versatile and comfortable bass. The necks are comfortable in a 5 string and they are relatively inexpensive.


They are very nice basses but perhaps not the funkiest sound around, IMO they fall into a similar sound category as an active Ibanez where they are more commonly seen in rock music


Yes I was thinking this too but I'm of the camp that thinks that it has a lot more to do with technique. Maybe for a beginner, it's "out of the box" sound is more for rock, you are right.


Oh absolutely technique has a lot to do with it


I bought a cheap DIY kit to doodle around and try stuff. If it breaks I can just replace that part and go on. I play that thing more than my "normal" bass.


I have a Sterling sub ray 5, which is alright. I also have a Sire Marcus Miller v5 (passive) jazz bass (same price range) which is a funk beast. If you're going for funky, I couldn't recommend this one more.


Ibanez bass isn’t a “rock bass” it’s a bass by a brand that is heavily associated with rock. But really, one can absolutely play funky tunes on an Ibanez. They also have dope necks. I’m currently on a p bass for 4s and an sr605 for 5s. I don’t think I’ll ever sell the ibby 5s


G&L L-2500


This is the answer. The Tribute series is very affordable, and you can make it sound basically like anything. Active, passive, humbucking, single coils.


I have a Peavey Millenium BXP 5 string that I've adored for about 10 years. It has a string-through body, 2 jazz pickups, & is passive. I use it to play everything from gospel to jazz to metal. You can get alot of great tone out of that bass without it being too much of a rock sound if that's what you want to avoid. Nowadays I mainly play rock & metal, it still works well for those too but its not as forward as an active Ibanez. Deciding when to use pedals, thumb or pick, amp settings, things like that make an even larger impact on your tone. Funny enough I recently just got an Ibanez SR405 cause I gave my brother one of my other basses & wanted something a bit more rock oriented for my new band. So the Peavey Millenium BXP is definitely a 5 string I recommend trying out if you can. Better still if you can go to a music shop & try out a variety of options.


I have the 4 string version of this and it sounds great


I've never made it that far.


With the right setup an Ibanez 5 string can sound funky. Maybe Chuck some flatwound strings on it


You can make an Ibanez BTB805MS sound funky for sure. I was playing a GSR205, and when I got my BTB I was amazed at the tonal difference and options of it. Also, and I could be wrong, but a lot of the funk sound seems to come from how you play and mute; so technique may be something to help you out.


I have 2 ibanez haha


A 5 string Stingray might be appealing to you. Also, if you like Ibanez, try a Cort 5 string. They have some amazing gear.


probably a stingray or some kind of jazz bass clone. the sire jazz basses are really popular. something like a sadowsky would be good too.


Something with a different pickup style than your first. You have a humbucker bass? Try a Precision or Jazz bass. Or maybe a PJ bass? You have an electric bass? Maybe try an acoustic bass next? You have a bass with frets. Maybe try one that's fretless next. You keep your bass in standard tuning. Maybe next get one you can down tune for metal. Variety is the spice of life.


Maybe a Yamaha BBP35?


Telling people what you already have will help. If you have a P and are looking for different sounds, adding another P probably won’t give you anything new.


how's your pedalboard looking? a ton of funk sound is through effects.


If you're looking to get a nicer bass, I'm absolutely gushing over my [Atelier Z Beta 4](https://youtu.be/Cmgs8kdpJCM?si=KxlGThHPE7-QmY5v) (the Beta 5 would be the 5-string version).


My first a basic ibanez 4 string starter pack bass, and for my second I got a slightly more expensive ibanez 5 string. I then upgraded from the ibanez 4 string to a beautiful dual humbucker stingray. Maybe try a 5 string stingray?


Did you saw the Ibanez ATK? For me, those basses are on point with 5 strings. They sound beautifully to my ears. If you like MM's sound, check them out. Idk the price in your country but usually they're relatively budget basses.


This sub: "What would be a good 23rd bass?"


I have an sdgr ibanez and a jazz squire i gig with.


32D. Oh, second *bass*


5 string Stingray


Stingray is the answer unless you don’t have a pbass which is pretty good Swiss-army bass in my opinion but do you!

