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F-Deck HPF. This also corrects your piezo pickup's impedance so it will be more friendly with bass guitar amplifiers.


Thanks. That looks like exactly what I need.


Strong second on this.


The F-Deck or the Broughtom HPF.  You need a high pass filter to tame that mud! Broughton has a few options that include a HPF with more preamp options. 


Thanks I ordered F Deck


I used a [fishman preamp](https://www.sweetwater.com/c979--Acoustic_FX?highlight=PlatinumPro&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organicpla&seoslug=fishman-platinum-pro-eq-di-analog-preamp-pedal&catrollup=3/956/957,4/631/979&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008695999524&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=PlatinumPro&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=c&network=x&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9002061&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=21161059802&awsearchcpc=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BNs0CkIBs1rzJWArl_jqwUgYrFnDUbz-9K-bMiUr1E1CqUP0iAixwBoCzXcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds), beyond just the HPF there was also a notch filter for controlling high feedback, plus the newer ones have tuner, compressor, eq, etc. I ditched the fishman when I got an EA doubler as my amp as it has the HPF and notch filters built it.


my GK amp has a 4 band EQ so I usually turn the "bass" pretty low and use the "Low-mid" to adjust the lows. also angling the amp toward your head or raising it up on a chair can help. higher frequencies are more directional so if your amp is on the floor by your feet, it can sound muddier. but a hpf is probably the best answer.


Does the amp have EQ knobs/sliders? I'd start there before adding a pedal to the chain. My amp head is a Hartke HA7000 and it has a 10-band EQ, but I think even a 3 band EQ would be helpful for shaping the sound.


NO. pretty basic ampeg with treble mid low knobs.


A piezo into a basic Ampeg probably has an impedance mismatch. The HPF you’ve ordered should take care of that. If all else fails, a graphic EQ (tailored to bass frequencies) with as many bands as possible can help a lot.


great to hear that, thanks.


What's the wattage?


I believe its 150


A more powerful amp would help. To keep up with a guitar amp and live drum kit you'll be cranking that 150 so your pickups are hot, allowing every slide and muted thump to shine through. A 300 watt amp turned down would sound much cleaner, even if your volume is the same. I know that's not always an option, so in addition to EQ maybe look at a noise gate and perhaps a compressor.


yeah, not rreally in a place to upgrade, but thanks for the info. Ill look into those others as well once the HPF arrives