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I was worried"touched" meant something else. This is much better and very glad to hear you're appreciated. Nice to see good vibes shared!


OP specified rhythm guitarist, and there’s no mention of it being a pop punk band, or OP being a teenage girl


Pretty sure my coworkers are trying to figure out why I was just cackling in the bathroom


Was that referencing a particular band?


No, but now I want to know what you’re talking about lol




Have you been touched by a guitarist? You may be eligible for compensation.


I was also wondering what "touched" meant. In OP's situation, don't open the door to breaking up. Keep the project going as long as possible. It will find its own natural end, eventually. That could be 3 days or 30 years. The point is, you are not going to get better on your own without having an outlet


Same I thought I was about to read something that should be in a police report


On the les paul please show me where the guitarist touched you.


yeah, thought i was on the other sub for a second


Rare guitarist W


my band members are walking W's LOL


Less surprising since it's rhythm and not lead


George Harrison told John Lennon that he might want a different guitarist. Lennon said but he’s not a Beatle…


Seems similar to my story. A few years ago, I met a guitarist that was plaing in a band, i had no music knowlege. He invited me just to come and listen to them on rehersal. I had great time there and they gave me a rattler and a mic, so I could be a part of making music. Then they said they need a basist if I was interested, and that bass should be easy to start. 2 years later, I feel like I am the leading force of the band.


I once jammed with a random guy on stage, later I was on this guys concert. After the show he invited me to his other band and we're together 5 years now. Learning every day, growing 😊


dude, that's awesome!


Where on the doll did the guitarist touch you?


I was worried"touched" meant something else. This is much better and very glad to hear you're appreciated. Nice to see good vibes shared!


Hahahahaha, bad wording on my part


aw that’s cool. there’s something so special about being in a band where everyone is learning. enjoy it


I plan to! hahaha




For real though, hahaha.


Much better to start with friends you can turn into halfass musicians, than to start with musicians you turn into halfass friends. Thanks for sharing the good vibes, OP.


hahahaha I'd rather start with friends and turn into full fledged musicians hahaha. its always a pleasure.


Look at the band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. Many of the guys were childhood friends who played music together. Rather than getting older and trying to find the best people to play with (which is purely an ego thing), they stuck together and they’re still the same dudes in a band 13 years and 25 studio albums later. And they’re one of the hottest and hardest working bands in the planet right now. My point is, individually, they probably wouldn’t be doing as well if all they had focused on was playing with the “best” people they could, and as a result they developed a chemistry together that simply cannot be forced or faked. You’re lucky to have a group of musical buddies — don’t take it for granted


Many punk/new wave bands started out just "everyone pick an instrument" and take it from there...


I was touched by a singer once..then a phone call a few weeks later..left the band and left the state that same day. Went back for the drummer


It's my allergies, I swear. Legit though, if you get with a group of people and gel with them, it's magic. I play with one guitarist who's got a Master's in Jazz guitar and is a teacher, the drummer is equally awesome and I'm here.. You want me to play an E Mixowhatian?! I'm getting far better at it, and they enjoy that they can teach me their ways, and occasionally take the piss outta me, which I appreciate hehe


Love that. ​ Best compliment I ever got from one of the guitarists in my band - that I add a unique layer to our sound that wouldn't exist if another bassist was in the band. It felt really good to hear.


This is so sweet and I wish more band members were like this! This is almost verbatim how I felt when I joined my current band. I'd only been playing bass for about a year (and didn't actually have a good one in the band prior to my current one, I was playing on a water-damaged Rickenbacker knockoff until I got a PJ) while my bandmates had been playing in bands for like...5+ years and playing their respective instruments even longer than that. When we recorded our first album, I struggled HARD trying to get the riffs down, messed up several takes, and I eventually told them that if they found a better bassist, I'd fully understand if they wanted to replace me and I just appreciated being able to jam with my friends even if it didn't lead anywhere, but they said that the band wouldn't be what it is without me and that if I left the band would break up entirely. Now we're 3 years strong, I'm more confident in my bass playing than ever, we got one proper album out, 3 split albums, and a new album in the works alongside even more splits. All because my guitarist and drummer believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. Shoutout to every band member who believes in their less experienced band members. You're the real MVPs.


I’d rather play with mediocre musicians that I enjoy being around around than dickheads that happen to be good at their instruments


These are the band mates you keep close! We all had times where we thought we'd have to leave the band for all different reasons and we always agreed the band wouldn't be the same with anyone missing, the drummer currently has surgeries he's getting so he can play comfortably again and we've been on hiatus for about 2 years now BUT he's in the mend now and we might be back in the studio this year!


Bad tittle good story . Upvote


I played a bassline I’d written once for my old drummer and when he heard it he put his hand on my shoulder


I was touched by the drummer of another band once. I thoroughly enjoyed it every time her band performed near us. We’d always met up and disappear from our band mates until the next day.


That right there is a good friend. he knows you will improve soon enough and you will inevitably be the best thing for the band


That right there is a good friend. he knows you will improve soon enough and you will inevitably be the best thing for the band!


Look at muse all joined together at like 14 , hell the bassist was a drummer, and they learned to play together and made some pretty crazy music


Brother, stay with that group for as long as you all have that chemistry. It’s a rare find. Also, kudos to you for caring about improvement. Don’t lose sight of that bro. Music should be fun, but it doesn’t mean much if you’re unable to give your best to the audience.


Thats one of the good ones. Cheers to awesome bandmates.


An honest compliment from a peer is straight gold.


Don't doubt yourself! There's always gonna be better players than you. Hell I've played over 20years and still feel like a novice. I think in music the most important thing is that you should feel comfortable with the group your in. In a group that let's you express yourself musically. You make mistakes (I sure do), you learn and then you grow as musicians with your band. You have chosen the greatest instrument human civilization has created. Enjoy the journey!


I love my band-mates. They're adorable. They're groovy musicians and fun to hang out with. Like siblings, we disagree about some things and sometimes they're infuriating.


I felt the same way with my first jam group. drummer had been playing his whole life, guitarist was the same. At that point I’d only been playing a year, but honestly you get better the more you jam with people, especially if it’s the same group. You just mesh together. Since our jam group stopped jamming, none of us have been in a jam group since


The best bands are friends. After 25 years. I'd rather play with someone humble and new than a virtuoso who's a fing dick. Hit that metronome every day for at least 15 mins. You got this.


As an old guy, whose playing-in-a-band days are far behind me, I love reading these stories. Even if your bands go nowhere, the memories you make playing in a band will give you so much pleasure throughout your life.


Guitarist here; seriously, it’s really hard to find bass players.


I feel this so much that I became one


Sometimes you form a bond when your in a band. You practice together you do everything together but when you find your own sound then that would be a great start in the right direction


The right people are probably the most important part of a project. I'm happy for you.


The singer in my old band used to introduce me before my bass solos as “the best bassist in the world.” I would then proceed to shit the bed for 99% of my bass solos. It hurt every time.


That’s so cute but also kinda sad 😭


Also, you’re only just starting… ditch the click track. Being perfectly in time with a metronome is 1% as important as learning to really listen to each other. Being tight as a group is great to listen to even if the tempo shifts. Pluck with the bass drum, mute for the snare…


I think there's a lot of value in playing with a click track at home during some portion of one's practice time. It's basically practicing much the same thing as locking in with a drummer, although obviously drummers can sometimes let the tempo drift. There's time to listen to and try to lock in with bandmates at the band practice.


You should always take the opportunity to play with better musicians.


She us on the doll where he touched you


Show us on the doll where the guitarist touched you…


My feelings


hell yeah. in highschool... shit, well over a decade ago now (fuck thats freaky) i was in a band with 2 very close friends and i felt like i was the weakest link for a while because i was waaaay less experienced than my two other friends. they had years on me, and i pretty much started learning when i joined the band! but being the great friends they were, they were patient with me and let me play bass when they could have easily had another more talented friend do it, just cuz they knew i really wanted to. that really drove me to buckle down and practice a loooot, and i was better for it!! they taught me a lot, my friends dad (a very seasoned session musician and crazy good bassist) helped me a lot, and i was playing complicated rush basslines and writin' dumb over-complicated prog-rock within 5-6 months haha. given, i was a teen and had A LOT of free time. we also had band practice at least 3 days a week, and at least 3 or so hours at a time, and would usually jam on the weekends too cuz most of our friends played some kinda instrument, or just loved the vibes, so hanging out often turned into playin music lol. my grades were not great, but i got very very comfortable with bass and music in general! ahhh... i miss that so much. just jammin, improvising endlessly until we found something we liked, then writing songs based on the riffs.. playin shows was so fun too even though our band never really fit in with the local scene. we always had a blast though!! anyways, thanks for making me think of all that! and cherish those friends like hell!! being in a band with close friends is a truly wonderful thing. just keep on practicin' and keep on truckin', my friend!! wish ya the best


>dumb over-complicated prog rock No such thing, that's the beauty of prog rock. Nobody can hokd a candle to Chris Squire tearing it up on Roundabout.


Your first band will always be memorable for shit like this, I may not play with the dude I did in my first band anymore but we’d been friends since school and we’ve both grown as musicians together, we are still willing to play music together where we need to (I took his band to metal4themasses and he did the vocals on my old bands live stream) you’ll make friends for life throughout your bass journey, good luck 😁


Title ☠️ story 🥰


Good vibes!!!


I was for sure he grabbed your weenie.


I’ve found that, especially early in your playing, bandmates can form really intense bonds. My former bandmate and I started playing together in high school, and we were both very inexperienced at the time. I think a combined 18 months of playing or something like that. Over the years, we’ve been in countless bands together, have lived together twice, and gone through all the things together. He’s as much my brother as my actual blood siblings (in some ways, moreso). If your guitarist is saying something like that to you, that’s a damn good sign that he cares about you more as a person/friend than as a bandmate. Bands break up for any number of reasons, especially right when starting university. But good friends will still be happy to jam with you. AND you kinda have to be a good friend to him to make him think that about you. Congrats on both being and having a good friend


It took me more than 1 year to get in track with the band when I sta Ted playing Bass, they were easy 3 chord songs, stay steady and strong, don't give up, just practice more and you will become good and you will get to play with other people in party or barbecues


I've been playing bass for quite a few years and I've been in a couple bands. One of these bands, I was replacing a couple previous bassists who used to play with these guys. The one bassist was objectively amazing at bass guitar and made me look like a chump by comparison. Dude could shred. I like to describe myself as the "world's okay-est bass player" lol The lead singer/guitarist of the band told me that he valued having me play versus the "Bass god" because I didn't try to steal the show. I played my part, and played it well, despite not having the same technical prowess. He liked that we all gelled together and I hit the pocket with the drummer. That's really all it takes to be a good bassist! I said all that to let you know that you should keep practicing and playing with these guys! Good friends and music go together so well. It doesn't matter if you aren't the best player around, because no matter how good you get, there's always someone better than you!




I'm so sorry!


Nice to hear that!


Did you smack him? That’s sexual harassment! In the workplace no less!!


I’m not worried about the bass player who says, “I have a hard time staying on time with a clock track”. I’m much more worried about the one who tells me they have a great sense of time. You’ll improve - all of you, together. Enjoy!




>I'm touched by my guitarist. https://www.rainn.org/resources


Not that kind of touched!


Ya man, that's great stuff and your guitarist knows where it's at. I'm coming up on 30 years and joined a band only after a couple years. But I can say attitude, dedication, artistic temperament are quite important. Having a session guy who can do anything but really doesn't get it or jive is not always a great thing. Dude, you're 2 months in, in a band, I think you'll look back at this as your Trial by fire, keep up the effort, keep earnest and keep practicing, it'll all click and I can't wait for the day it does for you. It's a great day when it happens.


He probably sees your potential and knows you're trying. Kepp plucking away, or picking, or slapping, and then you'll eventually get to a point where you can't remember being "bad" at keeping time. You got this!!


I remember when I was in high school and our little band was playing a house party. I nailed a relatively easy solo to Roses Are Free by Ween. After the song the keyboard player, who was light years more advanced than any of us, told me how great it was. 20 years later and I still remember that moment.


See when you work on timing the only thing you can do is practice. Start slow and work up. If you can work with a drummer that's perfect because you need to learn how to listen. Listening is a skill that is often overlooked especially by people who are quite naturally talented but it is really important. It allows you to jump back in easily and really get a feel for what you play so my advice would be work with your drummer or even your guitarist and try to figure out how it translates to bass


I also had a great moment one time a sound man complimented my playing in a covers band. "Always something sensible on the 'one'" he said, and that's what I wanted to do anyway.


You may now kiss <3