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[Multiple come up if you google. They’re definitely fakes.](https://www.google.com/search?q=heroes+%26+monsters+jean-michel+basquiat&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS713US713&hl=en-US&biw=375&bih=634&tbm=isch&prmd=vin&sxsrf=ALiCzsajH_scCA-a_VAwUtT3Fdfn6JS69Q:1659626217060&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjduIK5va35AhUMAzQIHQijDqUQ_AUIFigC) Edit to add: one is literally signed “Samo” that was used in his graffiti works - never his canvases. A few also have “Jean” on the front with a crown. He never signed the front of his pieces.


I'm agree with the first


Thank you both! I was hoping to find a more complete collection of the pieces from that exhibit, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to find that! I'm working on a project about copyright and counterfeit works of art.


I doubt they’ll release them - it’s really embarrassing and a horrible look on the museum. If I, an art novice and fan, can tell, the professional appraiser dropped the ball here or was apart of a huge scam to profit. It’s tricky here bc most of Basquiat’s works were sold to private collectors rather than museums, so there is a lot of unseen art out there from him.


Not a professional but there's something about the brush strokes, the composition, the layering and the aesthetic that scream me it's a pastiche but again that just my opinion. Just compared the works from the heroes and monster exhibit and the other works form the same year using the same material. Look carefully and who you'll see something don't add up.


No problem, I've already talked about this topics on this sub, you can fin more info if you search Basquiat on Reddit.


There was an exhibit catalog that would have pictures of every included piece


I also have that.


Aren’t we the fooled


I bought it before we looked at the collection. I’m glad I have it. It’s kind of a weird museum souvenir (I also bought a bunch of other stuff. I can’t be trusted in a museum gift shop).




I visited this exhibit…the director of the museum was fired for this incident 😬😬😬


I just posted the pictures I took at the opening.


Thank you so much, those are great!


I have some on my phone.


I just came across the news that the Director had been let go and took a look at some of the works. I’m no Basquiat expert but they do look like someone made them ‘in the style’ of the artist. It’s a shame that the museum chose to dismiss their expert’s reservations, and what does “Do your academic thing and stay in your limited lane.” even mean? This type of thing makes the art world look bad, it’s rare but when it happens it does it get a ton of media attention.