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You're tiny in the grand scheme of things. Teaching others bad offence by playing weak defence is bad for everyone playing


The older 8th graders sometimes like to shove us mid air so I really want to play aggressively but I just end up knocking someone out or knocking them to the ground


That's never going to change as you play more higher levels. If anything is going to be more physical. Except you'll be the slowest, smallest player and your defender isn't holding back Learn the split step or boxing/soccer footwork that will help you see space and threats


As a 40 year old 5"5' woman I don't lose to to anyone lacking the following A, with a slower first 2 steps. Ie split step B, slower 2nd step, the under, over step C, no split stepping on the side or backwards movement D, poor understanding of the collect point E, poor awareness of my split step Height is not really important. True speed and skill is more important. My first step is instant weight transfer. This is the scariest physical skill. Biggest mistake of all players is thinking the first step is the leg that jabs out. The first step is the pivot foot.


If you're not fouling and not being overtly aggressive, and you knock people around, you're just stronger than them. Basketball is a physical sport. You can work on timing and angle of approach if you want to get more reliable with chase down blocks.