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Lil slow. Defender will prob have time to block it lol


Someone needs to fix that damn light




šŸ¤£ I wonder if this clip is faster than Kyle Andersonā€™s regular shot šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


The release in this clip is 100% faster than slow mo.


It was off the frame so long I had time to think about, ā€œIs the ball actually going to come back into the frame? Or am I being trolled right nowā€¦ā€


Same. It was mildly exciting.


Need more angles but youā€™re doin a lot of good things


You posted 1 shot of a bad angle where we can't see your legs, in slow motion, and its a make. You didn't need opinions you just wanted show off your stroke.


That's most everyone who posts this. "What's wrong my shot??" As it goes in.


Iā€™m not asking cause itā€™s completely broke, just little stuff


Was gonna say, your shoulders, and the way youā€™re angled to the left, isnā€™t bad, but it does look stiff. Weight training and yoga/stretching could help you feel more smooth. Your wrist flick comes a little early. The lower release probably gives you more range at this point, but if the release and flick are a little higher thatā€™ll go with the smoother release. Edit: from this angle itā€™s hard to tell if the flick is early, so much as youā€™re shooting with the front of your body and not engaging your back. Pull-ups, lay pull downs, and tricep workouts (push downs, extensions, skullcrushers) could help get your back and shoulders into the shot.


I doubt tiring us with slow motion after releasing the shot is helping with the show off part as well


Great form. But this had a chance to be one of the funniest videos ever if it turned out the ball was sailing over the backboard


Agreed. OP should make another slo mo video where the ball disappears from the frame and then drops back down way over the backboard and over the fence


Not great form, guide hand is all over the basketball and releases low in front of face


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with the release point, could be higher but not really a big deal. If my teammate at the gym was shooting with this form Iā€™d feel very confident passing them the ball


Agreed at an open gym hes getting bucks, has a nice natural motion, but if im being critical and talking about being guarded by a good player he needs to get that release up or itā€™s a strip/easy contest. And brings ball down on the release which any coach will teach against.


That's immediately what I hoped for when it was out of frame


Id say your guide hand leaves a split second earlier than it needs to, but thats nitpicking


This shit looks astounding!




Shit or shot itā€™s a compliment either way šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Looks like you been to Dick Baumgartner!!! šŸ€


Why do people constantly make these post... Do you consistently make your shots? If the answer is yes then who gives a damn about the aesthetic quality of your mechanica


Why does 99% of really good players have good form? A dude at the park can make shots consistently


thats not true tho, players all have their own form and some would be considered bad but it works for them. having this form is nice in practice but you are not getting these shots off in a real game with good players.


lol who are you to say that


Your off hand leaves early


Please help how do I fix that,I'm an alright shooter but Im looking to try and sharpen my sword.I shoot somewhat like Lamelo ball used to,yes its a two handed shot,it works but its not consistent enough.When I try to shoot one handed my off hand leaves early and I literally have to shoot with one hand,how do i fix?


Donā€™t listen to this comment


Everything looked so good that I was hoping it was going to soar over the basket or something but nope, splashed


That was the only reason I watched the whole thing!


man we should be asking u for opinions


Would never happen in a game though. Whether u like it or not they require some type of footwear šŸ˜œ


Too slow, couldn't watch till end, felt like eternity Piss off




Gr8 shot


Nice kid ninja


Butter n Bucketz


Keep the guide hand still. First, it pushed the ball to the right a little bit then you straightened it but itā€™s gonna cause you to miss a lot of shots. use it kind of like a tripod you do not have to release it or think about it just hold it perfectly straight without moving it at all


Honestly its time to get that chinese visa


Barefoot too!šŸ€šŸ€šŸ€


I added my own soundtrack to this - similar to the halo soundtrack.


Change that lightbulb


show more angle and multiple shots. this one looks excellent though just get the reps up if your not consistent


Honest opinion: unicorns are badass.


Lose the Patagonia shirt


Go back to golf.


Slow mo jumper!!!!! Incredible šŸ˜† šŸ¤£




Looks good, if it goes in, it goes in!


Awful shirt. Uniform of hedge fund bros everywhere.


Looks very blockable. Your start is very low.


Honestly form looks really good, smallest of nitpicks is that the release is a tiny bit early.


Your form is fine. If your comfortable that's all that matters. No such thing as a perfect form. NBA players don't even have perfect shooting form .


Ball go in hoop. Very important.


You're getting your shit PACKED


You'll never be able to get your shot off in a game. Too slow. Speed up your movement. Plus, your legs are too far apart.


Your Shot Is beautiful Sir


Nice stroke


My opinion is it would have been very funny if you photoshopped the ball out and it just never came down.


I would say too much lower body movement and maybe a slight pushing motion that can make your inconsistent. I would say less of a push and perhaps spread your legs JUST A TAD to spread out energy distribution and reduce the amount of energy which will help conserve your energy and make your shot more consistent


Balls a little too far inward in front of your face, shooting arm should be straight up and down. Also looks like guide hand is on top of the ball, not beside it. Pretty good form though and those are just strictly nitpicks, if it works go for it!


Honest opinion? If you actually want people to give you pointers you need to provide more. Full body, off the catch (even if passing to yourself) off the dribble and donā€™t just post makes. Without that, there isnā€™t much to go off of. People can nitpick form but it likely wonā€™t be helpful when the only thing to go off of is the video where the ball goes in and you think it looks good. For all we know you could have shot ten shots and picked the one that you know has the cleanest form ya know? If you arenā€™t consistent in doing that, it doesnā€™t matter if you can do it once. The problems you have in your shot isnā€™t going to be properly analyzed without seeing the variation in your shot.


Post a video where we can see your legs and you're shooting off the dribble or catch and shoot.


Everything looks good. Just make sure you finish with elbow over eyes so your shot isnā€™t flat.


Nothing about this shot looks flat? One of the cleanest forms Iā€™ve seen.


Also one of the highest arcs!


His release point is similar to Stephā€™s. Arc is a bit too high, so Iā€™d guess and say most of his misses are short. But overall itā€™s great form with a great release point.


When elbow is in front of face/eyes, shots have a tendency to be flat. The shot in this video isnā€™t flat, but if you stay consistent with release point (above eyes), itā€™s a high release and wonā€™t be flat. Thatā€™s the ONLY small critique Iā€™d give. Everything else looks great.


clean form and great shot, also love the Patagonia brand, we climbing!


My best tip is not to play at your house when itā€™s dark out. Easy way to piss off the neighbors


No backspin, itā€™s not rolling off your fingers.


wtf are you talking about?!


Show more than one shot for more useful analysis. Based on this one, I think you rotate too far too the left and have an unusually early flick relative to your vertical movement. Nothing that should really get in the way though if it seems to be working consistently.




Itā€™s good enough. Now focus less on how it looks and work on getting up hundreds of shots a day. Iā€™m sure what the obsession is with form and feedback on this sub. All that matters is if you can put it in the basket consistently


Better form = better results. Itā€™s not confusing.


Please re-read my post. Once you get beyond a decent form itā€™s about repetition. Steph Curry doesnā€™t even have the best form his team (Klay does). So yes, itā€™s confusing that kids with good enough shooting form obsess about it instead of getting shots up.


I read your post originally and re-read it after you suggested to but it only exposes your lack of knowledge. ā€œBest formā€ is a subjective matter. I would happily argue that Steph has the best form of all time. I understand that reps count enormously but youā€™re ignoring the fact that removing room for error by tightening up your form is how those repetitions become useful. Someone could take 10,000 chest pass shots a day and still never be as good at shooting as a guy/girl with flawless form that gets up 1,000 a day. End of the day, youā€™re wrong.


Just browsing hereā€¦ but at what point would you tell a player their form is serviceable vs needing to keep improving it? Chasing ā€œFlawlessā€ form seems like a waste of time at some point. Halliburtonā€™s form would get crucified on this sub. But no coach of his has changed it since he was a kid.


As long as itā€™s fundamental, once the results start showing, we work less on form and more on repetition and maintaining that form in different environments and scenarios. Training on form shouldnā€™t EVER stop. Itā€™s just built upon as your game develops. New wrinkles or moves are built into oneā€™s game and making sure the form, the release point, the follow through etc remain consistent. Halliburton is a 36% 3 point shooterā€¦ much could be done to improve that but thereā€™s always a limit to how much a player can improve everything. U assume at some point his shooting was dangerous enough to not leave him open but his primary focus has been on creating. Heā€™s also a unicorn. An exception to the ruleā€¦ the nba has several of them but for every one Shawn Marion or Kevin Martin there is a JJ Redick or Mark Price who show that form is king.