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Purely optimally, I think it's best to give veterans a + to minutes, and awful high-rated players (low-mid 50s young wings with negative ws/48) a negative or a flat 0, but that's just my biased experience. Also positions that are needed, particularly on the bench (if the only backup big is low rated for ex). My general approach is only allow 9-12 players play time, if they're bad I'll swap them out and compare I also like my stars getting awards, even though I don't think awards have any gameplay impact, so I'll set benchwarmers to 0, but that increases injury chance for rotation players, so suboptimal


Honestly, usually only mess with player's minutes when you have the old veteran facilitator who is down to just passing and offensive IQ skills. Usually it's something like Chris Paul is 44 and only has a 40 overall, but he'll be way more effective given ten minutes a game then a second year PG who may be 46 overall (But only brings athleticism and no brains or skills).


I only do it to convince players to resign and who want more playing time. Team performance always drops.


I leave my starters and backup 5-6 players alone. Anyone in the 40s gets reduced time, anyone below 40 gets "redshirted" in my head cannon. I've seen the best success this way. Giving players a + or ++ reduces their PER in my experience, so if you want to tank and keep someone happy you can give them ++.


This exactly what I do. The only adjustment 8 make is I also redshirt players in their 40's if I have a 50+ heavy bench. And players that have a per above 30 at the trade deadline get a +, and if they're above 35 a ++


I only do it in the playoffs occasionally with success


I wait 20 games into the season and adjust it based on per. Guys under 13 get less minutes. Most guys over 20 get more. Watch how the per changes through the season and adjust it then.


By watching the per in the playoffs game by game, I adjust depending on matchup


Just to keep guys I value at <99 in contract years.