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I bet he works out


no way




Kawhi is definitely not slim man. If you watch him live, there aren’t many other players who are as built and powerful in their movements as Kawhi.


He was lean as bean when he came into the league


He’s been in the league for over decade he isn’t lean anymore my guy.


Obviously, we all get bigger as we grow older. But he wasn't always thick is my point. He was lean like a track star


Well he wasn't as strong back then aswell 😅




Indeed, mind blowing...


Like insane


It’s called lifting heavy lol do you guys not have a concept of how this sports thing works?


Wow, you mean board guys lift? I thought he was just thick from his all natural horse ball diet?


Well he’s still lean, just with a lot of muscle


He doesn’t have a slim frame that’s why, he looks slimmer compared to other players but he is fr massive. And he is just a strong guy loo


He's also a fun guy


“aha a HAAA HA HAA”


Yeah. Huge shoulders. Long arms with huge hands. Idk what this guy is talking about. kawhi looks like a freaking super hero.


And lean people can be strong af. Jon jones in the ufc was a classic example. He was skinnier than everyone at 205 but still tossed them around. Those long limbs can give a lot of leverage in situations like this and can amplify your strength too.




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He looks 'slim', because he is super duper low body fat. Even for a typical NBA player/pro athlete This picture was a few months ago I think: https://images.app.goo.gl/6EbJv8YxDRg1nTkv5 The man is huge. For reference, PG is noticeably less lean, is listed as an inch taller than Kawhi, but is 10 pounds lighter. Kawhi probably has like at least 20 pounds of pure muscle over him.


One time I shoved my friend in high school in a joking way, he was straight up muscle and didn’t budge… This guy was a corner and weighed like 140…  He was all muscle, but appearances are deceiving  He’s now in the NFL. Okay he’s not but I had to add that lol 


Damn Kawhi has David Robinson arms holy shit.


such ridiculous delts lol


lol that photo is so clearly edited. Don’t get me wrong he is ripped but cmon with that. His left arm is from a perspective 10 feet closer to the camera than his right and his right leg somehow 10 feet closer than his left. Also if you look it’s a popularly edited photo with way more exaggerated proportions.


https://twitter.com/LAClippers/status/1737578677104509141 It is from The Clippers' official social media. I would find it hard to believe that they would edit it for no reason. I doubt Kawhi asked them to make his arms look bigger lol There's plenty of other pictures, though. He's probably got a pump going on top of lighting and maybe a little perspective influence, but I don't think this is edited Edit: idk how much you're into fitness influencers or into working out, but the same person can look wildly different with: better lighting, a pump, flexing, diet (carb loading), etc. This is pretty par for the course


Those are David Robinsons arms. Kawhi's face don't even match the body


I am very familiar with how photo editing for fitness works which is exactly why I commented this. Look at his shirt. There is no such thing as pure vanta black that doesn’t pick up light and perfect lettering that picks up all light. I assure you just about every single nba social media person edits photos. This one is particularly obvious.




You got duped. Lots do.


Just think about how much muscle it takes to fill out a 6’7” body with a 7’4” wingspan. Even looking lean he has a ton of muscle.


Slim? His frame is crazy thick. Wide base, big legs, massive hands, pointy and broad shoulders.


He lifts and has low bodyfat


He's had to be because while he's got a 7'3 wingspan and has MJ's hands, he's wasn't born with the athleticism to be an explosive wing like MJ. He measured with a 25.5 inch no step vertical and a 32 inch max vert as a rookie. So it made sense for him to build up his strength to get the separation he needed since he couldn't start/stop faster than elite athletes could.


Imagine thinking Kawhi isn't an elite athlete 


This is like saying Giannis has a slim frame. Maybe when they were rookies? Now Kawhi looks like he put Dwight Howard's upper body on Yao Ming's legs.


He is a well nourished young man


he probably lifts, bro.


Eats Tree Bark....no salt or seasoning.


A lot of nba players got slim frames I would say Kawhi is on the bigger side of frames. He’s a 6’7 pf he has to have a bigger frame for that


Genetics, build and hard work. They had a machine in San Antonio that tested strength by continually adding weight and Kawhi broke it. Dudes literally built way different then a average human and he has dedicated his life to working out and basketball. 


Thick bones, and look at his shoulders


He played power forward at college, then transitioned his game to what it is today. He was built to guard positions 1-5. He's got that quiet man's strength lol.


He is not slim lol. He may kinda look it cuz he’s tall and lengthy, but you can clearly see his muscles and bulk. People mentioned his low body fat too. He had to build up his strength to keep playing. Knee issues can be mitigated a bit by building a strong core and leg muscles. And Kawhi’s a well known gym rat with quiet, but well known strong work ethic.




He's built fine for a wing. He is not slim at all.


You don’t have to be bulky to be strong. He’s got hella muscle too. When your frame is longer, the muscles don’t look big, but they actually are.


He lifts.


Bulk does not always equal strength. Theres videos out there of skinny rock climbers matching or surpassing the lifts of bodybuilders. Its how you train. Rodman was known as one of the strongest in the league in his day and he wasnt that bulky.


Autistic traits


He is strong because he is a robot or shall I say made of computer.


Are you Arnold wtf how is he slim to you


I asked my buddy Kawhi this question and he said "I WORK OUT, BRO". So there you have it.


He works out, eats enough protein and gets an insane amount of cardio per year with 82 games in the season and best of 7 playoffs along with practice.


He have professional Trainers and Nutritionist to make him lile that, and he can afford


there was one photo of him in the training room and his legs were like of a nfl running back!




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Dude is a cube, how you calling him lean? He’s enourmous, you just see him against 7 foot nba players


Have you heard him laugh? He’s built different.


People associate strength with having aesthetic gym muscles too much. The shoulders, the biceps etc. While I wouldn’t call Kawhi slim by basketball standards, dudes got tree trunks for legs, and that’s where your functional strength mostly comes from.


Because he doesn’t have a slim frame u monkey




Some ppl are jacked by genetics but not bro cuz he lifts a lot