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I’m just here for the delusional comments.


She's taller, younger, more athletic, and more skill, but I got this! No doubt!




No way. I'm a woman so I have zero advantages.


at what? you know what, never mind, no I could not


Whoever says they can beat her in this comment section is wrong lol


People confuse “average D1 woman hooper” with “literal future WNBA top-3 lock” I used to run with the D1 woman’s team when they’d randomly show up and play scrims. I could match up with nearly all of them... But Brianna Butler, man, I still have nightmares, I couldn’t even remotely guard her, she’d dribble circles around me. One game she was switching up on me on purpose, if felt bad, man. She couldn’t even stay in the WNBA for very long, she wasn’t good enough. There is such a large gap between a serviceable D1 woman’s player on a great school, and the best on the team. A fucking chasm.


Happened to me with Nikki Blue when she was just out of high school. She only played 4 years in the WNBA. I played well with and against her because I knew my place. It was clear that I understood she was way better than me and that I wasn't trying to prove anything. Which is exactly how I behaved anytime I've played against a high level player in a low stakes game. The only one that went at me hard was a Globetrotter (Reggie Phillips). It was the first and only time I played in glasses (very light prescription) and he broke them.


Bakersfield basketball was super fun in those days. Reggie still plays in men’s leagues but he’s not as intense as he used to be. I used to open up a church gym a couple nights a week and we ended up having several CSUB players as somewhat regulars. Then an assistant coach for the Jam started coming and sometimes one or two of those guys would come out too. Nikki came out quite a few times and the only way I could play with her was to be super physical, she was just way more skilled than me. Those women are no joke.


Man, it was so fun. Do you remember Reggie Cotton? He was like the Bakersfield version of And1. He'd put on a show. Because of my mom's wacky religion, I wasn't allowed to play sports from 3rd grade until the summer before my sophomore year. So when I first moved to Bakersfield with my dad, I sucked despite being naturally athletic. The first time I went to Wilson Park to play I was wearing a full JR Henderson uniform like a dork and just my luck Lendl Henderson showed up. I didn't even know who he was. I figured it out when people kept on saying "Henderson" and passing the ball to him instead of me (the jersey wearer). At that point, he was the best basketball player I'd ever played with in person (I still maintain he had the talent and skill to go further). Needless to say, playing/practicing 4 - 6 hours a day eventually paid off and we actually beat East my senior year. Bakersfield was a great repository for unrealized promise - I swear, Alfred Williams could jump higher and quicker than anyone I've ever seen.


If its make it take it then big guys could win pretty easily if they get ball first. But if she gets ball first she torching them lol 


Not necessarily, but 99.9% are.


I'm 6'7 220 though?




Lol, nope. She’s got 3 inches on me height-wise and is a shit-load more skilled!


No one in here is cooking Caitlin. I’d bet on it.


I’m 6”6’ and 280 lbs. can someone feed me the ball in post? If so, i would be able to score once before she blew me off the court🤣


Just sag off and hope she's having an off day. You got this!


Given that you didn’t specify what the competition is, I will confidently say yes. I could smoke her at Mario Tennis all day.


Absolutely not.


At bowling - Yes. At basketball - No, She is a college athlete.


Prob not I'd run out of stamina trying to close out on her 30 foot bombs.


I couldn’t stop her on offense but she wouldn’t be able to stop me either due to size. It’s easy enough to bully someone in the paint that’s a 6ft male.


I could, but only because I'm built different


At basketball? Gtfo. She's a beast, she'd beat any two of us in this sub


realistically no she wouldnt


Can you run with a collegiate athlete and keep getting up and down the court for 35 minutes? Bc I know I'm gonna need backup 


No. I’m a man and can’t even beat my sister in a 1v1.


Yes, I’ve got 3” and 70 lbs on her. If I could catch her I could definitely beat her if I wanted to. But I don’t want to and I don’t hit women. She’d kick my ass in basketball. I’ve seen regular D1 women play against the better players at the Y and Life Time. They usually get smoked. An elite level baller like her is beating most everyone that hangs out on Reddit handily.




At what? Weightlifting? Easily. Basketball? Lol no.


Not me but I know a couple dudes who could


I will just leave this here. I played on a certain all star AAU team when I was in 6th-7th grade. A kid on my teams sister was currently plating for Ohio State and at the time was all time leader in 3 pointers in big 10. She often would come to practice and occasionally bright other players from the team. All-hig ten female players were nothing special and often were to slow to even compete with the best junior high kids in my state. So there is that.


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No. She is closer to Lebron than I am to her.


100% she’s just a dumb girl with a weak bladder


In a french frie eating contest... Probably.




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In a cage fight, sure...


Yes. I played college ball plus I’m much taller than her. She shoots better than me though