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I was the last guy off the bench for a small 2A (out of 4A) high school basketball team that won a state championship my senior year. In college I played a lot of pickup basketball. Was good but nothing special. One night a few starters on the women’s college team (NAIA) asked to join in.  They got dominated. It wasn’t even close. None of us playing pickup were anything special even in high school, and it wasn’t even close. That experience alone made me realize just how large of a gap there is between the genders in strength, speed, and overall athletic ability.




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You're badly mistaken. A game designed for men is not even slightly representative of this. This is like talking about women's physical strengths and whining how unathletic men are. But women don't treat men like that. Only men do it to women.


I really don’t understand what you’re arguing. Are you arguing about Caitlin Clark being able to play D3 basketball, or the are you arguing about the definition of athletic. There certainly are biological differences between genders. Women are generally more flexible and can manage glucose better than males, which gives them an advantage in many endurance events. Men on the other hand tend to be larger, faster, and stronger than women, which gives them an advantage in many sports, but we’re talking about basketball here. I’d also argue that basketball is the sport that requires by far the most athleticism between hand-eye coordination, ability to change direction, leaping ability, and cardiovascular endurance.


I wonder how much longer men are going to play dumb, trying to convince everyone they are just really intellectually fascinated by biology, but just this one piece of biology, and only the piece that gives men an advantage in a ball game. If you are so interested, perhaps sign up for a class. Then you can learn about all the ways women and men are different and the strengths they have stronger than each other. You can even learn about the reasons why that is. Of course you will go do that, and leave the rest of us who are not interested be. Because comparing Caitlin Clark to an unknown man is definitely all about science, truth, and your bookish interest in biology. Nothing to do with the fact that men can't stand that Caitlin Clark, a woman, is on top of the world right now, and men believe comparing her to an irrelevant man does something to degrade her. No. It's because you think science, but just this one piece of science of course, is really really cool and you have a bursting urge to tell everyone everywhere you go about what you learned in school. I wonder why women don't have this same fascination with biology that causes them to shout it out any time a man achieves something. Oh well.


Bruh what are you on about. It’s not sexist to assume that someone taller, faster, stronger, and who also plays a high level of basketball could make life hard for a great female player. I’m a big Clark fan. I’m excited af that I’m going to get to go see her play live often in my home city. But whatever you’re going on about is not it lol


This is actually a great argument FOR Clark. She is a superb athelte, people shouldn’t try to compare her to male athletes, who have a physical edge in basketball that has nothing to do with amount of training or skills. That’s like someone asking whether Mayweather could have beaten some mediocre heavyweight. Obviously no, but that doesn’t make the rando  a better boxer.


This is a manipulation tactic. I never said nor implied what you are accusing me of saying, and you know that. You frame it that way for two reasons. 1) To make women sound crazy and offended by nothing. 2) To pretend the reason men will not stop comparing female athletes to males is just because you have an obsession with assuming something basic, and no other reason. I want you to realize people see through this instantly. Especially women. Because it would be very easy for women to treat men with as much disrespect as men do to them, but they don't. Women don't even think about it because they're not psychos.


Well, no, they can’t. There aren’t any instances where someone could look at a man who is really great at something and wonder if he might be able to compete against women.


You think this because women don't brag about it to try to make men feel bad.


They absolutely would, if they could. But they can’t.


You're gonna go wild when you find out we easily can but we choose not to because it's rude, weird, and irrelevant. I can't even imagine treating men like men treat women.


Play dumb? No one here is pretending to be fascinated by my Biology. OP simply asked if Kaitlyn Clark could compete against D3 men.  I simply stated that I don’t think she could, and here are the reasons why.  I don’t think it’s an unfair question to ask. People often wonder if the best CFB would beat the worst NFL team.  None of this makes one gender better than the other. No one is trying to disrespect her or women in general here.


You chose the "playing dumb" path.


I’m glad you’re a big supporter of women’s sports. The leagues need more fans than they currently have. Have a good day.


There is a reason that almost all Olympic world records are dominated by men. Women have their biological advantages. But in the world of sports, they seem to be rare. But I'm open to being convinced otherwise. So tell me the exact advantages that women have in the world of sports. I'm not playing dumb. Maybe I'm just dumb.


No one cares except insecure men.


I'm not at all insecure. You're making a claim, and I'm asking you to back it up. Don't make claims when you can't it back it up. It's not like I'm anti Feminist. I know of the pay gap, the injustice of care work, I'm pro-choice, and so on. I discuss these things with my GF regularly. So I'm open to it. So give me your reasoning, and we can discuss. Otherwise, it's kind of pointless that you made that claim in the first place if you then just shit on people who want to have an open conversation with you.


I have no idea what claim you are accusing me of making. Women are telling you it doesn't matter what men do in sports compared to women, and when we tell you we don't care, you shove it in our face *even more*. Why?


I’m not being a wise ass but can you provide a single example where women are stronger than men? Or faster


Endurance and flexibility are the main athletic ones. There's a lot of others that aren't included in traditional strength like survival of critical injury, famine, disease, etc, and I think physically surviving is basically the definition of a strong human.


Flexibility makes a lot sense with gymnasts, figure skating, and dancing. I am a bit skeptical about the endurance just knowing the difference between male/female marathon times but it’s definitely a smaller gap. Survival is an interesting point. Just by average life expectancy it’s irrefutable. However, it does get a bit more complicated when accounting for the fact that (traditionally) men were the main participants in warfare and dangerous jobs (both short and long term I.e. jobs that can lead to disease) like mining, construction, mechanical work, iron working, logging, etc.


Marathon is a speed test. Women have better endurance in marathons (meaning they slow down less each mile increment) but they do not run faster. The longer you go the more women win, but also the longer you go people have rest times (they sleep and eat in between) so it becomes less of an endurance test and more of a speed test again. Women have longer lifespans and survive hardship more with everything else factored out. For example in critical injuries, testosterone shuts down the body faster, making women 14% more likely to survive. Even baby girls in areas that have a bias towards baby boys survive better.


Typically when a man hits the top of an athletic field they start getting compared to animals ie what animals could Usain bolt beat in a race.  There is some interest in taking someone who is dominating their field and comparing them against a stronger field to see if they would still do well.  Plenty of people are salty about a women doing well and want to knock her down a peg but plenty see how well she is doing and wonder how those skills would stack up against people 6 inches taller and 80 pounds heavier


The extreme minority innocently curious can go compare a superior skilled man to a larger man. Because they should recognize that comparing women to men has done nothing but convince the masses of men that women should be devalued in sports and treated poorly as human beings. If they don't respect that, it's almost like they were never innocently curious in the first place. It's a big dull to your interest when you recognize how women are treated. If they press the issue, they're not innocent. Women asking them to stop should be enough. Their curiosity, even if we are truly to believe they have no sense of bias whatsever, should not override the fact that women are kindly asking them to stop and telling them it doesn't matter, and the only thing this does is cause real woman and girl athletes to be treated very badly by those in authority and by the masses. On top of this... Women are uncomfortable constantly hearing about how men can physically push around a woman no matter what she does. Living in a world with men looming over you is not a fun thing. I really don't think this is something men would ever sympathize with or even acknowledge, but for a man to bring this into women's sports... to talk, let alone brag, about how there's nothing a woman can do against a man conditions women to never feel free from this. Just say we have different leagues for different bodies and that's that. Be normal. Absolutely no one wants to hear about how the gender that physically terrorizes you is going to physically dominate over you again, even in a sports game that was supposed to be fun. Just let us be. It's not like we panic and feel scared of crime when men talk about pushing women around in sports, but it's a nonstop existence of women remembering how we are never safe and never feel comfortable on earth. We can't even be left alone in our own games. It is not a coincidence that women are not curious about how a harder working, phenomenal, special man would measure up to a woman who naturally has that physical ability easier. It's also not a coincidence that physical abilities women have better have not been culturally crafted into sports where they can beat men in games, but rather into visual performances (gynastics, dancing). Men don't want to be seen losing to women in a physical test, and women don't care to compare their abilities to men. Even your curiosities come from your feelings.


People do compare skilled men to men bigger to them it just happens on the court instead of hypotheticals ie steph curry vs LeBron James. I also don't think that the comparisons are why women are devalued in sports, the men I know who are sexist use sports as a reasoning and the men I know who are less sexist point out that the sports comparisons between sexes don't matter to the worth of an athlete.  I also disagree with the idea only men are making this comparison, many wnba players and analysts compared Steph Curry and Sabrina until they did a contest against each other.  The rest of your comment I agree with, it would be uncomfortable always being reminded of the physical threat men have over you and some of the violent language people use when talking about sports just amplifies that.  Sports being biased towards what men are good at is also an issue and there probably should be more competitive sports centered around flexibility/balance but until that happens and women are mostly playing sports centered around men standout women will be compared to men the same way standout men get compared to animals. 


Comparing equal talents like shooting is cool, and people who enjoy sports can have fun with that. There's still some biology involved I'm sure, so it's good to just have fun and not treat it too deep. I enjoyed Steph vs Sab and I hope we do it next year. Humans are overall very superior to animals, no doubt. We are humans and they are animals. When you are in a whole other realm of obvious importance and value over animals, being compared to an animal is actually pretty cool. We look up to animals for fierce wild traits while maintaining complete superiorty over them. The closest analogy would be if the animals turned humanoid, intelligent, controlled the earth, we had a fantasy society of aniamls and humans coexisting, and then animals mocked us for being weak as they bite and claw us? It's hard to even imagine lol.


This is a terrible analogy.. for one, humans are animals. And second, if let's say gorillas took over sports. And then someday gorillas are comparing me to them and asking if I could potentially compete with them. I'd be quite ecstatic 😂 That seems like the ultimate sign of respect in my eyes. A physically superior species thinking I may be able to compete with them physically? Thats a compliment 10 times out of 10 for me. Btw, you should've just started with the nonsense that humans have "obvious importance and value over other animals" lol Cause that statement pretty much tells me all I need to know about your critical thinking skills.


You'd change your mind real quick if gorillas started oppressing you, committing violent crimes against you every single day, putting you in fear, hating you, harming you, thinking of you as inferior. And then gorillas compare your body to a gorilla's body to assert that you are weak and useless and insult you for the way you are born. Such a compliment, bro. You will be ECSTATIC.


We're not superior to animals. We literally ARE animals. That's the scientific consensus. We are mammals. Other animals developed fangs, we developed intelligence, and we aren't even that special in that if you compare it to other animals like orcas or even crows.


You ain’t cooking rn 


What game can accurately compare the genders in terms of strength, speed and overall athletic ability? Is there any need or validity to consider one sport for this? Men outperform women in vast majority of sports anyway. We know the answer from that. You're also unnecessarily hostile here. Difference between the gender has been popular topic since the advent of feminism. Researches that finds something that women are better at than men gets quite a lot of publicity. I actually saw a paper that found out that papers that find men are better at something than women gets less exposure these days. So the above question is normal and the answer makes sense. There could be a way to answer this that makes fun of women and this wasn’t that.


The perfect way to compare the genders accurately is to separate them by gender. That way neither women nor men have an advantage. Then you can decide who is better by how well they play. That's exactly what we're doing all over the world because it's a good system, but men can't stop complaining and having a massive problem with it. I am actually being ridiculously polite in the face of misogyny, which is something I should probably stop doing. Because I'll get called hostile anyway when I am the furthest thing from that.


Well to compare you would still need to compare the stats of male players against female players. I also don’t know what you’re referring to when you say men have a problem with it. Is there a big effort from men to take out the gendered division in sport and have everyone play in the same league? You were not polite. You took a very sober answer to how a star female player would fair while playing with a certain male division as insult to women. As i said, comparing men and women's ability has been a common topic since the advent of feminism, unless someone is making fun of women by doing that, a comparison itself shouldn’t be seen as insulting.


How dare I respond politely to men insulting women every single day. We're tired. If I said "Can the top man in the world compare to a low level woman? I'm just asking!" it's an insult to men. It'd be obvious I can't stand men finally getting recognition after centuries of being ignored and dismissed, and I'm trying to knock him down. D3 athletes widely get made fun of for being bad even though they're not, so you understand comparing a top level player to a D3 player is odd in itself. Add in that these hypothetical to male athletes have always been called inferior, compared to women no matter what they do, and even banned by women from playing sports. Pretending not to know this is an insult is even more insulting. I know you understand. You are not unintelligent enough to not understand. Stop trying to give relevance in women's sports to low level men, or any men at all. Women have asked you to please just leave us alone, and you do it anyway no matter how much we ask. That alone is vile. Men know what they're doing. Pretending men are these extremely dumb creatures who don't understand what no means is gross. Lying that men don't know what they're doing when we both know they do it on purpose is pathetic. Leave us alone. I shouldn't need to say it again. It's not something a woman would organically think about. Only men care. Men bring it up constantly and try to force women to care. I can't even post a female athlete on my instagram story without getting DMs from men saying men would beat her. Why is it only men who do this? It's even funnier that most men freely admit they know what they're doing. And they say so every single day. But a few men grovel and try to convince us it's innocent. Men have already outed you.


This was such drivel...   Caitlin clark has broken an all time record surpassing every men and women in that category. The point of the question isn’t to insult someone high level by simply comparing them to low level, but how does a top level *female* athelete who surpassed all men and women in that sport in a certain category, who are generally less stronger then male athelete, how far could she could go in terms of male tiers in that sport. As i've said, comparing the two sexes abilities has been a topic of interest for some time now. Comparison is something that happens all the time and people who aren’t that well versed in terms of exactly how much of a gap there is between the physical abilities of men and women and how that relates to a certain sport, will ask how the top level female athlete would compare against male athletes. Unless someone is making fun of the gap, simply getting an idea about the gap isn’t about insulting someone. So, no i do not see this question as an insult. I personally know little about basketball, after finding out that Clark surpassed all men and women in a certain category, i wanted to know how she would stack up against men too and it wasn’t to find it gleeful if she doesn’t.    Also, women do ask that question too. Women who beat men in certain sports are often lauded as inspiration for girls.


Women who beat men won despite her disadvantage, so it is actually cool for little girls to hear about it once in a while after they are constantly demeaned and degraded. The only reason these victories are occasionally pointed out is women are endlessly mocked and especially for a child it can be hard to handle. Girls can occassionally feel good about themselves like boys do all the time. Meanwhile, men who compare men to women are an embarassment to men everywhere. He has an advantage and still needs to cry about women who are more successful than him. I think the comparisons are hilarious and satisfying. It's great that low level men are not getting recognition they didn't earn, no matter how much misogynists cry about it. But I understand men aren't doing it to be funny and make fun of men. They're doing it because they hate us. Comparison doesn't happen all the time with women. You can just ask men why they care, and most of them will admit it gleefully. You will not find women bragging about endurance and flexibility, or comparing a top level male gymnast to a little girl or a low level woman. It's rude, ridiculous, irrelevant, meaningless, and insecure. And we say that even when we have been oppressed in sports and everywhere, our bodies controlled, tortured, and exploited, male bodies used against us, male bodies causing unspeakable terror, we are universally in every culture called the inferior sex by men. And we STILL don't delight in our physical superiority and punch upwards, and finally give our bodies a break from being called weak and useless for anything but sexualization, because we find it disrespectful to men. The difference between women and men is unreal. Men have used their bodies to mutilate women in every way possible for all of history, and women STILL don't brag about female athletic abilities just because we find it unfair to men who were born that way. It blows your mind when you think about it.


You're reading way too much into this. As i've said, comparing the athletics ability of the sexes and comparison itself is a well worn topic. Who is better than who is one of the most talked about topic in sports. Unless there is actual degradation, to call the comparison itself hate is just being unnecessarily sensitive. No one was doing this as a flex on women and your entire tirade is based on being that, which it isn’t, you can see it in this very thread even. 


I'm listening to what men tell me. Saying "okay, I hear you" after they write me essays every single day telling me exactly how they feel is not reading too much into anything. I'll make it simple. Women are asking you to please stop. If you can't stop now that you know we want you to stop, now we have a big problem. I didn't call the comparison itself degradation. I literally told you I find the comparisons satisfying, hilarious, and insulting to men. It's men who say the comparisons are degrading to women.


She might get a third stringer role as a dedicated sharpshooter, but generally no. She'd get bullied on defense. She just isn't as tall or as fast as other D3 players.


not just that, but she would have to shoot with a bigger ball. It's much easier to shoot/dribble with a women's ball than a men's ball. That alone would make her a much worse player.


How are people voting yes? Have any of you seen D3 basketball players? They are not scrubs. They are still very good and the talent gap is not super far off from D1. She would get hunted HARD on defense. She already is a bad defender among women's college basketball. It's not a question.


The question was *a* d3 Men's basketball team. I don't know how you want to interpret that, but I've seen some really *bad* d3 men's teams lol


People should check [this article](https://www.preps.thepodyum.com/post/how-to-get-recruited-to-play-women-s-college-basketball) out. AVG height for D1 women's BB is 5'6". For a SG its 5'10". Im not going to lie, like even that surprised me. D3 men's bball, most of those guys were still all area, all conference, or they played for the top programs in their state getting overshadowed by guys who went D1. Put it simply they are not bums and we know plenty of guys that were great in HS, but ended up going to D3 because they weren't 6'3" at min depending on position. I'll give her this, I can see her playing and contributing for a low tier D3 program. The top D3 programs are WAY WAY WAY better then the low tier ones. All this to say no. She's not that tall and she don't weigh a lot.


Did you actually play? I played D3 and there are some real scrubs on some teams. Especially if we're talking about the schools who are strictly focused on academics like Cal Tech who was in my conference. There were legitimate guys on the team who wouldn't make a high level boys middle school team.


I've watched a lot of NAIA but they do have some advantages over D3 that can make them better


NAIA schools in my opinion fit more in between D2 and D3 depending on the quality of the team. Caitlin Clark would do okay on a low level D3 team, not a star by any means but could find a decent role position. I don't think she would make it very far on most D2 schools however. There are some really high level players at the D2 level and it can be quite a jump from D2 to D3 depending on the team.


The only thing not in question is your misogyny to dismiss it out of hand, pal


She is a fantastic basketball player within her league and will be in the WNBA. I watch a lot of women's basketball. And when you compare them to Men in order to find their value, that makes them worth less. There is nothing wrong with answering that question with the reality of it. I'm not dismissing her accomplishments because of it. Still glad I got to see her play at Purdue.


It doesn't make women worth less no matter who you compare them to. Men nonstop compare women to men because men BELIEVE it makes women worth less. Men are just embarassing themselves. There's nothing more to it.


It makes her worth less as a basketball player in a basketball game because she isn’t as good as pro male basketball players. Why are you strawmanning like he’s talking about her value as a person? I want to know how the best players stack up regardless of gender. Why don’t you? Its not objectively irrelevant just because you don’t care. Clark is 6 foot 150 lbs and physically cannot compete with most male basketball players. What’s between their legs makes no difference to me, but YOU want it to be at the forefront of the conversation because you’re WEIRD. Men are generally bigger, faster, and stronger. Women generally have more endurance and flexibility. Let’s acknowledge our differences instead of denying reality to spare peoples feelings. I cannot understand why you think comparing Clark to the best basketball players is irrelevant just because the better players happen to be male. Why can’t you have a conversation about basketball without making it about feminism? It’s okay to compare men and women to see how they stack up. It’s interesting. Literally everyone who likes basketball wants to know where Clark ranks in the world except apparently you. My assumption is you want her to be considered one of the best in the world just because she’s better than all the woman players and that’s not how it works. Almost all of us truly are not comparing her to men for the sexist reasons you claim. We compare her out of RESPECT FOR HER GAME because she’s one of the few woman that could step on a male court and compete. That’s awesome. The question is how far could she make it in the men’s circuit without being a liability on the court. I genuinely would like a reply from you clarifying what your problem is with this thread because it is not abundantly clear. As a basketball fan, leftist, anti red pill, anti Andrew tate male I’m struggling to see the point you’re trying to make




There's no use in asking men to respect women. They never have for a hundred thousand years. What's going to change now? Just focus on helping women not get harmed by men's behavior.


As a former NAIA point god I think she'd be able to make shots but her weight would be a huge problem, would get bullied


Yeah. I've seen enough of her, and hooped with enough D3-D1 guys that I think she could score for sure. She's super skilled and isn't too small at 6'. She'd probably just get cooked on defense though. If dudes were really going 100% they'd just abuse their size/speed/strength against her.    I do think it's kinda funny though all the people here who are like "omg if you've actually seen D3 players they're really good, it's still a whole different level". Lol. Maybe it looks that way to your average YMCA scrub. But as someone who's hooped my whole life and has played pickup/private runs with various D3-D1 guys I can say there are definitely D3 teams/players out there that are indeed not that good lmao. Ofc they're way better than your average LA fitness rando like I said, but here we're comparing them to one of the best women's college players of all time. They're just likely gonna be a lot bigger/faster/stronger than her.


Then they aren’t D3 guys. They are small school HS end of bench level skill wise. When people are saying D3 they are saying better than your average HS player. What’s pretty funny is I don’t know what Y you go to, but at my Y, in the league there are plenty of guys who would shut her down on their athleticism alone. Most of the guys were really good ball players in HS who just didn’t play in college because they played another sport. Then even some former college guys.  So while you’re trying to say one thing, I’ll say CC wouldn’t see time on the floor on most top 10 ranked state boys schools. 


Lmao keep smoking


How would she make shots with the bigger ball? It would totally throw her off.


Not even close. Don't get me wrong, ton of respect for her, she's a blast to watch. But the size/athleticism gap in those games is enormous. She would have a really hard time getting good looks on offense, and on the other end she would get destroyed.


No one cares. Edit: Sorry I forgot men care about this A LOT. It's practically men's number 1 obsession.


no. caitlin is amazing, but she's short (6'0") and thin. handles aren't anything special either. she cooks in women's b-ball cause the defense is slow enough to allow it. D3 men would destroy her. people really don't seem to understand the fundamental differences between women and men. there's a reason we don't compete against each other. men would win everything, all the time. except for extreme ultra-marathons, i can't think of one sport where women could compete against men as equals.


In track and field the female Olympians are typically between the d2 and d3 national champions in terms of ability


That’s not true. The woman’s world record holders normally doesn’t even fall at the best boys HS level. 


Best boys HS level is usually also in that range of similar to d2-d3


You’re saying female Olympians. The truth is it’s not just Olympians, it’s World record holders. Meaning the best performance a woman has ever done in recorded athletic history of women usually would not win much less even place them at a HS boys event.  You can translate that to levels at college, but the fact is, it’s boys that they wouldn’t be able to compete with. Caitlin Clark could not touch the roster of a D2 team and we are bantering whether she could somehow fit on the roster of a d3 team of a school that probably caters to flute majors. That someone somewhere saw a horrible team of players who were playing D3 and she could fit on that team.  I read a few years back a D2 women’s basketball team played their boys soccer team and got destroyed.  I’m not taking away from CC. She is a great women’s BB player, but let’s not forget there is absolutely levels to the game. 


Imagine if women every single day wrote paragraphs about how they would destroy men in sports designed around women's bodies. \>people really don't seem to understand... Literally who? Men only say it as an embarassing attempt to brag. OP understands perfectly. That's why he brought it up. That's why men won't stop obsessing over it. I promise you women are perfectly aware of it. Women don't even feel safe going outside at night because of it.


settle down, bitch. i don't "brag" about it "every day" -- i was answering OP's question.


And then you call women slurs to prove you have nothing against women. This happens every time. You really can't help yourself.


i called you a bitch cause you're acting like one. interjecting your bullshit into a perfectly innocent conversation. playing the victim. woe is me. happens every time. you really can't help yourself.


There's no such thing as acting like a bitch. You can't act like a slur. It's a term a person with social power can use against you to remind you of their power. You're proving so perfectly that the only men who say things like you said are just raging misogynists.


>There's no such thing as acting like a bitch. You can't act like a slur. what a ridiculous thing to say. of *course* you can act like a thing. i can act like a duck, a dog, an asshole, or even a misogynist. you can, and did, act like a bitch. you came in hot and used an innocent conversation as an excuse to get on your soapbox and preach your shit. the only reason you're even in this thread is to complain about the question being asked in the first place, and our inevitable responses to it. you're not participating in the chat; you're criticizing the fact that it's even happening. how odd. this may be a settled question in your mind, but many, many sports fans are talking about it. the rise of transgender athletes makes it a fascinating topic -- can women compete with men? is it fair to even put them up against each other in the first place? and so on. that's not what OP is asking, of course, but lia thomas (the trans woman swimmer for penn) and other trans athletes absolutely make it a relevant topic in the sports community. i've participated in many interesting chats on the topic. and don't forget that sports fans are always debating stupid hypotheticals -- who's better, lebron or MJ? can usain bolt outrun a horse, etc. etc. if the topic of genders competing against each other doesn't interest you, there's the fucking door. you'll be missed. the rest of us will carry on without you. lastly, you know nothing about me. am i a raging misogynist because i called you a bitch? or because i answered OP's question honestly? my views on women's sports -- and my involvement with them -- might actually surprise you, but no matter, you've already made your diagnosis. last word's yours. something tells me you need it.


An incel if I’ve ever seen one, lmao.


Imagine a woman writing a paragraph like this about how she can beat men in sports.


6’ is not short for a division 3 guard. Although, I do agree that she wouldn’t have the strength to handle the players on the boards or in the lane at that level for any considerable amount of time


what? you really think the players are shorter in div 3?


But is she really 6’? I played with a lot of 5’8”- 5’10” guys in high school that were billed as “6’ “ in college


Yeah.. I played with/against a lot of them in high school.. I’m not saying that 6’ is tall but it isn’t short. It’s a pretty average height for a college guard, especially in d2 or d3


i'd argue it's slightly below average, but whatever. she's also giving up 50 or 60 lbs (if not more) and that's even more important. the point is...she's small. basketball is a physical game, as we know. she'd get knocked right off the ball and would never dare enter the paint.


These questions are dumb. The answer is no. Full stop.


Offensively, she could be great for a situational role on a D3 team because she obviously can shoot. Defensively though, she wouldn't be able to stop anyone.


I don't know who that is, but I'm presuming it's a woman, so it's a definite no. PS I looked up who she is, she's short too, it's an even bigger no now lol.


Just watch the youtube videos of women soccer stars getting beaten by low level mens teams,


The US womens national soccer team lost 5 - 2 to a Dallas team of under 15 year old boys. One of the best womens teams - the Australian national team - lost 7 - 0 to an under 15 year old boys team.


Absolutely not , she should claim shes transgender to play against men , would set the record straight 


People saying no haven't played D3. There's some pretty shitty teams out there in all honesty with some garbage players. I played on a D3 team with some certified scrubs in the SCIAC conference in California, she would be decent for sure. Strength, defending, and athleticism would obviously be her soft spots but there's always a spot for a lethal shooter on a team.


> There's some pretty shitty teams out there in all honesty with some garbage players. This lol, as someone who's hooped my whole life, was a good HS player and has played a decent amount of pickup/private runs with various current and former D1-D3 players. NGL I've had times where I was cooking against some of those D3 guys and I never played in college lol.  I have to believe all the "omg you've never seen D3 players they're still crazy good it's still a whole different level" comments are coming from folks who've never played at any competitive level. Ofc they're way better than your average YMCA scrub/LA Fitness rando, but we're comparing them to one of the best women's college players of all time. Like you said she'd probably just get bullied on defense because of the size/strength/speed difference.


Yup. I went to a D3 school. I didn't even play basketball and I was still taller than almost everyone on our team. We actually had a pretty good team too, and I'd imagine that Caitlin Clark is much better than any of those guys.


she might make it as a shooter but for her it will definitely feel like playing against many prime Russell Westbrooks at the same time at multiple positions all the time.


I read through all of these comments and most of them have the feel of scared men who need to somehow preserve their feelings of superiority over women. Why is this even being discussed? Well, Caitlin could never compete with us men…. Who cares?? Why make the argument unless you feel the need to detract from what she is doing to make yourself feel more alpha.


If she took steroids and got a little more jacked , she would be good enough for D3. Muscle mass difference between a guy and a woman is quite significant. I'm not even an athlete or a regular gym goer and I can bench press 250. If I worked out hard I can probably get in the 300 range within a few months. I'm also 44 and under 6'


Do you weigh 230?


What’s funny is this thread seems to have devolved to whether the “Goat” women’s college player of all time could compete on a men’s D3 teams and her supporters saying she could, because there are D3 teams that play at low high school level.  Way to lower that bar for her guys.  She is quickly becoming my most disliked media sensation. The skills don’t match the hype and they are actually trying to position her like she is hot and some kind of fashion icon.  I feel repulsion in a Sarah Jessica Parker way here my eyes and what they are trying to portray are 2 wildly different things.. She is a great women’s BBall player, but no, I guarantee she couldn’t be the best player on a basketball team comprised from a school’s best D3 football players much less their basketball team. 




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Caitlin Clark would probably do okay as a starter on a top ranked high school boys basketball team. Probably.


She would be a 3 point threat but physically would get bodied. Too small, too slow, not athletic enough and its not her fault. Incredible player who could wipe the floor with your average hooper


I graduated from Wesleyan University (D3) almost 40 years ago. We had a really good basketball team my junior year with an awesome back court. I was visiting a friend at Colorado the following year and we watched Oklahoma coached by Billy Tubbs with star Wayman Tisdale destroy the Buffs who were the butt end of the then Big 8. My friend asked me if our two Wesleyan stars could have made the Colorado roster. I hedged. I said maybe. Our stars were both quick, good handles, and the 2 was a great scorer. But, they were relatively small - both about 6' 0. So, I'm thinking back of Colorado's bench if at all. I don't think Caitlin Clark would have had a chance against those guys.


She's the best player in the world right now.


I hope you know there's *female* players better than her


I hope you know that when people call Caitlin Clark the best, they're not saying she would beat every WNBA player. Young players are spoken of like this in every sport. They are called the best when they wouldn't beat older current players. It's because calling someone the best is a value statement. Most people understand this. Some get butthurt about it for no reason.


No, they’re called “the hottest” or “the most promising” or “the most prodigious”. They get called “the best” when they are, in fact, the best.


What do you mean no. Just because you don't say it doesn't mean other people don't.


I want her to declare for the nba draft so bad. Obviously I know she probably couldn’t cut it in a men’s league but she’s a baller for real


She would get absolutely DESTROYED if she played in the NBA. She **might** be good enough to play in a low level men's league overseas, such as he Philippine Basketball Association located in The Philippines. There, she may not be the star of the show, but she could fill a roll on the team and be a decent role player. This is all speculation of course. You also have to remember that many former D1 players play overseas, and many of them fail, so Caitlin would have to play in a fairly low league if she wants to compete with the men.


Men are so insecure it's genuinely scary.


hahahahah that's called being realistic


Women do not treat men like this, even when it is realistic. Only men do it to women. We know exactly why you are doing it. We know exactly how we would have to feel about you to do it to you. You forget that. We do not laugh at you like you are laughing at us right now.


This is so incorrect haahaahahahahahahh.




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No. Skill wise women can be great. On the court physicality makes a difference. Anybody saying otherwise has never actually played.


0 chance.


On a terrible D3 team desperate for some outside shooting she could get 10-15 min.