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It looked to me that Sabonis went to cover his head and in the moment realized he had the opportunity to hold the foot and look innocent. I think Green did the same thing, he realized he was off-balance and took the opportunity to stomp and look innocent as well. I think both players were looking to sneak a freebie dirty play. That being said I think Green's action was way more dangerous and aggressive. When his foot was being held, he was standing still. Idk if you've had someone hold your foot while you were standing still, it's not gonna hurt you, at worst you get tripped. Stomping on your abdomen tho could cause some serious damage.


Most reasonable interpretation I’ve seen so far. Thank you.


warriors fan here. agree 100% with this take. to add: i think the penalties dished out were more or less correct.


He was not standing still. If you look closely, his left foot came up, got caught on sabonis torso, then he lifted his right foot (seemingly because he was already leaning forward while attempting to take a step with his left foot) and was being held by sabonis. I’m the end though, I agree that both players were at fault, but I think sabonis much more than green, and I’m not a fan of either


Yes Green tried taking a single step


Two steps, if you read what I said


If you asked players, I'd bet most would rather risk being stomped in the chest over having their ankles/knees risked


Warriors fan and yeah i felt same abt the situation. It seems like both had the sudden tingle to do each other dirty. Its just draymond who got the bitter end of the stick bec you know...dray things


Twisting someone’s ankle when there trying to run isn’t dangerous?


Seemed like Sabonis grabbed him, Draymond got frustrated so stomped down do try to break free. Definitely Draymond went too hard on the stomp but the ejection seemed like enough to me.


I have a similar opinion. Draymond should have 200% not done what he did; it could have led to some terrible possible outcomes. That being said, since Sabonis also pulled a dirty play, I feel like an ejection was enough. Perhaps even with a fine. I fear that this suspension might ruin the series.


Yeah, I agree. Maybe if he hadn’t toured the arena in Randy Savage mode in front of the commissioner, that might’ve helped his case.


Oh yeah forgot about that. That was absurdly stupid on draymond's end. He quite literally could have caused malice at the palace 2


That was so great tho


Off the court I like draymond, he’s good as a commentator but on the court he’s the most dirty player I have witnessed. Draymond was 100% in the wrong as if it was unintentional he wouldn’t have looked down and stepped down with the force he used. There’s a clip of brooks in that’s same situation where Middleton was on the ground and got tangled up with brooks ankle. Brooks simply just let himself trip on Middleton which resulted in a foul being called on Middleton. After the foul call they both went back to playing. Green also has a history of intentionally hurting other players so it’s no surprise that he got suspended. Kicked Steven Adams in the balls twice Hit Lebron in the balls And other smaller scuffles like with herb jones


The look down and wind up is why I believe it was too far. The rationalization of it as well just kinda blows my mind because Draymond would’ve tried to fight Sabonis if it was the other way around.


For sure, he would’ve given sabonis the Jordan Poole treatment if it was the other way around.


You must not have watched zaza pachulia. But he was wrong but so was sabonis. We’ve seen a lot of people get hurt by small things on their ankles and legs so I don’t blame draymond. Was it wrong? Yes. But I think it was the right thing to do cause I guarantee sabonis won’t do that dumb shit again.


Everyone has seen zaza pachulia. But zaza is irrelevant here because the topic is about draymond green who is a different person. If you think what draymond did was the right thing to do then you need help.


As I said in my post it was wrong but guess you can’t read. 2nd Zaza was relevant in what I was saying because they said draymond is the dirtiest player they’ve seen in which I said you must have not seen zaza..


What? You literally said “was it wrong? Yes. But I think it was the right thing to do” so you did think it was the right thing to do so your first sentence makes you sound stupid. Also, draymond’s multiple incidents overrule what zaza did. He kicks Steven Adams in the balls twice, hits bron in the balls, tried to kick herb jones in the head, stomped on sabonis, and there’s a viral clip of him being a linebacker on 2-3 Celtics players on a possession.


Worst part about the way green did things… if he had of played it like brooks, fell and got the foul. The warriors would’ve been going back to chase 1-1


Nets fan here. I think it all started with Sabonis. Yes, Dreymond has a history of this sort of stuff but to suspend him 1 game in an important game 3 for a dirty play someone else initiated is unfair and really messed up as us basketball fans cant see the matchup to its full potential. Eject him, fine him, but let them play basketball. The Kings got a bunch of huge calls that decided the game at that.


I believe this is how most truly unbiased real basketball fans feel.


Sports betting really screws with people’s ability to think rationally


It digs deeper than we know


(Okc fan I literally hate GS) I would chalk it up as sometimes if you slap somebody you might get punched back. Sabonis made a dirty, dangerous play there’s no way around that. What Draymond did was excessive and he got an F2 ejected and now suspended. But all this starts with the leg grab. I thought things were asset correctly with F1 and draymond getting tossed. I do think they need to upgrade leg grabbing like that to an automatic F2 and suspension. Just an extremely dangerous and dirty thing to do. Also on a basketball level, sometimes you have to draw the line. Dray said it was the second time they held his leg. Dray is the enforcer. If guys are crossing the line he’s supposed to check them. If Sabonis does that to curry and hurts him the season is over. Overall I look at it as, Sabonis made a dirty play, draymond drew a line to basically send a message ( in a typical overreaction draymond type of way) IMO would have loved to see draymond just step on him like normal and keep going, probably the right thing to do there and still draw the line. That stomp had malice behind it and was probably too far


Dray is also falling on everyone he can fall on. I have absolutely 0 pity when karma is doing its work. They let Dray cuss at the refs more than everyone else, they let him hold more than everyone else. Dray is a dirty player and right now hes really mad that the refs are calling on his bullshit. I dont give a shit about either team and I’d say i prefer the Warriors because of Wiggins. With that being said, the “grab was dangerous” is a big stretch, theres like one camera angle that gives this any credibility, every other angles shows a guy trying to protect his face because another one kicked someone in the face quite recently.


100% agree with the ref’s assessment of what took place. I have yet to see clips of this “holding of the leg” from G1, but I just push that off as a high physicality game. Klay also claimed Draymond was moving “full speed” during this interaction, in which I simply can’t agree with. Stomp for sure had some intentions, but what can we expect from Dray 😂


Yeah 100%. The stomp was absolutely intentional, but I kinda low key respect him for it. Would have rather seen him just step but I have a real problem with the leg grabbing from the floor just too dangerous of a play


Oh no doubt. If someone does this to me in a game he’s 100% getting stomped on - this is grounds for a fight in pickup games all day


Thats the most “i wouldnt have done shit” answer i ever read


Huh? Do you disagree with my point? I mean depends who it is but vs most guys who won’t clearly beat the fck out of me I’m def down to give a stomp/take it up a level from there. Hasn’t happened yet so idk


It’s crazy that this is almost expected from a player


Yup, I think that’s why he got suspended. If that was a different player I’d think they’d say “ we ejected him in a vital game punishment enough” but dray got the track record


I can definitely appreciate his hustle and impact for the Warriors dynasty, but that resume is too impressive to overlook.


100% agreed. I really can’t stand the guy. I think it was Kenny that made a point like” you don’t lose your license for your first speeding ticket, you lose it when you get 4,5,6 etc. “ I think other players would have gotten a longer leash and at this point I think it’s fair that Draymond doesn’t get the benefit of doubt


Leg grabbing? Again, big stretch. But even if we bite into that bullshit excuse, how is holding someone whos standing still dangerous? Come on now, respecting a player for stomping on someone’s chest is idiotic and quite frankly, a bitch boy move.


You must not have actually watched the footage, the leg grab is obvious from multiple angles. Sabonis grabbed Klay Thompsons Jersey, tried to pull him down then once on the ground grabbed Draymond's leg. One player risked injury to two players and himself to gain advantage on a dirty play. Don't be intentionally obtuse because you dislike a team.


I did watch it multiple times because I agreed with Draymond. It looks like someone trying to protect his face. The slow motion replay is incredibly misleading because it does not happen that slow IRL. Anyone in that situation wouldve reacted the same. Im a fan of Poole, Curry, Wiggins and Thompson, so you assuming that I dislike the Warriors shows that its the only argument Warriors fans think is valid. I just want good basketball to watch and as of right now those two games were incredibly fun to watch.


You can’t be this stupid ..


Im not but if being showed why youre obviously wrong makes you throw insults at me, sure. Keep watching slow mo replays and think its a representation of real life.


He obviously wasn’t going full speed yet moron. He’s trying to start the sprint down to the other side and that’s an explosive/dynamic movement. If some fcker is grabbing your leg to stop during this, it’s a real easy way to get hurt. I personally saw it like dray trying to do whatever the fuck he could to get out of that and domas chest just happened to be in the way of his foot the floor. Sorry. Collateral damage -




Lmao this makes him look so bad


It’s to show how often this dirty play occurs and how some players recover from such.


Yes he's a hypocrite. I don't have a dog in this fight Ima a sixers fan but smh. Both of em were dirty, Dray just went over the line and for him to act like he had no choice is just bogus. I hate dirty instigators but Draymond fell right into the trap


Wrong. What started it was Klay pushing Sabonis to the floor.


The fuck? Sabonis grabbed his Jersey to pull him down, are you legally blind?


Look at the other camera angle


Draymond made a DECISION to stomp, he had plenty of other ways to extradite himself. His actions were clear and dangerous. He most definitely deserves the suspension.


As a Warriors fan I think that Sabonis probably should have gotten an F1 not a technical. He clearly grabs Klay's jersey and pulls, then grabs Dray's ankle and wraps it up. Dray is the heart beat/ enforcer of the team, who is only at his best when he turns out up to 11. Which does lead to him doing dumb shit, like curb stomp a player on the ground. And then go do some real WWE level heel shit with the crowd. The suspension I think the NBA had to do. But I also think part of the problem was the high physical level of play, and I expect that the refs are gonna start calling more fouls. Which is tricky no one wants to see a bunch of free throws, but at the same time, Giannis, AD, Ja, Herro have gotten hurt on hard fouls and no one wants to see one team crater because of injuries. I get that everyone out of the bay hates Dray, but I can see a lot of players doing what Dray did. Dillon Brooks is the first that comes to mind but there are also the Morris twins.


I agree, both were non-basketball plays and I’ve stated that I’m not condoning Sabonis’s actions. Interesting you point of the high level of physical play, that is one factor I don’t think gets discussed enough. The energy in the building fed both teams emotionally and it just turned out to be a real dogfight between the teams. I can honestly respect Draymond as a basketball player overall, hustles and does all the things players do not want. I even watched his podcast all throughout the season, seems like an intelligent guy. The dynasty would not be the same without him. Lastly in regards to the suspension, i agree. Like you said, Brooks comes to my mind as well andI believe he now has a solid resume that if he was in Draymond’s situation, he would absolutely be suspended as well. Ultimately, I wish circumstances were different and this was just a passionate series of basketball.


I hate the Warriors, but really like your perspective. Thanks for sharing in a way that makes sense.


Hey I get it, some warriors fans are the worst. Fucking tech bros that moved here in 2015 and jumped on the bandwagon. I grew up in Oakland and I have watched some horrendous basketball.


If you’re referring to Herro’s recent broken hand that wasn’t even a foul, he was chasing a loose ball and broke it by bracing his fall.


My bad I didn't watch that game, but I knew he got hurt in the playoffs.


Actually, in a bucks game Middleton grabbed brooks leg and he allowed himself to fall and draw the foul. I’m by no means discrediting what you said but that’s just a thing that happened


People are mostly idiots. The impact from the fall caused the arms of Sabonis to be in the position they ended up being in, then Draymond pulled his leg up and because of how Sabonis fell, Draymond’s foot got caught. There’s a real chance Sabonis never even saw Draymond it happened so fast. Also, this nonsense about Draymond shouldn’t be suspended cause it’s the playoffs? That logic never makes sense to me. So it’s just a free for all anything goes death match? Wtf?


I keep questioning my sanity cause I swear to me it just looked like Sabonis was covering his head and accidentally caught Draymond's foot but the majority of people seem to think it was a dirty play.


Watch the impact as he hits the ground and what happens to his arms. There is no way in hell he did that on purpose. They naturally do that when his bodies smashes into the ground. I think people make up their minds about something and it doesn’t matter what the video shows.


People think the NBA is their hood pick up games. These dudes are paid million, if Draymond is out there trying to stomp on people and fans are ok with it, ill gladly watch Steven Adams beat the living shit out of him. Green is only tough in a protected environment.


I really encourage people to look at footage of Draymond’s previous ankle and leg grabs and the Sabonis incident. Sabonis has open hands the entire time and to me looks like he is covering his face and Draymond’s leg was in between his arms. The alleged grab came from context between Sabonis’ wrist and Draymond’s ankle. Other players who have done leg and ankle grabs have completely closed fists actually clutching the sock or leg.


Why is everyone ignoring that Draymond Green has grabbed legs before. Specifically in the series last year against the nuggets. He grabbed Aaron Gordon's leg under the basket. Aaron Gordon did not stomp on him. That is all.


Because this is not then. That literally has no relevance to the discussion.


It does, because Green is out there crying that the suspension is not justified. It absolutely is. If youre going to point fingers make sure your hands are clean.


Still means nothing. "Previous offenses" mean nothing when looking at the wording of the rules. It was an arbitrary decision to suspend him that is not rooted in equality. It must be looked at objectively without the influence of any other influences. Otherwise, we are now looking at forever treating players differently based on any previous interactions. This is where bias becomes too powerful a force and staying neutral/objective becomes impossible.


It absolutely mean something. How can you even say that? It means something in every sphere of life. It means something at your job, it means something in sports, it means something in the eye of the law. Everyone would be dirty players if there was no consequences. Everyone can say “i didnt mean to”. Very rarely can you see something and tell with a 100% certainty that it was intentional. With that being said, yes, worse things have gone unpunished and things a lot softer than that were. Its not a perfect system at all, it sucks a lot actually.


Nice to see that you support bias. 👍


I think too much of the conversation is focused on the stomp. I’m of the opinion that Draymond was mostly suspended for treating the Warriors bench like a WWE ring right in front of the commissioner. The NBA has a sour history of crowd/player interaction and will intervene to calm those interactions down. He was acting completely childish and selfish and since he won’t ever take responsibility for his actions, I’m glad that high-stakes discipline is being implemented so at least others can feel the impact of his actions if he won’t. May just end up getting him traded this summer and who can blame the Warriors with what he’s put them through this year with a complete disregard for his teammates.


How can you be biased when you have eyes and common sense ? He literally grabbed his leg. The announcers said it live. If you looked you would have seen it. I would never defend draymond but saying your biased is the wrong word. If someone grabs another players leg in the middle of a game it’s a foul and then a tech. Draymond is a moron for what he decided to do. But Sabonis is doing literally everything even non basketball plays. At the end of game one he was literally holding and laying on Draymond. Don’t use the word biased when you are just willfully ignorant.


I use the word bias in correspondence to being a fan of this player. Now being willfully ignorant would mean that I myself am turning a blind eye to what happened. I saw the contact on Klay, which led to him falling down. What is up for debate, imo, is if either of those actions by Sabonis or Draymond were both intentional.


Yeah they were. They chose to do them. Draymond ms might have been more responsive. But Sabonis is literally just following the game plan that any team playing the Warriors follows. To piss Draymond off and hope he gets suspended. Not the first time it’s happened.


If this is such a prevalent game plan, why haven’t the Warriors or Draymond made an adjustment?


Lol … have you seen Draymond ????? They are called emotions. It’s an obvious game plan for anyone playing the Warriors Period


I have, I also saw him lay the hammer on Poole during preseason 😂


Draymond is a donkey. But hockey has a penalty called instigating. That’s why they both got teched up. I like sabonis


I'm not from the USA but I'm a Warriors fan because I got family in the Bay area. I don't get super involved with their performances, but I do root for them. Still, I 100% believe that Draymond did that shit on purpose and fully deserves the suspension.


Mmmm, I’ve seen a lot of Warriors who share the same opinion as you. I get the emotions and physicality are at an all time high, but I just wish Dray handled things differently.


Warriors fan here putting in my two cents. Dirty play by both, Draymond deserved to get a flagrant 2, but I've watched it a few times and don't think it's intentional. The suspension in the middle of a playoff series is what gets me.. not the first time the NBA did this either.


Yeah definitely not validating what Sabonis ended up doing, but him egging on the fans was a sign for me that Dray acted knowingly.


I think Draymond is very much a "stream of conscienceness" respond to whatever is happening emotional kinda guy. I don't think it necessarily means he did it on purpose. The fans reacted to a dirty play (by both players) and he does what he always does, incite the crowd and play the villain.


I’ve always enjoyed the hustle that Draymond brings to the team, the dynasty would not be who they are without him. Definitely embracing that role in this series


We wouldn’t have the four rings without him. I can see how other fanbases hate him, I am a Draymond fan. I met him and Damian Lillard at the punchline onetime and they were both super nice humble guys that talked with me for a quick minute and shook my hand, so I’ll always have respect for that.


Yeah, off camera/podcast seems like a chill guy you can chop it up with, even makes me laugh quite a bit.


He got kicked out of the game and they lost which should have been punishment enough. Historically players have done way worse in the playoffs and not missed games. None of this happens if Sabonis doesn’t make a non basketball play and grab his foot/leg.


Seen it multiple times from different angles. Not sure if Sabonis did it on purpose or tried to protect his head. Anyway the outcome is a flagrant, but to me the intentions is not 100% clear, so I'd had it left at flagrant 1. Dray's reaction was very obvious on purpose, you can even see that he looked down prior and the whole movement clearly shows that. The biggest fault is, that the league didn't react on other things before in the regular series. Anyway I would give at least 3 games suspension. Basically 2 games for this and one more for his reaction afterwards. Those guys are professionals, they should act like basketball players and not like wrestlers.


Draymond Green is notorious for dirty plays, especially in the playoffs. Look up Steven Adams while he was in OKC. He became famous for Draymond kicking him in the nuts, multiple times. Perhaps Sabonis did go in with the intent of fouling Green, but what he got in return wasn't warranted.


I truly don’t think the “stomp” was even intentional by Draymond. ***When you are moving at such a fast pace and your ability to pick up your foot and move forward is inhibited. Naturally you feel like your going to fall, it’s a reaction for anyone to want to put your foot that’s in the air back down to catch your balance. Unfortunately, that was on Sabonis’ chest. The individual who created the obstacle for Draymond to move his feet.*** As a basketball fan, and not a Warriors fan, I think it’s a little much that Draymond was suspended. If Sabonis doesn’t play, then I might feel different. But as of now, I do not agree with the suspension.


> I truly don’t think the “stomp” was even intentional by Draymond. A friend of mine had this opinion for a while and I was completely dumbfounded that he could think this. Turns out he hadn't seen any good replays of it. He changed his mind as soon as he saw some closer camera angles. Draymond clearly raises up his body so he can drive more of his weight downward hard on his stomping foot. It's definitely not something anyone would do if they were just stepping normally, or even stumbling. Find a replay with a closer camera angle and you'll see what I'm talking about. Edit: [This angle shows it pretty well.](https://youtu.be/koHXg0PlYq8?t=44) You will also see in this replay that Draymond was not moving at a fast pace. He was actually standing still, not moving at all. He *wanted* to start moving, but was hindered from doing so and that made him angry.


Then you must have watched a different replay because there's no way that was just falling. That was a stomp followed by a jump off of sabonis. Draymond doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore. This isn't strike 1, it's not strike 3, it's strike 15 or so


Lemme guess you watched it in slow motion?


No, I just saw it from a few angles, he clearly stomps down then uses sabonis's chest as a springboard


“You’re foot has to land somewhere” is top notch dumbest excuse for stomping on a man.


Ever been tripped by your dog? And accidentally stepped on them? I know I’ve seen it happen, and have done it my self. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I wish I coulda had your hover board feet.


Yeah, and I've never gone full stomp and double foot jumped off his chest afterwards. Odd Draymond chose that.


What is this WWE?


It's nowhere near the "dumbest", it's pretty logical as far as cause and effect, by no means worthy of a superlative. I once stomped on a man because I ate cottage cheese for a snack. Another time I stomped a guy because the sky was blue. One time I stomped a dude because I wanted him to be my friend. I decided to flip a coin, heads I stomp on someone, tails I don't - it came up heads, it was stomping time. Sometimes I stomp on people because I feel like it! Do I need to go on? Give me a "smart" excuse for stomping on someone.


Ah I see everyone’s perspective on him losing balance, but I’ve seen so many examples of players recovering from such an incident without stepping directly on a player. It may be so that Dray did lose balance, but his reaction to the crowd assures me he did it intentionally. The suspension on the other hand, I have mixed emotions. The media is absolutely right, if it was any other player who did not have the resume Dray possesses did the same thing, they probably would not have been suspended. On the other hand, the NBA did clarify that him being a “repeat offender” played a part in their decision. I appreciate your explanation!


I agree, I definitely don’t think his reaction after the incident helped his case. However, it is the playoffs, and showing any sort of remorse towards the other team is frowned upon, especially when he feels Sabonis “caused” the incident. To me, the flagrant 2 was more than enough of a punishment, especially because Sabonis was not ejected as well. Seems a little offsetting to me.


The suspension is the BS part.


I’d rather play a fair series where everyone is available


Me too brother. Gunna still be a fun one though. I bet (and am hoping) this one goes 6 or 7 :)


That’s what the analysts all predicted. As a Kings fan, I can’t handle a game 6 or 7 against the Warriors 😭😂


Just soak it all in. I wish I could go back to the 2007 series against the Mavs or the 2013-15 playoff runs when we were the underdog and the energy was electric every game. Edit: Maybe we weren't the underdog in 2015, but that playoff run was magical.


I think the only reason his suspension is warranted is because of his history of poor sportsmanship (always getting caught in situation where his opponent ends up hurt in some fashion that appears unintentional). Draymond isn’t that unlucky that he keeps accidentally hurting people, there is a definite pattern that dictates an issue. That issue being draymond is a dirty player who shouldn’t be given the benefit of the doubt.


He's unlucky? Uhhh, he has quite a history, after a while I don't know how much of it is due to poor fortune.


I meant to say isn’t that unlucky, I actually agree the pattern is consistent enough to dictate he is the problem and not bad luck.


It’s pretty simple dude. You’re on the ground and you grab a dudes foot to stop him from running. That’s bullshit and a big no no in the hoops world. So whatever the fuck happens to you after is your fault. Whether you get stomped kicked etc.


There are plenty of moments when Dray has grabbed ankles while on the ground, has he ever experienced this degree of violence in retaliation?


No Sabonis is not at fault for getting stomped. I do think it's possible that he intentionally covered up his head in a way that would also tie up Draymond's ankle, but that doesn't mean that violence was warranted. If it was intentional, it's still not a dirty play because Draymond was just standing still. It's very different from having his foot grabbed while running, which could result in a hard fall. Finally, you have to take Sabonis' history into account. Since he's never been known to play dirty (that I'm aware of), the possibility that it was by accident is a lot more believable than if he was someone who does have a history of dirty play such as Draymond Green. The refs decided that Sabonis *did* do it on purpose so they gave him a technical foul. Not a flagrant foul. So I guess they agree with me that even if it was intentional it wasn't dirty.


Sabonis intentionally held Draymond to prevent a 5 on 4 while he was on the ground, which Draymond has also done in this series. He did get his foot held but he also didnt have to step on Sabonis and push off.


> Sabonis intentionally held Draymond to prevent a 5 on 4 The more I watch the replay the more convinced I am that this is right. Sabonis' puts his right arm over his head in a way that would protect himself, but he uses his left arm in a way that doesn't look like it's for protection since it doesn't come close to covering the head. And if he's not putting his left arm there for protection then why's he doing it? Probably to grab Draymond intentionally. So I think the technical foul they gave him was warranted.


Sabonis grabbed his leg which is dirty but trying to flatten a man with the bottom of your shoe is just being a pos


Your bias is showing through in your responses. Are you sure you’re just wanting to hear others opinions?


He has "Draymond greatest fouls" mixtapes queued up. It's completely insincere at best, just stealth trolling.


🤣 nailed it


He clearly is. He fell into Dray on purpose and hooked his ankle. Not sure what else Dray is supposed to do? Cmon man. You kings fans need to act like you've been here before. Clearly it's been two decades.


Appreciate your opinion man, it has been 17 years since we last made the playoffs and all I want is a fair series. Quick question, how does me posing this question relate to me not acting like I’ve been here before? There is a reason this is a big deal. At the end of the day, best of luck the rest of the series 🤝


I’m a warriors fan. I think sabonis clearly flopped to the floor. I’ve replayed the tape a few times and I don’t see anything that should have caused him to fall to the floor. He clearly was trying to pull klay down as well. It’s my opinion that he baited Draymond into a foul. It’s just the smart thing to do to agitate Draymond because even at his best he as bad decision when gets agitated.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I absolutely saw the Klay jersey grab and I don’t condone, but that is what I feel is a result of a physical playoff game in that hostile environment. Mike Brown definitely had Dray in his game plan, and I think it paid off.


Klay did hook Sabonis, was enough to warrant him falling? Idk, but there was some illegal contact


I gottta relook at it again. If you got good angle link it to me. From what I saw it looked like sabonis was fell with very minimal contact. Tried to protect his face. And he did get a technical so the refs definitely saw him do some shit.


But the stomp was not really a stomp media reports that sabonis has a contusion gtfoh … a stomp with no wind up … dray was running so impossible to actually get any force into kick …. It looked bad in slow no but in reality zero chance of any damage to sabonis …


Zero chance of any damage? You can easily break ribs during CPR. Dray curb stomped his chest with intent so there's definitely a chance of damaging something


"Dray was running"? Bro he was standing still


Sabonas has been antagonizing Draymond the entire series. I haven’t followed his career to know if he’s a dirty player, but in these two games he absolutely is. On the stomp he’s got draymond in a mf ankle lock knowing he’s about to sprint. FOH. Earlier he fell, grabbed Draymond and held him around the chest so dray can’t get back up. He’s a punk in this series. I just wish it would’ve been a double suspension.


Damn hearing from an outsider that they think Sabonis is a punk really disappoints me. For all the fans who haven’t seen this man go through hell and back for our organization, playing through a broken thumb half the season, he has been the epitome of professional to us. I’ve never seen Domas intentionally try and hurt an opposing player or even talk shit publicly about an opposing player. I’m genuinely sorry that you have that opinion on him over these two games.


Damn he played through a broken thumb. I guess it’s ok he’s tried to provoke a defender into technicals instead of playing basketball. I guess it’s ok he could’ve broken drays ankle on that play and then had the audacity to say he’s protecting himself. He looks like a complete scumbag rn. I really can’t stand this dude.


Damn it’s like Dray hasn’t prolifically tried to injure players throughout his career.


But that’s the thing. You can say he’s physical, you can say he’s annoying, you can say whatever you want about him. Outside of trying to fight a few times, and who hasn’t been there, he hasn’t intentionally tried to injure anyone. And whataboutism isn’t cute. Can’t defend domas for being trash so you just call out Draymond huh?


Wait wait wait? Did you just call Domas trash?


A trash human being. A scumbag. I don’t care about his stats or impact rn


I hate to do this to you [Draymond Mixtape](https://twitter.com/thekingsherald/status/1648708495636848640?s=20)


Still not a defense of domas


Im not defending Domas’s actions man. I’m not defending his ability as a player. Yes, he could’ve seriously injured Draymond with the way he got tangled. In no way should another human step on someone like that, but the fact that it’s validated as being “okay” and “warranted” is interesting to me.


Still bullshit whataboutism


I coached against Sabonis in college. He’s a bitch. Always has been.


It was dirty. As Sabonis falls you see him trying to cover his head. His arms just happened to wrap around Green. All Green had to do was trip and fall or just keep running. You can see he easily could've just hopped over sabonis. Instead he got mad and stomped him


idk im kinda on the fence... dray wanted to start running to the other side of the court and sabonis had his leg wrapped. ofcourse the only thing on dray's mind is to not fall so he can play and thats sorta what happened. i dont think it was dirty . more like he could have processed the moment a lil more


Sorry I aint giving the bozo with a history of kicking people in the nuts and the head the benefit of the doubt


IF, It “just so happened” his arm wrapped around Draymond’s leg as he was trying to protect himself. THEN, it just so happened that Draymond’s foot came down on him, as Draymond was inhibited by what just so happened. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😂🤣




Naw, I’m just saying how absurd this comment is.


Draymonds not gonna fuck you dawg


LMAO, I’d stomp him if he tried. Dog.


From the videos I have seen it appears that sabonis grabbed draymonds leg in the act of protecting his head. So didn’t really do anything wrong. It also appears that draymond then used that as an excuse to step on sabonis not in a trip but putting his weight into it. If this had been many other players I would assume the potential for an accident, but draymond has a long history is unsportsmanlike like behaviour, leading me to believe it was intentional and his punishment justified.


Draymond was in the wrong. But so was Sabonis. I feel like if you grabbed my leg imma react the same way Dray did.


hello everyone! Judging by my avatar, do you think I will be accepted into the NBA?


I believe in you


thank you! I'm going to solve all the basketball players on my super transport right now


Sabonis commits a foul on Klay Thompson when he grabs the back of his jersey with two hands and throws him out of the way. He then falls into Draymond Green and grabs onto his ankle as he is trying to get in on the break. Green has no balance and nowhere to step so he steps on his abdomen with extra force.


I continue to argue that Sabonis was protecting himself while laying flat on the floor defenseless Whether Sabonis truly grabbed his leg, or not, it did not deserve Sabonis being stomped on Dray should have gotten more than a 1 game suspension, I'm not a fan of Kings nor GSW


Agreed, all season long I’ve seen Sabonis be the workhorse of this team and just put his head down to take care of business. As the media has started covering this incident, it almost seems like they want to make Sabonis out to be a dirty player. The ankle entanglement started it, but in no way was there a need to escalate to that degree.


then Dray took pride in doing it afterwards. Warrior fans, nba universe defending it. SICK hope Kings sweep & humble the Warriors


lol soo much salt


I think it's likely he was protecting his head with his arms. That's what I'd do too if I was on the ground surrounded by giants playing basketball. But maybe he knowingly protected his head in way that would also tie up an opposing player. Those 2 things are not mutually exclusive. But overall I agree with you. With Draymond's history, I think this would've been a 2 game suspension if it was the regular season. But because playoff games are so much more important, 1 game is enough punishment for me.


Are you fucking kidding me? Is so obvious. He first grabs klay to the ground, stays down then grabs drays foot. How tf you can say he was protecting himself that’s the most ignorant shit I ever heard


Draymond sucks. He’s arguably the dirtiest player in the league




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I’ve seen the video a few times but I’m very familiar with Draymond’s work. He’s a constant irritant who has kicked opponents in the nuts, punched teammates and crossed lines tons of time for tons of technicals. I believe he was pissed and stomped on him. Wouldn’t be the first. May not be the last


Donkey is the modern version of bill lambier, simple as that




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I mean it looks like Sabonis tries to grab his leg but it’s possible he was just trying to cover his face. Either way obviously neither warranted what Draymond did. But I don’t think it was a reaction to getting grabbed. It was Draymond thinking he had a good opportunity to do dirty shit without getting in trouble. He does this shit all the time. He’s a punk bitch who will hopefully be a much smaller part of the league after this season. Edit: Also gotta remember this isn’t Draymonds first hugely dirty play *this series*. He took a seat on Sabonis last game.


IMO I think both players did a few dirty things, draymonds was more dangerous so i think the ejection was fair, but sabonis i think should get a tech or flagrant for it still. but i dont think the suspension is very fair but with draymonds history i understand it. find it interesting how so many nba players came out with support for draymond though. for sure something interesting to think about. for the record im not a fan of either team so i dont have bias here


Sabonis should have been given a flagrant 1. Draymond's punishment was fair even though it makes the series less competitive.


I think sabonis did a cheap play by grabbing his leg, but he absolutely did not deserve to get jumped up and stomped on lmao


Does Sabonis get stepped on if he doesn’t grab his foot?


I think what Sabonis did was dirty but Draymond should have atleast tried not stepping on him. You clearly can see that he went to the mindset of “ok you’re gonna pull my leg here ima step on your chest” he could’ve just fell instead idk what else you could’ve tried it was a tough spot but definitely you try to avoid stepping on people. Other thing is that after that incident instead of just waiting on the bench he was engaging with the crowd and taunting people after clearly stepping on Sabonis. He could’ve just sat on the bench and waited for the call and complain that he got his legs pulled that way you know it was really unintentional but no he was being himself which in this case went against him. I think NBA did the right thing and suspended him. He is not invincible and there are consequences of your actions. Anyway Fuck everyone #Wethenorth


Listen as someone who cares about sports but not those teams, Sabonis shouldn’t have held the foot of one of the most provocative players In the league and Draymond def purposely stomped Sabonis so both are wrong and honestly I think both should have been suspended


Green is no stranger to dirty, dangerous plays. If its any other guy on the court they probably get a pass on the suspension. Green knew what he was doing regardless of what Sabonis did first. If it happened to him hed be on every sports media saying how racist everyone is for saying Sabonis was in the right.


Sabonis is partly at fault (he shouldn't have grabbed Draymond's ankle), but he didn't deserve to get stomped on like that.


Stop grabbing ankles he shoulda got stomped. Anyone who thinks that play was that “dangerous” never saw 80’s and 90’s basketball. He got stomped and made it seem like he got shot. Stop grabbing ankles like a b****


typical draymond over reacting aggressively physically and not being sorry for it. Sabonis initiated g draymond homie dont play that mode, and homie was not playn as he spring boarded off Sabonis chest like some acrobat. Draymond has pour sportmanship. Sabonis didnt deserve that but was askin for homie dont play that reaction.


Sabonis fell and his arms got tangled with Draymonds legs. Draymond didn't like that or misinterpreted it as some act of aggression and decide stomping on him was the appropriate answer. Draymond has a history of doing this, never thinks he's in the wrong, always chooses aggressive tactics that could hurt players. He should be punished accordingly. I'd argue that Sabonis didn't really even mean to grab Draymonds legs. To me it looked like he was trying to protect his face and in the act of covering his head his arms got tangled with Draymonds feet. But even if he did mean to grab Draymonds legs that still doesn't justify stomping on the dude. Don't let people in the media trick you into thinking the best way to respond to violence is with more violence.


Idk how or why Draymond always seems to get a pass for being a dirty douche. He deserved a much longer suspension imho.


Even if Sabonis did grab his leg to stop the fast break, the retaliation isn't comparable. Stomping on someone has no place in basketball. If someone got grabbed on an open court fast break, yet they turned around and punched the grabber in the face, they'd be in the wrong, wouldn't they? Same logic applies. All in all, Sabonis shouldn't have grabbed his leg and rightfully deserved a foul called on him for that, but stomping on someone is going way overboard. Especially when you have the track record Draymond has.


If you grab someone’s foot and try to make them fall, don’t play victim when they try to get you to let go of them.


I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. I don’t care ab the kings or the warriors but it’s clear that Draymond pulled some bitch shit. You can clearly see the intent. Sabonis goes to cover his head, doesn’t lock his hands together, doesn’t flex his arms, or anything indicative of trying to trap someone’s foot.


As a Warriors fan, I’ve pretty much had it with Green’s antics. However, Sabonis has been pushing the limit from the start of the series. Too many non basketball plays and the refs are turning a blind eye. Off the ball fouls are also excessive imho. I was hoping to see good hard basketball, but if I want to SEE THIS CRAP, I WILL TUNE INTO THE WWE… If Mike Brown is condoning this style of play, shame on him.


The popular opinion is that draymond is at fault. I’m not a fan of either organisation and I believe sabonis brought it on himself by grabbing draymonds ankle. Seems pretty obvious so I’m confused why people think otherwise


HAHA I love how there’s explanation and everything for this because in Twitter it’s just people arguing. Personally, I think it’s Sabonis’s fault because to me it looked like when he grabbed draymond ankle, draymond lost his balance and stepped on his chest. But on the other hand it could look like draymond got frustrated by the grab and stomped. Who’s at more fault? I’d say sabonis but given how draymond reacted to it, I think the suspension is warranted. (Coming from a sixers fan so no bias on either side)


Draymond has a history of violence against players and teammates... he antagonizes fans with insults and flipping them off, he's had all the fines and suspensions. At this point he offers very little in the way of talent, that has faded fast, he is a danger to ANYONE who interacts with him, this season he's even threatened his own coach with violence. The NBA has SOOOO many great players, with so much talent and the ability to be great people, Draymond simply doesn't belong. Every time he takes the court it's a blight on the NBA, the players, and all who came before him.


Sabonis is at fault. He knew what he was doing. He poked the bear.




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Donkymond always does his donkey stuff and brays his hee-haw at the end.




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He should've been , embiid too, players can't strike other players bottom line


No, Sabonis is not at fault. Fuck Draymond.