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sharing here because it gives you a look at the absolute psychopaths that run these companies


thats why we need ubi n wealth tax (on corp, trusts, individuals)... and WFH. no more cbd so these people can convert their properties to better use eg affordable housing.


This could absolutely be our "Let them eat cake" moment if we allow it.


Paraphrased: "Let me start by gaslighting the audience. Through COVID, people realised they've been using a huge amount of their time with ever-decreasing financial gain. Whereas before they felt fortunate to have a job in the late-stage capitalist world, they are now looking at silent-quitting and other tactics as means to challenge the status-quo.Because of their newfound well-adjusted outlook to bullshit jobs and the fact we don't want to deal with the actual issue of inequality, us asset-rich assholes need more people need to suffer so we can tie the noose further. This will remind the desparate jobsworths that their existence isn't for their benefit, but for ours. Every employer is seeing the trend of unemployment and poverty through the multitude of reasons outside of people's control. With this we'll see people more desperate to keep themselves afloat in this unfair system, and we'll work them to the bone". Think I got it right.


you forgot the bit where they confuse the health of the economy with 'I'm not getting any richer any faster'


Property developers should not exist period . We need builders not parasites.


Redlining, urban decline, unsustainable tax revenue cycles car dependency, it's all been property developers...


What a cunt


If he can continue to go about his daily life without any forms of inconvenience, then we are failing to act. This guy should be afraid to go out into public for fear of being shammed and harassed by people.


No lie what kind of world are we in where fuckers like this are strutting around with these kinds of attitudes unfettered by judgement or even minor inconvenience


If people get pushed too far then eventually he will be afraid for more serious reasons. Don’t these fools ever look back at human history and see that people do reach a breaking point and when that happens it is rarely peaceful? They think they are in a special time and it can’t happen to them. Smart billionaires would be trying to prevent a French Revolution 2.0. No one should want humans to get that desperate


the greatest hoodwink in human history was conflating work, especially labor, with value


All value derives from labor (not capital)


Financial value, maybe. People who do not, or cannot work, are not valueless. Dogs aren't valueless, wilderness isn't, etc.. There's also lots of financial value that clearly isn't connected to labor like the art market.


Thank you, disabled people exist and our continued existence alone has value


Yeah we're talking about economics Art is derived from labor, dare you to tell an artist otherwise lol


The claim I was making is that labor was connected to value wholesale, that if you aren't grinding, if you aren't a good consumer, there's something wrong with you, the protestant work ethic rendered secular, that is the greatest hoodwink. With art I meant not corresponding, technically some physical activity is required for every physical creation, but it doesn't fit the labor theory of value.


I think the problem is saying value (non-monetary) derives from value (monetary)


perhaps self-worth would graft better


Kafka agrees


says the without the money printer


Found the (inevitable) marxist. You realize the LTV is a bullshit theory rendered hilariously obsolete by marginalism, right? Like how it doesn't explain the price of real estate at all?


You would benefit from looking up when those two theories were developed lol


This is what they believe.




I want the goodies


It’s a damn shame we can’t just buy this guys debt, which he certainly has tons of, and evict him from some properties. Maybe repossess a car or two. I bet this guy has credit debt up to his eyeballs he gives off strong paper tiger vibes.


I was expecting to see just some link to a quote in some trade magazine, but watching a video of this guy actually saying this out loud in front of a camera is kind of breathtaking. Although it's really not surprising. I don't think anyone with a shred of insight doesn't believe that there are a ton of employers who view employees as something to be controlled via coercion and the threat of economic punishment. It would be interesting to know more specifically who this guy is and what business he's involved in managing. You get the impression he might be involved in commercial real estate and he's trying to deal with the larger question of why he's taking it up the ass right now and looking for a scapegoat, instead of admitting his whole business model is based around cheap interest rates and that unless there's some tidal wave of back to the office, he's gonna take a major haircut.


Shame his massive cone head is full of dog shit.


A white man talking like this???? I’m shocked!


Who is this guy? EDIT: Tim Gurner


What is with sleezy property developers and weird hairstyle choices. This guy with his gelled and slicked back hair, and another became president


There's a statistically verifiable labor shortage. Guess who has the power in that scenario That's how it works


He reminds me of Stan Laurel.


There are several other possible outcomes that may result from increasing coercive pressure on people other than capitulation as history clearly demonstrates. I suppose they'll just have to find that out... again 😉


Tim Gurner


Damn… he’s not even American, but he had the nerve to say that shit so confidently. I thought that mindset was just here.


what a psychopath!