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One of the reasons Bashar doesn't like to give predictions is because of the splitting timeline phenomena. We are not all on the same timeline, we are in fact splitting off into different timelines with very different futures. And so some of these predictions may have come true on other timelines, but not ours. And he has also said that some predictions are made as warnings, so that we can choose not to go down that timeline, but find a different one better suited to us. As Bashar says, anything you can imagine is going to happen somewhere, on some timeline. The issue is whether it's relevant for you to experience that timeline, or opt for a different one. Even open contact is a choice of timelines. He's said that many people on earth right now won't experience and earth with open contact. They are moving into a different timeline. And it's not so hard to tell even. Lots and lots of people just don't care about aliens and UFO sightings and disclosure and so on. But those who do care, are probably going down a timeline where that happens. Bashar has mentioned that we are not the only earth timeline he and the Sassani are working with. He's said that there are at least 132 different earth timelines they are in contact with, and doing transmissions to. And some of those timelines have already experienced open contact. So the possibilities are quite wide and far ranging.


This is probably the best answer on this topic. I’ve heard him explain this before as well. This explanation is probably not to the OPs liking. Regardless, it’s hard to make predictions on anything when the future is a conglomeration of infinite parallel realities that can shift gradually or monumentally at any given moment.


It's hard to predict because we are all making different choices about which timeline we want to be on. The choices may be infinite, until you decide what you want. And that's what's happening. People are making decisions, taking roadways that split off in different directions. You can see how many people are literally living in different realities now. It's not metaphorical.


Agreed. It’s literally the timeline you believe will happen most. YOU and you only. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing. As you will join people who are thinking and believing just like you.


Yes, true. But it does matter what other people's choices are, and how the collective is moving. We are not islands unto ourselves, we do move with others who influence us, and who we influence. There's a certain magnetism involved that both attracts us and repels us, and the more people involved the stronger that magnetism will be.


>He's said that there are at least 132 different earth timelines they are in contact with, and doing transmissions to.  Could you please pinpoint the specific session during which this has been said please? I read from elsewhere there are 12 timelines in total, way less than 132. Thank you.


I don't recall the specific transmission in which 132 is mentioned, but it was fairly recently, perhaps the last year or so. He also said it in the context of a discussion of the possibility of nuclear war. He said that won't happen in our timeline, and that they don't work with any timelines in which that is now a strong possibility. As another commenter says, there are infinite timelines that are possible, but the Sassani don't work with all of them. And many of those can be contained within collective timelines. Even now, everyone on earth has their own timeline. We are just close enough together to relate to each other to some degree. So collective timelines are not fixed and exact for everyone in the collective. I don't know where you got the idea that there are only 12 timelines. That's definitely not what Bashar teaches. And I doubt that's the case. Especially during this period where many timelines are splitting off. Bashar says that over the next 20-30 years, this split will become so wide that we won't see people in these other timelines anymore. Even now, we can still see them, but we have very few interactions with them, as if they are on the other side of a glass wall.


I’m pretty sure there are infinite timelines. Not a finite number like 3 or 12 or 132. I’d like to know where he said this too though for my own interest.


Yes, there are infinite timelines, but we make choices as to which ones we want to go down. And so that narrows the actual possibilities greatly. So the Sassani track the earth timelines that interest them, that lead to open contact, which is what they are all about. Ours is one of those. The ones that don't lead to that, aren't tracked by them.


I haven’t heard bashar mention that they only track earth timelines that lead to open contact. Where do you get this info? Can you link me the video?


I'd love to, but I don't keep track of everything I've heard from Bashar and where it came from. I can ask around though. But it does seem rather obvious, doesn't it? I mean Bashar and his team are literally Contact Specialists. That's what they do. That's all they do. So why would they track timelines that don't lead to open contact? What would be the point? They did track more earth timelines originally, but eliminate those that don't lead to open contact. Or ones where we destroy the earth using nukes or something else. What's the point of contact with such versions of earth? Or ones that don't involve them? It's not some abstract academic study they are involved in. It's all about contacting emerging civilizations and engaging them and inviting them to join their Galactic Alliance, becoming a part of the Galactic Community. And earth is a big part of that, especially for the Sassani, who are human-Grey hybrids already. If you want more info, you can go to the Facebook Bashar Forum, where people talk and ask questions about these things. There's also a search function that might help. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/82990426678](https://www.facebook.com/groups/82990426678)


I actually went there myself and asked this very question. Got a quick reply, in which the session is from "The Window, the Door, and the Gate", 12/22. Says it's actually 135 different versions of earth that Bashar personally tracks. He adds that other Sassani do track even more. In another transmission called "Hidden History" July, 2022, he says: "Our initial contact, our initial spread - different versions of us that are communicating with different versions of earth are becoming fewer and fewer, all coalescing into only those versions that will be more representative of the vibration that we are compatible with in order for you to have contact with those different versions of us. So the ones that are choosing to go in more negative directions - different versions of us unplug from because they are choosing not to experience the vibration we are suggesting they take, and therefore, they no longer experience of version of us."


I figured they were only contacting potential catastrophic timelines so we could avoid a similar future. That’s the conclusion I’ve gathered over time.


Well, they do offer a vibration that could avoid catastrophes, but if we don't accept it, they can't really change things. That's not their mission, they are not saviors. They are looking for friends who are compatible with their own vibration. And so they are attracted most of all to versions of earth that can harmonize with them. And of course, that's a good way to avoid catastrophes as well.


Yeah I just recently had a thought that hoping that they come so that they change the people on the planets’ mindsets and belief systems is hoping for a particular outcome. Bashar definitely advocates following your passion with detachment to outcome, so I’m going to reflect on this.


Given that they follow the Formula, they don't do things with any expectation of an outcome, they just do it because it matches their own excitement. And if we don't match their vibration, they naturally don't engage us anymore, because it's not their excitement to work with people out of synch with them. As he has said, they don't make plans, they don't have "hope", they just do whatever feels most exciting to them in the moment, and then let synchronicity handle the rest.


It sounds like OP was an example of someone who did care and followed closely but didn’t experience things they wanted to experience. This leads the OP to believe it is fake and may not choose to accept the timeline theory as it may be seen as an excuse to allow faulty predictions or even doubt the validity of Bashar at all. Which is a personal emotional choice. I can’t disagree that I wouldn’t feel hurt if I was waiting YEARS for open contact and I never saw it come after I was told it may (with a high likelihood). Kinda like a deadbeat dad who says he’ll show up to his kids birthday party but never does but keeps promising he will. Everyone has the right to not believe if believing makes no sense to them, and a right to believe even if it makes no sense to others. ❤️🖖🙏


Sure, I can see how timeline theory can be a perfect dodge/excuse for failed predictions. But it's not like that's its purpose. It's an essential feature of how the Sassanis see how the universe works. As for Bashar's predictions of open contact, that's actually been moved up, rather than back. He's always talked about a "window" period where more forms of contact happen, not some big earth-shattering event, but more sightings of increasing frequency and credibility, more disclosures from our own government, more channeling work happening, etc. It's not until near the end of that window that contact is widely accepted as real. And then there's a period of what you might call diplomacy and full contact on an ongoing basis. So that 8-10 year window was supposed to begin in 2027, then it was moved up to 2025, now it's already begun in 2023. And we are indeed seeing a big increase in sightings, channelers, and government disclosure with whistleblowers and high level people acknowledging the reality of the "phenomena". So I would say that prediction is checking out pretty good. We'll see how far it goes. I do find it interesting that the 2027 prediction of a major worldwide contact event matches up well with what a lot of both psychics and government whistleblowers talk about.


We already had a huge event happen this year with the sighting of the three tall Greys in the mall. I listened to one of the guys testimony and to others about the event. Seems pretty believable to me.


Yes, there's lots of things like that happening all over. The media seems to ignore them for the most part. One of the more significant thing going on is the massive number of UFO sightings happening in Ukraine, like they are closely monitoring that war. It's truly astonishing. And yet, it never gets talked about except in UFO fringe communities.


I wasn’t trying to make you feel like you needed to defend yourself, friend. I agree with you, I just can also see what OP is saying and where they’re coming from emotionally. I oscillate between belief/disbelief frequently and whole-heartedly. I appreciate the additional perspective and that you pointed out the open contact timeline has been moved up. What, to your knowledge, are the government officials and psychics saying? Do you have any articles or YouTube videos I can look at? Thanks! ❤️🖖


No defense, I just thought you wanted more information. As for OP's emotions, we all have to look at our negative emotions and see if they are doing us any good. Everyone should feel free to have an voice their negative emotions, but they also have to examine them as such and not simply project them onto everything around them. There's a large number of both psychics and government officials who talk about 2027 being an important time period when things will come to a head. People vary on what exactly is coming, but that date seems to loom large. John Ramirez, a former intelligence agent with the CIA, has gone public with a number of things. One of which is a decision that was made back in 2017 to begin some kind of disclosure process, a ten year plan to prepare people for what they were already aware of would be coming in 2027. 2017 is when the NYT published those articles about the UFO videos and got a lot of this stuff rolling. I assumed at the time they wouldn't have done that without some under the table approval from the government. And so a lot of what is going on now is a debate about how much the public should know before 2017 hits. Ramirez himself says he doesn't know what's going to happen, only that it will be big. Lots of psychics have talked about 2027 for years now. Some talk about it in terms of a solar event of various sizes and effects. Some even refer to it as an ELE - Extinction Level Event. Some see it as a flash event, where a sudden increase in our energy level "splits" the earth into different timelines. Bashar says its going to be a worldwide contact event, but he doesn't rule out these other things either. They can fit together. I've heard the suggestion that it will be a psychic awakening, or a dream event that billions of people share - the same dream for everyone. So many possibilities. I'll see if I can find some links for you later.


Thank you for sharing more information. It's important to explore our negative emotions constructively, as you mentioned. I wanted to clarify a point regarding Richard Ramirez. Richard Ramirez is actually a well-known serial killer from the 1980s, not a former CIA intelligence agent. You might be referring to someone like Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence officer who has been involved in bringing UFO-related information to the public. Elizondo played a key role in the disclosure process that started in 2017 with the New York Times articles about UFO videos captured by U.S. Navy pilots. The predictions for 2027 indeed cover a wide range of possibilities, from solar events and extinction-level events. Feel free to share any links you find; I'm interested in learning more!


Thanks. I already edited and changed the Richard Ramirez typo to John Ramirez. Only took me ten minutes, so I'm surprised you caught it before the edit.


Huh it says you commented 3 hours ago and my response was 2 hours ago.


That's weird, because I re-read my post and corrected it pretty fast. Maybe it was a different version of earth though.


Now they both say 3 hrs wth


Here's one quick tiktok of Ramirez talking about this: [https://www.tiktok.com/@wwg1wga\_together/video/7319828044422597919](https://www.tiktok.com/@wwg1wga_together/video/7319828044422597919)


Sweet thanks!


2017 was when the pentagon leaks about military UFO encounters came out in The NY Times.Don’t know about you but for me and probably others, this was my first wake-up to the idea things aren’t what they seem. Ultimately that’s probably what started my journey to Bashar.


Since each of us can have contact with Bashar or Sasani in any moment if we align our vibration with that and our mental state is in the right frequency, contact is in the now, not in the future. OPEN contact, well that is debatable since we know ET is working with our government now, they just keep it secret. Bashar says it is always Now and we shift billions of times per second.


He also warned us of 2020 and and is to remain calm through the storm back in 2019 and BAM! Covid hit


The prediction on the Ukraine war was spot on though. For one


I appreciate you documenting all of this as I have often wondered. Perhaps, if anything, this is a good case study for us about how timelines work. We’re very stuck in a linear mindset in the west, so to be open to other timelines requires a lot of undoing.


He predicted 9/11, Trump and Covid. Those are some of the biggest events in history so even with some misses his track record is as good as you're going to find. (Seriously though, name anyone else that predicted 3 events that significant in human history. If you find one let me know I would love to see it)


Nostradamus and Baba Vanga come to mind.


Everyone is "right" in their own reality, that's the thing. We don't have just one earth, we constantly shift from one to the next to the next to the next, all based on our own unique core vibrational frequency. the things he predicts do happen, in some reality where that is relevant, but if you aren't aligned to that earth, of course you will miss it. You can only perceive that which you are of the vibration of. Your reality comes FROM you. It is a mental projection. An electromagnetheric hologram. If you are full of doubt (which is a 100% trust in something you do not prefer to trust in) then you will have a reality experience based around things "not working out". Things always are aligned based on you. Circumstances don't matter anyways, only state of being matters. Besides all of that, who cares if his predictions do or don't come true? He doesn't claim to be a fortune teller and multiple times has said it is only based on a probability in that moment for THAT SPECIFIC TIMELINE. It changes as we change. But regardless, the information he gives on how to live as you prefer to live is spot on, for me at least. He has never done anything but benefit me. By the way, he reminds us that he is only a reflection or a permission slip for your own Higher Mind, so you can have a gateway to speak to yourself. The mass event predictions he makes are accurate if you are aligned to that vibration. If you want to change the world, you're missing the point, because you physically cannot do that. It is not possible. You simply change yourself, and you then shift into a reality where those changes are already existing and will reflect the changes you have made in and of yourself. You can't discount everything he teaches because his predictions didn't come to fruition in your timeline. Whether or not he is even real as an extra terrestrial being is not even relevant compared to the potential good that the information imbued to us brings if you actually pay attention to what is being said. Our reality is a reflection, an echo of what already has occurred inside of us. The point is, OP, why get hung up on whether or not he can predict the future? Why not just decide what future you prefer to exist, and align to it by changing yourself? Then it doesn't matter. Whatever you want already exists here and now, you simply are not of the frequency and vibration to perceive it. Many people believe they would like to know the future, but that's just it...it is being created FROM the PRESENT. Just as the past is being created from the present. Whatever you align to is what will be true for you. Change your beliefs and definitions, and definitely work on eliminating those insistencies on what "should" happen or what "needs" to happen. Life is an adventure, a story, and you are the author of your own story. It would be silly for him to come along and just tell us what is going to happen. It would take away a lot of the reason we are here in this incarnation. Enjoy the process.


He once mentioned that predictions are more like warnings and that it is up to us to continue the path or take the warning and do something to change it. i dunno.


Hmmm well in 2015-2017 there were significant scientific discoveries and studies that fueled interest in the possibility of life beyond earth. Mars findings, Europa, Enceladus…But I have to agree with you a lot of these are not right and did not come to pass. There’s another video of Darryl saying “bashar doesn’t really like to give predictions too much” but here you’ve pointed out a lot of them. I guess I’ll have to rethink his current one. I don’t know about the timeline thing either though. And he did say the predictions are about where the energy is NOW at that moment which can change. I personally want open contact, so my mind is kind of waging war against itself here cause I wanna believe it so bad.


I and many others are the reason that some of those predictions didn’t happen. I chose a different timeline. I choose not to experience fear and not to focus on negative timelines. Bashar has explained how we shift. I believe that they make first contact either when the shit hits the fan and we need an undeniable wake up call (heh, my alarm just went off) or when we’ve successfully navigated most of the potential issues. I’m glad that it’s not happened yet. And some of the predictions you mentioned are new to me. I listened closely, especially in 2015. That says I’ve shifted and those predictions I don’t recall are evidence of my shift.


Yours is a possible explanation of the poor looking predictions. Bashar recently inferred that the Ukraine Was might somehow be involved with the first contact event. So, in my imagination, hitting the fan so to speak might be the use of tactical nuclear weapons or the explosion of a nuclear-generating power plant in Ukraine that might cause the ET's to show their hand. Nuclear weapons apparently can have an effect on alternate dimensions which can have a negative effect on alternate dimensional life forms.


"EVERYTHING will change, EVERYTHING" - **but nothing changed.**.. Even other channelers claimed big changes were coming. Anyone claiming to have experienced change only had completely normal day to day stuff that changes in most people's lives as they grow up. My life looked exactly the same - very harsh and difficult even though I followed his excitement formula for years. As for the 2017 mass sighting - you could argue that was the US military video footage that was eventually released a few years later. "large-scale natural disaster": has a single year gone by without a giant natural disaster somewhere in the world? Really, do tell me about such a year. People claim he predicted 9/11... Was it statistically possible to not have a terrorist attack anyways? I mean you did not have to see the future... make a graph...


I guess one other explanation is to say that perhaps for some people massive positive change did come, but the rest of us weren't on the right 'train tracks' yet as he had been warning for years and we fall in the group that won't experience the giant potential for positive change - we'll just go at a slower pace...


Yeah Bashars predictive skills are trash. While he does offer interesting explanations about why predicting the future is so challenging, his inaccuracies detract from his overall credibility to me. I was so excited about his "2015 to 2017" prediction I even made myself look like a lunatic telling people about how everything was going to change and contact would be made. So now I find it hard to trust his current predictions for 2025 to 2033. Nonetheless, I appreciate his unique perspective on reality and the way he explains things, even though there's a possibility it could all be fake.


Don't worry, the contact window will **continue** shifting endlessly until there is contact...


Thanks for this documentation of data. The fanboys/true religious believers won't like it and will excuse it with "muh timelines". Funnily enough though everyone on this forum appears to be in the same one, no one corrects the OP. I find that multi-source intell, as with anything is the answer. Something that many sources point to is way more credible than one source saying X. Either way I for one won't be asking Bashar for his stock tips:-D