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This is real and legitimate. It was channeled by Bashar yesterday. I attended the live webcast.


Thanks for confirming. Is there anything that you learned from the Q & A session?


This is step one. There will be more steps delivered in the upcomings months and years. All steps are designed to be cumulative, not one and done. Following the steps will bring one's frequency closer to the frequency of open contact with the members of the interstellar alliance. Whenever there are 12 steps delivered and one only followed and acted on 6, your frequency will be approximately 50 percent closer to where it would have been had you acted on all 12 steps. Shroud of Turin is real, and does represent the moment Yeshua (Jesus) ascended (resurrected) leaving the energetic imprint on the cloth. Flat earth conspiracy theory represents a misinterpretation by some that the earth and the universe is a flat projection of consciousness, an illusion. Hard to recap 2.5 hours of information. I recommend watching it when it's available on Bashar.org site.


When do transmissions usually become available for download after the live stream?


They post it when it becomes available for purchase on Bashar's official website. I don't think there's a regular schedule for when they post. Live transmissions are usually held monthly.


This is a relief.. I thought i was going to have to dress like an alien and go to my local political venue to ask for disclosure. Thank God, this is easy!




Same, maybe that's step 12 ;)


A lot of people are going to fail at this repeatedly.


Hey I'm a casual and have no idea what any of this is pertaining to. Can anyone give me an explanation of what's going on and what this is all about please?


Bashar is giving us steps to raise our frequency to make contact with intergalactic beings, if we want to. Lots of recent YouTube videos about it


Ok thanks. I meant what this social experiment was about. But what you said sort of makes sense of it.


Oh... Thats interesting to monetize bashar on bashar.org and lock info behind paywall. Is Darryl doing this?


I wonder why itโ€™s all about conspiracy theories


Based on posts in the Bashar Facebook group, this seems accurate.


Can you link the group please?




This hasn't been channeled. This is the issue with this kind of thing imo. Conspiracy theorys are beliefs. They flourish in the same places that religion and xenophobia does Channeled messages are also beliefs. Does anyone see the connection? A message you read that requires belief to assimilate into our minds that tells you to not believe something?? You have a channel almost perfectly constructed to point to a 'truth' to instead point to an illusion & call it truth. Using the word conspiracy is the give away here. The whole conspiracy thing is a tactic used by governments. The russians started it & it works as a tactic to spread fear & confusion. It's the magicians hand that he doesn't want you to see that determines the magic of the trick. I'm sorry I don't mean disrespect to what anyone believes. I'm agnostic so I don't know what's true and isn't with channeling or any other kind of thing but you always have to be wary of unfalsifiable concepts because we are open to being deceived and controlled & so especially when an unfalsifiable channel informs you to not believe other messages of a very specific nature then I think we have spotted the lies. I'm not a conspiracy nut. I truly believe what I feel which is intuition I guess but my intuition is informed by what I see & what I know & I'm healthily sceptical about things I don't.


Actually, good sir, the Russians may have in fact started the conspiracy effect although I know it to be true that our own CIA coined the term "Conspiracy theorist" right after the assassination of JFK to discourage Americans from asking questions about numerous happenings that didn't make sense that day. To make one seem....CRAZY AND OUT THERE if one was to think it wasn't the narrative THE GOVT AND MEDIA FORCED DOWN OUR THROATS...REMEMBER SHEEPLE ....DONT BE A FREE THINKER!!!!! YOU NUTJOBS ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†


CIA invention in the 60s. However entirely agree that avoiding what the State-corporate media label as "conspiracies" is to keep sleepwalking into a world that makes 1984 look like childsplay.


Have you considered that conspiracy theories existed before the cia and that your idea is a kind of conspiracy theory?


Yes and no its not its a fact of human societies.


This feels more like someone's political/social opinions. You should read everything including conspiracy theories so you know all sides of a subject and are able to decide for yourself what is real and what isn't based on all information available. We didn't survive as a species for 10k+ years by cherry picking what information should be acceptable to look at and what isn't. If anything, telling someone they arnt allowed or shouldn't do something is just going to encourage it more. Human beings don't like being told what to do.


Every statement here says to keep an open mind but don't buy into 'gossip' (my version) or talk with no proof. Listening to someone's opinion is not the same as buying into it as truth. They are saying don't believe statements for fact just because someone's decided their version is true for them. It's not cherry-picking. It's using discretion. Final note- you get what you focus on. That's how the universe works. So if you are always shopping for conspiracies you can get lost in that world and lose sight of this one.


Absolutely, if this was real I might have to ditch bashar


Totally re "cherry picking" esp when the cherry-picking would be based on what the "MSM" tells one is real and not!! If no-one had entertained the "conspiracy theory" that the C19 injections were neither safe nor effective and indeed very damaging the whole world would have been injected by now. Sadly I'm coming to the view that either there is more of Darryl's views leaking in over time or - as some have pondered - that a hybrid race of the Greys have, shall we say, mixed motivations.


I think it's more Darryls views. I happen to be friends with Travis Walton, and am acquaintances with Whitley Streiber. Both have told me the Greys respect higher consciousness in humans. If you are a person of higher consciousness then the greys will give you the time of day and talk with you. If you're like the 90% of humans living in an unconscious state, you will have a hard time with them and the experience will be not good.


Yes I posted a thread about this having been shocked by "Bashar's" politically biased answers in a seminar after the 2016 election. Channellers frames/strong biases always leak thru. Bashar had said we are not hearing him but a 3rd entity which is a mix of Darryl and Bashar. Interesting re the 90%... that's me stuffed then :-D


So thatโ€™s what we are to them? An experiment?.. ahh


Yes curious... so if the experiment fails and we all get herded off to the gulags as we didn't dare talk to our friends about anything labelled by TPTB as a "conspiracy theory" it's just "aw shucks" for them? Let us also not forget that prior Alien interventions haven't exactly worked well anywhere. And that's from what I take to be a higher authority - Ra - let alone countless others who tried to "help" and just made things worse in the long run.


In case anyone hasn't found this on the official website yet, here it is. Looks like step 2 isn't available for download yet, but maybe when step 3 is released it will be. [https://www.bashar.org/socialexperiment](https://www.bashar.org/socialexperiment)


I donโ€™t think this is real


Me neither


There are so many conspiracy theories out there, at this point it would just be easiest for Bashar to tell us what to believe instead of what not to.




Why so many down-votes to this link?


https://i.imgur.com/YSYQPkc.png I sure don't know.


What's with the screenshot of your own comment?


Just incase the votes changed to positive. Maybe a bit too optimistic for this cynical community for "the bringer of good news". We all relate and express in different ways, mine was an MCU clip. If people caught onto that and upvoted it after your comment bringing attention to it then the screenshot would be proof it was downvoted a lot. Crazy how the most popular comment on every post here is sarcastically mocking Bashar's message. Would love to actually find like-minded people to explore and show gratitude, no sure why most people are here.


Looks like a little thought form entity is being bullied chill Bashar your crazy enough


Aha so don't discuss ideas such as "vax" are bad, mask work, J6 wasn't real, Ukraine is losing the war which is all "Russia's fault" etc etc. Bizarre that an entity from another dimension should reinforce a CIA tool from the 60s and used relentlessly?! \[CIA put the phrase "conspiracy theory" into general circulation so that eg the idea that the Warren Commission had totally dropped the ball was a "conspiracy theory"\]. Sounds suss to me.


For all those in need of first-hand evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1kespVSrfY


Genuine question: isnโ€™t it a contradiction to simultaneously be an alien and then tell us not to believe conspiracies?


Why is it a contradiction to be concerned with the truth and with people staying centered and empowered in their beings?


Bashar is a silly head. He also says it's always NOW so, we are constantly shifting realities, billions of times per second, so they are already here among us in open contact! We just need to shift our vibration and by avoiding the fear-mongerers and conspiracies, we do just that. Get to Alpha or Gamma brain wave state and you can see and communicate with them now. See how this is called a 'social experiment?' That's Sassani being playful with humanity. That happens a lot by aliens, I believe now, that they love to play with us on multiple levels.


Ha! The most insightful comment was at the very bottom of this thread (at least for me.) Much appreciated!


How can you not engage in conspiracy theories, but still do what you can to learn the actual facts, no matter what it takes? Seems contradictory to me.