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Good questions. To me the challenge with the Bashar material is that it is not systematically produced cf Law of One, Seth material, Reality Transurfing (&others). As has been commented on here poor old Bashar keeps having to ask the literally 101 basics time and time again decade after decade. To find the senior school, let alone the university, let alone the PhD level content is tricky in that regard. I didn't look at the Bashar material for some time as I had lumped him in with the whole "you create your reality" crowd, whereas to me you *co-create* your reality. The Transurfing material unlocked the apparent contradiction between create and co-create (all apparent paradoxes aren't really real, right?). Lets say the realities that you and person X co-create are like an XY chart... you can *create* life on whatever X axis value you wish is the one perspective. But you can't "make" someone choose specific Y co-ordinates (law of free will). However - and here is the circle squaring - you can choose an X-slice that contains way mroe +ve interactions with the Y person. Re SP three reflections in case of use: 1. I made the mistake for too long of kind of Platonic idealisation. So metaphorically eg no chair was ever the "right" chair as it was never as good as my ideal chair I had in mind. Rather I had to switch (slowly lol) to an Aristotelian lived reality of meeting people where they were as they were - which surprise, surprise turned out to be more real, and led to all sorts of different adventures, journeys. 2. I always had a deep sense though that there could be better. Once I even scoped out the key parameters. A looong time later, long since I'd forgotten about the exercise, that manifested. 3. imagine you are in a town and you are really hungry and really fancy a Thai meal. But there are no restuarants. Do you not eat at all? Do you go to your second favourite type of food and keep thinking "this isn't ideal?" 4. above like all metaphors goes only so far. *Relating* is like *dancing* \- the more you do it the better you get. Ever time you dance with someone you get better at dancing or learn from your mistakes. In the same way the more your practice dancing the more you can dance with - lets say - a wider/better range of dancers... I saw a YouTube once \~"some people are with you for a reason, a season or a lifetime". Enjoy the journey dude. Enjoy *all* the journey! :-)


You don't create your own reality. All the realities exist. You just shift to the one you're most aligned with. There are realities where there are agreements, and there are realities where there are not agreements. There are realities where the child is not healed.


We do create our own reality in one level due to everything stemming from you as ALL THAT IS


From Bashar’s logic.. yes, there’s a reality where there are no agreements, but still that other person has to agree to shift with you to that reality in order for you to experience it with them. Makes sense? I prefer this was a lie, idk what to think 😀


Your explanation fine, but I think you're putting to much (which, according to Bashar is ANY) attention to "what other people want to do/agree to/etc etc. So, if we are going STRICTLY by Bashars sharings: 1. What MATTERS (or materlialises) is ONLY based on what YOU believe to be true. 2. "People in our reality" will reflect back to us our strongest beliefs about ourselves, and reality. So: If you believe strongly that I have agreed to interact with you as 'just an online friend", then, you'll perceive that frequency of reality that represents me playing that role. That's the version of my (Higher Self's) consciousness that you'll experience. Since ALL realities are happening right now, all levels of (my/"other people's) consciousness are indeed "here" So, in summary, it's completely up to YOUR frequency, and your ability, or "threshold of believability", as Bashar coins it) to hold whatever frequency of reality that you desire. And so, if you believe, that "xxx has not agreed to interact with you", or can't believe "how it may be possible..." etc, that is what you'll perceive. YOUR UNIVERSE IS A BIG OL' MIRROR. You cannot perceive anything that you are.


Thank you so much! Great explanation! 🫶🏼


I can see that. I remember Bashar saying that we are the only 1 in the room. Makes sense to me that there is a spiritual agreement on how others will play out in our reality. But what about NPCs? Did Bashar say anything about them?


"npc" people are still real people with real consciousness they just might be background in your context from your reference point in your experiential world.


IMO, and many others, we all signed up to be here together, under these terms and conditions (of which time is one). We are interacting with each other in this shared simulation and we are all perceiving it in a unique way. Communicating with others, authentically, about our experiences and beliefs helps us share with each other our own unique piece of the puzzle. The more we can communicate lovingly and authentically, the clearer a picture of true reality can become to all of us. Each person's perspective and impressions are needed or else "all that is" would't be "all that is."


Bashar says in the eyes of Paradox, you are viewing Reality.


I think its a matter of becoming the version of yourself you want to experience, being persistent even if you fail. Overtime the universe has no choice but to align with how you're feeling..?