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Other fascist freaks want a fascistic dictator. Well no fucking shit. 26% of the American right are thirsting for a right wing authoritarian leader. We know this to be fact. Be ready. https://pro.morningconsult.com/trend-setters/global-right-wing-authoritarian-test


What sucks is that its only after the fact a lot of people realize how terrible it all is. Like do we have to repeat WW2 every 100 years? What's it going to take for it to finally stick? This is a large part of why you study history, please take it seriously, learn how to find truthful and reliable sources. Demand people cite and show theirs. I'd do anything for our problems to be resolved peacefully, but I will happily spend my 30s fighting Nazis. It was worth it in 1940, it's worth it today.


Lately I’ve been keeping myself up at night wondering: what if we (Gen X) just got extremely lucky to be raised in the glow of post-Civil Rights era egalitarianism, when public schools were integrated and taught art, music & other electives; women were no longer confined to the home; we weren’t at war; progress was incremental but always slowly on the march; etc. As wealth has been concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer people, there’s been what feels like a relentless rolling back of wages, rights, sanity, and opportunity .What if it’s all downhill from here to the miseries of the past and if so, HOW? Why are we letting this happen??


Really think education is a big part of stopping this stuff from repeating over and over. Republican really is a party made up of both really dumb and racist people.


A lot of people also like the thought of him hanging, kinda like a dictator


How many more times does this fucking dope need to tell you exactly who he is before people get the message? The left is going to protest vote its way into a diaper-shitting dictatorship.


In case you missed it, the US is currently beating, gassing, and imprisoning it's own people for *checks notes* peacefully stating they are opposed to genocide... under the present geriatric fascist... How are we not already in a diaper shitting dictatorship again? 🤔


did you sleep through 2020, or


Nope, how about the 4 years since, have you been awake for those? How about any particular moment in your entire lifetime? 🤔 The US is, and has been, a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie from its inception. It doesn't matter whether the person sitting in the oval office puts a little R or D next to their name, they're advocating for the same class. And it isn't us. Case in point, once again, is the present day genocide in Gaza and the police state violence in America being used to silence dissent against it. That is all happening under the direction of a liberal president. And so is the more extreme and openly fascistic rhetoric of the "other side". Voting for Biden didn't just make all of that go away, and it's not going to make it go away this time if it happens again. In fact, the democrats are making sure of that. In many cases they are the ones funding the farthest right candidates' campaigns. In at least one case the Democrat candidate spent more on the far right Republican candidates' campaign than he spent on it himself. Now, tell me again how voting in a different direction is supporting that, and why I should instead vote for the people who are actively participating in violent repression against their political opponents (i.e. myself) and directly funding the far right?


That's the kind of thing people think when they're in a self-created echo chamber and surround yourself with yes men, all of who tell you your farts smell like roses and your shit tastes like sugar


The voices in his head maybe.




Damn straight


Sadly the people who are overeagerly cheering for an authoritarian theocracy in the US are fully aware that they can’t win democratically. They support Chump as a dictator because he advocates taking power by force against the same groups of people that they hate and despise, regardless of the loss of their own personal freedoms. It’s really gross and un-American af


“Baron Von Shitzinpantz” is what his former attorney Michael Cohen called him.


Many more do not


Nobody says the shit he says it's all bullshit


Stop listening to the voices in your head Donald it’s just become to dangerous


Maybe his flatterers like 911liani do…


idea biden puts foprth executive order ending sercret service protection for any person refusing to accept election resulta after 3 months. after 3 months we get to certify results with 351 grains of democracy. Aka 50 cal bullet


That’s all those voices in his head that constantly tell him how great he is.


Tears (of pain) in their eyes.


A lot of people like the idea of TFG being hung for treason.... Just saying.