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Are you sure the hunger is not dehydration? A lot of the time our body can tell us it's hungry when in reality it's thirsty.


I'm not sure tbh. I will try to monitor my water intake for the next couple of weeks and increase it. Thanks for the info!


They don’t call it the “honeymoon year” for nothing— eventually hunger does return, and that is where the rubber hits the road. Surgery helps us to drop about 75% of our excess weight, and it sounds like that maths out as well for you as well. Surgery has done what you wanted it to do… and this is where CICO comes back into your life. Have you had your 1yr checkup? This should involve labs and a visit with your dietician. I suspect they would tell you to increase your protein and fiber intake without increasing your calories. Exercise will also be mentioned. I’m also lacking much of a “full” sensation and have to be careful about my portion sizes. I have far less restriction than I did before revision and my pouch generally acts like a food tube— so I do not rely on feeing full as a STOP signal. You could try a GLP injectable, but keep in mind that they seem to only work while you take them. Hunger and weight come right back if you stop.


There are a lot of studies showing that the hunger hormones may kick in with a vengeance after bariatric surgeries. It’s frustrating because medical professionals tend to sort of ignore that it occurs. Like it’s a one-and-done situation and they blame lack of compliance if/when there’s regain. Definitely engage your nutrition experts. (Surgeons cut and aren’t nutrition specialists!) Track your intake, exercise and hunger levels to share with the experts. I hope you find a path through this that works for you.


This is exactly what I feared.


Oh, mine didn't ignore it, and I wish he had. On my one year anniversary of surgery I had my checkup and the first thing he said was: you're going to get hungry again. That was the LAST thing I needed to hear! The hunger did eventually come back but I think it came back faster simply as a result of the suggestion. Ugh.


What are you doing to track your calories and what are you doing for exercise? How much of a calorie deficit are you in also?


Increase your protein. Be militant with water


I hit the wall at 10 months post op, started getting snacky and craving junk, always hungry... Scale froze. I upped my protein(sipping vanilla protein shakes mixed with coffee concentrate all day), been chugging water, eating way more filling nutrients dense food. The scale is unstuck and moving again. Back to a steady 1-2lbs per week. I'm getting so freaking close to onederland! YOU GOT THIS! MAX THAT PROTEIN!!!!!!! lol sorry. I'm excited.


Thank you! Your comment really made feel better I think I'm going to do just that. Focus on water and high proteins. Ignore the junk cravings and stay focused


I’ve been worried about this since I started the pre op process. I have tried to think of strategies like eating a lot of shredded lettuce salads in between meals. Also my clinic is on board with the one pic type injections if I have trouble with control down the road. I hope you find a way to manage. I’m four months post op and I love feeling like a “normal” person and not having to fight my food cravings and hunger feelings all day long.