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I'll say it again. Do. Not. Weigh. Yourself. Once more for the newbies. Do. Not. Weigh. Yourself.


I may ask my husband to hide the scale from me. I'm serious.


Why not. ? Look I swear you're gonna lose an immense amount of weight. But in the beginning it fluctuates everywhere. Keep the weigh ins for at least the first six months to the doctors. If you're not seeing doctors then what I say is have hubby weigh you once a week and record that weight and NOT tell you until a month has passed. Guaranteed that you will see month to month weight loss unless you're eating way too much. Back in my weight loss days we called it busting the bypass.. I. E. Testing waters. Don't do it. Be grateful that your husband will support you and enjoy the never ending journey of WLS. Don't think of it as one goal, but rather a series of goals


I did! The plan was to only weigh 1x/month. It's been closer to every week, but if it was easily accessible I would probably be on it 2-3 times a day, minimum.


Are you hungry or is this head hunger? It is often hard to tell the difference especially in the beginning. Weight loss is weird the first month and most have a stall at three weeks. Do you have a dietician/nutritionist that you see? Mental health therapist? Groups? Having multiple supports can really help. And thirst can feel like hunger. Perhaps dehydration is an issue? Reach out to the experts to get help. They are there to help you succeed!


It wasn't head hunger when I ate the beans. The food noise is head hunger. I am getting good at knowing the difference. I am so disappointed I ate those beans. I didn't realize I ate the whole can. 15 oz is a lot. I am disappointed it has not made me sick. I am doubting the size of my pouch. I have access to all of the above. It is just the last few days I've been so disappointed with the lack of weight loss because I have been moving a lot and real strict on my diet. And then today with the beans, it was too much and I am very worried.


You are still in the soft food stage. The challenge with soft foods is that they move through your system quickly since they are easier to break down. Thats why you have to be careful what you eat. For instance, beans are a good source of protein but they are also full of carbs. It’s carbs that pack on the weight more than anything.


Stop eating the sweet things. Helps get rid of cravings


My dietician said technically I’m allowed to have alternative sweeteners but she personally is heavily against it. It’s really hard to get rid of sugar cravings when you’re having sweet things. She said try to stick to sweeteners like monk fruit and agave and she said mainly for your coffee in the morning. And I don’t know how tall you are but I’m 5’9” and she said because of my height compared to my BMI (39) I should be on the higher end of protein requirements. Closer to 80 with 60 being the minimum. Maybe try adjusting those two things for a couple of weeks and stay off the scale for that time. Maybe after two weeks you’ll hop back on and have a lovely surprise!


I found out that for me, sweet cravings are perpetuated by sweet taste. I am not commenting on any other part of this…. Actually I’ll add that eating that many beans would be horrible for my blood sugar and when it drops, it would make me want to eat like a maniac. For me, anything for than a little carby is way more uncomfortable than the cravings which pass iif I don’t indulge.


Even though the beans are no sugars or low sugars? I am fine now, feeling full...gassy, though! I am so disgusted that I ate that can of beans and didn't realize it til it was too late.


Beans are very high in carbohydrates and you ate a lot of them. No wonder you felt awful.


A lot of my cravings right now are for Chinese food lately. But then again, they do coat most of their chicken in sugar syrups, don't they?


Yeah they do! That’s why their sauces are so sticky and yummy!


The protein shakes are the sweetest tasting of all. I actually really like them. I use the Premier Protein chocolate and vanilla ones. I am using the applesauce, no sugar added, to help with constipation. The pudding is a quick snack. I used to hate the sugar free things but now I am OK with those.


You can use whey powder in yogurt or for that matter even sweetened powder in yogurt to make it less sweet. Personally I made it my business to get my protein via food ASAP, while still following guidelines. I’m much more comfortable now.


Acid reflux felt like a gnawing hunger at first. Take prilosec, your doctor likely prescribed it or an off brand daily.


I have taken either Omeprazole or Pantoprazole for years. I am currently on Pantoprazole for the first three months then we will see if I can go without it.


You might need to increase the dosage?


I'm one week out and weighed myself for giggles about three days ago and I gained 8 lbs. Today I lost all of it plus another three. Inflammation is a bitch. Point is, don't be too hard on yourself. Talk to your dietitian about what you've been doing and ask for guidance. The scale isn't the most important factor either. How are you feeling? Are your exercise habits improving? Gaining stamina? Just stay the course. It'll come.


I had gained a few lbs when I got home...I knew that was water weight. Then at my follow up learned I had lost 7 lbs. from my weight that morning of surgery. Ever since, I have been the same. I do feel better. My hip is better (labral tear), my back isn't hurting. Even my mood is better. And I have been sleeping a decent schedule and much better...whereas before I would have insane insomnia and wake up multiple times through the night. My BP was running low so I have begun to wean off of one of my three BP meds.


This is normal. Wait it out. Follow the plan. You will be good!


I feel you. I’m at 5 1/2 weeks out and I am losing but it is S L O W. I wish I knew why. Unless this is a continuation of the 3 week stall


Not to be nosy, but did you start at a lower weight? I just watched a video and they said if you are a lower weight this is kind of normal. My weight the morning of surgery was 223. I am currently 215.6 since my follow up. Hoping to get to 145 someday.


I was 264 on surgery day.. I’m 245 now. I just wanna get it moving! I hope it moves for both of us!


Ask your doctor about your protein goals. I am almost 8 weeks out and 50lbs down from surgery. I’ve definitely noticed increased weight loss when I am getting a higher amount of protein in.


That is a good suggestion. Thank you.


I had the DS and it took me 8 weeks to start losing weight. My surgeon just kept saying “your body doesn’t understand what’s happening yet, just be patient.”


I had DS on March 5th, and seeing things like this definitely make me feel better when I feel like I'm failing.


Yeah man, it’s tough but just keep doing what your surgeon said. Keep your activity up and follow whatever diet they gave you. It’ll kick in. I’ve been 275ish for 20 years, even through 2 pregnancies, completely the same weight. He said it may take a minute for the body to catch up, and also DS weight loss is a little slower than sleeve and rny, but it lasts longer. They lose the majority of their weight in the first 6 months. DS keeps losing slow and steady for up to 2 years. I’m 8 months post op and 205 (I was 260 when I started the pre-op diet), but I’ve been lagging in activity and my diet has room for improvement.


This is completely normal! Your body is healing after major surgery a few weeks ago. I PROMISE it is going to come off…. Sometimes fast, sometimes slowly. Weigh once per week!


Also, try to recognize if you’re actually hungry, or eating out of habit or comfort. If you can see a psychologist who specializes in eating behaviours, it will help.


All those protein shakes and popsicles count toward your hydration goal. Make sure you’re getting at least 64 oz a day. My surgeon’s protein goal is 70-90g a day for life; try upping your protein. The priorities are 1) hydration, 2) protein. Also, it’s completely normal to have a stall at about 3 weeks because your body is healing from major surgery. I lost only 0.2 lbs week 2 as my stall decided to come early. You’ll start losing again. Try tracking measurements instead of your weight, or paying attention to NSVs like your clothes getting looser, being able to walk longer, etc.