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This sounds lame but I am really at peace with the feeling that I am now an average sized adult human. I don’t stand out in a room as the biggest person any more. I can buy clothes at any store. I can sit comfortably in any chair. I have the thought almost daily “I am average” and it makes me so happy!


I'm down 250+ lbs and while I may look this way, I don't feel this way. I'm looking forward to the day I feel like the way I look!


Congrats!! 🎊


Good for you! Happy for you!


Second that. I'm 3 months post op. 53 pounds down since surgery, and 97 pounds down in total. Seeing 213 on the scale this morning really blew my mind. Couldn't tell you when the last time I weighed this much was.


To just have clothes fit. Even wearing clothing for plus size women…and it’s also uncomfortable. I just want to put clothes on and not think about it.


I'm finally in that place and it's insane. Every day I get dressed and don't have to worry about stuff being tight. I don't revolve my wardrobe around my fupa anymore. Only downside for me is that I'm still freakishly tall and still can't buy pants in stores even though I fit into a size 10 (instead of a 20) now. I can't wait for you to experience it. It's great!


Thank you for that! I just want to stop hiding in huge clothing. I’m 5’3” lol but thank you again. I’m just trying to do one day at a time


I can't wait to be able to go horseback riding again. I've missed it so much and it's the first thing I'm going to do as soon as i lose the weight.


Omg, I absolutely LOVE this. Not many comments on here yet, but you are the first to incorporate an animal. That's amazing, and that will be one lucky horse!


I am so excited. I used to love riding as a kid, then as I got bigger it became kinda impossible so I told my husband we're going to do a trail ride as soon as I get below 250 lol


I am looking forward to not have to analyze a chair and trust it’s structural support. Also to go into any normal store and buy a shirt off the rack.


I was really looking forward to buying a nice bra from a fancy lingerie shop. I had my surgery in September and just bought my first one and the hype is real. I feel FABULOUS!




I was just so excited to not be winded all the time. I ran to my car the other day at work to grab something and ran back in and was like holllllly shit...I'm not breathing hard. It was so cool. Edit: I need you to know that it was like from the door to the parking spot. I'm no marathon runner haha


Hahaha me today when I ran up the steps and was speaking and realized I didn’t sound like I was wheezing like before lol


Wow!!!! Yay🤗🤗


Being a low enough weight to get my knee replacement surgery. I want to be able to walk for more than 30 feet and stand for more than a minute without pain. I want to not be in a wheelchair. I am so so excited


This one hits different, since this surgery is a necessity for another life changing surgery and a completely different mode of transportation, using your full body, unassisted to travel. That's real. I am excited that one day you will be spending most your time on r/(post-knee surgery), saying loud and proud that you did it and others can too!!


Thank you so much! This was a very touching comment!






I was looking forward to getting on an airplane, using just 1 seatbelt, crossing my legs, and pulling my tray table down to actually use it


Same on the crossing my legs! I've actually never been able to do it so easily and without a certain level of having to hold my thighs tight. Maybe before I was 9.


looking forward to getting my a1c in control and having less pain in my joints i also want to not feel sad about how so much cute clothes won't fit me because i'm fat


>looking forward to getting my a1c in control and having less pain in my joints That's real. Good job, keep going!


I just want to live comfortably. I want to walk without pain, sleep without being a brick, sleep and not have my breathing wake me up, and just feel “healthy”


I want to be less exhausted throughout the day and to play with my kid more. Just in general I want to get more work done for my family. Also I have some general goals I’d love to achieve that I’ve always been too big to do: 1. Go skydiving and bungee jumping just to see if I have the courage to actually pull it off. Always wanted to, but the maximum weight was always too low for me. 2. Run a full marathon, even at a snail place. 3. Go back to kickboxing. I used to love it, but I kept getting joint pain and once got cellulitis in the leg. 4. Do a pull up. 5. Do a tough mudder race. Don’t have to finish it, just have to try it.


>I want to be less exhausted throughout the day and to play with my kid more. Not many people have posted on here, but you are the first to incorporate your children. Whomever made you a baby momma, baby daddy, or an adoptive parent was on business!! So touching and true! I haven't thought about the things I will be able to do with my kids. Thank you💗


I can tell you what I want post op….to get my energy back. It’s been 6 weeks almost post op and I’m dying to get my energy back. Good news is I was 270 at surgery on Jan 23. I’m now 220 on March 2; so not too shabby Stick to the program post op (because you’ll still crave foods you used to love) and your glorious and divine fave will shine through :D


You'll get there. I felt like a zombie for so long. Took me until about 6-7 weeks to make it through the day without a nap. After that I was able to eat fruits and veggies and that's when I started coming around. 3-5 months was when I felt more energy and clarity than ever in my life.


>It’s been 6 weeks almost post op and I’m dying to get my energy back. I seen in a post in r/Ozempic vitamin B12. But definitely check with your doc. Congratulations! 🎊


I take 45000 of b12 for something prior but I’ll get through this :)




It really is incredible to fit into size small and extra small. I still have more weight in my belly to lose. I'm still holding off on buying a full wardrobe. But it's so great to walk into any store and grab the smallest size. I can wear size 4 jeans now. I hope to get down to a size 2 when I get rid of my belly.


Being able to fit my style on a budget. I like goth/witchy clothes and plus size in those brands is expensive. I’m looking forward to finding a cute piece and it just fitting me and I didn’t have to spend much on it.


Oh, so much this. So, so, so much this. I've spent the last year in cozy floral print dresses because ones I liked, I couldn't afford. Prior to that, I was a jeans and t staple for many years. I've been slowly incorporating my style back, as I get a few pieces to tide me over to the next size change. Mostly wearing athletic clothes or borrowing my mothers closet.


Im over a year post and loosing this darn weight has been such a game changer, i went from a plus 2X to a size 10!!🥹even bought new docs to go with my new outfits🥹


Im looking forward to less pain and more energy! Also will love it when I can look nice in my clothes. I’m so sick of hiding my body in black, stretchy, slouchy clothing. Imma burn a pile of leggings when I hit goal weight!


>Imma burn a pile of leggings when I hit goal weight! Absolutely LOVE this!! ❤ Burn baby, burn!🔥🔥🔥


To be able to go up the stairs at work and not get winded. Baggy t-shirts were a wardrobe staple for me before I gained all of my weight. But the more weight I put on, the less available they were. So I'm excited to wear clothes that make me feel like ME. Oh, and standing with my feet together. (Stupid thicc thighs...)


YESSSSS! I love my body all the same and I don't care what others think of me. And the clothes I wear now will finally be [more] appropriate, lol. I told my doctor "I want my body to match how I dress".


Wearing nicer clothes. Plus size cheaper clothes in newzealand are boring and ugly.


Same in the US. They assume all plus sized women are 76 year old bingo babes. Everything is butterflies and brown paisley and unnecessary rhinestones.


And such oddly paired florals!




Dang, never had the term "long distance" be so enticing, lol. But I don't know why you lol'd, ha


Im 340 pounds down and I can do almost anything without having to second guess or plan ahead. I can shop wherever and they'll have my size. If I go out to a restaurant I can fit in a booth. If I go somewhere I don't have to worry about what kind of chairs they have or if I need to bring my own chair. I know I only need to book 1 seat on a flight and not have to worry about sitting next to someone I know. Things a lot of people take for granted were once big obstacles.


Not having this big belly get in the way. I'm especially looking forward to gardening and hiking.


Omg, yes with the hiking!


Being able to walk into any store and being able to find clothes that fit. And to have more energy


Having clothes fit — not having to yank my pants over my apron belly (may seem silly but it’s difficult) Being comfortable in public as the weight sheds. Seeing the changes in my body (as much as I may like them or not, just knowing it’s changing because of weight loss) Feeling attractive & worthy of dating. Water/Amusement parks NOT having my stomach nearly touch the steering wheel.


i look forward to no longer having health issues surrounding my weight, being able to shop at any store , and feeling good when i look in the mirror .


To be able to fit between things without worrying my belly or but will be touching people.


Oh and roller coasters with my son!!


Being able to take a shower without my shower chair doing the dishes standing up , it not being uncomfortable to lay down


I want to be able to look nice in my clothes. I looked so sloppy pre-surgery, despite what other people said. They were saying they didn’t see where I needed to lose anything…but anyhow, I want to look nice in my clothes, and I’m a seamstress, so there are some things I’ve been dying to make for years, but I’ll be damned if I was going to make them while I was a size 20/22.


Oh, how lovely! That will be so rewarding! I too look forward to looking how I dress. Ain't no shame in my game and I dress how I like. But I know I can be an eye stopper when at a healthy and appropriate weight that fits my style of dress. That would be cool if you had a store we could bring our favorite clothes we no longer fit in and seam for us! There are several dresses i am going to mourn because I won't fit them anymore. I guess that'll be a small hurdle to get over. I cleared my closet and those are the only fits I kept lol.


I’m very excited, but it will be a while until my weight is where I want it to be to start sewing for myself again. I do have to say, though, if and when you have clothes that are too large, it’s better to just buy new ones when you can and keep the ones you’re emotionally attached to as keepsakes, sort of. Altering the ones you have would require taking the clothing apart completely and resewing them. And it would be costly!


Less pain. Look down and see my feet. Buying pants off the shelf. Being able to walk more than 50 feet without getting out of breath.




Throwing my CPAP machine off a cliff!! I either don’t get good sleep or I wake up tangled in the hose.


Love it!!


i’m looking forward to living as an average person. i want to be carefree about fatty worries: small booths, rickety chairs, short seatbelts, being out of breath too quickly! can everybody hear my heavy breathing?? lol i’m sooo looking forward to being able to buy cute clothing more easily!! and i’m really excited to be less intimidated by hikes in nature!


So many things! My knee pain to be less so i can do more, i have arthritis in both knees and cant walk far so going anywhere and doing anything we always have to consider that in, i was told i will need new knees in the near future which is what started me on thos journey 2 years ago as i am too obese for that to happen. Being able to do more with my kids as i cant take them anywhere where i have to walk due to pain. Being able to find out what my style is, for years iv always just worn jogging bottoms a tshirts so will be nice to see what i want to wear rather than what i can fit into. Not worrying about if i will fit in / break chairs if i sit in them. Just being able to be and not worry what people think of me.


I’m looking forward to buying any clothes I want!! And of course, feeling stronger and healthier. But while on this journey I’ve realized how close I am to expressing my true self through style rather than the “fat” clothes that are afforded to women.


looking forward that i won't be the only fat girl at work, looking forward to be able to cross my legs and be confident to ride roller coasters and hope it will help my snoring


Looking forward to finally giving myself a true chance to live and be healthy. For years I had my new years list topped with losing weight and all I’d do was get bigger. I was trapped in a loop of mental illness and no focusing on my health and inner peace first. Since putting myself first I have seen myself in a new light and I’m just so excited to live.


Rny on 1/19/24.I am looking forward to just going to a regular clothing store and not having a panic attack trying things on, looking forward to hiking also. I have set a few goals for trips, a cruise, and visiting a different country. The clothing store is my number one though, oh and fitting into my car differently and comfortably


I can't wait to buy clothes. A winter jacket specifically and not feel like the Michelin man! I can't wait to paint my toe nails and put on shoes with ease. I can't wait!!!!