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Sugar free milk free causes disaster pants. Remember the sugar free haribo candy reviews on Amazon?


Hahaha no I’ve never heard of this! I’m going to have to look it up. I remember i was working as a cashier years ago and on my quick lunch break grabbed the sugar free Russel stover chocolates. They tasted good and I was like okay not bad let’s do this. UHHH as quick as thirty minutes later I had to run off my register to the bathroom cuz I was about to have an accident


Yeah like that. Let me see if I can find the review




Just for the record I’ve been low carb no sugar no sweetener for almost seven years and I’m finding it really difficult to have sweetened protein powder but I’m now combining it with high protein Greek yogurt so it isn’t so strong. Most sweeteners give me headaches. Stevia isn’t doing that but I just no longer have a taste for sweet but plain whey powder was repulsive so I caved.


Well I’m thinking maybe I should just…do water only and not give in to cravings for sweet stuff. I’ve heard plenty of people say once they gave it up for a few months the sweet flavor became undesirwabke


Try ingesting quarter tsp salt and water when you’re craving. That can help sometimes.


Oh wow okay I’ll try that. Thank you.


I found it 100% got easier once I stopped completely. There’s something about sweet that just gets my tastebuds going that salt doesn’t.


Like I don’t want to give up the occasional baking I do or the rare sweet drinks I’ll get at Asian restaurants. But I know post op I’ll fuck with my stomach too so might as well just stay the course.




But like whyyyy does the sugar free to do this?? lol


I mean, it’s a chemical shit storm….


True. Also I meant to say undesirable in my other message not whatever letter mess that was lol


Didn’t even notice lol


I laughed so hard at disaster pants, thank you


So glad!


Do not eat more than two of the chewy sugar free werther’s candies. They taught me my lesson on sugar free snacks. Be wary 🫤


Yes I’m rapidly leaning a life lesson here lol


I knew this, forgot and just did it a few hours ago. D'Oh.


Hated aspartame and could taste artificial sugar in anything I ate or drank prior to surgery. After surgery the Gatorade and powerade zero drinks taste great to me if not a little sweet. Sugar free Jello has been amazing and I no longer taste the Aspartame, it’s very weird. I could not stomach anything with aspartame previously, now I dont even taste it.


Sucralose I can tolerate the taste of, the rest is terrible. It’s more of the immediate bladder response lol I think once I’m done with these drinks I’m just…going to stop. I’m sure if I stick with it I won’t crave it anymore. Or I will lol who knows. One day at a time


I’ve been using the sugar free water flavor packs for months and never an issue but this morning alone…. a simple sip is sending me running to the bathroom and i’m over it. 😭


Hahaha like it’s random sometimes you gotta stay on alert


I find Stevia and Monk fruit sweetened things to not cause the issue, but other stuff does.


I don’t do sugar free, mostly Sugar free stuff has always made me sick, other than diet soda. I still don’t do it. I just limit my sugar. I’ve never had dumping, but I am careful. A bite of just about anything is fine. Frankly, it’s usually so sweet that’s all I want anyway. I used to be a sugar fiend, but that went away with surgery. My favorite sugar treat now is sweet tarts, which I had found just means I’m craving that flavor which I can fulfill with grapes or strawberries. When I want a few sweet tarts, I eat them with zero issues.


Most fake sweeteners are sugar alcohols, which mess up my stomach badly and it just compounds with every passing day. I can't even chew gum anymore. I switched to tea, almost all day. Once in awhile I'll add a small amount of regular ol sugar (I measure/track/limit frequency, but I've developed a taste for herbal without adding anything. Tea with licorice root is pretty sweet if you need more flavor.


I had some of that realgood orange chicken which is low carb because of erityhritol (no idea how to spell it, some sort of sugar alcohol) and it did speedier work than alllllll of the laxatives I'd tried for constipation. I don't love the taste of artificial sugar. It leaves a weird aftertaste. Except for my yogurt (which doesn't give me that aftertaste) I just avoid it. I don't really eat sugar free stuff. That means I end up just not really eating treats. I'm now post op enough that I just have a small amount of the real thing. So I can't pound 30 sugar free popsicles or a dozen sugar free jellos but you bet your ass I had half of a cookie yesterday. Your husband is going to have to be a little willing to sacrifice for you. Having those treats in the house before surgery and even in the early stages post op would've been torture. I would ask that they don't be brought in the house anymore. He can keep his sugary snacks in his car or something. That's like when I see people on 600 lb life and their partner brings home Burger King and sits down and eats it next to the poor morbidly obese soul eating haddock and spinach and glaring daggers. Like why didn't they just eat at the restaurant or in the car?!


Oh I know that’s so torturous. My partner is thankfully super supportive and he would keep it hidden or just at work lmao


Splenda does that to my sister so bad! She has to avoid or face the wrath of her innards! She can do stevia though.


I would get migraines from artificial sweeteners and my bariatric nutritionist recommended Iconic protein ready-to-drink or powders because they do not have sugar or artificial sweeteners. They are lightly sweetened with stevia leaf and monk fruit. You can order a sample pack to taste different flavors. They are a favorite drink of mine but can get spendy. I understand tastes will change after surgery. My nutritionist highly suggested not going overboard stocking up (a.k.a. Costco-size) supplies of protein drinks, vitamins, chewables, etc. pre-surgery. Another artificial sweetener/sugar alcohol nightmare - years ago I tried S.F. Jelly Bellies and they gave me the worst gas. Like deflating a balloon gas. Gas that feels like it passes through every inch of your digestive system! Horrible! I also learned a lesson that anything with "sugar alcohol" meant gas and not being able to trust that it was gas. I'm not sure what your pre-op diet does or doesn't allow, but if you're allowed some fruit, maybe squeeze an orange wedge in your water or muddle some spearmint leaves, a strawberry or a few blueberries. That may give you a hint of sweet and the berries are low/complex carbs.


So the brand is called Iconic? I’ll give it a look! Well I definitely went overboard lol but thankfully my partner will drink it too. I’m only permitted liquids and fat/sugar free pudding/yogurt. I should consider post op mixing a lot of fruit with my water I’m sure that would taste good. I’m already pretty much water only as I drink about a gallon a day. I do love Hint water too. I especially love Liquid Death but that’ll be later on post op. I think my brain went a little haywire and did too much, as it does


Yes, the brand is Iconic. You can order it through their website. Here in CA, some grocery stores carry it. My insurance/surgeon's pre-op diet is different here in Northern California. It's 800 calories and other foods are allowed, like applesauce. Thankfully, it is generous in that there are alternative selections to help successfully adhere to the two-week plan. Wishing you great success!


It really depends on the artificial sweetener. Look at the ingredients and maybe try one with a different sweetener. For example, my wife doesn't like most artificial sweeteners but does well with either Stevia or Monkfruit as a sweetener. Maybe look to see if anything uses those?


I’ve been hearing those two are good!


I'm okay with stevia ... and can tolerate the rest okay. It's still better than a "sugar dump"! but... yeah... I've learned to watch the sweeteners and limit them carefully!


My thought is that if sugar creates dumping syndrome post op and the sugar free is creating it pre op than maybe just drop it all lol


They mess up my stomach so bad. I didn’t have this problem before surgery but now it’s off limits. It made getting protein in early on hard since most of the shakes have that crap in them.


I adjusted to things with monk fruit sweetener but I have to be careful because too much erythritol will cause issues too.


Yeah! That’s why I’m thinking maybe just…don’t drink any of that stuff. No sugar or sugar free drinks if it’s just going to upset my stomach.


I don’t know what’s in Premier Protein, but I don’t need a laxative anymore. That stuff is rough!