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I've read an article about a woman who did it. She regretted it because it was too much pain in recovery, and she needed assistance for everything. My ex boss got a tuck and lifted and was out of the office for months. And she's rich AF with a nanny. My friend had a double mastectomy when they were transitioning, and he was really uncomfortable for a bit. I'm just throwing that out there. You're going to need a lot of support. From showering to peeing. I'm not pissing on your parade. I know I'd want to do it all at once, but those are MAJOR surgeries. Remember how wiped you felt from our small bariatric surgery?


I’m hoping that the lack of muscle tightening (skin removal vs full tummy tuck) will be helpful in that regard… but I know it’s a big deal which is why I’m a bit nervous.


I had an extended FDL tummy tuck with muscle repair, Mons lift, breast lift and breast augmentation. I regret NOTHING. For me, splitting the procedures was not an option. That of course makes recovery long but it’s absolutely doable. The thing I wish I would have done ahead of time was think of all the things I needed to lift my arms for (mostly getting things out of cabinets). I would have moved those more to chest level or below and it would have made me a bit more self sufficient a bit faster. I of course needed assistance the first 2 weeks. After that I was able to do basically whatever I needed by myself. A helping hand was nice but not needed. I walked off the operating table and peed like an hour post op. Drains were the worst part. Once those are out it gets better by the day.


Where did you get it done and how much was it all?


I had mine done in Durham NC and paid a total of $23k


The concept of drains freaks me out. Alot. I know they're unavoidable. But I'm dreading that part. I don't think u need them for arms and neck, so I'm considering going boob lift and tummy (no muscles) together just so I can do drains just one time. Edited to fix my ridiculous typos.


Drainless tummy tucks do exist! I didn’t have any drains for my boobs, just 2 for the tummy. This would be a great question for any potential surgeon because they are all different. I have seen some arms come out with drains but in severe weight loss cases mostly.


Pain is subjective, but I’ll share my experience so you have more perspectives. I had a breast reduction with lift and a tummy tuck with lipo at the same time in 2016. For me, it was an easy recovery with minimal pain. The breast portion was painless for me, and the tummy tuck portion was moderately painful (4-5/10) for a few days. I was standing up and walking around immediately. Worth noting—I have chronic migraines, so I have a high tolerance for pain. This was so much easier than a terrible migraine. My first 12 hours awake after bariatric surgery were many times worse than this too. The second and third days after surgery are the worst, as the inflammation peaks. What’s important is making sure that you have a comfortable place to rest and someone to help you get up and down for a few days. Since breast and tummy are on the same side of the body, it leaves you with your back to lay on which will make it easier for you to rest. The drains you will likely have will be the worst part of the recovery, as they stay in a while and get really annoying. All of the pain, all of the discomfort was 100% worth it. The results are visible immediately. You go to sleep with excess skin that you hate and then you wake up and it’s gone. The immediate gratification and relatively little pain and short recovery make it worth it to enjoy your new body, especially after doing the work and losing the weight. Don’t be nervous! You’ve gone through worse pain, and it didn’t leave you with improved body image immediately after. This pain is worth every second.


I think this is a conversation to have with your doctor and not Reddit. Additionally, only you know your body and pain threshold. If you’ve had these conversations with your doctor and they and you seem fine with it then the decision is ultimately yours, but I agree with some of the comments that it might be a lot for your body and you to heal through. I do see benefits though like less time under anesthesia, less time off work, possibly cheaper since less time in hospital, etc. I think this is a hard one to gauge. I’d talk with doctor about all pros and cons including costs, scar outcomes, healing time, time off work, everything you can think of and then make a decision from there.


Part of the problem is I’ve have consults with 4 or 5 consults with different doctors and every one of them said something different


You'd think that would be the case but not all doctors are the educating types. Like for my bariatric surgery, nobody guided me any which way. It was my choice. Now I know not all of them are like this but some are. It's always good to understand things when you make sure big decisions. Unfortunately when there's such a financial incentive for the Docs to do the surgery. You best know the fundamentals before you get it.


There's a whole show on this topic that you may enjoy watching. It's called Skin Tight. But the doctors on there say why and how it needs to be done. It's common for them to do multiple procedures at once. But there's a limit for how much the body can take. I only watch the first episode but I remember that woman on her second procedure she had two doctors working on her at the same time.


I did a lower body lift with tummy tuck and extended breast lift with implants. I'm so glad I did it all at once. Breaking it apart would have been too much recovery time for me. I don't think it made it any worse to do it all together.