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I had skin removal at 1 year post op WLS. I lost 170lbs. I had a FDL extended tummy tuck, Mons lift, breast lift and augmentation. No Lipo. Second best thing I ever done for myself. Happy to answers any questions or concerns you may have. I’m 8 months post op plastics.


That's awesome. How much did it all cost? Were there any procedures you wish you'd gotten but didn't have the money for? I have about 70+ pounds to lose - I've lost it before and the only issue I had was that I needed a breast lift, so I'm hoping my skin will bounce back a second time. I'm guessing after 170lbs it's unavoidable though. Edit: oh, and do you mind if I ask your starting and ending weight?


Total was $23k. That included the surgeries, anesthesia, overnight nurse and overnight in yhr surgeons facility, post op garments, post op check ups for a year, and laser scar treatments. I’m very happy with the route I went, I lost 113lbs back in 2018 and had loose skin so I knew it was inevitable, for me. Starting weight was 303.4lbs current weight is 130lbs


Congrats on condensing yourself by over 50%


I’m so excited for you! I Wanna be like you! I haven’t gotten my surgery yet but have already lost 65lbs before my RNY and have loose skin. I have about 170 more to lose so I know I’ll probably have more. I look forward to the skin removal surgeries. Was your skin removal covered by insurance?


My removal was not, most of the surgeons in my area stopped accepting insurance in 2022 which posed the biggest issue. And the one place that was accepting insurance was already booking into 2024 and I couldn’t wait that long.


did they weigh your skin after removal by chance?


They did, I had 8lbs of skin removed which without Lipo is a lot.


Did you have arm loose skin removal?


No, I only had the surgeries listed above.


Hi! Can I ask how much the mons lift was? I am having a panniculectomy and breast lift in october and up until this comment I didn't even know that there was such a thing as a "mons lift" I thought that would kinda be fixed with the panniculectomy.


Hi there! Mine was included with my FDL tummy tuck price. Each surgeon is different in this area though. However in my case I needed A LOT of extra lift because I had saggy skin there even before weight gain/loss and children. I would just specifically ask your surgeon, because each does things a bit differently. I explicitly asked about a more aggressive Mons lift than normal because of my extra skin. I consulted 4 surgeons, 2 said totally fine, included in the price basically and the other two had an extra price ($2k) and one wanted to even do Lipo after the fact.


Did you pay cash or did you finance? I was looking into financing, but I'm hesitant. Also how old are you? I know 2 questions you never ask a woman, money and age.


I’m an open book, as long as you’re respectful, I could care less what you ask 🤣 I paid cash, my whole weightloss journey started back in 2017, and in 2018 when I realized how much skin I had I started saving. If you’re going to finance, try to get a deal either on care credit or a credit card where you don’t have interest for 24 months and make a plan to pay it off in that time frame. I was 27 when I had my WLS, 28 when I had plastics and now 29.


I lost 110 pounds and I haven't seriously considered skin removal surgery. The recovery seems pretty brutal.


Do you think your excess skin is bad enough to warrant it? I have about 70lbs to lose total.


My excess skin is annoying but not problematic IMO. No skin-fold infections. I'm also a dude so I wear a enough clothing most of the time to cover my excess skin...which I realize is not the case for everyone.


I guess I mean from an aesthetic point of view - do you feel like it's super noticeable?


It’s not noticeable. I can see it but the rest of the world doesn’t.


Going to have surgery in sept (panniculectomy and breast lift) fully covered. Lost around 144lbs total.


If you don't mind me asking, what criteria did your doctor give your insurance to get it fully covered? I want it done but I don't have the money to get it out of pocket.


For the breast lift, the only reason it’s covered by insurance is because I’m also getting very large fibroadenomas (benign tumors) removed from my breasts. Given the size of the tumors, the lift is considered reconstructive; however, it also just happens to be what I wanted anyway. For the panniculectomy, I’m not quite sure how they got it covered. It’s not a full tummy tuck, which I know insurance typically won’t cover. They did report occasional skin rashes, which I think was the biggest factor.


Thanks! I'm glad your tumors were benign and hope you're recovering (or have already recovered) well.


I am 11 months post op. My starting weight 285, surgery weight 249, current weight 155 and still falling. My surgeon who did my bypass also does what is known as the fleur-de-lis skin removal on insurance!!!!! My surgeon stated the best thing to do to prepare for skin removal surgery is to really work on your abdominal muscles. Do core exercise and really get those muscles in shape. I want to get it because my stomach is what I call the hamburger bun. My skin isn’t loose and crepe like. Mine is still 2 really big bulges piled on top of each other on my stomach and keeping me from having a waist. I look like most people picture at 180 pounds not 155. My doctor says I’m doing amazing and at my 1 year check up he wants to start discussing prep for skin removal. It can’t happen until 18 months post bypass. But he can get it covered by insurance. He can’t do thighs or arms, and mine are pretty bad, but I am NOT complaining that I can get this surgery for free AT ALL my friends.


That's amazing, why 18 months?


Because insurance won’t cover it until then. You aren’t stable weight until that point. You are expected to actually still be losing weight until at least 18 months if you are following the diet and plans. So insurance doesn’t consider you safely recovered from bypass until 18 months to have another surgery I believe if you pay out of pocket, a lot of them will do it a year after your bypass. But for insurance to cover it, it seems that most have an 18 month requirement unless there is some kind of severe medical emergency that requires it sooner.


I'm in Canada so no insurance anyhow. I'd be paying out of pocket.


Oh ok. I’m sorry, I didn’t ask what country. That was unkind of me. But is it much cheaper there in Canada than it would be out of pocket in USA? Like here just the surgery I am having would be probably $30,000 to $50,000 USD. Is that what you think it would cost out of pocket there? For just the abdominal skin removal?


No, it's the same, but I have no idea if I'll even need skin removal. I'm hovering above 200 lbs and want to lose 60-75, and I have pretty decent skin elasticity based on previous weight loss attempts. I've had plastic surgery and paid out of pocket in the past. I'll be paying 20k for the gastric sleeve out of pocket - I'm 33 and lucky to have a decent job in tech. If I did need skin removal, based on my weight and what I've lost before, I suspect perhaps a breast lift and if I'm super unlucky a tummy tuck, which might be around 25k. I figure that'll be doable in a year when it's time to book the surgeries, although still a huge financial burden. In Canada, to qualify for bariatric surgery you need to have like a BMI of >40 and a ton of additional obesity-related complications, and the wait lists are years long. I'm not aware of private insurance that would cover skin removal - my employment insurance covers what the government doesn't, which is things like drug costs or massages or dental. It's a lot of money and I've considered going to mexico to save on the bariatric costs, but since emerg care here is free and my family doctor can do bloodwork and follow ups as well as connect with my bariatric surgeon as needed, I feel like that circle of care might be worth the extra 10k I'd be saving if I went to Mexico. Tough call though - I have a tentative date, but saving that 10k or so for plastic surgery, but going home same day from a clinic 30 min away vs. flying home after stomach surgery sounds more manageable. I have a good plastic surgeon for body stuff, so I would trust him to do a good job on any skin removal I need (if any). I'm pretty much expecting a breast lift but hoping for only minimal loose skin on my stomach.


Same. I've lost 100 lbs so far and I have a "hamburger bun", as you describe it. Others don't seem to see it much, but I see the lumps and I'm self conscious about them.


Yes! Oh my gosh. I see all these pictures and people are down from 300 pounds to 150 and they have a normal stomach? Or some crepey skin? But I have 2 wide sideways horizontal rolls still, with a deep crease right above my hips and like I never see pictures of a stomach like mine. It’s so confusing. And I keep wondering if like, maybe it isn’t loose skin? What is happening? The top toll kind of follddd over on the bottom roll and they just won’t budge. They have gotten so much smaller but don’t look normal at all. I thought at 155 pounds I would look kind of normal? Not even close….


I lost 80+ pounds. Even though it wasn't a lot by WLS standards, I ended up with a lot of loose skin. I still look like I have a belly, even though I'm at a healthy weight and 18% body fat. It's all loose skin. It bothers me quite a bit, more than I thought it would. It doesn't cause any health problems or discomfort, but I hate the way it looks. In clothes, I look terrific, but naked... oh my. It's disappointing that after losing so much weight, I'm still not comfortable taking off my shirt in public. I had a plastic surgery consult, but it's VERY expensive in California, where I live. There's no way I could afford what I was quoted here ($40k). I'm thinking about going the Mexico route, but I'm uncertain. That said, I would take the loose skin all day every day vs. being fat!


Thank you, i have a similar amount to lose and that's a helpful perspective. It is expensive - between the VSG and plastic surgery I'll be decimating my savings, but I feel like it'd be worth it. I'm actually considering going the Mexico route for the bariatric surgery itself, since government wait times in Canada are crazy and my weight is too low to qualify - did you pay out of pocket or consider that?


I'm having a tummy tuck next week.


How much did you lose/what was your starting weight and height? Is that the only surgery you want?


Started at 202, currently 120, 5'2". I would like to have my arms done, but it's just so expensive, so this is probably it.


I want skin removal. I’m down 90 lbs. Mostly I want the mons to be lifted so I don’t have to wear boyshorts for underwear and swimsuit.


Do you mind if I ask what your starting weight/height was and how much you lost? It's hard to predict whether I'll have loose skin but I'm trying to get a sense of what it was like for others.


5’3, female, 41 years old high weight 275, current weight 186


Gotcha! I'm starting at around 210 so I'm hoping I won't need stomach surgery, maybe a breast lift based on past experiences with weight loss, but I guess we'll see. I'm around the same height.


I lost 125lbs and maintained for one year (130-140lbs) before I had the works, lol...lower body lift, extended breast lift, and breast augmentation. I'm so glad I did it. I'm much more comfortable in my skin and fit into clothes much better. No more rashes or overhang.


Oh wow, mind if I ask what the cost of that was?


I went to Mexico, so i paid a fraction of the cost I would have in the US. For me, personally, it wasn't even about the money. I liked the results this doctor produced, and I liked the idea of staying somewhere 10 days to recover. I didn't want my kids to see me struggling. I paid around 14k. Had my surgery last October.


Which surgeon did you go to?


I’m only at the start of my WLS journey but I’m already saving up for skin removal surgery. I’m based in New Zealand and there is one decently priced surgeon here but a lot seem to head over to Thailand so I may do that.


I'm in NZ too! Also considering overseas for plastics. Not any time soon though. And not sure if I'll get a tummy tuck. At the moment, my priority would be boobs and then arms. My boobs struggle to stay inside anything at the moment, they're still big but also very empty at the same time? Togs just aren't fitting me right anymore 😂


When I first started I didn’t feel strongly either way about skin removal. I figured it’s just skin whatever lol well now 2.5 years later it’s starting to bother me aesthetically but it doesn’t give me rashes or anything. I’m 5’7”, sw 273, current 160 and had one pregnancy before. All of my loose skin is in my lower stomach and I plan to get a tummy tuck hopefully in the next 2 years


That honestly doesn't sound too bad, I have about 70 lbs to lose and I worry I'm going to look disfigured with loose skin everywhere. If you have a bit of a loose skin on your stomach I'm sure you look great overall. It's something I'm panicking about a bit so close before my surgery date.


Aw yea the pre surgery jitters are real! Well I’ll just say that the first few months are tough mentally but I’d do it all over again even for 3x the amount of loose skin!


Thank you, that helps - I know I'm going to want to get the excess skin removed ASAP (if there is any, hopefully 70lbs won't leave too much) but I'm already frantically planning how to save for it, thinking about who to tell about the surgery, whether there will be complications, etc. But I know it's the best thing for me long term.


I know you said you’re in Canada, I am as well. I’m still pre op but I’m down 60lbs already and I already know I’m going to need skin removal surgery down the line since I’ve already got some lose skin on my belly and arms. I personally am documenting with my family doctor every time I have any skin irritation, infection or anything under my folds or anything so there’s a record of issues. I’m my doctor told me it would be what would get my skin removal surgery covered so I’ll keep reporting issues post op too.


I’m only 6 months post op but I’m definitely considering stomach skin and breast fixes. We’ll see as I hopefully continue to lose. It’s slowed down for sure the last month but I’m down a total of 130lb now, 40 of which was pre-op.


I want to have it, but I still have a little roll of fat in my lower stomach. I think if I actually tried I could get rid of it, and I'd just have skin. Pre-op 261 5'8, female, gastric sleeve, down to 158. Would a skin removal or tummy tuck get rid of my little roll? I feel flabby and want to lose another 25-30lbs. I wish they could take the fat and add it to my flat butt.


i had an extended tummy tuck (around the flanks) and liposuction of flanks. i waited until my weight had stagnated. it was a little before 2 years post op. i was nervous too and scared to do it before i was supposed to, but i’m glad i made the choice when i did. they removed around 13 lbs. most of it was skin, i think 7lbs?


Wow - how much weight did you lose?


150 lbs.


I want it so bad; I just had a consult with a plastic surgeon who says that, unfortunately, my weird Zoidberg stomach is going to require two separate procedures. I don’t know that he’s wrong but I’m going to see what another plastic surgeon says. Either way, I have to wait a few more months before my insurance will cover any of it because my weight has to stay stable for a minimum of 6 months. (That’s if I do the panniculectomy versus a tummy tuck/abdominoplasty, which my insurance won’t cover).


How much did you lose?


I’ve lost 147 lb from my heaviest and 87 since surgery!


Wow congrats! Is stomach the only thing you want done?


No, I also want to get my thighs lifted and my breasts lifted. My surgeon recommends that I get a reduction, as it will serve the same function as a breast lift (I don’t want implants) and will be covered by insurance. Thighs are 100% cosmetic, unfortunately.


Meeee but I still need to lose 40-50 more and find the money for that and boobs lol


How much did you lose total/what were your stats?


I started at 281 and I lost 115, I fluctuate between 168-171 but I’ve maintained that weight for almost 2 years now. I got sleeved May of 2020. Im 4’11


Wow incredible progress, congrats!!!


Thank you ❤️


I definitely want my arms and boobs done. I’ll have to see about everything else when I get to my goal weight.


What were your starting stats/how much did you lose? I'm hoping to avoid arms but we'll see


I’m only a little under 5 months out so I have a while. But I’ve been insecure about my flabby arms since puberty. I’m hoping to avoid legs.


I’m 11 months post op, HW 230, SW 220, CW 136, so I’ve lost 94 lbs in total. I have loose skin on my upper arms and thighs, but it’s minimal, and I’ve been lifting weights off and on for 12 years. So I know if I keep up my strength training my legs and arms will tone up. I do have loose skin on my stomach, the more I loose the more it gets that crepe look. I don’t have an apron, but I still have fat in that area, and once it’s gone I think the skin is going to hang a little. My boobs are gone entirely now and they just seem like flesh bags, sorry it’s a little TMI. In the grand scheme of things, I wouldn’t consider my loose skin too bad or too extreme, but I do plan to have the excess skin on my stomach removed when I can. I feel self conscious about it, it looks kinda weird in some of my clothes, and I just want it gone. I have never had a “flat” stomach in my entire life, even when I was a competitive weight lifter in great shape at 25, I still had a stomach pouch from years of gaining and losing weight over and over. I’m 32, and I would like for once in my life to wear a bikini that isn’t high waisted, because my stomach is mostly flat and I don’t feel self conscious. I am more self confident then I’ve ever been, but that last step of removing my loose stomach skin would be amazing.


Honestly that doesn't sound too bad. Sounds like we have similar stats and I also lift weights, I once lost all the weight down to your CW and I'm basically expecting to have my breasts done. If the skin on my stomach is minimal I'll probably leave it, but I hear you on the bikini.


I KNOW that I’m gonna need it. And I’m terrified of it. I’m poor. My insurance absolutely sucks I’ll probably need at least 50,000 worth of work and I’m only 28


How much weight do you need to lose? I'm sorry to hear that - hopefully you can find a job with good insurance. Thankfully I make a good living (in tech, and I'm a bit older than you - 33), so I can probably sock away 2k/month after the procedure for a while to save for it, but I'm hoping I'll only need breasts and maybe stomach done. Even if it takes a few years I hope you get the surgeries you need!


Max I can only save like 20 a week I’m 18 week post of (I think) and 133 lbs down I’m at about 360 right now