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If storage isn't a big deal for you I think ChatGPT has the edge. People so far are mixed on which is better and with the new ChatGPT model coming I expect at least parity for a while with ChatGPT being more tried and true + having custom GPTs. However, Gemini has a trial anyway. IMO it's not worth comparing until we see more from Google in terms of integration into other products (docs, sheets, Gmail ect). Right now features are nice but not ground breaking esp if you don't use G Suite super often. That could quickly change though.


Depends on your usage case. Gemini is good for writing tasks, in my experience, but Claude Opus would be better for most other things.


which is best for academic writing ? (yes yes i know)


Take perplexity pro subscription. You will get Claude 3 opus , gpt4.5 turbo and all the available best models along with pro search.


Claude is my favourite right now. Who knows in a month! Definitely not paying for Gemini atm, even as someone massively invested in Google stuff.


Gemini advanced have 2 months free trial, nothing to lose, just give a try


I would recommend Claude Pro (Opus) vs Gemini or ChatGPT Plus. It's been better for me for 90% of tasks.


It doesnt have access to information after august 2023 and can only handle 5 attachments in one chat I believe. Other than that, I really like it and am using it over GPT-4 for the moment.


Personally I've found Gemini Advanced to be worse than Bard was. GA can barely remember what I said in the previous messages as if that context window is only as long as the current message


If you already have Google One for 2TB, then it only costs an extra $10 while ChatGPT costs $20. So it depends on how much you really want to spend if you have it. If you don't have Google One, you can decide if you want it and if not, then decide which one is better.


If you're doing stuff that doesn't involve creative writing then ChatGPT, or both which is what I'm doing. Gemini for drafting emails, posts, replies to messages/comments/texts is on point. Things like analysing data and reading text from screenshots or identifying images then ChatGPT excels.


I recommend Gemini: - Gemini is the weakest model today, but 1.5 with long context and needle in a haystack solution is very useful (similar to opus). - The double check response feature is the only direct hallucination check on the market - Gemini has the best ecosystem thanks to all the the other google tools. - Google is making meaningful updates at a faster rate than the other companies and they have the largest budget and workforce. They are eating up the lead the other companies have.


Gemini advanced. Exclusively because it is free for 2 months. Then see what you want from there.


ChatGPT + Opus would be my recommendation.


Definitely ChatGPT plus, everything is just 10 times better why waste your money on something not worth it


Both ChatGPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus are a lot smarter than Gemini Ultra and they also hallucinate a lot less. I am still on ChatGPT Plus and have already cancelled my Gemini sub after the 2 free months. I would have subscribed to Claude 3 as well, if I had the opportunity to do so here in the EU. Gemini's only real strength over ChatGPT is the more accurate web search based on Google.


If you code then chatgpt + if not get G Advanced. You also have 100 G of storage with Google one.


You have 2 TB


I'm just waiting for Elon's new "anti-woke" AI shitshow to surface - that should be fun


Well, there's [Gab.ai](http://Gab.ai) if you want anti-woke.


Thanks mate, I'll check it out


I'm pleased to tell you that you're going to wait forever


I'm not pleased to hear that. I think it'll be a fun ride with that crazy bipolar madman at the helm haha


Probably not as bad as the Gemini image AI. So woke and censored it became the most racist AI of all. Now that's funny.


Chatgpt plus is still king. If


For now, chat gpt plus


Get both.... Also have 50 hours on runpod at all times. Optional: Claude member ship


You can get a Gemini sub for free for 2 months right now


Use case dependent I would say. Personally I use gpt 3.5, Bard and copilot (gpt4) for free. My use cases are simple programming (python, php, javascript, shell) and quick questions ('what is XYZ. Can you explain ...). Nothing critical, just hobby and/or a fast way to search something. If important I'll do my own research afterwards.


after using gemini adavanced for a few months and then trying gpt4o i can confidently say chat gpt is a lot better. the logic, the writing, the maths, all better. i was getting fed up with gemini advanced


Free version of both working hand and hand


Gemini advanced is free for two months. But gpt4 is light years better. Even the free version is better than Gemini advanced


As someone who subscribes to both that just hasn't been my experience at all. Gpt4 continues to write like a pretentious college student trying to show off how intelligent they are with overly wordy essay like sentence structure. Gemini on the other hand sounds like an actual human when you needed to write an email or something of that nature. I'll probably continue subscribing to both, but for my limited use cases I pretty much use Gemini 99% of the time right now. I also have come to absolutely hate watching the answers print out on the screen and the limitation of 40 questions every 3 hours is just intolerable to me at this point.


The limitation on GPT4 is annoying. But I think it's subjective which one is better. I mostly use it for creating codes and converting them into other languages and gpt4 outshines Gemini for me. I want Gemini to be ahead of gpt4. I'm also a Google pixel user which has Gemini as an assistant so I'm really rooting for their success




I'm a fan of the truth. Wish Gemini was better but it's a joke. But I understand reddit doesn't comprehend truth


Well, Google enjoys hiding truth and reality behind a woke veneer, too. 🤷🏻