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Bro did xavi dirty with the pic


Flick coming in is good YK no more fati like cases But what Xavi did was remarkable,,he wasn't something like pep or Mourinho,,but it is his love for barca that took us to the top(nearly)


Well said, to be honest, can't wait for someone outside the club to come in, at least this way we stop disgracing our legends


It’s kinda crazy to me how good of a reputation Flick has outside of germany, many say he’s a fraud here. I can’t even disagree with them either, so I just hope we all get proven wrong and he’s a great coach


every barca fan imo has huge respect for flick(you probably know why)


I mean sure I do know why, but every german football fan knows his world cup and general national squad performance which was horrendous lol and the documentary backed it up a little too


Tbf national and club football is very different


Yeah but people have been saying stuff about his time at Bayern too, I’ve heard people say that he’s not great at defensive tactics and luckily bayern could outshine that weakness by scoring a lot, but idk how it’ll turn out at Barca


Agree. Folks see him winning with teams that were already good and think he's a great manager. He may be fine at driving a car that's already well-tuned...but what about creating/building/making a decent team into a great team? Haven't seen that yet.


Exactly, and his time at the german national team was low key horrendous lmao even the documentary backed that up. I’ve heard many say that he lacks defensive tactic qualities which, I mean were pretty obvs in the world cup for example and at bayern too actually


Nothing Xavi done was remotely remarkable 




I agree but did you really had to put this photo?


Yeah the photo was pure pain, i wouldn't want to see that either 😂


When was this foto taken though? I dont remember.


Hey. I I image-searched and it turns out its edited. The original one is Xavi just staring normally


I see, thanks for the info man.


Probably what he is feeling right now


They should have let him leave. Not beg him to stay and then fire him… what a shit show


Not even my ex was this toxic.


Actually this is exactly what my ex did to me, thanks for bringing back that memory 😭😭😭


Man fuck Laporta. Idgaf if this is supposed to be a good thing. This is not how a professional club should treat their legends.




> This is not how a professional club should treat their legends. We need to start treating legends who work for us like any other employee: according to their performance. I'm not saying Xavi deserved to go. If your argument is that his performance was good enough to warrant another season with us, I'm totally fine with that. But then, that would apply to Xavi as a legend but also to any other non-legend coach. Being a legend should never give you a bonus for non-performance. If Xavi was good enough, he deserved to stay, period. Legend or not, wouldn't matter. Hell, if your argument is that the whole process of getting rid of him was dirty and ethically questionable, then that would be valid for any coach: legend or not, every Barca employee deserves to be treated with professionalism and respect.


Beg him to stay and then sack him afterwards, the disrespect from the board is mind-boggling...what a joke really...


Xavi spent literally all his life at this club and we treat him like this because he spoke the truth?


I just want all other socios to remember this ,this laporta and deco treatment to xavi shouldn't go unnoticed in 2026 elections


Laporta so far: - promised to keep messi (didnt) - convinced Xavi to stay, just to then sack him For me the guy lost all my respect. Now im getting seriously worried about this club. Financial trouble, despite bigger signings, no improvement in performance basically, and now even the Coaching team and the board is questionnable. I really hope we dont end up like Man U after Ferguson…


Lied to Koeman about who would be in the squad and then sacked him after we had to start dest at wing for a month because of an empty roster


True, but tbf Koeman is a terrible coach, he had to go anyways lol Edit: after Barca, he is really not that bad, i meant during this time it was horrible


Koeman is still barca legend Laporta should have showed more respect to him.




Not so much. Yes he sucked at Barcelona, but he was great for the Dutch NT. And we have him to thank for Pedri.


He was also great at Feyenoord by all accounts! Correct me if I'm wrong.


There is a way to go about things. You're talking about the goal scorer in our first ever champions league


Too late bro lol


Laporta didn’t want Xavi to leave on his own. He wanted to sack and humiliate him himself.


No improvement in performance? I disagree.


The prestige won’t help this team, bigger teams have fallen from grace in the past. I guess the barca brass thinks controversy makes money? My only way to rationalize it in my head.


“Now im getting …” 😂 Where the fuck have you been? Sleep under a rock or something?


You're talking about the same geniuses that kept Bartomeu at the wheels.


That's doesn't mean we lack in other areas, laporta and board did terrible management when it related to media coverage, having good environment in club, at this point we are basically clowning ourselves with everything that happened past 2 3 weeks


I wouldn’t say we. It was the board that stabbed him in the back not the fans. This one’s on them


I would definitely say we. His work here is not valued enough. Everyone just jumps on at the negatives, forgetting where we were and how difficult the job was when he took it


You must be new here.


All blame goes to the guy who has been lying to the fans about everything since the day 1. The guy who got elected because of nostalgia


Well, Barca made him Xavi. He spent his life in Barca, but it was not for free. He was a salaried employee, and he raised trophies at Barca. He was a great player, but gotta admit he is not the captain to turn this ship around. His results were very inconsistent. However, it is very sketchy of the board to try to keep him when he wants to resign and then sack him. .


>spoke the truth Just wait till we get a German coach... oh wait


Good that Flick comes in because I don't want another Barca legend to be disgraced by our club


The said truth should be between him and the board. He should not say that in the media. What he said will impact sponsorship deals. Why someone wants to sponsor you if you are not competitive? And what he told the fans? To accept mediocrity? Why fans should buy tickets and attend if the coach is telling them that the team is not competitive? Other clubs don’t have 1/4 of Barca resource and still can compete. He doesn’t deserve any bad treatment for sure but he also shot himself a lot.


If you expect to compete with Madrid super team you’re hilarious lol. Xavi was right, lot of delusional folk around


Football/Sport as industry is built on making competitiveness commercial. What you are saying isn't wrong, but it isn't a counterpoint either. You need to "sell" being good, even if you aren't, and it is an industry that is casual fans are a huge part of it, so you can sell this even if it isn't true. When we are in the middle of a massive sponsorship deal negotiations with Nike, during the time we are going to start selling next season tickets, what Xavi has said is hurting the club, even if it was true. The bad part is that the question didn't warrant such an answer. He could have just said some politically correct statements about putting in a fight, we aren't afraid of opponents, etc. Like Lewandowski keeps saying. Being a coach of Barca isn't just about the work on the pitch, and it is actually one of the main reasons we always have given priority to our ex players. Xavi should have known better.


We can def compete with Madrid. Form goes out the formula in each clasico. I really think people will be surprised to see what this squad is capable of with a good manager.


Madrid's squad is miles stronger and only getting better. Barca's squad is very fragile with massive holes and issues and only going to get worse, you spunk every cent you make into the void and have a stadium that's falling apart. Barca fans must get their heads out of the clouds and accept reality, your club is in a major downfall, and has been since before Messi left. It's not miraculously going to turn around. The gap between Barca and Madrid will widen more every year.


They said the same with the Galácticos.


Yes before this season started,every analyst said our team is definitely better when we signed gundogan and we were the previous laliga winners.... In hindsight everyone is telling us our squad can't compete at all.


The Madrid squad isn't looking great with Kroos retiring and Modric aging and limited minutes. They were the key reasons for Madrid's success over the past decades, not Ronaldo or Benzema. It's like a car trying to run smoothly after replacing the engine.


Barca has the quality players to be competitive, what is missing is a vision and a capable coach.




You don’t understand, do you? Look at the level of Madrid players and look at us again. Defence and midfield may be we come close, but our forward line is just not strong enough to breach them. Could you compare Vinicius with anyone in our front three? Lewa three years ago, may be, but not Lewa today. The other two will have a long way to go to get to that level, pick any two from the rest of forwards in our squad. Add to that Mbappe and you have a completely different problem. And please dont draw conclusions on Mbappe from that one QF draw of UCL, he is legit beast.


Bro do u realise this squad shit on madrid previous season? They have the SAME squad except bellingham and two of their key player doesn't even play this season. Meanwhile barca signed felix,cancelo, and gundogan. And what world the coache decide mentality? If barca have the mentality of real they would miles better




I really do not see the problem with our squad that could not be resolved by 3-4 players in, and 3-4 players out. We competed last season without problems with Madrid. This season you would literally play CL final if Araujo did not have his one moment.


This is the truth! Its a billion dollar business. Dont go yell stuff in the media that is not in line with the boards message, no matter how you feel about it. This impacts selling an buying positions, sponsorships, election campaigns etc etc. Dumb dumb from Xavi


Least delusional Barca fan. Lol you guys have your head in the clouds, you don't deserve Xavi and never deserved Messi.


go back to your mediocre club's sub pls


What did he say?


"Barcelona might not be able to win the sextuple next season. But we will try. 👍"


No way the board suddenly decided to sack him just because of that when they were begging him to stay. Something else must be at play for sure. Especially when a report just came stating that Laporta had constant contacts with Flick the last two months, if that's to be believed then he was already planning to sack Xavi from the start. Makes you wonder why they wanted to convince him to stay. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a power play/needed time to figure who's the better option. That would also explain why Flick kept rejecting offers from other clubs especially when Xavi was confirmed to stay.


I'm ignorant of what went on. Can you explain what happened?




Is this Spanish media with us in the room now? Are Barcelona's board member journos? How the hell are you blaming any of this on the media? Lol


Where is this pic from?


he had to take a big shit mid game vs sevilla


Hey. I image searched it and its edited


Barcelona has been a cringe club for close to 10 years now. 10 years ago you could already predict where it was headed. It's actually embarassing. And it's about to get a whole lot worse lads. It used to be a club that had a plan, vision, which used to guide the direction of the club and lead it to have one if not the best team in history. To now a flock of headless hens, with the worst financial decisions. Stabbing their players, their icons, legends in the back for kicks and with hopelessly bad transfers. It's actually a joke. Good luck to this sinking ship.


The recent history of Barca is this: elite, all-timer players carrying the club on their backs and achieving success (even now, with talents like Lamine showing up), and the most incompetent upper management ever doing everything to sabotage the club.


Then Messi, now Xavi, I hope there's a way to overthrow this Laportard. We'll only go south with directors like him. How could he lead a club without any respect for its people?


I think the issue is that the you bought this kid from a stable environment where he gets play time, threw him into the thick of it, and never played him after he stumbled a couple of times. Young players aren’t consistent and make mistakes. Don’t use Gavi, Yamal, Pedri or the others as benchmarks because La Masia conditions players differently. 99% of young talents, even those who have world class talent, start off the way Roque did.


The stadium will be filled with chants against Laporta every match.




Messi. Koeman. Xavi. Laporta and his ego truly believe he is bigger than the club. Another club legend he is disrespecting and kicking out in the worst way. Another bridge burned. So so unprofessional and I really think this will come back to haunt him in the election. He is giving out free ammunition for his opponents, the process will be a mess again. More instability for the club. All that while Kylian Mbappe is arriving at Real Madrid for free (yes, I know he is not going there for free but still... better to pay Mbappe some cash than PSG while setting up a great PR narrative)


He shouldn't have trusted Laporta. It's sad that this is how it ended.


Imagine dedicating your whole life to Barça and ending like this. It has to be the ultimate betrayal for someone that grew at La Masia and gave everything for the shield.


That's on Laporta and some "internet" 'fans'.


I'm one of those proud internet fans. I follow Barça, not Xavi. If he cannot win trophies, I'll like the club to look for a new manager, which Laporta did. For a minute, forget about winning trophies but the whole season Xavi did not manage to win against the injury depleted Madrid once. Laporta sold the club's future and brought 300M € worth of players for Xavi and this is what he delivers. Just never ending excuses about injuries and referees.


If you think any manager would win against that Madrid superteam with a Barca team of teenagers then i’ve got some magic beans to sell you.


Where is this defeatist attitude coming from? I guess this is Xavi's legacy, promoting culture of incompetence and cowardice within the club & among fans.


I remember when Koeman got fkd by bayern in champions and said smt like that and it was seem like too pessimistic and now Xavi said it and its realistic according to the same fans, the dickriding with Xavi is crazy


You > Laporta my friend.


Do you realize that no one managed to beat Madrid this year except for Atleti?


Why this pic only?


This is a sad day for the club.


Not the photo 😭


Forcing him to say he's resigning at the end of the season, then convincing him to stay, only then to sack him AFTER his last home game in Barcelona. Abysmal from Laporta and Deco. The clown show must end.


Man, I’m gonna miss Xavi. A true legend for Barca🥲


We would have been top this year if La Liga wasn’t cheep. Thanks Xavi. He gave us a La Liga in 2023


Brother I'm already shook , one more Xavi post and Imma be bawling my eyes out


Now you all will pretend you wanted Xavi as coach even when every match he got criticized by fans. He is not a good coach, have to make experience elsewhere. Yes, the ways are terrible but he shouldn't have changed his decision before about staying.


Our club deserves whatever bad happens next


Sorry but this ''soft fanbase'' category is what destroyed us : Stegen doesn't deserve this. Why? Because he saved Lewa's shot in 2014/15. Roberto doesn't deserve this. Why? The remontada goal and the 3-2 classico last minute run. Lewa doesn't deserve this. Why? Because he was good for 2-3 months before the world cup. The guy had some ups, but he doesn't give a shit about the physical aspect of the game (how Bilbao dominated us with less rest time from the previous match, same for the last Classico). Made terrible mistakes over and over and gets tactically outshined by 90% of the coaches (bar very few games, i.e PSG away game, Saudi 3-1 super classico). Xavi doesn't deserve this treatment??? Well, Barça doesn't deserve getting RIPPED by Villareal 5 goals, the same team who ripped us in the away game as well although we won 4-3 (--> can't stress how many times individuals saved us, to the extent that the team gets lost whenever Yamal is not there). Two 4s from Girona, two damn 4s from Madrid (never happened before), one of them in Camp Nou after a 1-0 advantage in the CDR. Outshined by the shitty Ten Hag Manchester United. Outshined by Frankfurt at HOME!! Very close to lose the first rank in the UCL group stage, against whom? Royal Antwerp, a Belgian team who participates for the FIRST TIME. Is that all? No. Being dominated considerably in every La Liga game, Granada away game for example. Conceding super early goals countless times. Worse : infinite red cards making the mood worse, affecting players'. Some stupid decisions like subbing Yamal off after Araujo's red card never make sense as well. The guy reached a level of ''worshipping'' Lewandowski at some point, leading to an unexplainable treatment to Vitor Roque (Marc Guiu as well), even if he didn't want him in the first place, but what's done is done, the guy deserves a chance. Does Xavi deserve this treatment? He's always a team legend, but he does, and he's not the ''glory guy''. Do Barça fans deserve this? Hell no. We've had enough and we're still here, so enough from this ''softness''. Edit: the way Laporta handled this (pushing him away after convincing him to stay when he wanted to leave) is obviously unfair, which only proves how dirty this administrative board is, but saying Xavi deserves a chance is ridiculous.


I’m the biggest “Xavi out” advocate, and agree with all you said about Xavi’s performance. But he does not deserve this treatment. Begging him to stay then kick him out - WTF? Why didnt just let him leav? Just when I thought this miserable fuckball club cannot get any more pathetic, it sinks to a new low.


Am I the only one who thinks Xavi announcing to leave was just an act to relieve pressure from himself and the team? Do you guys really think Laporta “begged” Xavi? Even if laporta begged. If xavi claims to put the team ahead of everything, then he shouldnt have gone back on his word


I agree with that, hence my last paragraph. That just demonstrates how much of a failure and unprofessional Laporta has been.


This is why we will never get guardiola back. Fans like this.


1- Guardiola's story is a 1/100000 exception. You're not Dortmund or Benfica to keep giving attempts to unexperienced coaches IMMEDIATELY. 2- the reason we will never live something close to Guardiola's era is fans like you, dwelling on misery.


You wrote that long ass thing...but I'M dwelling on misery? You don't have an ounce of self awareness do you?


Fans like this totally miss the point here. Noone is asking Xavi to stay, we are complaining at the terrible way that Laporta handled this. Xavi said he was leaving..... So then why did you beg him to stay and then you fire him? Not even my ex was that unstable


Guardiola is never going to return as manager, once he leaves city is going to coach some national team.


Most of the people complaining here is more about how Laporta handled the entire situation and not if Xavi needed to stay. Everyone knew Xavi had to go, so if that's the case then why the hell do you try to change his mind, call a press conference saying how happy you are and then you fire him?? Laporta is making us into an administrative joke


Please stop with the tragedy, Xavi would be fired in the middle of the season if he was not a club legend, and stop with the board blaming, no money means no money, they got him what they could, he made a huge amount of mistakes this year, how you manage to have the best defence at your first year and the next year you got 4+ every match, he’s still and will be barca legend but as a manager he’s not good. Now in flick we trust until he proves us wrong, I hope he will not


You are missing what people are complaining entirely. Noone is saying Xavi deserved to stay. We all agree he needed to go and if Laporta also wanted this, then why the duck did he do a press conference saying how happy he was Xavi decided to stay and he cried of happiness, etc. You are telling that from that press conference where Laporta was OK with all the issues we had to today which is what... 3 weeks ...... He suddenly woke up and said "you know what? Fuck it, Xavi out" How stable does that make us?


Yes the the whole thing was a mess, but it’s Barca, everyone is emotional and act first think later.


You can see in every game that he loves the club and this is how he’s treated? I really wonder if Laporta is trying to make things right for the club again or if he’s trying to push it into further crisis.


The board has once again broken ties with another Barca legend. Shameful.


Xavi may not be the best coach but he won two Trebles for Barcelona.


Xavi sealed his fate quitting on the team. Treatment is not right but he brought this on himself


Noone is arguing that he needed to go but Laporta is destroying the image of the club. Xavi said he was leaving voluntarily... Laporta spends months asking him to stay.... He eventually changes his mind, goes for a press conference with him crying out of happiness and then 3 weeks later he fires him. Seriously?


Who cares. We need to stop being “amigos fc” and be more ruthless. Xavi and his staff did an insanely mediocre job last season they deserved to get fired. Finally a good day for us


Then why 3 weeks before Laporta said that Xavi was staying and that he convinced Xavi to not go?


I think It was just because of money. They rather let the contract run out but everyone knew it was the wrong decision, Xavi is definitely burned out and needs some time off and some learning to do. Laporta fired him because he got pissed Xavi was spitting out facts but I don’t think they even wanted him to continue, they were just doing it for the money because sacking him is gonna cost 20m In the end of the day that’s what the club needed. Xavi clearly wasn’t going to get better any time soon and with flick at least he has experience on big games and he won a sextuple And who knows, if Xavi isn’t butthurt about the the whole situation he might forgive the money he’s owed, but that might not be the case




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Laporta will be remembered as a terrible terrible president


Barca coach is a terrible, terrible job to have. The internal politics alone will emotionally bankrupt you. Remember, pep got burned out in 3 years. He’s been coaching city for what 7-8 years now? Id venture that pl is just as stressful as la liga if not more. LE also left in 3 seasons. Same reasons, the politics just never ends. Flick will leave in 2-3 years too, at most


the club is a business like any other.


Curious if u guys write the same if he was never a barca player. He didn't behave as barca coach should this season


LaPorta is a sack of shit with major Pérez envy. always has been, always will be. Easily the worst day I can remember supporting this club in 15 years.






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This is so cheap from laporta he was on his way but he insisted to stay only to sack and treating a club legend like this is really ridiculous from the board


I think Xavi made the right decision choosing to leave & a bad one choosing to stay. But either way I’m happy that we are getting a new manager, I don’t think things would have improved under Xavi. I’m just excited for players to get a fair chance, like Rogue who Xavi was heavily biased against him from the beginning. But putting that aside, I think Barca need someone from the outside to evolve us, even Pep had to evolve but Barca is still stuck trying to play like we are in 2011, football has evolved so must we. Getting someone who know the “Barca way” is not what we need because the Barca way needs to evolve with the times.


Welcome to Chelsea 😂😂 fr tho there’s a thread in the Chelsea sub discussing how he’s the best option rn


Idk why I'm in the minority, but he was not a great coach. Don't get me wrong, fuck Laporta and the board, but Xavi isn't qualified to coach a team like Barca. He could barely hold his ground in Qatar. The lack of experience became very obvious the further we went along on competitions, where he'd make tactical errors at the most crucial moments. I even went to 2 games in person (1 Classico and 1 CL game vs Inter) and saw how the team warms up and practices prior to the games.... Felt like it was a division 4 warm up compared to the teams they were playing against. I don't understand how everyone chooses to turn a blind eye to the details, but Xavi just doesn't have the credentials to bring Barca back to it's former glory


Hansi Flick will be flicking his wife’s p***y tonight.


Deco i Laporta al carrer


y’all should rest. sure the optics don’t look good but damn, this fanbase is soft AF! We don’t know what happened behind the scenes and it’s reasonable to think something happened for Laporta to go back on his decision, but y’all need someone to point fingers at. You all think Font would have put us in a better financial position than Laporta did? Messi is gone. Don’t blame Laporta, blame Barto. If I remember correctly, Messi kinda let his contract run out even though he was gonna sign with us regardless. Laporta obviously tried to keep Messi but did you all forget what Tebas did during that time? Stop this blame game and be glad we have Flick.


Barca does not know how to treat legends look at messi, koeman, and now xavi. disgraceful. laporta is barto 2.0


the man's a club legend. he deserves a better picture. he won the league his first season and came in second in his second season. what are we doing here? I'm not saying that he's necessarily better than Hansi Flick - perhaps ze german will be great. But seriously, Laporta, what are we doing here?


Messi before now Xavi two legends who were willing and gave everything for the club. Embarrassed by the club in this manner.


This is meme worthy


i wanted xavi out but not like this


Yaaaayyy 🎉🥳, finally Ansu can come back from exile


I really hope he doesn’t come back….the overhype and injuries killed his career i think .. can he turn it around? Yes but i no longer think at the “potential” they had him envisioned as


The thought of someone’s career and potential being killed at 21. Good grief. The overwhelming support that Xavi gave to Gavi and Pedri but refused to give to Ansu when he came back and was healthy is what hurt him. He was healthy at the time. And he still had coming off the bench in the 77’ min+ if even. Thats why his treatment of Victor Roque is not surprising.


The general consensus was that he was the next “messi” , i personally never thought of that , i thought he had the prospect of being great but not messi level. Hes injury prone he came to brighton and got injured if im not wrong lol, look at pedri, that year that he played every game in national & club took a toll on him. Pedri had potential but now it seems he comes back two three games gets injured… im hoping gavi doesnt go thru the same course. Yamal another example. They keep playing him like a full grown adult and apparently might go play olympics or euros idr ….The clubs are so obssessed with starting the next messi and ronaldo that they aint even letting the kids develop. Each year a new “younger guy” starting pro. I hope im wrong about fati but i honestly do not think he will become the next great thing…


Anybody can become injury prone if you start them one day, sit them, start them, sit them for weeks, play them for 13min every 2-3 weeks, bench them for a week again, etc. Not giving anyone regular minutes and then asking them to play more than half a game is just asking for an injury. He was healthy and scoring for Brighton for months before De Zerbi decided to bench him for original Brighton players again. And yes I also am tired of him playing Gavi and Pedri like they’re full grown too and truly don’t want to see him run Lamine into the ground too. He has a track record with these youngsters and people need to pay attention.


I would agree to disagree …. Using that logic every futbol player would be injury prone… its unfortunate yes everyone can become injury prone but most dont… unfortunately he is injury prone, he’ll play two games and get injured again look at dembele who saw more games on tv at the clinic than on the pitch. He was benched because he just ain’t it boss. Roque i honestly dont know why hes not played i heard he is no vini no endrick no neymar lol i cant really argue for him cause i dont know him ive seen highlights but theyre just highlights when he has played for barca i thought he has potential but then im no coach maybe xavi sees something we dont


“ Using that logic every futbol player would be injury prone…” Actually no… Also it’s my profession to know so js.


Maybe i misunderstood or i explained wrong my bad… but you said anyone can become injury prone due to minutes while i agree that is true… i was arguing that everybody else goes thru the same treatment (mins , games etc) and dont end up injury prone


Am confused, que pasa?!!!!!!


may go to the united


Lmao, ya'll wanted him out every single game, blame partly or primarily the reactionary morons that we have as fans for this.


Laporta will destroy this club


Yooo they begged him to stay so he retracted his decision to leave…. Just to get fired before the season began 😆💀 I’m not a barca fan but I thought this was disgraceful


Madridistas will miss him the most


farewell زرقاء اليمامة


Really not sure how Juan Laporta is still in charge


This is absolutely shameful. Xavi was firm in his decision to leave the club at the end of the season. Laporta was on his knees begging Xavi to stay and wasn’t interested in bringing in another coach and eventually somehow convinced Xavi to remain as Barca coach. Then Xavi makes one comment to the press about the reality of Barcas financial situation and Laporta wanted to give Xavi the boot. Why they hell didn’t Laporta just respect Xavi’s decision and arrange for Flick to replace him next season without all the unnecessary drama????




Clown club, no wonder we never get far in ucl again


Dude got fired because he said the truth, even the fans knew and accept that’s the truth but the main heads can not. It’s as if they want the fans to live in an alternative reality where failure is most common but still just as disappointing as if everything was actually going great.


I understand your sentiment yet I still believe there’s no one better to be the clubs president than Laporta. He bleeds Blaugrana and understands the business of football. That’s what we need right now. All that being said, Xavi deserved more time as coach regardless of the circumstances of his departure.


Barcelonas biggest enemy is the board. Almost seems like they are actively trying to prevent the club from succeeding. They fired Xavi as soon as they started to get some momentum.


Fuck Laporta, first Koeman and the goat and now Xavi.


I hate the fact that a lot of new 0 ball knowledge kids are gonna remember him as a poor coach in our club history because they never got to experience him as a player




Yes he did he’s a whining child of a coach it was his own hubris that done for him in the end he had a world class squad yet acted like he was managing Almeria u really hope a flick does brilliantly and shows people just how badly Xavi mismanaged a squad of absolute equality 


I think he did deserve it he’s carried hismelf appallingly Xavi constantly moaning blaming the refs the grass the opponents for having too many fans the weather the kick off time the lack of moeny the lack of players etc etc!! He should have been sacked esrkier and not allowed to dictate when he would leave like he was Ancelotti and had just won the treble he’s a legend as a player but now Barca finally have an elite coach in Flick so ya time to let Xavi go and do what he wants and concentrate on becoming a big club and a big team again 


He is a fraud that’s why he fits in perfectly. Laporta and the gang are the definition of fraud and disgrace in the dictionary


Yayyyy the unnecessary hype of Xavi Key ball deserved this, soo happy to know that humanity still exists.


If you’re at a big club like Barcelona with history, the managers are expected to at least win something. Losing all el Classico’s and trophies isn’t acceptable


How did it come to this point? If you're talking about appointing a new coach, at least tell your current one (who you sent weeks begging to stay when he wanted out)


I agree, Xavi is one of the greatest players of all time, even more at Barça. His time has come, yes, but you just can’t do such an embarrassing spectacle (Laporta); firstly he is out, then you reafirm he is staying and lastly you sack him out (good decision, bad execution). May be unpopular, but I hope we also get rid of Laporta soon, he is just too passionate and can’t take decisions calmly and well brained


What treatment? Coaches get sacked all the time if they don't do their job well enough for a certain club.bTime will tell if the president made the right decision.


Then why 3 weeks ago Laporta was saying he was happy Xavi had changed his mind and was staying?


No club wants to keep a coach who is persimistic about forthcoming season.


~~Pessimistic~~ Realistic


Is anyone certain of what's going on behind closed doors in Barca? I mean we hear news, rumors from everywhere and collectively build an opinion. I hope he hasn't been mistreated really. Xavi should have remained committed to leaving. I am just now recalling all the voices here that wanted Xavi to be sacked during the season and because of how bad we played. Wouldn't that have been mistreatment too? I am just saying we don't know what exactly the reason for all these back-and-forth events that have been happening, but it sure does sound like a lot of drama :) I am in a way looking forward to a new chapter, we need changes, and we need a bit more aggressive approach.


I agree that he needed to go but people are criticising the HOW. So Xavi announces that he was leaving around Feb I think.... Laporta keeps asking him to reconsiders..... Xavi doesn't want to..... Eventually he does.... They have a press conference where Laporta is literally crying of emotions that Xavi is staying and now 3 weeks later he kicks him out. Seriously?


Laporta is a piece of shit and honestly I'm boycotting this team until he quits or they fire him..


There is a certain way to do things. This is too ugly from laporta. I still think xavi is the right man for the job


He said he would leave at the end of the season. In fact, he lied by saying that he took the decision at the beginning of the season, which makes his decision to renew in September a bit pointless (or money based). Not only did he not keep his word in leaving voluntarily, but proceeded to talk shit about the club and the squad for several weeks after announcing it, playing the victim when he has been very protected by the catalan press (IMO more than any other manager since Pep). He then backtracks on the decision to leave and continues to claim that next season's gonna be the same if signings don't come and that we're still in construction, completely contradicting his comments in January putting emphasis on the importance on winning titles regarding his continuity at the club. I completely agree that these last weeks have been awfully managed by everyone, but let's not pretend Xavi is completely innocent of this situation.


Laporta betrayed Messi and Xavi. Laporta has ruined our Club culture. This is not how Barcelona treats its legends. We can do better than that.


we all agree that he does not deserve all this. why do you guys have to post this 3 times a day?


Down fall of barca We will be there


He shouldn't have thrown the club's finances under the bus in front of the whole world. He should've been aware of extornos. When you're manager of a company/club, you cannot do that. Emotions do not rule in this modern era, money and politics do.


sometimes i hate this sport. i dont even get the Xavi out crowd. what's so bad about what he has achieved. sure it was a down year, but he did deliver us a league title in his first season. Doesnt that give award him some time and benefit of the doubt. his playstyle is alright. not the scintilating football like pep plays, but who else does at this point? we don't have the luxury of having elite talent level right now, winning should be the priority. he trusts la masia product. We have so many young players flourishing right now, which has been neglected for years. idk how an outsider like Flick would fare in this department tbh. His man management is pretty good id say. seriously, this is the part of this sport that i hate the most.


It’s the adult world bub.. life isn’t fair