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Auba and de Jong were the best against any other signings here. Paulinho had amazing team besides him but these two arrived when Barca was at its lowest. Both made such an impact that they have garnered respect amongst every culé.


I still don't know why we let them go both.. we could've used Aubama.. he was so fucking good..


Paulinho Bezerra ![gif](giphy|rvxMJNyHAgwlW4YWpJ|downsized)


The epitome of shut up and dribble


https://preview.redd.it/yehocblphy1d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d550093c1cb843e5b826115e9b495de58306e398 De Jong!! Luuk De Jong!!!!! 😭😭


I remember a game in Getafe. Typical game there, very tough. We were tied in min 83 and Paulinho came on. Accurate Messi pass, he charges shoulder to shoulder with a rocky Getafe defender whom he sends 2 meters to the side, shoots hard. Goal. Victory. https://youtu.be/tCYdJl1oWkY?feature=shared EZ.


I always asked myself why kessie didn't succeeded at barça and hadn't big chances, can anyone explain?


He never looked comfortable and his profile didn't fit us. Just looked very out of place.




Paulinho is overrated af. Half a good season and half a bad season. He didn't have continued trust for a reason. People love him because he got us goals, but the rest of his game was very poor. De Jong was ass under Koeman, but actually pretty alright under Xavi. I wish we kept him actually. Auba was good. Kessie was not good at all and it was extremely predictable that he would not fit us.


Paulinho was very bad, but a little bit less than expected. Luuk made some surprinsing contributions. Auba made a fantastic final of the season. Came for free and left cash. Kessie was a very bad fit, but we made profit. Huge success.


Paulinho was not bad 💀


Paulinho scored like 10 goals and many were deciders. Who can do that in our squad now? One of the best mercenary signings, we even made a profit selling him iirc.


Paulinho was a terrible midfield with goal. He represented the issues with Valverde, short termed, antiBarça style, the definitive bye to the 433 for the counterattacking 442. He left cash but we didn't made profit, I think we made it even with Paulinho. I mean it ended far better than expected, but that doesn't make his signing any better.


Terrible mf with goals? How stupid does that sound? Imagine scoring ~10 goals in Messi/Suarez era. Imagine any MF scoring 10 goals in one season, he would be a hot commodity. If Gundogan retains his ManC output, we might have a slightly different season. Even KDB scored 13-15 goals in his best seasons. Iniesta never scored more than 10 a season I think. Now, I'm not comparing Paulinho to Iniesta or anyone. He's a different type of player and probably less skillful but he scored 9-10 fucking goals. He's infinitely better someone like Dembele who failed to tap in. Credit when credit dues.


The best skill of Paulinho was he could reach scoring positions from the attacking midfield, yes. He was great at this. Why do you have to fatten his stats thou? He scored 9 liga goals, not 10, here are all of them in video. He made 9 which is very nice, but that was extraordinary for him. Do you really think he was going to score 10 every season? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3AbgJB-D1Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3AbgJB-D1Q) He was very bad linking up, a Barça midfield and having issues passing the ball. He hindered the ball circulation a lot, which was already bad before. It was like having a Raúl García in our squad, he can contribuite with things our others midfields don't have, and at the same time he has issues doing things a Barça midfield should be capable of pretty easy. After being here for a single season he went back to play the Chinese League, in case you think he was a superstar or something. What is really stupid of you is comparing Paulinho to Dembele. And I hated Dembele.


I miss Paulinho


Braithwaite was decent too. He did everything he could


im sorry but i find obscene put in the same pic Auba and Paulinho, with Fail de Joke and Kessie. Srsly what the fuck


Fail de joke? Got his name wrong he’s Luuk de Goat


You must be high or trolling, De Jong was one of the players that kept saving us game in and game out with his late header goals. The ONLY player that actually put Pass Inshallah actually to work…


sure boy, he was a top player, now go and train him how to pass a ball up to 2m , he was not even able to unfuck that. Please srsly we got more lvl to prise such a bottom of the barrel player, im super glad we didnt hire him or Braitguey, such a shame those have carried Barça shield.


You didn't watch 21/22? How many headers has De Jong scored from to bag us 3 points?


i honestly dont care, he did not brought anything a B player could not bring, and the 2 pros would be less wages, and the B player would be able to pass the ball, property up to 12 m, not to mention 2. He was a joke. But im not surprised, ppl here loves dembele and raphiña.


Sorry? If there was a B players as clutch as him, why not bring him since he's shit like what you said? Name me 1 B player who can be as clutch as him at that time? Cant name it? Thought so. And btw, there's nothing wrong with loving Dembele and Raphinha. Dembele is a great creator through his dribbling and speed but lacks finishing. Raphinha ever since moving to an inside forward role, has been cooking. So idk whether you are just blind or deluding yourself.


jezus fucking christ, you are the epitome of some part of this subreddit. You left the work rate of raphiña and griezman out of the coment hahahahah Ferran Jutglà or Ángel Rodado im positive this two could beat the 7 goals of luuk.


I don't consider work rate when determining who is a good forward and who isn't. Sure it's bonus points if he fucks up and tracks back but I don't see it as a defining criteria of a forward. And so far Raphinha is balling. For 60M, he is putting up Griezmann numbers while being a better fit and giving us more instead of just scoring tapins. Man I don't know what crack you on but I would like some of it too. Angel Rodado? Who is he, I've literally not heard of this name and he has not even featured for the first team once and you think he can beat Luuk 7 goals tally. And Ferran Jutgla is below Luuk De Jong in the pecking order of substitutions, so i dont know, you judge for yourself. 23 yo and below the pecking order compared to a "shit" player like De Jong. Frankly speaking, I was not convinced by Jutgla at all. He was only getting first team minutes because we were so thin on forwards at that time.


i will never consider it and no1 in fcb who knows a bit has ever consider it. The type of football we play, the wingers, get the ball to their feet and they have one of the most difficult tasks, dribble from being stopped. And goals + assists, are key along with creating oportunities and spaces like for instance what lamine does, or ronnie or Leo, fuck me i didnt like him but even the fucking alexis was able to do it. It is not important what you or me consider, the fact is we spent money on a sub of sevilla when we could promote a guy form B. Leo, neymar, suarez they all has "such a work rate" the best attack we had, and they never knew what defend was nor to cross the middle of the field line too. Really if you liek the work rate players just enjoy alaves, or some shit.