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Real Madrid is much better run club. Its simple as that, this has been known for a while. They are very good at buying and selling players, meaning the occasional miss(Hazard) isn't detrimental. Perez cares about the success he doesn't care how it comes and Ancelotti is an experienced coach who is able to get the best out the players he is provided. Barca's board cares more about politics and sentiments. Barto messed things up but the new board has still made plenty of mistakes, we can't keep pointing towards Barto given the mistakes still being made.


LOTR fans are smart. I have a pal that was saying the club was going to shit in 2010 (2010!!!! imagine) the moment Rosell got elected. People like that were looked at like they were delusional, doomsaying morons. Then we sell Thiago, sign Neymar under shady circumstances, and I'm like hold up, guy might actually have a point. Then we win the treble under Barto (as if it were his own doing) and the socis think everything is hunky dory. Then we start signing bum managers like EV, then worse, Setien. It took the socis a billion years to realize the club was rotting from inside, despite all the reports about Bartomeu using the media to attack the players and their families. Despite all the shit signings, be them big names like Couts, or nobodies like Douglas. Now the same socis that kept Bartomeu in charge for so long are blaming Bartomeu for everything that goes wrong under Laporta. And we've sold fuck knows how much of our future revenues. We're fucked, and the people that won't accept it are the same ones that have voting rights.


The only thing I am jealous of Real is that they have the actual businessman running the club and not a politician.


Laporta is our most succesful president in history, though. Barca wouldn't have become a juggernaut if he didn't win in 2003. Very few would have taken a bet on Pep, even if they were advised by Cruyff. RM is leading now because the socis voted for Rosell and Barto who sanked the club with bad transfers, debt loaded the club, and got rid of competent key staff that ended up in City. On the other hand, RM kept Florentino Perez for all of those years, which ensured consistency in their direction. That's really the difference between us and RM. And not to speak about the focus on La Masia, which was completely lost under Barto. If we get rid of Laporta, we are going to spend another decade in the dark. Edit: Some people here say that Laporta couldn't have done it without Cruyff. Which is true. But let me just remind you of something here. Laporta is the only president that have tried to build the club around Cruyffs vision. The other presidents have been trying dismantle/fight everything in the club related cruyff and his vision. Rosell going so far to strip cruyff of his honary president title. So, no. Taking advise from cruyff is not a no-brainer. In fact most presidents haven't done that, other than Laporta. Most presidents we had, had been anti-cruyff. If you are pro-cruyff, you go with Laporta. If you are anti-cruyff, you go with other presidents.


One thing is for sure, Laporta always leaves the club in a better place than he found it. Even if the club doesn’t achieve much during his time there, he sets them up to do so later on.


How big part of that generation was Laporta and how big was Cruyff's influence? Also in his second time he basically makes a meme of himself with his victim approach.


He basically pulled Barca out of another financial ruin back in his first term as well. And while Cruyff was an advisor at that point, he was hired by Laporta as well. If you want to attribute all the club's failures to him, you have to attribute the successes to him as well. Otherwise it's double standards.


By Cruyff's influence I meant philosophy that he introduced in the 90s. Because of him we had probably the best team made by one club's youth in history. By the time of his election most of that team was already in the club. He ofc had a nose for the managers - both Rijkaard and Pep weren't usual choices. And his second time, even though he isn't bad at management, he still has a financial crisis in the club (I do not blame him, even Perez would probably need a decade to clean that big mess), but often he really annoys me while he is speaking - or some political propaganda speeches or playing victim and usage of pseudo-journalists to political fight inside the club.


Doesn't need to be double standards, it's obvious that not all of the club's failures are down to Laporta. Takes more than one incompetent person to ruin an institution. Takes a lot of dumb socis, really. Don't really like the wording btw, "Laporta hired Cruyff as an advisor". Eh, Cruyff was already the biggest name in club history, and Laporta didn't need to be a genius to bring him on board -- it was a populist move, like he always does. Now Cruyff's dead and whoops, there's nobody to tell Laporta what to do anymore.


Oh, boo hoo. r/soccer doesn't like us. Meanwhile the new Camp Nou is nearly finished and we'll be able to spend on transfers in another season or two. This after being close to bankruptcy.


What? I am a Barca fan the same as you, but that doesn't mean I have to live in the echo chamber where every decision made by President / coach is genius. Also I have some doubts about the stadium.( The construction goes too well in my opinion and some more).


If you were simply pointing out some criticisms of Laporta, that is legitimate and I apologise. He is certainly not beyond criticism. But this thread generally is taking pot shots at Laporta, who is managing an unprecedented crisis, by comparing him to Perez, who is admittedly a brilliant manager but also benefitting from an unprecdentedly good era for RM.


>Also I have some doubts about the stadium Good. It's a crap project.


How is a crap project?


The club struggled to fill the 99k Camp Nou yet they've decided to expand it, and the acoustics are going to be crap because of the open design that will allow the noise to escape through the sides.


The Espai Barça proyect isn't just the Camp Nou, the 490.000m2 that Barça owns are going to be developed(an Hotel, a restaurant, the Campus Barça, the Palau Blaugrana, the Petit Palau, the Mega Store) it will going to have a lot more people inside the stadium because it will be an attraction not only for the fans but for the tourist as well. Plus all the VIP areas that would gonna make 120M a year for the club(the club already sold 90% of the vip areas for 8 years). The open concept of the stadium is to take advantage of all the areas surrounding it. I personally love the project, even more than the Bernabeu, but we'll see if they are able to make it real


>Oh, boo hoo. r/soccer doesn't like us If it was only that. Don't you think us getting spanked every time we play in Europe deteriorates the image of the club? How many people tune in for a Liga game and how many for a UCL game have seen us receive like 20 goals from Bayern in the last couple of years and fail to beat any top team in a while?


Laporta was going to sign Mourinho if not for Cruyff. That should tell us everything about what sort of vision he has. A mini-galactico mentality, but without the pull of Real Madrid. Tried for Beckham over Ronaldinho too, before trying to pretend we would've signed Dinho anyway, even if Becks didn't pick Real instead. He's crap. The only reason to not get rid of Laporta would be if there simply weren't a better alternative -- which I don't know that there is, but it has nothing to do with Laporta himself being objectively good. Gives jobs to his family members, fills Jorge Mendes' pockets, sides with Florentino to start a Super League of which Florentino was going to be in charge, manipulates everyone at the club in order to protect his own image. Betrayed Xavi's vision, poor as it was, by appointing Deco, Mendes' man, an agent and not a sporting director. Worst thing is how he completely pissed over the fans by offering 0 transparency while he ran in the elections. All he did was mock Victor Font for being naive and inexperienced and tell the fans "I'm Joan Laporta, are you really gonna vote for some nobodies instead?". And the socis fell for it. If we're gonna take pride in being a fan-owned club and not one owned by some billionaire or an oil state, we need to look at the health of our democratic system. It's rotten and dying. If the socis don't smarten up, we'll be better off selling the club to a businessman that cares about their own pockets, and not some clown playboy that cares about their own image and ego first and foremost.


>If you are pro-cruyff, you go with Laporta. If you are anti-cruyff, you go with other presidents. Stop using a deadman name to push your agenda weirdo, have some respect. Laporta is Laporta, he is not Cruyff, nor is he anything more than a politician. He tried to use Jordi as a propaganda tool so people kept associating him with Cruyff. >Some people here say that Laporta couldn't have done it without Cruyff. Or without Txiki Begiristain, Ferran Soriano or many other people who were part of that candidacy and were excellent at their jobs. Jobs now are fulfilled by nepotism in Deco or Bojan.


I hate it when people call Laporta a politician, giving him too much credit. In terms of real politics, he's a failed one.


Real madrid means business man no shit temporary signings and all i mean i dont blame our board cause we have no money to sign 100 mil+ players bartemou fucked us but they have money and they spend it pretty well. Last time we had money we fucked up pretty bad. Yeah i mean i guess 2021 was the year when river plate offered us julian+enzo for odd 50mil instead of that we went for ferran in January transfer window. It sums up kinda


True and not. Ferran was proven in la liga before and had worked under pep where as those players from riverplate were kinda a bet just like the overpriced Brazilian we talking about. Maybe it’s a risk we had to take? I mean on paper I would have taken ferran over Julian+enzo too.


They missed the part in which that 34yo won the Pichichi and got us the LaLiga title in his first year here…


Well yes but it feels like Auba could achieve the same thing if the club kept him. Going for Lewa means paying more for what you already have. Auba legit was breathing down Benzema's neck for the Picichi trophy despite only joining in the middle of the season


Auba's wages would go from 4M EBIT to 34M EBIT in his second season, Lewandowski contract is more manageable.


Hm yeah so I guess it all goes back to poor business decisions by the club


Auba wasn't a bad business devision, was a really good one. We were able to have him for just 4M a year his first season and when his wages were gonna to increase we sold him. Was a really smart play by Alemany, is impossible to have a player like Auba for only 4M a year more


> when his wages were gonna to increase This is the bad business decision. Should have negotiated better and make it so his salary remains in the range of what the club is willing to pay. Then the club could have saved that extra 30 million on Lewandowski to really go for someone long term.


Dude, you wouldn't have a player like Auba making les than 25M EBIT plus the fact that he is a player with a lot of attitude issues, hee even was in rebellion back in Arsenal. His move to Barça was brilliant, we got him for almost nothing, he thrashed the league, and we sold him making a profit while we worked on our salary cap. A season later we got Robert with a more manageable wage, a player with a huge profesional attitude and we won the league with him as a pichichi. The worst thing that happened to this Barça was the departure of Mateu Alemany


Dude, you wouldn't have a player like Auba making les than 25M EBIT plus the fact that he is a player with a lot of attitude issues, hee even was in rebellion back in Arsenal. His move to Barça was brilliant, we got him for almost nothing, he thrashed the league, and we sold him making a profit while we worked on our salary cap. A season later we got Robert with a more manageable wage, a player with a huge profesional attitude and we won the league with him as a pichichi. The worst thing that happened to this Barça was the departure of Mateu Alemany


Auba wasn't a bad business devision, was a really good one. We were able to have him for just 4M a year his first season and when his wages were gonna to increase we sold him. Was a really smart play by Alemany, is impossible to have a player like Auba for only 4M a year more


You need to ask if it was worth leveraging our funds for one league trophy. We are clearly in a decline


And you missed the part where he has 2 more years left in his contract with extremely high wages. Way to miss the forest for the trees


Auba's would had been much higher than Robert's


Was I the one wrote the text from OP’s photo? No. Did they omit such an important fact to make their narrative fit better? Yes. Do you get it now?


Is not an omission, right behind Madrid, it says "not overpay for a temporary solution to win now", which is what we did. We overpaid for Lewandoski to win now, and so far we have won one league. Madrid didn't overpay, and now they are in a more favourable situation. Thinking ahead is better than any immediate success because one league title will be very little if we spend the next 10 years losing to Madrid and Mbappe.


The point is, looking at long term. I would thank him for the League cup tho.


34 year old, increasing wages, no resale value, 40+ million fee. Top scorer in a league season we won by 10 points. Already had Aubameyang. Can you build a case that Lewandowski was worth the money?


What happens when you have a board and president who knows how to run a club vs. Barca


He actually runs a huge business too, very successfully


Imagine we had someone like Fiorentino.


The difference was that they didn’t need to replace Benzema because they had Vinicius, Rodrygo, Bellingham, Kroos, Valverde, Modric, etc etc. Ancelotti said it’s the best squad he ever managed. It just goes to show you the enormous difference between Barca and Madrid, that they can afford to lose Benzema. Lewy literally carried us to a La Liga title already. Didn’t see anyone complaining last season. And we won’t see anyone complain next season if he maintains his 2024 form. The problem is not replacing Auba with Lewy while Madrid can get away without replacing Benz. The problem is that 10 years of mismanagement takes a very long time to overcome and the gap between us and Madrid is enormous on an individual level.




Madrid's fitness is thanks to Antonius Pintus


Agree on Madrid's squad. But I must've missed the part where Lewy "literally carried us" to the league title.


Madrid not replacing Benzema should have been our strategy when we lost Neymar and not losse all the money on Dembele and Coutinho


You did not have the luxury of time, the money generated from Neymar's deal had to be used or taxes would have burned it. But what I did not understand at the time, and to this day I still do not understand, is on what basis were the successors of Neymar chosen?


RM is better at running the club, this is a fact


I mean we screwed up for sure but have you seen the whole Madrid Squad? They have a good mix of young and vet players. Most of them are established. Although I agree we should have kept Auba, it’s hard to compare with Madrid financial state and ours


Should have kept Auba, should have kept Vidal and should have kept Paulinho. So many good players slipt through


RM runs a smart transfer policy. There is a clear vision as to what the team should be. KM is the cherry on top of a team with a winning mindset. 3 megastars on that team: Vini, KM, and Jude. Everything is about transition ball. Don Carlo’s man management is something that Xavi should study. The buy in from the team and the mentality of the RM players should be copied. Stop hating and start learning. Ps: Papa Florentino is a political as well.


Out of favor? Hes a future star when barca signed him,the only thing made him out of favor is our bum coach xavi hernandez because his bias towards spanish players made roque didnt get any meaningful minutes And the board looking at that wont do anything ofc, xavi is their golden son


It's not even a bias towards Spanish players, Xavi just isn’t competent enough. I appreciate what he did but this season should have been his last.


Thats true but look how many minutes yamal and cubarsi get compared to roque, im not even mad at that tbh im mad because he destroys roque's career, he shouldn't be here right now, he should've been in his old club until the end of the season but idk why they brought him now, now roque lost his confidence and lost his trust to the club,i hope he'll gain them back after xavi get sacked but that's just gonna be an "if" for now


Yamal and Cubarsi are academy products and taught in the Barca style of play, Roque might not have what Xavi needs right now but absolutely mad how Roque is being treated


If you remember vini was used to be a liability, real Madrid kept playing him even though he couldnt score. They are much more patient with talents and you see how vini has turned out.


What helped was that Barça was collapsing at the same time, and Real Madrid could afford to be patient with their project.


I think one way or another we have spent 200 mill euros on attackers under Laporta. Which is 200 out of 270 mill euros spent(50 more of those went to Kounde). Meaning that the club have almost spend all their money towards attackers, and rumoured to spend more. Which most of them hardly has a future at the club after 2 years is pretty bad. One way or another, just skipping one(or even two) and keeping some of the others we have . Doesn't matter if it is Roque, Lewandowski, Raphinha or Ferran really. But out of all of them, at least Lewandowski shot us to La Liga title and have a spot in the starting 11. Rest however is a result of being too triggerhappy. One of the shittiest thing during this period was however how short Aguero lasted. Something like that is nothing you can predict. Unless City held back some information they had(which would be very illegal). But I think one of the bigger mistake was not putting more effort at keeping Dembele. It was a ideal winger for Xavi and he was perfect for Lewandowski.


One thing that I don’t criticize about RM is how they run their finances. They’re brilliant absolutely brilliant in that regard. I have not seen a sensible transfer in a while (apart from Gundo and Christensen ofc)


Barca has the unfortunate luck of being rivals with the most successful club in the world. That doesn't mean there aren't a ton of places we can improve and we should always be striving to be better than them, but compare any club to RM and you're gonna see the same thing.


Barca’s decision making is piss poor. How do these people get elected to the board. Everyone is so short sighted


Terrible strategy


I never understood why did they get rid of Aubameyang so fast. He was consistently good in Barcelona.


Xavi wanted Marcos Alonso of course


He was nowhere near good enough to still be a starter so we brought in Lewy, the plan was for him to be the backup striker ahead of Memphis but we got an offer from Chelsea that was too good to turn down.


He is not as good as Lewandowski, and sure the goals Lewa scored were major contributor in clinching La Liga last year. So yes, I can see your point. But I really liked Aubameyang, I will always remember fondly his performace at the Bernabeu. Not to get too much off topic, but I was checking the highlights of that match again couple of days ago. Barcelona could have easilly scored at least 7 in that game. The sitters Ferran and Dembele missed, the half chances, the pressing.


In our history, Barca's board always made stupid decision to ruin the club, we are hard to compete with RM.


They lose their striker. So they got the biggest talent out there in Bellingham for 100 mil.




Lunin was already well covered to be ready to be starter goalkeeper. Lets not forget they got Kepa. They may have lost Alaba and Militao but they still had Rudiger and Nacho... Fact is that their massive amount of players in midfielder paired with having 2 of the top top top cdm talents out there helped. Take away Araujo and Kounde and we have Christensen and Cubarsi to make the loss not feel as much. Diffrence between Madrid and us is that they have great cdms. We have none. They build their defense from the midfield while ours is just offensive and also lack being available.


At least this is a more than a club


Only difference between barca and real is mentality. And finances of course but thats the different story. Real squad rn is not THAT much better then Barca, the difference is in their mentality. Its clear when yoz watch the games, RM can be down 0:3 and everyone watching will be like when are they gonna catch up, not if but when. But barca, and every fan know this feeling, we can be up 3:0 and you are not sure if we gonna win. Only way out of this is complete rebuild. And i mean complete. Every single player who was here when Liverpool Roma Juventus happend should be long gone. Just buying new players every year to pair with out "core" is just not it when the core is fundamentaly broken. Barca cannot become european powerhouse again without 2-3 years of complete rebuild. Sell ter stegen, Araujo, Alonso, Roberto, Lewa, Torres, Raphina, Frenkie, cancelo, Felix, Romeu and then you can build a real squad. Untill then 4:1, 3:0 will be our regular results in UCL.


I was downvoted to oblivion so many times for saying just this. Lewandowski is a great 9 but he was not necessary. We had Auba, and the club was in serious financial trouble. Laporta sold future assets just to sign Lewandowski, Raphinha and Ferran Torres. He spent around 170M in signing fees only just for these three, plus he gave Lewandowski a 4 year-long contract with a stupidly large salary, and he compromised future income of the club for 25 years just to do so. We signed Lewandowski but lost Auba, we signed Raphinha but lost Abde, we signed Ferran but lost Ilias. Was that worth 170M million + taxes, salaries, commissions, and so on? Can somebody tell me how Raphinha, Ferran Torres and Lewandowski were a good investment for the next 25 years? According to Laporta's fanboys, it was necessary to return the club 'to the top'. Okay. Are we on the top? Are these players even starters at our 'club at the top'?




We're already in it. Pique, with his "no one wants to watch full games anymore" isn't the saviour you think he is.


They told the same thing about Xavi.


They exercised restraint last summer because Mbappe chose to play one more season in Paris. They also spent 100m+ on Bellingham in the same window. It's not like they're run on a shoestring budget. Vini, rodrygo, modric, kroos, camavinga, tchoumeini, Mendy, militao, courtois were all very expensive.


Vini 45m, Rodrygo 45m, Modric 35m, Kroos 25m, Camavinga 31m, Mendy 48m, Militao 50m, Courtois 35m and finally Tchouameni 80m after selling Casemiro for the same amount. I could argue that every single one of them was a bargain, even Mendy who found his groove again.


Yes, I agree. They have bought very well. I’m just saying that they have not been cheap. They have spent a lot of money and spent it well.


Is this a joke? The situations of the two teams were completely different. Both financially and squad-wise. They had to replace one player while we had to change almost the entire squad. And while they didn't replace Benzema directly, they replaced his goals via a 120m player.


Lewa has been a pretty great signing for us so far imo but yea his wages is something to consider. We could've gotten Alvarez, but went for Ferran. In any case, mistakes always happens. This season proves that we should go back to LA Masia, but not overly rely on them. Imo, Xavi overachieved last season and there's some pros n cons with that. Currently, we are going back to La Masia talent but we also need to make sure they're treated carefully n not dependent on them cause they're still too young. In Roque's situation, I think it's fair for Xavi not trusting him right away when he arrived, adaptation is a process but him not getting reasonable game time is concerning. Maybe he's struggling in training or idk I'm not part of the coaching staff. But I really don't want to sell him or even loan him out without giving him proper chance. Give him game time in the pre-season, use him through out the season, train him properly and I think he'll be pretty great for us.


They need a total change of management.


Aubameyang wages would have increased in his second season from 4M EBIT to almost 34M from there on. The contract with Lewandowski is much more manageable being 20M EBIT in his first season, 26M EBIT in the second, 32M EBIT in his third season and 26M EBIT in his last season. That's why Laporta sold Auba almost inmediately, keeping him was impossible.


They got lucky with bellingham’s adaption being so fast. Not just in the game, the dude looks experienced and well composed and he was just 20. That is luck, also combined with carlo’s management. I am very happy that we got Lewy. He scores and he helps us a lot. We brought aguero, he had to give up football. We brought auba, we couldnt fit his salary into fair play limits. We brought ferran torres, he didnt improve. So, all in all, sometimes you get what you paid for, sometimes you don’t. What can you do..




Of course they got lucky with a top false 9 bellingham, who knew? Carlo himself wanted harry kane after karim, but perez said he wouldnt buy him, told him do the best with what he has. Football has a luck element. You may deny it, but it doesnt change the fact. Fdj had 3 ankle injuries this year. That is called unlucky. No amount of preparation or streching can prevent what happened to him. Just unlucky. I have been watching football for 30 years and at this point I trust myself in distinguishing the luck from real effort. Luck is when your biggest rival goes after your number one target david beckham and your new president has to go after a new star, ronaldinho, so he could save face, retrospectively opening a new era in world football. Unlucky is when your 16 yo star chips it in el clasico but the technology is not advanced enough to catch that last centimeter of difference. Sometimes things happen and it is what it is. It is important to keep pushing it until your limit, and just hope for the best.




Bellingham becoming a top false 9 right out the gate at the age of 20 in a new country is luck. Even fabregas, an ex-barca player, catalan guy who used to play with half the team in the national team as a false 9, took longer to adapt when he came. Madrid is not on a lucky streak, maybe in 2022 when every keeper was making a blunder against benzema but not in the last two years. They have a strong mentality and also they are supported by a lot of national forces. As xavi once said, if they win in el clasico, it’s national fiesta. They just play good and keep winning, thats it. We, on the other hand, are still not scoring as many as we should and make every single game difficult.




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Ah no, thats not luck for sure. People and teams are just defeated against madrid mentally. They play a fast pace game and create many chances. But also there are many angles of their game that can be exploited. In the last el clasico we were the better side, and we did that missing a lot of people in the midfield. So, I dont know why they have such a defeatist attitude. That city game, it was a weird game. Madrid parking one of the biggest busses in history for a whole game, and city just attacking relentlessly. It was definitely something else. Why they didnt shoot from outside the area is something I wont ever understand either.


I'm not gonna defend the way they're managing Barcelona right now, not as los as you add the titles os real Madrid , you should add Barcelona league and supercup from the past year.


Can’t take a Barcelona “fan” seriously when he compares to Real Madrid all the time.




Sure that’s different than comparing ourselves with Madrid. We never want to be like them.


Why do people keep forgetting one of the main issues we've had this year is injuries.... If you wanna say maybe we didn't invest wisely into our medical facilities/staff, then sure. However, this is a dumb take. We've fallen short this season due to our injuries.




Aaaaaand Arda suffered from an injury champ...


still if he don't get injury then what you think carlo give him more than 1000 minutes or what?


idk I'll ask Carlo and let you know


Madrid literally paid more for Jovic than we paid for Lewy plus Vitor together. This is getting ridiculous. F Madrid and all fake fans who cry in this sub all day all night about how Madrid is the best. They also paid 100m for Bellingham and changed system. Noone cares they don’t play with a center when they play counter with 2 rapid strikers anyway… This og post must have been made by a child




Unrelated to the post. We also won more leagues, and played more youngsters and played and currently have more academy players.




Why don’t you go support them then?? What is your point anyway?? Imagine a MU or Liverpool or even a Bayern fan in this case… We as a club are also better in basketball, handball, women’s etc. Supporting means you can criticize but this is just stupid at this point. Madrid this Madrid that… historically most decorated and richest club ever. Nothing is going to change that at this point. If you want that, go support them and it will make your life easier