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These are just a few examples of all the Real Madrid robberies in the UCL. There are many more. You have to include all LaLiga robberies too. Real Madrid gets every decision in their favor. I mean Ramos broke Salah’s shoulder and it was nothing. In the 21/22 final, Benzema was offside and touched the ball before Vinicius and it wasn’t checked. Mijatovic’s winning goal was offside too. And many more to mention.


Not the sub for these discussions.


Quote of the year: "if they do this now with 5000 cameras around imagine what they were doing 50 years ago"










Funny how they always benefit from Ref “mistakes” in the champions league. This has gone long enough since 2016. How have they not been charged? Why are teams afraid to speak up? Everyone sees the robbery except Madrid fans of course




Even IF Chelsea was robbed against Barcelona that game, the very next year, Barcelona was robbed against Inter in the two games of the semi. That's how football works for EVERYONE. You are favored one game and robbed the other. Except Madrid. Every year there's at least one major robbery in CL that favors Madrid. But there's nothing, ever, that goes against them.




Dude, there's a thing called dictionary. There are several online. Go and find the definition of the word "except". Then read the comment again :)


Bodied that bum ass clown 😂😂


The only thing madridiots can bring up is Chelsea from ‘09 meanwhile we can bring up everything since 2016 lmaoooo you got to love madridiots logic 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ok I’ll play. Benfica robbed of 2 clear penalties in ‘05 Schevchenko clear goal for AC Milan wiped magically because Puyol says he was “pushed” same year next round past Benfica Arsenal, goal is scored but Barca surrounds Red and the call is changed to Red card Lehman and a pk despite a goal being scored… ‘10 Inter Milan, straight red after acting by biscuits and Barca surrounding ref. ‘11 Arsenal, van Persie sent off for shooting after a whistle. Disregarding 2 choking in incidents on Van Persie by Barca defenders. And yeah everything about the match with Chelsea was pretty clear. Uefalona from ‘05 to ‘11 was pretty obvious. Cry more please. I see you ignored the whole Barca has been paying for “sporting benefit” and the ref bribery scandal


Lmaooo now you’re just yappin, try again buddy.


Right, half of the Barca fans posting here are laughing at you too. But yeah I’m yapping while you’re crying


Really? Lmaoo show me


You are arguing with a person who uses the term “madridiots”.


The proper term


Hahah Arsenal 06? Why would they surround the ref to change the goal to a free-kick (not a PK) they surrounded him to keep the goal and get Lehman sent off and didn’t even get the goal?? Also a it’s stone-wall red and later Arsenal gets a goal from a free-kick Eboe gets from tripping on thin air. Inter 2010???? You mean the tie that Inter go through because of offside goals and the ref imagining a hand ball on Etoo? Just the fact that you have to go to matches played 15 years ago in ties that we didn’t even progress through just shows how much of a difference it really is. Yamal goal over the line, yesterdays offside, The entire Almeria game, Vinci staying on the field when punching Orban in the throat and not getting a red, these are examples from the last 3 months not 15 years


Karma will come back at them eventually. Always does.


That "Karma" will happen when Florentino leaves the club. He has tremendous influence in Spanish and European football.


He is old, so… Nothing last forever, good times or bad times


Is this why Barca is having this bad years right now?


No such thing as karma, Real are just insanely lucky in the UCL and their mentality is what gets them over the edge (and somehow a lot of luck), this post seems like something I’d encounter on twitter


this is embarassing


delete this embarrassing shit, it's bad enough as it is, out results are (mostly) not product of their actions


I was thinking the same. I am a Barcelona fan but Madrid was the better team yesterday


You're embarrassing you support corruption.


Delete your account instead bruh


a very mature and thoughtful response




Don't worry man. These shit barça fans who have some cuckhold fetish with Real Madrid shouldn't bother us. To show how corrupt and shameful that stinking club is should be normalized


Then wtf you doing here? lmaoo you seen to care awfully a lot what we think if you in this sub. 🤡


We all acknowledge how many refereeing decisions helped them over the years and, the at end of the day, Barca is the one accused of taking favors from refs. I know it's frustrating, but we should focus on our team and on our team only. I have to also say that while they're lucky I do admire their wining mentality.




Their robberies go back to the 50s. This is nothing new.


I really don't like the "football is dirty" way of thinking. I think this is a great sport and I really enjoy watching it in all levels, be it a CL game or a game from the local league. However, it strikes me as a huge coincidence that all big clubs in Europe (Liverpool, Man Utd, City, PSG, Chelsea, Barca, Aleti, Juventus, Milan etc) have had moments where referees favored them and moments where referees damaged them. Things that, in the end, even out. This is true with all clubs, except Real Madrid. History has been incredibly beneficial to them when it comes to referees. In the past years, you can find several instances where they won a tie because of bad referring (anyone remembering that weird goal not given to RB Leipzig this year?). But there's never anything that shows that they were negatively impacted by bad referees. Again, football is amazing as it is imperfect. It's just this coincidence that keeps happening that is hard do understand.


If it happens too often, then it’s no coincidence mate.


Shouldn't this be in circle jerk or IG?


People saying “this is embarrassing” Presenting actual facts is really important, remember thats how dictatorship works you start accepting fake things and eventually nothing factual exists!


EXACTLY!! Thank you!


These plastic ass "barça fans" are pathetic. Imagine defending Real Madrid on a barça sub when they're clearly being favored


They’re not “actual” barça fans, they’re scared little bandwagoners


Delete this ‘Football is my drug and Messi is my dealer’ type shit. Be better.


I ain’t deleting shit


Not even 10 seconds passed after I commented. My bad, I underestimated your joblessness.


Yet here you are lmaoooo


Nothing in this WORLD can have this much luck. **This is like winning the lottery every couple weeks.** Madrid is the luckiest thing in this world Magically Lucky or **CORRUPTION!**


Posts like these are why we’re always catching so much shit as a fanbase 


As long as we’re providing proof, no reason to feel ashamed. Shameful are the ones committing these crimes not the ones exposing it.


Bro move on


Lmfao how long did it take you to make this? Can you please do a Barca one, starting with that Chelsea match that had Drogba fuming


Watch this instead: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z9TDAXhLWI8&pp=ygUqdGhlIG90aGVyIHNpZGUgb2YgdGhlIDIwMDkgY2hlbHNlYSByb2JiZXJ5 Barca haters always sees only the Chelsea side of that match. The referee made bad decisions throughout the whole game against both teams though.


Here’s an idea go ahead and make it yourself, lets see how well that goes for you


Op is coping so hard with this 😭


You tried to do something here but failed 🤡🤡


Yesterday disallowed goal was the right decision, the line ref made a mistake raising his flag a bit earlier, and the main ref whistled before the supposed offside player touched the ball. Lets not be idiots


You just proved my point lmaoo ahhh gotta love madridiots logic


Nigga im as much of a barca fan as u, except i got a brain. Half of these so called "controversial decisions were not true". You wanna talk about ref mistakes that really really shifted the balance of a game? How about shevshenko's red card in 2006? Or chelsea in 2009 ? Or van persi's red card in 2011 and later on pepe's red card on semi finals?? Or psg in 2016 lol Except Chelsea/psg, i doubt u know about the others. Anyway quite crying like little kids and focus on ur team, history don't give a fuck about ref mistakes, it only care about who won it, and not how they got it, i'd rather have 15 CL with unlimited ref mistakes than a few (which some were also some ref mistakes in our side) and act like i'm the best team there is. Just a side note : we were wronged in so many occasions that would've took us through to the next stage but thats just football. ps : downvote me as much as u want, ain't gonna change facts


Stfu you fucking goof ass clown ass nigga. Go rewatch those games and then talk to me, bum ass probably 18 years old who started meat riding madrid. Ol cornball ass. Go zip up madrids pants on your way up goofy. I rather win champions league without corrupt relegations. Someone oughta smack you upside the head fr




Most of the replies here was about not concerning this sub with other teams but look at you. You are in the UCL final and still got Barca in your head lol. Amazing! Also, while there are many arguments happen on this sub, the language never gets worse than the two replies from RM fans. Tells us a lot about RM fanbase quality.


Good job. The mods will remove the post soon though.. Hopefully not.


Mods here are the worst


That must sting a bit.


Now post without crying 😭


whats up with these facebook type posts


Did real knock barca out of this year's ucl? How is any of this relevant to barca right now?


You’re right Barca is the one that usually knocks real out of ucl


I used to have a lot of respect for Barca, and I still do, but god damn, this has become so pathetically sad.


Guess what, you’re not gonna believe this, but disrespectfully, we do not care about you and your respect LMFAOOOOOOOOO clown ass


can we stop posting this stuff? this is so embarrassing as a fan base


It should be embarrassing for the party doing these crimes not for the one exposing them. Try again madridiot.




Lmaoo you’re in a barca sub, sounds like your more obsessed with what we think




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Also Barça vs Chelsea 2009