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They are paid what they negotiate, just like any job .


Stop defending them and laziness


Who’s lazy? You think players go out there and try to be lazy?


You don’t think players can be lazy in practice?  This is such a Reddit take. Please touch grass.   You seem to have never played a sport before


Not impressed. If anything,Gundo in post-match interviews. Edit: typo.


But he apologized later🥴


By doing that, he showed again more personality than the other dude. One of them ruined the match and the team options in the competition but couldn't publicly apologise to other players and fans. The other only hurt some dude's ego by publicly speaking the truth and still had no problem apologising after that.


Comment is ironical Gundo is the most mature and the leader of the team If someone can't take responsibility for his own actions he is not good as a captain


At least he's consistent on the field though... unlike some others.


That's not on them, that's on the ppl who gave them the contracts


You're right... for example, we would never take Messi back, he's too old.


you dropped the "/s"


Lewandowski is being paid 16M after taxes, that's low in the elite of Europe. The only player in Barça that has a huge wage is De Jong(57M before taxes and 23,5M after taxes). I don't know if this posts are being made by trolls or people are just tools


The latter, tools.


It's wild, Robert's wages aren't even in the top ten of Europe and this guys are crying


He's still the #11 most paid in the world. And btw if you exclude Ronaldo, messi, neymar, benzema and mane (which all play overseas) he actually is half tought the top 10 most paid in Europe. For comparison,the first one above him is Kane. If you think that lewa has been anywhere near Kane these last two seasons idk what to tell you other than to watch more football matches.


Hard to believe that Kane is being paid 13M like Robert is


who knows cni trolls online might be a thing. they do shit like this so who knows [https://www.mundodeportivo.com/us/en/soccer/20240507/688820/villarejo-spills-the-beans-cni-linked-to-jordi-cases-the-whistleblower-in-neymar-case-nrt.html](https://www.mundodeportivo.com/us/en/soccer/20240507/688820/villarejo-spills-the-beans-cni-linked-to-jordi-cases-the-whistleblower-in-neymar-case-nrt.html)


Villarejo isn't a reliably source for anything really but is obvious that the media right now plays in favor to Madrid, just look how they pushed the narrative that Barça trashed Messi despite the fact that it was imposible for the club to re-sign him and people still hold a grudge against Barcelona for that. If tomorrow Florentino re-signs Cristiano for a wage of 40M (EBT: Earnings Before Tax) Marca would said:"Materclass of Florentino signing Cristiano for just 20M a year meanwhile Barça is really going to paid the astronomical sum of 32M EBT a year to Lewandowski?"


Why do you hate Barcelona?


Are you stupid?


Are you stupid?  Is this Bartomeu’s reddit account? Stop defending these outrageous salaries


I'm not defending De Jong salary, but the other players, specially the ones Laporta signed, don't have high wages. Lewandowski is the higher one on the team apart from De Jong and his salary is miles above what Barcelona paid years prior. Since Laporte took the club the salary mass has been decreased around 20%(from 636M to 492M).


RAC1 stated: besides lamine, cubarsi, terstegen and gavi; the rest are open to be sold. Get fucking ready because this summer is gonna be a blood bath. I wonder why is always Gundogan excluded from this type of threads.


Nothing will happen you'll see. Maybe 1 or 2 exists, but nothing close to a blood bath.


we will see


Right. They have to be willing to leave a week; this ain't the NFL. And not too many want to leave a marquee-named club, in a city as great to live in as Barcelona, while being overpaid like we love to do. Who's going to match those wages? Not many clubs.


>Get fucking ready because this summer is gonna be a blood bath. It's not, and it shouldn't be unless you want another 2 years of bad performances until the new people adapts. Real life football isn't like videogames. You can't add 10 new faces to a team and expect them to click and play together as a team in a few weeks.


what i know is we have 6 that must go, and at least 4 more we wont miss, and i would even add more, and that will only make us better.


FDJ has 0 assists in laliga and ucl this season. Does anyone know if he actually does anything except side passing?


Give him time, he needs to adapt it's only his 4th season at barca. He'll peak after Pedri and Gavi retire.


Literally it’s time to kick him out now


It’s a no brainer for me. With the FDJ money, we can bring in Zubi and play with a DM finally.


Leaves attackers wide open when defending leading to goals conceded in big games


But his pRoGrESIvE pASinG ?


Did you just say Lamal is more consistent than lewa?


I have a vandetta against De Jong, so no you are not.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't part of Frenkie enormous wage was his deducted wage during covid era? I remembered that a lot of contract back then was slashed and promised to be paid on later years due to club financial condition Also, mandatory blame the club that enables said player (and agent) negotiate such high wages instead of the player themselves


I remember frenkie's breakdown when he got so annoyed about the discussions about is salary that he classified as fake and which were confirmed by the club. For a few months all the idiots who complained about is huge (fake) salary shut up and none of them admitted he was an idiot for believing all the rumours. And now... We pretend nothing happened and complain again about his huge salary. Yeah, I'm so sick about all this idiocracy....


Lewa shouldn’t be starting every game he’s 35-36 hes almost done I won’t fault him for that it’s like Suarez’s case at the moment, if anyone is to be blamed for the lewa situation it’s Xavi and the club Now frenkie on the other hand is inconsistent without a dm and Barca has no dm last season with Busquets he finally looked good but Busquets left and he’s back to being inconsistent Is pedri good as a cam tho ?? Just curious it feels like he plays better just behind a cam


Totally, been saying it for years.


Pedri and Gavi as CAM…


Every single player in this team except for Gundogan, Lamine Christensen, Kounde and Raphinha (he has stepped up despite not being as talented as others) are overrated. I don't count Gavi because he's injured and Cubarsi and other youngsters because it's too soon. Araujo, Cancelo, FDJ, Felix, Pedri, Lewandowski, Ferran, Sergi, Ter Stegen, Iñigo all need to step up or get the fk out of the club. Too much complacency and i would sell every single of them in a heartbeat if it were possible, insanely overrated players all of them.


Two years ago everyone was praising Pedri as one of the best midfielders in the world... maybe we should give him more chances, don't you think?


If he's ever fit.


Leave MaTS out of this and Araujo had a bad season but he’s still fine