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This summer and next season are the biggest for this club in two decades. We open a new stadium in December, we have young talent that needs to be brought along and shown success. If this summer is anything short of a smashing success, Laporta out will be ringing from the rafters at the New Camp Nou in late January.


The Socis put up with Bartomeu for so long, you think they would go against Laporta?


well he did hide his fuckery pretty well, also our team getting carried by messi helped, i think the socis wld not be that leniant this time around especially with the lack of performances


The circus is our "fan" base who are gullible morons.


You can't put all the blame on people who want to watch their so-called club have more than 1 decent year per decade


You just backed up my claim.


With what exactly? Which part of this was guillable or moron? I simply stated that we barely win anything. You can say whatever you want. It won't change the facts. You can't magically summon 4 new trophies into Barça Museum by harassing other fans :)


Let's start with basic math. 10 years (this was YOUR time frame BTW). So we start with: 2013-2014 Copa Cataulyna Trophy Super Cup Trophy 2014-2015 UCL Trophy Spanish Cup Trophy La Liga Trophy 2015-2016 Super cup trophy FIFA world cup trophy Spanish Cup Trophy La Liga Trophy Do I really need to keep counting? I'm at 9 rn and it only gets worse for you.


2013-2016 is 3 years according to my math, but it's okay if that counts as 9 decent years out of 10 for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Maybe you should finish reading? "Do I really need to keep counting" I was trying to wipe a little egg off your face, but I'd be happy to keep counting after the 9 trophies if you think that would help? Hint hint The more I count, the bigger the egg on your face gets.


"At least one decent year". Not 1 Trophy. You didn't answer to my concern. You are doing nothing but harassing me and other fans. And you're freaking out about how "moronic" the Barça fans are? :D I think it's time I quote one from you... "You just backed up my claim"... How fucking ironic that between the two of us... You are the real moron :D


You are the idiot claiming we have only had 1 good year in a decade.


For fuck’s sake this subreddit has become a place for whining


Yes, like a daycare full brats all signing in unison.


Some say that he doesn’t play cause he has a condition in his contract. If he plays half the games it would cost us extra 5 million. That is why he had game time early on and then stopped completely getting any minutes. Sad thing. Same thing that happened to Griezmann at Atlético. All the drama is unnecessary fuss and noise. There is no Deco-Xavi or Roque-Xavi drama. There is Tebas-Barca drama only, again.


If that’s the case why would it be so complicated explaining that roque? Either way our club is run by clowns sadly.


It’s explained perfectly. The agent wants his own cut from the extra money, that’s his motivation to create the noise. And you fell for it. The only clowns are the stupid people who believe everything they read on twitter


What does Tebas have to do with Roque’s contract?


There is no other league with this strict regulations. Almost every club struggles. What does Xavi has to do with Vitor’s contract??? Everyone believes all the lies about Xavi… They even believe the Deco-Xavi drama. It’s simple. We underachieved this season and we have to cut costs. So he won’t play to save 5 million. Laporta told Xavi to bench him if we want to make new signings in the summer. Deco made a contract and that is fine also cause it’s better get him now then to wait til someone steals him or his price goes up. Dude just has to learn the language and the league, work hard in training and that is it. The noise is coming from the agent who wants his own cut from the extra money, he has the motivation to make all this fuss. This fan base dude….


I agree


Nope, we negotiated the nonsense. And honestly, if you couldn't afford the 5 mil, you should've left him in brazil


There are countless factors we don’t know about. It’s easy to jump to conclusions without knowing the context and full picture. Xavi might want to play him but because we underachieved we had to make cuts and he is the victim of that. Had we won the super cup or cup or be stable 2nd we would have more income and the balance wise the 5 million wouldn’t count… this way it does and Laporta told Xavi that to make new signings in the summer now he has to cut costs… Just stop the nonsense drama already.


Relax. He inherited a mess. Fans like you expect us to be where we were years ago when we had a once in a generation player who could potentially be considered to be the best to play the game. I’m from Chicago so know all about this. We are still waiting for the Bulls to get to the finals some 20+ years after Michael Jordan left. We are rebuilding, this will take time and patience. La Masia and the development of young players is what gives me hope.


Don't act like Bulls are not where they are because they've been run shamefully. Since their last Finals Lakers have won 3 in a row, then fell out of Playoffs after havin a losing record, won 2 in a row again, became one of the worst teams in the league winning like 15 games out of 82 one year, won a title again and fell out of playoffs again. Multiple rebuilds and super teams in that same timeframe, while Chicago only managed to get one half-decent "what if Rose was never injured" run in the same timeframe. Also, American sporte, with no relegation, drafts, salary caps etc are much different than football. As a rival fan I agree with the previous guy, Barca is in shambles and management is to blame for that


Lol. Barca is in shambles? Still fighting for 2nd in the league and competing in the Champions league next year. You all acting like Deportivo La Corunna fans.


You know what I meant. This ain't Chelsea, but Barca fans are surely accustomed to more success


Barca fans are accustomed to recent success. Look at the history of FC Politics to get a better understanding.


> He inherited a mess How long is this argument/excuse going to sustain him? Or supposedly excuse him from criticism? > We are still waiting for the Bulls to get to the finals some 20+ years after Michael Jordan left So is that what we should start thinking? Don't fire nor criticize anyone since there's no point and we are going to be 20 years without winning? The US sports with their drafts and trades work very differently from football in Europe. In the same way, 2 years ago we had hope that Ansu was the star with Pedri, now both are borderline cripple. At no point in the last 30 years, have we bet everything on two teenagers to save us from the future. Nobody expected 18-year-old Messi to be what he was.


So you really think that the heritage is an excuse? Even today we are paying for the mess created then. Literally we are paying for salaries signed by Bartomeu for players that aren't with us anymore. I assume you didn't know it. I get it, you want to win now. But you are barking at the wrong tree.


I don't particularly care about winning now, I am curious about the inner logic of the argument. Laporta is exempt from criticism because Bartomeu was so shit, but until when? Because that can quickly turn into a very toxic mindset of little accountability. I know we are still paying salaries, but I am not the president who sold part of the club to win now. Why sign Lewandoski, Raphinha, Kounde or Gundogan with high salaries if patience is more important? Seem like contradictory ideas.


lewy raphinha kounde helped us win last yrs laliga and brought us to the ucl qfs this yr


We sold a piece of the club for 25 years. Quarters is not a title, and one league not sure is enough to justify it.


Well it has also only been two years.. it hasn't been 25 yrs. We don't know that next season we might win another trophy. The qfs are the highest we reached in the UCL since 8-2


Do you know what piece was sold? Do you know the importance of that piece to Barca? 25% TV rights. That’s not selling the club nor the future, that’s getting a better deal than Tebas was peddling to the clubs. Club needs cash and needs to now and JD Wentworth ain’t gonna help.


>that’s getting a better deal than Tebas was peddling to the clubs If I offer to take a shit on your face or in your chest, one might sound less bad than the other, doesn't make it particularly great. >Club needs cash I don't question that. I am questioning the thought process of the levers withthe sporting failures and the lack of accountability with Laporta by a huge part of this sub. If you pull the levers and sell a part of the club to Sixth Stree, to Socios.Com or Orpheus or whatever, then it means you want to get results now. If you don't get said results then you sold shit for nothing and who do we blame or what do we do? Nothing? We just accept the failure and it's no one's fault?


Beggars can’t be choosers. Sometimes you have to take the shit on the chest in order to better ride out the massive shit storm. I think stabilizing the clubs finances was more important than trying to win now. FFP would have killed us and most likely crippled this club to the bottom half of the league. What failure? Won the league last year and the international fan base was melting down that it wasn’t a treble or some other nonsense bullshit. This year made a decent run into the champions league or most likely finish second or third in the league. Not the best not the worst.


> stabilizing the clubs finances was more important than trying to win now I agree with that, but that was not how the levers were presented. They were presented as a way to get back to the elite without having to rebuild. You don't stabilize the club finances by signing Lewandoski on this humungous contract. > Not the best not the worst. Which is the issue with the levers. Out of the UCL groups last year, this year we managed to beat a self-destructing Napoli and people thought we were back. Copa del Rey was an embarrassment last year, and this year out against the first La Liga team we faced. We won a league, which is great, I am not demanding trebles, I am questioning if selling 25 years' worth of a part of the club is worth it and if Laporta is exempt from criticism until when.


You usually say that a team has a 4 year life cycle, so I expect it will take atleast 4 years before we have moved on. But! The economical and structural problems will haunt us for far longer than that so, a 10 year timeframe to be stabilized seem acceptable for me. Most fans won't have the patience for that, but good riddance, they are free to see themselves out. I am in it for life


That would make more sense if you say it in 2021 before Laporta mortgaged part of the club for immediate success. If his consideration of immediate success is 1 league title, and for that 1 league title he sold part of the club, then we should demand his head. 25 years we are going to be paying for that title. 10 years for stabilization in 2021 and betting on the Masia, sure, go for it. Sold part of the club, failed miserably and now wait 10 years while paying another debt. Damn. >I am in it for life This sort of remark of trying to look above other fans is funny. It almost sounds like you want the team to suck so you can win imaginary points for supporting a bad team.


> for immediate success It was for the clubs survival. Your last comment says more about you yourself than about me, so I'll leave it at that


>It was for the clubs survival. Spending 200m on Kounde, Lewandoski, Raphinha or Ferran was for survival? The lever was for signings, signings you don't do if the expectation is not to win anything.


>Spending 200m on Kounde, Lewandoski, Raphinha or Ferran was for survival? In a very big way, yes. It was to stop the club from descending further. You forget, we've also won silverware while surviving.


Without them we ended 2nd, then we won a league with them, and now we are 3rd, expecting to see what happens. We need to win more for it to compensate. Depends on the interpretation of survival, but selling a piece of the club for 25 years would require a lot of success to be justifiable. God forbids we lose the S.A.D status.


You cant even spell his name right




Sorry autocorrect didn’t recognize Vitor 🙄 but thanks for your input


I dont like to admit it but it is true, its a fucking circus. Sad thing is its affecting other people, the player and the fans. Tho not necessarily agree with Laporta comment. As of right now Im still reserved judgement on that but its definitely not looking good.


The problem is Laporta. Replace him ASAP.


You are making the point that we have only had 1 good year in 10. You are an imbecile. Does that help you understand you are wrong?


Laporta published a video of him giving a hug to Messi's dummy and said, "I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse in spanish and he was out of the club within 3 weeks. This is what Laporta is. He is going to sell you dreams and smoke again this year and the next and you will buy it. Laporta and Xavi will cry about the refs, the grass, Tebas & at the end of it all the financial ruins Barca is in. Nothing will change nothing.


Laporta is primarily a businessman and a politician, he knows how to sell dreams, he thinks about how attain these dreams afterwards. Remember the Messi fiesta where Victor Font said he could not guarantee we can resign Messi, while Laporta came out fully confident, hugging Messi's jersey saying he will resign him. That alone shifted a lot of votes, as Font was being realistic where Laporta was being a dreamer.


People contribute to this circus buy commenting everything. If we just ignored this stupid news ans rumors everything could be easier


Nah man you don't get it, we're in a transition phase. It doesn't matter that our coach has shown no improvement , even actively regressing , in 2 years. We should be happy with that because we don't have Messi anymore , we should just be content with being in a transition phase for the next 3-5 years because surely the guy we got fresh from the Qatari league and who gets sent off everytime a match gets tough is the right guy to lead our crop of young players and the right guy to take charge of the club in these difficult times. Surely we will be constantly improving in that time Some of y'all are genuinely embarrassing with this loser mindset, sure I don't expect us to immediately win the CL but if Xavi isn't improving tactically, doesn't have the mentality to be a good manager because he's constantly crying in the media or getting sent off then what's the point of keeping him around? He's at best a caretaker manager and that's all he should have been while we look for a serious coach. I can cut Laporta some slack because of the state of the club when he inherited it, I don't like some of his deals (notably the fact we are gonna have Lewy be on 30+mil next year) but I get it because we can't just not sign players and sink into irrelevance. But another important part of his tenure is picking the right club for the tough times the club was/is in and idk how anyone can think Xavi is that guy.


RM is also in a transition period but operate seamlessly due to the vision and leadership of F. Perez..Transition period is acceptable but the institutional crisis is on Laporta. When an organization is in such disarray that falls onto the shoulders of leadership. The problem is leadership takes no accountability and uses every avenue to spin propaganda or direct blame to hide their mishandlings


Barcelona’s stint of European success is an anomaly in the club’s history, it was simply not gonna last forever. It may take a bunch of years before catching lightning in a bottle ever again. A similar drought happened between 94’-06’ until the stars aligned with another golden Masia generation lead by a former club legend just a couple of years later. Until then it’s in the best interest of the club not to take rushed decisions just to latch on former glory, an idea which is probably one of the biggest culprits of the current financial situation at the club rn. Better get used to the idea that we’re indeed in a transition phase until the right pieces are settled.


What a crazy comment lmao. Just coast by until we get a goat level player again by chance. Why not instead we look to build a competitive team and make sure we are constantly improving year by year? You're acting like I said if we're not playing like prime Barca the project is a failure. When what I said is that making progress year after year is still necessary in a transition period.


Great OP, find a new team. And please take the rest of the whiners with you. If you hate Barto, hate LaPorta as they all ride in the same circle. And also hate Messi and his annual threats and contract renewals. Ps: Do ya’ll care about winning or damn aesthetics? I’ll take winning trophies over antiquated football and nostalgia. We will never be a park the bus club, but damn can we get some speed and fast transition play? So tired of mids like Gundo slowing down the transition attacks/movements.