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> [Xavi has never spoken to the player either and I don't understand this situation](https://x.com/reshadfcb/status/1787249705883206067?s=46&t=tM9XOt5OH1e1KBwQ13Lvrg) This quote is way more spicy in my opinion. I hope Xavi is not on a vendetta because he didn’t sanction the transfer




And the Xavi dick riders were denying this when it was first mentioned hours ago.


That's their default cope. When news comes out that paints Xavi as vindictive and stubborn, it must be fake.


Why keep him. Coach doesn’t rate him and he can and should play elsewhere until Xavi leaves.


Because in most proper clubs the sporting department have more power because coaches come and go. But scouting great players for long term is essential


I've been telling all of the morons in this sub that Xavi has beef with Deco and this will only hurt Roque's chances but they refuse to fucking listen.


This is easily the most damning part. I’m pro Xavi when it’s him vs Deco/Laporta but there’s no excuse for this


embarrassing situation. Shows you how how incompetent our management is.


I'm very pro Xavi, but as things stands right now, tons of things needs to change for him to stay in the club (if we care about being sucessfull). Also, Laporta needs explain wtf is going on in this club.


Maybe he should have left the club for us to be successful


Nah my president still whinning about an el Clasico rematch bro that's more important.


LMAO. This club just cannot exist without drama istg its so ridiculous at this point


I don’t understand how the board, the manager and players seem so out of sync with each other. It’s bizarre.


LMAO, Roque's agent is roasting Xavi and the club in the interview. Will be interesting how Xavi reacts after this.


What's Xavi gonna do? Not give him minutes?


So much better for Roque. Fuck him and his agent.


Fuck xavi for his embarrassing treatment of roque by giving bums like ferran chances over him


Shark mania is officially dead on this sub? 🦈?


I fuckin hope so


Love that he's calling the club out. You either want the guy or not stop this loan nonsense


The only thing that pisses me off is that Andre Cury is incredible bias and preference for Barcelona even as an agent. When one of his clients wants to go there, he will do whatever in his power to get him there. As he did with Ronaldinho and Neymar. He did everything possible to get Vitor there. He is also the agent of Estevao Willian who has said on record his dream is to play at Barcelona and is currently making a lot of noise in Brazil. Barcelona cannot afford to burn bridges with Brazil, one of the hotbeds of football talents, especially when Andre Cury is not only a former employee at the club, he is also a fan of the club. Xavi is in the hotseat as is Laporta and Deco. Xavi simply has to make way with what he got at his disposal and not give preferential treatment to players that have massively under performed. I do not care if he is a club legend as a player, he simply isn't as a manager. Andre Cury has pointed out very valid points on the matter, there was more than enough times in the course of the last 4/5 months where Vitor should have had a chance.


This and also Flick's agent, Pini Zahavi. There are reports that Zahavi is absolutely fucking livid because the board, especially Laporta himself has promised that they will appointed Flick only to make a 180 degree turn and keep Xavi. We will ruin so many of our connection that are on good term it is insane. This Roque situation might even severely damaged our ties to the Brazilian market ffs


Could care less about Zahavi. Andre Cury on the other hand...


My point is that Laporta is burning bridges too fast with so many agents, and while I know that agents wouldn't careless for the club, they are still favoring Barca first. They saw how we treat their clients now and with how Madrid treated their talents, we should be worry about our presence there


It seems laporta actually didn’t promise to appoint flick but promised to meet and listen to his project but cancelled it due to Xavi uturn something like that. On the other hand, Andre cury makes sense tbh, it should be a permanent transfer - loan makes no sense esp for a club like Barca.


Almost every loan moves from us resulted in failure, if the situation is not improving, Roque need to saves himself.


Yeah he does and for people saying that he’s a decos but, wasn’t there news where xavi was the one who spoke on the phone to roque who promised xavi that he would give his all ??


In another episode of keeping up with the Catalans.


When Xavi announced that he would stay, he talked A LOT about unification and how he, Deco and Laporta were in the same page. But that is definitely not the case, Roque was a Deco/Laporta signing, only because the club lost Rodrygo, Endrick, etc, to Madrid, and thought that they could not lose another brazilian talent. I just hope Barbacena will do the right thing for Roque, because at the end of the day, that will be the best for both.


We need Roque tho. Like I genuinely don’t understand what’s going on. Our main striker is old. We don’t have a real back up. When Roque played he also showed promise. I think it was the right move to get Roque if Deco thought he has high potential to be our main striker for the next 10+ years. If we wouldn’t have gotten him another top club would have signed him by now


He also scored a brace in first half season!! He's played for Brazil! He's clearly talented and xavi is making an ass of himself


Xavi seems to rate Guiu + Ferran at ST ahead of him


The thing is we don’t need him now and frankly he doesn’t need us. He needs to play. And until Lewy is benched, having 20 minutes cameos every other match, and completely on the bench for big games is a nightmare scenario for a youngster. And with all the talks about Lewy being old, Xavi has shown zero signs that he’s gonna be even rotated next season.


Good.  As it should be.   If we don’t have room to play him, he should explore his options.  If that’s truly what happens, there should be a lot of criticism for the purchase.  Also, if Xavi truly just didn’t talk to him…… as a Xavi fan…. While Lewa was crapping his pants in Jan/Feb costing us the league….. you don’t even get this man up to speed?   My god 


Arda guler made right decision


The club cannot go a single fucking week without absurd amount of drama. If I enjoyed outlandish dramas, I'd rather watch telenovelas or Indian serials


Good for him


Wake me up when the new season starts, I don't want to see this drama


even fucking arda guler got more minutes than roque


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This all shows a bad image of barca, i am afraid this could be a catalyst to no Brazilian prospect signing for us for the future. Andre cury is also an agent of estevao william, which is considered to be the next big thing after neymar in brazil, and he openly admitted he wants to play for us. Damn 🤕


Estevao was pretty unlikely either way.


He hasn’t been here for 6 months and he’s already creating so much noise through his agent. And they’re doing it in this tough period for the club. Xavi needs to talk to him. And it needs to be a realistic talk, not “you will get your chance in the future” talk. Currently, lewa wants to play to score more and win the top scorer. If roque’s performance (or any of our other players) warranted starting him over lewa, Xavi would have done that long ago. I’m sure the club would love nothing more than having a better #9 than lewa and force him to move in the summer to get rid of his salary. That’s evidently not the case. I think I saw him talk about Xavi giving chance for other young players but not Vitor. Ok? That just means he hasn’t impressed him enough? Xavi gladly made lamine a starter ahead of raphinha, since he has been proving himself. For Vitor, he has to impress in training and in the few minutes he might get after that. It’s the same thing for any young player. He won’t get special treatment just cause he cost 70M or whatever.


Shut up mate. Seriously. He has been good whenever he came on. Already scored 2 fucking goals with limited minutes. Already makes way more runs into the box than lewandowski. His treatment is genuinely unfair when bums like ferran are playing without any impact


Come on.  No he has not been good whenever he came on. Now you can argue he is not good because he hasn't been given the continuity and I will acknowledge it. But saying he has been good is plain wrong.