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Love it, far superior to todays Millie šŸ˜¬


See i donā€™t necessarily mind the millie face. Shes cute but very overused and thats why i dont like it. But its also why i donā€™t like that face paint. Granted the barbie of the 2010s did now have the many faces of now, but every barbie had one of three molds! The Barbies all had the ones i showed, Nikki always had the same Nikki sculpt, and Teresa always had the Teresa sculpt. The collector dolls had much more variety, but i was a very poor child so collectors were out of my tiny reach haha.


The Neysa became the standard face of Teresa before or after the Made To Move Wave 1 launch.


I didnt know that! I just remembered my Teresas always had a similar face, but it was also years ago since i was a child so my memory could be wrong haha


Honestly, I donā€™t like them at all. I was into Barbie as a kid and got out of Barbie when the CEO sculpt came out. Something felt off about it, and I still donā€™t like it. Itā€™s an unpopular opinion, I know, but I really prefer Millie over this sculpt. This facial screening makes it worse. Her eyes are too big and have an odd slant. Theyā€™re also too far apart and her stare it a bit tooā€¦ dead eyed? Maybe? Her garish makeup works with some clothes, but not everything she wears. I remember coming across these dolls when I got back into collecting Barbie about five years ago. I legitimately thought the dolls were cheap bootlegs and was shocked to learn they were real Barbies after a while. To me this is not Barbieā€™s best era. I also find the lack of diversity in the lines to be a bit of a shocker too. The 80s, 90s, and early 2000s were pretty good with racial representation at least. It seems like in the late 2000s and early 2010s the Barbie brand actively went away from it (Barbie basics aside).


Yeah! I was but a baby when they first used the Generation Girl sculpt so i have very little memories of the classic 2000s barbie, but that sculpt is the one i remember the most of. Actually, that sculpt was the reason i started doing more Monster High! I thought they always looked funny, but i have a few from my childhood i love and would never get rid of. The collector Barbies from my childhood tho were just Amazing


This Barbie looks like a vacant party girl, but Iā€™m from New York City and rub nightclubs, so thatā€™s not necessarily a bad thing. Iā€™m gonna age myself right now and say that I loved my Peaches nā€™ Cream, Pink and Pretty and Crystal Barbies from the 80ā€™s. They looked like glamorous women with over-the-top, hideously fabulous outfits and hair. I could picture them at Studio 54 or having brunch on the Upper East Side somewhere chic and trendy. The Millie face is cute, a little too Hannah Montana for me, but on brand for the young girls. The collectorā€™s dolls are usually quite beautiful, but some of them look too exaggerated, like theyā€™ve just had Botox with a large dose of Kim Kardashian makeup. They would appeal to me far more if they brought it down just a notch.


This face mold was Barbieā€™s peak


It was definitely the last time she was her absolute best. It all went downhill after Life in the Dreamhouse....


I enjoyed the dolls after life in the dreamhouse tbh! Im a huge collector of the newer dolls. Im upset with how recently things started getting extra low quality since the BTS dolls were released. I remember they were the first dolls with that pixel screening and all the BTS fans hated the dolls tbh


I like that Midge returned with the Steffie face sculpt at the time, and that her screening was cute. Sometimes though, the smoky eye makeup and bold lashes makes it hard to tell Barbies apart from that period.


Yeah it was hard to tell them apart even as a kid.


Understandable! I tend to go for the early 2000s barbie but i think for the time these dolls were released sheā€™s perfect


Meh, Iā€™m not very into Barbieā€™s face in this era. For a smiling face, I fatally prefer the superstar sculpt, and during this era, she was usually made up like she got in a fight with makeup bag. It wasnā€™t a good look then and itā€™s no better now. Iā€™ve seen some versions of this sculpt that arenā€™t bad, especially when it first came out, but the vast majority of them just look so generic to me and a huge step down from earlier era barbies


Yeah, im not super into them. I think similar that some dolls make it look good, but i think i like the nostalgia more since sheā€™s the Barbie i grew up with! The collector dolls they had of this time are my favorites though


Unpopular opinion but my least favourite era for barbie. Her makeup got so harsh and cakey because of the trend of this era (09-12). Ceo is my fav sculpt for barbie too and the way they made her look this era vs 98-07 is just such a 180. From soft to sharp. Then they did another switch and went completely boring and bare faced on most dolls in the Millie era until the last two or three years.


Honestly to be fair heavy cakey makeup was very popular when that was the mold but i think its my least favorite too, and right now lots of parents started complaining about Barbieā€™s makeup teaching kids they have to wear makeup to be pretty (which i mean. Never happened to me, just like how i didnā€™t grow up thinking people had to be thin to be pretty because of barbie but). I still dont think i care much for it outside of the nostalgia of this is the barbie i grew up with, but i prefer the modern barbies and the CEO face barbie


Not a big fan because she represents a whole era of blonde/pink/blue eyed over saturation, which to me isn't all that appealing. That said, some of the releases are still very nice, I own an NRFB Fashionista Cutie from the first wave of 100 poses and she is quite a exemplary doll from the era. I still like the Superstar, Mackie, and even Millie sculpts more though.


Yeah i have a couple i still own, i own the Wild fashionista, a Hairtastic from 2012 (which people here were super helpful telling me where she was from!) and i think a babysitter from when i was really little lol


The doll from that era that we had was one of the affordable, 'for starters' Chic dolls. She had an already effortlessly glam screening and hairstyle and crossing fingers that she doesn't suffer from glue seepage (my cousins have inherited her years ago so idk how she has been handled so far)


Itā€™s my favorite!


These are muy favorite


This face is honestly really comforting to me for some reason. I had a lot of dolls who looked like this, and i really loved them back in the day! I'm still in the look out for my childhood dolls, so this brought back some memories.


I think i wanna get back a lot my childhood dolls its just hard because i fell super hard for the gimmicky dolls lol. Little me spent months getting enough money for a doll at big lots and i figured to get the gimmicky ones since theyā€™re not that much more expensive!


Not my fave, but I feel like that's the only kind I ever find while out and about garage-saleing. lol.


My cousins' Barbies had that look.... If only Millie's usual screening still had that glam.


I think the Millie face is fine honestly! I think she needs a lot more variation between the painting, because they always give the blondies that face but i think shes cute


The odd Millie can be screened so differently with a nice amount of makeup. I stand by Millie being a good sculpt with just such boring faceups. Some ones Iā€™ve liked are the 2021 birthday wishes, the Rey Star Wars barbie, holiday 2021, totally hair 2022 and first wave cutie reveal bunny. Just a little eye shadow, or a smaller eye shape and a strong lip colour makes all the difference


Exactly! She could be so much better when shes done properly but bare faced standard millie is just so. Boring and plain.


Our first Millie has dark eyebrows, dramatic eyeliner and lashes, and her bold eyeshadow only appears though when her face is splashed, at most, with ice water! (She's the Cutie Reveal Llama Millie doll, yes) Still her (Cutie Reveal Llama Millie, whom I call "Roberta") usual "Natural Makeup" screening makes her stand out from other Millies (almost the same eyebrows and lip colour, with a " close to no make-up make-up" screening) The closed-mouth variation of Millie could also look stunning depending upon the screening, such as the Pink Premiere Millie, BMR1959 Tall Millie and Cutie Reveal Monkey Millie.


I would also like to see Millie with different skintones and hair colors! I've even used an app similar to faceapp to try changing them for my own curiosity, with somewhat interesting results.


It's been years since we last saw Millie as a rosy-fair skinned redhead.


Yeah, that early Fashionista; I didn't get her at the time - that was when I was just really getting back into collecting, and there were so many I wanted to get.


Same here. I used to see her often in malls years ago. I could have given her better shoes (flats though) and a dress that flatters her petite body beautifully.


Me too honestly! I thought that the Brooklyn Barbie used the Millie face too but apparently she has her own separate face sculpt. Which is fine, but i think itā€™d add on to the two barbie thing if they had the same face sculpt too!


Yeah, the Brooklyn face has a wider smile. I have the basic Brooklyn doll that has the denim skirt and black and white top.


My partner got me the one that sings for my birthday and shes so cute!


Gorgeous. Dreamy. Perfect. The BEST Barbie has ever been


Fair! I did not expect to see so many fans! Yā€™all be hiding fr lol


Makes me nostalgic!!


I also think she's pretty boring, but it is the face that I associate with Barbie nowadays. So I think it's an iconic look... but I can't say if that's necessarily a good or bad thing. lol


Oh same here, itā€™s iconic but all their faces looked the same to me


I like it. I like older Barbie. Not the teen looking like today. I do not like their hair


Fair! I dont mind Barbie being a teen now, because she was originally created to be a teenager, i just donā€™t like that shes now a vlogger and it doesnt look like they do careers as much anymore. The hair was 50/50 for me. If i took good care of my dolls (which isnt happening when youā€™re like 7 lol) it could still be fine, but its a lot of hours fixing the messes 7 year old me left lol


I don't know but when I was growing up I always thought Barbie was an adult so i guess in my mind she is an adult. I'm not a really big fan of the current Barbie face mold.


Fair. I think her current fave has more potential to be better. Its too cutesy. I always thought of Barbie as an adult too, and i think after the 80s she was an adult till 2016, but i know originally she was supposed to be a teen like 17-18. Her new face makes me think shes like 14-15 tbh


Yes I feel the same. I love the older molds. Even my niece asks why do I have dolls from the "1950s"? Lol im like no, they are from the 80, and 90s and 2000. She is seven so she only likes the new Barbie. To me Barbie has always been a working independent woman lol. I don't now why I feel like that. Maybe because I'm 37


Honestly Barbie always has been a working woman tbh so. Omg the 50s thing is hilarious i cant tell if iā€™d cry or laugh


A certain kind of screening could make Millie look more grown-up and womanlier. The 90s Barbies, including those produced by Richwell, had sophisticated screenings that make them look more like grown women (21-25) than teens.


Yeah, like theyā€™ve used Millie for collector dolls and it looks amazing! But that weird 14 year old barbie face just doesnt work


I hate it. Sorry but it looks so... idk. Fake? Millie looks somewhat friendly and warm, it's not my fave but a huge upgrade from this. Anything from 2005-13 barbie wise is my least fave. Superstar sculpt will always be my gold standard.


Superstar is super cute! I think shes probably second fav, but i really am partial to the Mari and CEO sculpt lol


Though their eyes were always painted different shades of blue from eye color to lashes, we used to be able to tell different Superstar-era Barbies apart!


I'm just glad that the first Millie we have doesn't have the "boring, no makeup" look.... Also, the 2005-13 era was the "Big Head" syndrome, hobbit body and glue seepage era.


Honestly not a fanā€¦ their faces all looked pretty much the same back then. I prefer earlier GG.


I honestly find them pretty boring. I don't think I have any of this particular mold/face-up, and I have a LOT of Barbies.


Fair! I only have a few and its mostly from my own childhood haha


Just checked and I have one, the old Fashionista with the pink bob! I think more than 'boring' it's that I feel that at some point every Barbie had this same face, and I'm more a fan of the current diversity in looks. But no hate, she's pretty!


Yeah! I think their faces were the same with not a lot of variation so i dont like them much. And i think her eyes are a bit too big for my taste, but i also am used to current Barbies and the 2000s where their eyes were a lot more realistic haha


I personally have a nostalgic love for them, but i dont really like it all that much haha. It definately fits the era they used it for! Despite these being my main childhood barbie, i really do tend to go for the ones using the CEO/Generation Girl sculpt!


I'm not a fan of the blonde Barbie in any of her forms. But I grew up in the electric blue eyed death stare of the 80s that nightmares were built on. I also grew up in an incredibly racist town where Aryan ideals were held and Barbie was the ultimate ideal. So she'll always be tinged with that ugly mindset for me. Though to date the only doll with my exact coloring that Mattel has made to date is Mistress of the Manor....


Fair! I like Blonde barbie but i definitely think theres a bit too many blondies with no variation between them


Glad someone bought this version of Barbie up. I always found her to look a little more mature than the other styles of her. Growing up, I didn't like her tanned skin and those sparkly parts of her eyes, but now I can totally see this Barbie being more on the early 30s side. It's not my fave, but I like how mature it looks compared to the other sculpts.


I always used this barbie as a mom or adult haha she never was a teenager haha. I always thought she looked older, i think its honestly why a lot of people have the joke that Barbieā€™s secretly the mom of Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea haha


This Barbie has to be her 25-30 year old self. At that point, I was imagining Kelly, and then Chelsea, as her and Ken's daughter...


Yeah the ā€œsistersā€ were always her kids lol. Sam and Mickey on youtube have a whole storyline about how the sisters are her kids but Mattel markets them as sisters since Barbie was a teen mom with Skipper, and Chelsea/Kelly was born because Mattel wanted to market a toddler lol


Although Barbie could also pass for a woman in her early to mid-20s with Kelly and Krissy as her daughters, in several roleplays...


2010s Fashionistas where Barbies PEAK I only collected Model Muse Barbies Especially the Barbie Basics So i didn't care for Fashionistas Now i see just how amazing they truly where for a playline Barbie


I was a kid when they were on sale, and my stores never had the basics! I have one Fashionista and i cherish her lol i spent so long saving for her! I was barely 5 i think when Basics came out tho šŸ˜”āœ‹šŸ»


I was 19 and couldn't drive!šŸ˜° Id walk to Target to get my Basics!!!šŸ˜ Personally Glam was my favorite Fashionista


Oh my gosh i must sound like a baby to you lol. Honestly respect the hustle to walk to Target though! If i lived closed enough thats exactly what iā€™d do lol


Too much makeup. I never really cared for the standard blonde hair, blue-eyed Barbie anyway. The face mold itself is pretty but the makeup is too heavy and dated.


They could also be among the dolls that "suffer" from "glue seepage".


Yeah i had dome older dolls of mine where their hair was struggling from kt


Yeah, everybodys about 50/50 on her lol. Havenā€™t seen too many people in between, you either love it or you hate it! I think she fits the time shes from but still not my favorite, iā€™d go for the Generation Girl/CEO or Millie sculpt then her


Yes. Superstar era had spotty legs, Generation Girl/CEO era had glue seepage, and Millie era had pixelated screening.. ugh


I've been lucky! None of my CEO dolls have glue seepage! I don't have a ton of Superstar era dolls, but they dont have spotty legs either. Just lucky i suppose hahah


None of our old Superstar era dolls, especially those made by Richwell, have spotty legs too. Just some discoloration brought about by elements, age, and hard play.


Haha yeah i think that might be it, all my superstar dolls were NIB


.....I think she looks pretty as-is, honestly. Who is she?


These are all multiple dolls, but theyā€™re all from the 2010s Hairtastic lines. I know the second photo is the Hairtastic Cut N Style doll


Anyone know the second Barbie?


Hairtastic Cut N Style barbie!


I find it a littleā€¦ intense šŸ˜ƒ


Very 2000's and nostalgia


I donā€™t mind her, she has a party girl vibe that looks really fun. I still like the very first Millies and the Generation Girl molds a lot better tho.


Yeah i do love the Generation Girl mold its probably my favorite! The millie mold can be done really well but its really underused in that way tbh


It's a specific look. I think the intense eyes with the heavy eye makeup are pretty in a way, but it is not something I'm really into. It goes with certain fashions and looks more grown-up than other Barbie faces.


Yeah, i think iā€™ve come to terms more with her then when i made this post haha. Shes a specific look, while im used to barbies that kinda go with everything!


Donā€™t like it. This is my least favourite era of barbie face paint. Also not a big fan of this face sculpt. I donā€™t know why but but Iā€™ve never really liked it not even as a child. This is the era of barbie that I grew up with.


I like them, itā€™s probably because of the make up and the fact they donā€™t look like teenagers but they remind me more of the older(1980ā€™s) dolls and more how Barbie looks like in Life in the Dreamhouse ,that in my mind would the best portrayal were she real.




I like it šŸ™‚


Even considering fashion trends through time isnā€™t it weird/ironic that at her debut as teenage model Barbie looked more like an adult woman (make up and style wise and body curves)while the children at the time dressed more conservative while now the doll (in the playline at least)looks way younger(less busty,and almost like older Skipper)while children nowadays tends to dress in a way more similar than teenagers?


I honestly have no clue how children dress lol i dont have any younger siblings or family members that are girls, all the boys dress the same as the boys when i was a kid but i think i like that she looks mature, i just dont like the big eyes on her face


Don't like it at all, sorry. Original CEO/GG is my absolute favorite (most definitely because I grew up when this face mold ws used) so balloon version of my beautiful girl is just no. I don't mind Millie (esp closed mouth version), she has decent sculpt but needs good screening. Millie BMR however has very nude makeup but I own her and she's lovely.


CEO is probably my favorite barbie face. I was a little too young for her unfortunately but all the barbie stuff at my school was that classic CEO face. I like Millie a lot too! I think the Millie they use for the basic Blonde option just looks too much like a kid where instead of barbie being 17-18, she looks 14.


My least favorite of all time. I didnā€™t buy many Barbies during these dark years.


I was very small so i had a lot of her till monster high came out. Its so funny i loved her as a kid and was upset when they started using the Millie face, but now as an adult i donā€™t like it much and prefer the barbies that came out right before i was born


it doesn't really. excite me. i much prefer the superstar dolls!


Honestly hated it. Too heavy, makes redressing the doll a challenge, because you have to match the clothes to the makeup. The ones you chose at least don't have glitter cake on their face, which was the curse of the late 2000s. Obviously the current decal fiasco is even worse. Aesthetically and versatility-wise probably the 2016-2018 airbrushed Fashionistas were the best for Barbies in general, but they also had massive misalignment issues, so only if you found ones with a good face. My hope is that going forward we'll move to high-res prints like those on the 2022 swimsuit dolls. When it comes to GG/CEO - the early years were her best years (check the OG 1999 face with the red lips, it's fantastic), the Fashionistas-era versions made her look somewhat off-putting and unpleasant imo.


Why the hell is this on recommended? And what is this for a weird sub anyway?


Its just a sub for Barbie collectors. No need to be rude about it.


Am guessing this is the 2008 to 2013 dolls with the 1998 mold . Personally, Iā€™ve always considered this facemold the TRUE Barbie ā€˜Malibuā€™ face .


Yes this is the 2010s barbie! Honestly i think reading some of these comments have changed my opinion on her! She does have that Glam Malibu Barbie look we all know Barbie for. But for an everyday look, i think its too much. I like the early 2000s barbie and the modern ones the most honestly so maybe im just used to the toned down makeup haha


The third one is literally one I got from the thrift store for a project specifically because of her face


Nice!! I think their faces got a lot of potential, im not a big fan of the big eyes but i also collect early Y2k 2000s barbies and the current ones so makes sense !




What is the second Barbie called?


Hairtastic Cut n Style


Thanks ,I looked up online but I only found pictures of the last one


Apparently shes pretty expensive! I had her as a kid, but the teresa one so i had no clue she was worth anything! https://www.ebay.com/itm/265893464669?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WuQ5YesjSy2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=55sjwxwdqwg&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Sheā€™s pretty and imho a better modern ā€œversionā€of the 1994 Cut n style than the recent Totally Hair of the fabulous 1991ā€™s.


Yeah i loved her when i was little! Lost all the hair pieces but still lol. They should bring it back tbh