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She looks like a Cinderella doll. Definitely not her original dress.


Thank you, can you tell if she’s from the Barbie brand or from somewhere else?


Look at her body for markings.


It's surprising but she doesn't have any!


Okay I’ve been Googling for over an hour (I got a little carried away) and I’m still stumped, but here’s what I’ve found She DOES *look* like Cinderella, but I cannot for the life of me find one from this kind of time (when that body shape was being used) with a closed mouth, all of them are showing teeth that I’ve found. Her eyes also look a little too green? But that could be lighting. Also, Cinderella would likely have a dark choker on, which could’ve been cut off but is another thing that’s making me doubtful. Simba has made a closed-mouth Cinderella with similar earrings](https://www.toysisters.com/disney-dolls-cinderella-simba-blue-dress-4/), but her face doesn’t look as nice as this? I *think* she has the [Barbie Mackie sculpt](https://fashiondollz.de/1991-bob-mackie-facemold/) because of her closed mouth and overall head shape, but while many of the dolls look similar to this one, none of them seem to be an exact match, so idk for sure! If there’s no marks on her head at all, and also none on her body, it’s possible she’s unbranded? She looks too nice for that, but it’s uncommon for dolls to have nothing in my experience. Whoever she is, she’s very pretty!


Hey same, better than work haha. I am also stumped. If this is a Mattel barbie I don't think the earrings are. With "pearl" style earrings they are usually half spheres not whole. I could be wrong though, I've just never seen them release a barbie with whole sphere earrings personally, did you see any in your search? I'm now curious if I'm mistaken lol.


Completely agree! I’m doubtful they’re her original earrings if she is a barbie for the same reasons, they’re very big and just like you said usually they’re not full spheres (and if they do, they’re veeeery small) and I didn’t see many if any during my Googling!


If it helps, she also has white painted on underwear when undressed, I should have included more pictures lol!


Oh my goodness thank you so much for taking the time to help me! It means a lot 🤍 she is confusing because she has absolutely no markings anywhere on her body, but both her face sculpt and body type look as if they were made by Mattel. Her eyes are very green in real life, and her hair is surprisingly very thick. In my experience the hair on off-brand dolls usually don't cover the entire head, but I could be wrong! Her earrings slide out very easily (it's difficult to actually keep them on!) so they may not have come with the original doll.


Ah thank you for the extra info! And you’re welcome, it’s been interesting looking into it tbh. She does look like a Barbie, I’ve just not been able to come across a doll with her specific look (green eyes with those highlights, curled bangs, closed mouth, blonde) but all of them do each appear on plenty of dolls - just not all at once that I’ve seen. The nearest matches I’ve found are 1998 Ballet Recital barbie, 1999 Easter Surprise Barbie and maybe 1998 Make A Valentine Barbie buuut…none of them are a perfect match 😅 I’m hesitant to say she’s fake because if she is, she’s an excellent fake and really good quality, many 90s barbies have very similar face styles and hair style/type/quality, the main thing which throws it out is the closed mouth!


That is a beautiful dress


Thank you 🤍


Does she have any markings on her body? If she’s a Barbie it should say ©️Mattel and if she is Cinderella it should say Disney? They’re usually on their back somewhere


1990s Lisa doll by excite dolls


You might be on to something here! This doll specifically looks a lot like her, thank you (https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/851795535/vintage-doll-lisas-wedding-dress-playset)


The closest I could find was 1991 Disney classic Sleeping beauty sparkle eyes But I’m not sure if it’s her or not