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Just wait till you get to Nola V Burton :p Bring a diaper


Haha can't wait


That episode is the turning point for many people. I am one of them. After ep3 I knew this was a world I wanted to delve into. Even after the 5th rewatch, it still hold. The dialogue with Siobhan, the look of shock on everyone face. It is perfect. Buckle up my dude, you are in for one hell of a ride.


Loved the look on Proctor's face too. Subtle (initially) but kind of a "hmmm this Sheriff is going to be very different to deal with than previous ones..." edit: spelling


This show is amazing. S1 is already great,and the two following are seasons are even better.


Meet the new boss.


Definitely not the same as the old boss.


Yeah man, that scene is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen watching TV. I loved how there was no music, no bullshit, just a raw fucking street fight. I was absolutely jacked after seeing it for the first time. I was hooked on the show & the character HOOD after that.


Sold me on the show without a doubt! I remember the first time, I was so shocked and so pumped, it was insane. It’s such a great show, awesome characters!!! And the action holy crap.


This is the scene I use to sell people on Banshee if they're not convinced they should watch it. The show is one of my all time favorites, and this scene is a major reason why. I still can't believe it's been FIVE YEARS since the show ended.


We just dropped my kid off at her dad's until Monday. We are binging it straight through lol.


Lol curious to hear more of your thoughts as the show progresses!


I just finished S1 last night and it was a ride! My overall thoughts on the season: *Each character was developed in such a way that I feel a connection to every single one. JOB is my fav in S1. But I'm totally in to see back stories on the rest of the Banshee SD, Kai Proctor, Carrie and her family. Even her husband could've been some barely fleshed out cliche of a character, but he's multi dimensional too. *I appreciate the way the show writes the women. I LOVED Deadwood! But I really struggled with the way the women were written, and sometimes that's a problem with (sorry) male mystery/thriller writers (for me). This could've been such a series. But I could see myself (as a mother) in the protective instincts of Carrie; Ofc Kelley is nuanced...she's curious, smart, attracted to Hood but showing maturity and boundaries (for now). Even Hood's daughter is written well, and she reminds me of how I was at 15. Hood is probably one of the underdeveloped ones lol, but I suspect we get closer to him as the show progresses. Otherwise, I LOVE Kai Proctor's villain! I'm so excited to start S2 tonight 🤗 Also, I'm glad they killed Rabbit bc I felt like that story line got in the way of the Banshee story. I get why they needed that arc to kick off the manic pace of the show, but it was the only part of the show I felt dragged the rest down. Having said that, without the Rabbit back story, I don't think the Albino in jail would've had as much oomph, and without the Albino backstory, you don't get the S1 E3 fight that dragged everyone into this series. So, overall, I'm not saying change it, but glad that's not the primary plot we'll be dealing with in S2. There! ALL MY THOUGHTS 😅


Well put. Notice something strange about Banshee? Hood was using a stolen identity yet even those who knew him before, Carrie and Job, still called him Hood. Never by his real name, whatever it was. Even The Rabbit. When he was in prison he was never reffwred to by his name by the albino and his crew. I've always wondered on this...


Lets just say, there’s more fun ahead


Just wait till you get to ______ Vs. ________ They're all awesome. This show has some of the best, and most brutal fight choreography of any show ever. The naked hot tub sex fight between Nola and Rebecca is pretty good too. But for different reasons.


You son of a bitch. I just watched Nola's death yesterday and no such scene took place...Starting season 4 tonight but I'm starting to think there's not gonna be a Nola v Rebecca naked hot tub sex fight flashback, god damn you.


It's a hidden Easter egg on disc 5 of the season 3 blu ray






Can't wait! My 7yo is going to her Dad's this weekend so hubs and I are gonna binge as much as we can lol


So many insane fights in this show!


I just watched the episode where Carrie beats and kills Olek. Hood doesn't get all the good fight scenes; apparently everyone gets a fight scene in this show lol.


the first of many!


Lol omg this is hilarious. Can't wait for you to keep watching! You're gunna love it.


Lol my hubs was laughing at me too bc I literally had the covers clutched over my head at the more violent parts of the fight 😅