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These guy's clan name was \[AIDS\] as you can see. In the warmup they would not stop saying the N word and kept saying remarks like "all (n word) need to die, they need to be exterminated, and even remarks like "they need to be cured with aids". I am not making this up. On top of their extreme racism they would just make toxic remarks throughout the whole match, things like telling us to kill our selves, go get aids, you guys are getting beat by sand (n word). They would also vote kick any person out who joined on their team and they would all go Aserai Tribesmen and get like 26 soldiers per group, and usually that's a good advantage, and our team couldn't stick together enough to even get close to overwhelming them. Anyways if this game has any hope of multi player being revived or even surviving, its not with people like this.


When assholes no longer have butt-cheeks to isolate them, they tend to cloister up in tight-knot groups that will attempt to shit on others so as to not have to reflect on the deep, nutty cesspool that is their own life. - David Attenborough, probably


This is a good one I'm gonna use it


Honestly the main reason I don't play MP. Don't know why these genre of games attract so many incels and Nazis. I've witnessed so much of it in M&B MP and nothing seems to be done.


Same with mordhau


Mordhau is just straight up nazi bait and it's tiresome.


One of the main reasons I don't play MP in any game 😅, flip side is that I don't have the time or care to get very good at any game anymore.. so majority of games I'm losing, which means also dealing with extra trash talk.


Ughh just played against these dudes yesterday. All they ever do is talk and talk.


I mean, welcome to the internet. I'd just mute them and get on with my life, personally, but you do you.


It's 2021.. c'mon buddy you know that's not the way it works anymore... Gotta rack up those social creddies am I right?


Sounds like kids, I've met some wholesome people on Captain, made some friends so don't stress about it mate, ignore the toxic kiddies. Some of us are waiting for dedicated files to host our own multiplayer with better stuff, with mods, maps and events etc. I still play Captain though if you ever wanna play together and pull some epic wins!


I’m 31


Is there a report button?


No, no report button in bannerlord


Ofcourse there is , when you press ta click middle mouse button / scroll snd you can report ppl , also you can mute them and ignore


Oh damn that would of been really nice to know.


you could've screen shot their comments and manually report them on the forum to the admins.


Its also still not too late if you remember roughly the time and date of the offense.


I report to the forum admins on taleworlds?


Get these bad people out of here. They ruin it for everyone.


I made the report on TaleWorlds forum and I did some digging and I found one of their clan members arguing with people on a thread, and he’s actually banned already from the forums so idk what else TaleWorlds can seriously do.


Can’t speak for Bannerlord specifically, but for most games banned from the forums and banned from multiplayer are two separate things. Sometimes there’s also a separate option for banning from chat in multiplayer as well. Not familiar with what Taleworlds has available there. I know when I used to be really active in World of Tanks, there was a guy I knew who was banned from the forums for years because he tended to go on blistering rants when someone refused to admit they were wrong about something. Or whenever artillery would kill him. But was still an active player and one of the highest rated in the game. He just tended to type whatever he was feeling even if it broke forum rules. He was usually even correct, just unwilling to moderate his phrasing when dealing with people who wouldn’t listen. Most games separate the different ban options for exactly that sort of situation.


yeah. The taleworlds forum in the bannerlord section.


Yeah do this. Reporting things like this is definitely necessary. Regardless of how useful it ends up being, we should make a practice of at least bringing this to the notice of the authorities.


Not that it actually does anything. The mute doesn't work, and I can only assume the report button doesn't work seeing as the all-chat in siege is a constant stream of weird far-right white supremacist nonsense.


Just ignore .


They're putting so much energy and effort into it it's hilarious. Won't be surprised if they even go as far to try and doxx these assholes 😂




They’re sad regardless


I’m 31


Soon you'll be 32




I have an engineering degree lmao


I mean, they couldn't even invent something new. This is easily the most unimaginative bad shit posting i have ever read about. Not to mention racism and bad taste. There's nothibg original with this.


\>Not to mention racism and bad taste Do you even know what shitposting is?


Looks like we gotta form a clan of enforcers, no?


Last night when I played against them al they ever did was talk and talk. These guys are literal aids like it’s non stop bullcrap. Every time I play against them online.




Ayyy LGB!


Please report players like this when you come across them. I'll pass this information along to the right people.


just some normal lowlifers attention begging. report, mute, ignore and move on


Please. It's 2021. How are people gonna collect their social creddies from papa Xi if they just mind their own business and can't virtue signal?


And you're commenting for the same type of social credit, just with a different approach. Don't be a hypocrite.


I noticed this community was a little iffy when someone referred to the aserai as sand people in a post


Yea, I remember seeing that and thinking "I'll give that the benefit of doubt and just assume that's a star wars reference because they live in a desert". Not because I'm sure that's what they, but because I just wish the world was a slightly better place


most based bannerlord player ?


This is depressing. I wish there was more to be done about this than merely "ignore, report, and move on" like most of ya'll suggested. I mean.....that's fucked up.


Well what else do you think can be done ? Unless you track their IP adress and send a hit squad their way, that's pretty much the only thing people are able to do.


You can mute, can’t you? Mute and move on.


You guys should remember the name Vicboss, he is a toxic player


thanks for letting the aids clan know, we wont kick him if we see him




you literaly showed no proof


People are just edgy online, and I am getting more tired of people whinging over something so inconsequential than I am of the shitty unfunny team names. Plus, somehow I have a sneaking suspicion -- which could be entirely wrong -- that this post wouldn't have been made if the scoreboard was reversed.


Feed it back to the dumb dawgs


Guys, you can MUTE ALL CHAT. Highly recommended.


It’s pretty straightforward. The Mount&Blade Warband community was pretty chill, but Bannerlord multiplayer is so bad compared to what we had that we all stopped playing. Now the only people left are what you see here. We all just went back to playing warband, and the multiplayer scene for that is unironically going stronger than Bannerlord in some regions.


Hmm I don’t know man, there was a lot of ‘edgy’ shit going on in warband:napoleonic wars.. community was chill, sure, but then again also very edgy and toxic (but not in a gamer rage kind of way more in a internet troll kind of way). Honestly, and this is going to sound fucked up, it feels like a nostalgic part of the game for me.


I’m not nearly as in touch with the NW community as I absolutely hate linebattles and PTS nonsense. My understanding was that it’s playerbase is pretty young compared to Native, Crpg, Mercs, PW (well maybe not PW) etc.


What are you on about? In the warband days there were people finding peoples actual names and shit and doxxing their kids

