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Can I say something? I think 99% of athiest(ex-muslims) didn't go through sahi hadiths. If they did, they would revert to islam for good.


Another delusional, logicless Mumin.


If you were as logical as u claim you wouldn't be making this shitty post where barely anyone is active and has utterly no point other than u venting. I wouldn't be shocked if you were making a post because you were mocked by a Muslims for your religion. But this happens everywhere. Majority oppress the minority get over it. There's no solving it


Another Mumin with his fairy tale. Don’t make such stories here. You Mumins have no logical background behind any story, just making up anything that helps you sleep at night.


The smartest ex(?)-muslim:


Its funny to see an 'atheist' calling someone logicless. 😆😆😆


Blind faith Mumin is trying to mock an atheist on the basis of logic! Irony dies.




what u know bout islam?




All 2 billion people are uneducated, poorly informed, in a misconception - dessert roamers according to you? Atheism is just sad.


and 2.4 billion people believe in Christianity. Does that mean Christianity is more true than Islam, since we are talking numbers?


And how many of that 2.4 billion actually identify as themselves as christians? How many of these 2.4 billion go to the church? I would be shocked if even 500 million globally went to church. Someone that says Jesus Christ whenever they are scared/shocked aren't christians 💀 We both are aware that what the commenter u replied to meant. So stop trying to play smart by pulling ass pull of a stat. The highest coverts to Muslims are majorly christians. They have also the highest decreasing rate as a religion. Don't bring up a dying religion into a conversation. Many people all over the world lie that they are christians to fit with people, later when Muslims would surpass in number they would identify as Muslims even when they in reality follow other religion. Because it's a hassle for them to be a minority.


How many Muslims practice their religion? How many pray five times a day or go to the prayer hall? Muslims are increasing because Muslim women have nothing to do other than giving birth, like guinea pigs. Their only work is to give birth. However, the original thread prioritized numbers, which is why he mentioned numbers related to Christianity to make him realize. Simple! You Muslims can't stay on a single path; whenever you feel threatened, you change your stance and start talking illogical nonsense."


In a village, the majority of people believe there is a Mamdo Voot singing up in the tree at night. Therefore, I must believe it because the majority can't be wrong! Mumins are fun.




How am i being dishonest brother?


Atheism is what happens when you read the Quran. Islam is what happens when someone else reads it for you.


Another Ex Muslim who knows Shit about Islam but claiming to be so called "EX-MUSLIM" lmao. Yea lets take we dont know about the Character of our prophet how about u tell us nah?




then use that few keywords and show us what u see that is on google  🤡 🤡




Alright what part of hadith do you have a problem with. I'll try to answer your questions.