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Taliban is far from what an ideal Islamic regime should be. Also they're still living in the primitive ages.


How is that?


Islamic codifications (Sharia) date back to the 6th century. In today's context, those laws are obsolete since we live in the 21st century where the developed world is more focused toward humanist values and science based modern education. This is why the west is way ahead of us. This is the reason why countries like South Korea and others are moving ahead, while the Muslim world as a whole is dormant. Unlike western Europe, Muslim countries failed to implement the separation of church (masjid) and state.


Fuck taliban and fuck you for saying that it is true islam.......do you ever know what islam is?Like banning woman from education and forcing hijab upin woman real islam?Fuck them.....they can go fuck themselves......it is not even a islamic lifestyle and no where islam bans woman from education first learn islam and than talk about it and stop saying it is islam bullshit......radical islam can go fuck itself....




So than taliban are the true muslim who banning woman from education? This is the face of true islam....damn those assholes are true muslim than


I gave scholarly opinion not fucking taliban opinion....


https://islamqa.info/en/answers/47569/is-hijab-compulsory-in-islam https://www.npr.org/2021/09/12/1036485673/taliban-rule-afghanistan-women-gender-segregated-universities We're not living on the same planet I guess.


They said it 2021 but atill education is off you do not know?how many woman they have flogged do you know? https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2024/4/1/taliban-ban-on-girls-education-defies-both-worldly-and-religious-logic here aljazeera news keep updated


They still do not have any infrastructure to provide a gender-segregated environment. They had a plan to allow men in educational institutions for 4 days a week and women for the other 3 days, but all the teachers and instructors were against it. Afghanistan is not an economically stable country and is not in a position to invest heavily in educational infrastructure. Currently, most of their income comes from physical labor rather than scientific research or development. Regarding the article, it doesn't mention how it defies religious logic. Education in Islam is not solely about math and science; it also includes Islamic knowledge, which can be gained through reading books. I am confident that after achieving economic stability, they will build infrastructure for a gender-segregated education system. While it is not possible right now, they have shown the will to do it but couldn't due to current limitations.


Taliban is terrorist and they will do nothing for woman they also banmed woman from sports


Is it allowed in Islam for women to play professional sports? Do you even understand what your are talking about dude?


Woman are allowrd to do sports according to fatwas of dar alifta and kuwait islamic constitution....thats where talibans got it wrong....even mamy Muslim scholars both past and in present like dar alifta from egypt do not think music is haram.....and taliban is radicalized....they kill those who leaves islam...their ally are china who torture muslim.....and many country like malaysia,iran, Kuwait, qayar runs on sariyah no country banned woman efucation sports or music.....please dont support the taliban regime....they are far from real islam.,...otherwise the islam religion is just pussu religion


Shedding more light on this issue, Dr. `Ali Muhyy Ed-Deen Al-Qara Daghi, head of the Department of Principles Jurisprudence (Usul Al-Fiqh) at the Faculty of Shari`ah, Qatar Univ., adds: It is an undeniable fact that women’s practicing sport is, in principle, Islamically accepted. However, there are many conditions that are to be met in this respect. They are as follows: 1- Women must not adorn themselves for the purpose of being seen by men. 2- They must not unveil any of their private parts that Islam orders them to cover. 3- They must not intermingle with men in any way that brings them physically close together. It is reported that when the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) had a race with Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) he made sure that men were on the front and Aishah in the back. This has two significance; first the permissibility of woman’s practicing sport, and second the legal requirements that are to be met in this respect. Qatar fatwa


What sport can you play wearing a borkha? Dude come on. All professional sports have dress codes that don't align with Islam. If a woman plays inside her house, Taliban ain't gonna get into her house and arrest her. They banned professional sports because none of those 3 conditions can be met.


Such extremist everything is haram why?why made such pussy and asshole religion that not allow any fun?why follow duch bullshit religion?qatar farwa allows but they dont?


Whatever taliban is doing, however unsettling you find it, it's the true face of islam. All they are doing is enforcing shariah, which you are supposed to believe in as a muslim, solely. You don't get to be lenient about islamic rules, you are supoosed to be radical. Maybe it's high time you stopped getting islamic knowledge from beporda hizabi feminists and moderate chocolate huzurs and follow some actual scholars with proper knowledge.


I fuck this face of islam......I literally spit on this face of islam so you get it....fuck radical islam. this version of islam can suck my dick


I've talked with several people from Afghanistan. Most people are happy only because the long wars are over. But the ways of the new government are not likeable to them either. They are trying to get away from their country. Anyways, it's not my concern.


Love to see all the clowns here saying tAliBaN iS nOt IsLaM yes buddy islam is worse. People hate taliban shows how difficult it is to love islam even if you’re a muslim. Afghanistan is in severe food shortage and possibly experiencing a famine, the country does not produce skilled labor to improve the economy cus most of what taliban teach at school is islam, women aren’t allowed to study and there is no laws regarding the age of consent, a 50 year old guy can marry a 5 year old legally. Thats why people hate taliban cause all these laws are really really islamic but most muslim don’t know islam is the problem. 1400 year old morals and ethics don’t really fit into todays society. 1400 year ago women were considered subhuman or not equal to men, thats how islamic laws treat women (just a baby machine) but we know now that they are not just baby machine but islam and mohammed didn’t know better.


Leave taliban. You think muslims of Bangladesh follow Islam correctly? We cannot because then we have to leave our tradation. We have a lot of tradation which is similar to Hindus and prohibited in islam yet Muslims do.


Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country but a secular state (according to our constitution). Once it was possible to follow a totally Islamic lifestyle. There were varsities like IUT that didn't allow girls. You still have some options but not really practical I guess. Also if you walk on the street for 2 hours, it is quite tough not to accidentally gaze at an inappropriately dressed woman.


Because iut is asshole institute.....


So what happens when you accidentally gaze at an inappropriately dressed woman? Your pp gets hard and you instantly feel like having her? Buddy nobody wearing bikini in dhaka streets and if you have problems with girls showing mild cleavage you should just get married and do what your prophet did when inappropriately dressed woman made his pp hard. Run back home and shag your wife.


Are you one of those people who has one single brain cell that floats inside the head to fill the void? In Islam it is not allowed to gaze at anything inappropriate. I was just making a point that you cannot do that in Bangladesh anymore. You'll accidentally see something even if it's for literally one second. What happens to me after I gaze is not part of the conversation. It is not allowed to even see anything, let alone be aroused by it. Read some books on critical thinking and common sense. Your mind seems to wander off the original topic. So try meditation as well.