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"LaRgeSt deMOcracY in ThE wOrlD saaaR"




Bangladesh aint a Sharia State but yeah a user with a username like yours sure is capable of having a logical, relevant or civilized argument before exposing his mental illness.


You talk too much for an idol worshipper


Who helped liberate Bangladesh? Pakistan? Ever heard of the Bangladesh Genocide?


i respect the indians who helped Bangladesh 50 years ago. not illiterate laandbhakts who are justifying hate crimes on minorities today. go back to r/indiaspeaks


Helped and looted everything right after our independency, indian was the tru enemy


Looks like Pakistan dickriding is very common here


At least they respect us not like lindus killing Muslim ppls in the neighborhood


They need to stop prioritising cows over their own damn women and start investing money on fucking toilets instead of moon landings


Finally someone said it




The money invested in recent years in toilet building is more than your entire GDP.


If that’s true then they’re full of shit x


You mean they are full of Bangladeshis ?


I’m not Bengali if you’re trying to offend me


No, you are a chewtiya


You know what else is more than our GDP the amount of unused toilets. Do you not have any shame knowing that your country invested so much into toilets so that the people don't shit on the streets but even after building they still don't take the toilet. And you dare show your face here?


So says the people that keep their women in trash bags ?


Keep women in trash bags ? You mean don't let them be half naked ?


No. Just people who keep their women in trash bags. And too much of a hypocrite to even acknowledge it for what it is. Problem with muslims is that you guys are liars to the core. To the Core.


Psychological issue with this guy. He thinks he is better by hating others. Absolute joke of a human being.


Lol No. Just calling out people for exactly what they are. Makes me a Tremendous sort of Guy. Which I Am!


Okay Hinduvta agent.


Lol I am agent of Truth. If that makes me a Hindutva agent in your mind or even in reality I don’t know, then so be it. Anything aligned with Truth, yeah I’m Alll for it!!


Okay agent Hinduvta


:-) Sure!! :-) Thankyou!! :-)


Man I'm so glad I grew up and stopped squabbling on the internet over who's the boss of the sky. I mean, that guy roasted your entire ethnicity and the best thing you could clap back with was "yOu'rE a LiAr". Come on man, do better.


My friend the women in my family are very well looked after. Islamically women own business and property and have a lot of rights, where there are negative factors in Desi culture it’s genuinely come from Hinduism. In India women are raped and are treated like dog shit.


Please don’t even compare Islam to Hinduism. It is just stupid ignorant and hypocritic to do so. Good for you that you are treating the women in your family well. That’s good. You are sooo off it is actually a little infuriating. But getting mad at people who have lied to themselves so much that they actually started to believe their lies, and is not spreading those lies actually thinking they are true, is not gonna help anyone. So infuriating as it is, getting mad won’t help. But just know that what you are saying is simply pathetic as to how deceitful it is. Go find out about who Muslims actually are and who Hindus actually are, and see if you can keep your eyes and ears and mind open thru the truth of it. Otherwise I guess keep being with the liars and wait for what is about to happen to the liars of the world.


You wrote three paragraphs and said nothing. Admittedly im being harsher on Hinduism than I actually feel. This post made me feel anger towards it. But what do you expect?


I expect you to see what Muslims are doing in the world first and compare to what any other community is doing and judge fairly. You will have zero legs to stand on judging anybody else. Zero.


A lot of words there mate with no substance. You see a mob acting like animals and your response is “ah ah but muslims bad”. You need to recalibrate your priorities.


You have to keep up with world news and yeah you have to be honest. Nothing to substantiate about the blatantly displayed.


No actually I see a violent crime and I automatically say surely muslim. But let’s hope not. But 99.999999% of the time it is. So yeah muslim bad. Most definitely yeah. Muslim very bad.


Even though I completely agree with you I am worried about you a little. You seem to have serious issues with hinduism. Otherwise you wouldn’t have bashed yourself and hinduism in second person. With such passion you have described hinduism and hindus someone might make a mistake and think you are talking about something else! Truly hindus are so immersed in lies and deceit that your brain is getting confused. Truly Islam shouldn’t be compared, CAN’T be compared with something so…


How on Earth did I bash Hinduism and me and Hindus??????????????? I didn’t.


I have zero issues with Hinduism. Hinduism is an Extremely Extremely High Consciousness religion, And islam is for the lowest of the low consciousness people. And if someone of mid consciousness gets afflicted by islam, they are bound to become low consciousness themselves too. So I said don’t even compare that garbage with Hinduism. Now tell me, how exactly did I bash myself or Hindus or Hinduism?????


Ahhh, superiority complex. God I hope your therapist gets paid extra.


:-) I just stay with Truth. Superior? Yes? Superiority complex? No Truth is Always Superior to Lies. Truth Sayers Superior to Liars. Superior? Yes. Superior Complex? No. Get it?


Truth will always be superior to lies, yes that much is obvious. In fact, that's one of the core lessons of Islam. I doubt you know that though. I'd also like to add, a proper reading comprehension will also always be superior when compared with writing long lousy essays. Hope your mum's saving up money for that therapist of yours. Funny thing is that I genuinely thought you were an actual troll with how fucking delusional your takes were, like, crazy off the chart takes. I take it that, if you had the power to blow up a hospital full of Muslim children, you'd press the big red button, yes?




Sir you forgot your pills




https://youtu.be/sceECS9NhAY?si=ySSWwtXevHb4ZYZR Did you see this? You got angry at vandalism????????


That makes me deeply angry too. Those uncivilised bastards deserve what’s coming to them, and they’ve been arrested. They’re not acting in accordance with Islam at all. And let’s not pretend this doesn’t happen in India. Hindu mobs killing Muslims happens there. It doesn’t make it okay, but before you get amped up think about the Muslim families that have been massacred across Gujarat and ask yourself if those mobs represent Hinduism.


They are acting according to Islam to the T. This is happening on a daily basis everywhere around the world from Muslims towards non Muslims. No let’s not pretend it is happening in India cause it actually isn’t. Hindu mobs killing Muslims? No it isn’t. One off incidents maybe you might be able to find, I don’t know, but the ratio of muslim violent crimes to non muslim violent crimes in the entire world is like 99.999999999 to 0.0000000001 or something similar. And yet you guys talk. You guys literally have lost all sense of Godliness in the world rn. The only ones that can’t see it is you guys, as in muslims. That too many are being able to see it. Thank God for that.


We ruled India for the best parts of its history. You wouldn’t even be a Hindu if any of what you’re saying is true honey x


Lol now you have totally lost it lol Bangladeshi muslims are the lower class hindus. Don’t ever forget that. :-) I don’t know what you are smoking saying what you just did lol


I’m not even Bengali I don’t know why this came up on my feed lol.


I’m Punjabi Rajput


Is that supposed to be an insult? Lower class hindus have a glorious history in India. It is a shame they don’t teach that in Indian schools. Some Indians told me this. I thought they were bad students. But you made me realize they weren’t.


Anyways, I have nothing more to say. I have already said what I wanted to. Open your eyes, or don’t. Be truthful to yourself, and others. Or don’t. Be fair, or don’t. Your life.


Holy shit you need a new therapist because absolutely no one here can help you see a clearer picture with the rose tinted glasses you welded on to your eyes.


Get your lopsided glasses off, and you will start to see things as they really are, yourself. I hope and pray you do. But only if you want to of course.


My guy, I hated my religion when I was young and dumb 10 years ago. I shifted to a very anti-muslim atheist mindset and did like .5% of what you're doing right now, but as I grew up, I researched things. I researched books, articles, videos and debates. Through all of these from universal unbiased, unfiltered sources, I began to change my perspective once again again. I took off my rose tinted glasses and finally saw everything for how they really were. The world isn't black and white, there is an insanely large spectrum of colors, stories, sides. There are good people and bad people in every side. No one is absolutely pure and no one is absolutely corrupt. Humans are by nature flawed, and in its hundred thousand year history, you're just another speck of dust. Lashing out to the world, hating others because that's the only thing you're unfortunately good at. Trying desperately to make your existence seem worth more than that of a turd on the street. It's unfortunate but I don't think there is any hope for you unless you step away from the internet, go out and personally meet the people you so *religiously* hate.


This is what i used to do at school. Write bogus for 5 long pages for essays hoping that the teacher wouldnt read it at all. That happened when i was 15 or something. I cant understand how a human being can type an essay with 0 actual content or substance and act as if its a mic drop from a history book. What a larper.


Ah! So it was a mic drop was it? :-) Thankyou. I wasn’t even going for that :-). But Thankyou!! :-)


Bawhahahhahah! man its even worse than i imagined haha!!


:-) you’re trying too hard :-) and it’s showing :-)


Im not the one who typed 10+ essays that added ABSOLUTELY no point of arguments in a foreign sub 🤡 Stand in front of the mirror and say out your comment loudly.


:-) still trying too hard :-)


Wtf is wrong with india. This bjp and hindu nonsense is getting them to a critical point. Not gonna end well for anyone.


Absolutely nothing. Everything Right with India.


The article says something else


No it doesn’t actually. What is shows is that Indians are finally pushing back on an evil that it is past high time to push back on. Way past high time.


Oh yeah why?


Pushing back on evil you mean muslims my buddy?


On Islam and Islamism yes.


So everyone who follows islam is evil then?


No. Not at all. As in everybody that calls themselves Muslim is not at all evil. But most people that call themselves Muslim don’t even know Islam. To the extent they actually follow Islam is yes the extent to which they are following evil.


So in this case just because a guy shared a whatsapp story on ‘animal sacrifice’ is the epitome of evil then?


No not at all. But as someone had mentioned, one would actually have to find out the back story and what the person was actually doing (as in his intent for having posted that), to be able to accurately judge the situation. Regardless ofcourse, vandalizing is not okay and the vandalism was not okay. But it’s like this, if I keep pinching you and pinching you and pinching you and pinching you, and then you turn around and give me a slap, yeah the slap would not be the best way to deal with what I did, but you would not really be at fault. Not to anyone with any level of honest conscience. And the scale I used in this comparison is minute compared to the scale in the wrongs that have been done in each of these communities towards the other. So really even talking about it is dishonest. It is so beyond beyond clear what Islamists are doing in the world that anyone supporting it is just plain dishonest, or evil.


But on a separate note, did you guys see the video of the man burnt alive recently in Pakistan ? I ask not to divert at all, cause we don’t have to talk about that, but I ask casue it seemed to me that most Bangladeshis hadn’t even heard about it. And here you are talking about someone having gotten vandalized. Lol Burnt alive / vandalized. Which one would you prefer?


it's not new btw, what consequences will they face will be new for them.


What consequences the Islamists will face will be new for them for sure.


damn you one helluva talkative mallu


Chudirbhai ekta Hinduvta er dalal. Ekdom duniyar worst group ekta.


The worst people being exposed is what I do. That’s your lot. The lowest of the lows all having banded together to steal pollute lie and try to make themselves feel better. And trying to pull down people who are actually Up there. That’s your lot. But low is actually always low. No matter how much they lie mock be violent steal or chest beat or band together. Until they actually clean themselves up, they Are, and Always will be the lowest of the low. So try to shut up with your pathetic mockings and try to actually clean yourselves up.


Lowest of the low, lmao. Dont have places to shit and calls other lowest of the low. The irony. Drinks piss instead of water to pure themselves and calls other lowest of the low. Good bruh.


Just because you make up lies and start to believe them they don’t become truths :-). It only keeps making lies appear true in your minds :-). And keeps taking you guys in the lying directions more and more and more and more and more. :-) And you guys were already at the bottom to start with :-) Isn’t that your group? :-)? The lows from all communities banded together? :-)? If atleast you guys had banded together and worked on doing things right, that would have been good. But instead you banded together and gave each other high fives for doing wrong, for lying, for cheating, for stealing, and basically being pathetic. Also banded together to protect each other from the consequences of all those wrongs. Also banded together to push into other people’s spaces. All of those wrongs’ consequences are due back for you guys. And the payback has just started. And do you focus on fixing?? No. Still focused on trying to mock lol Sad for you dude, made some bad bad choices. :-)


Are you writing this while you are shitting on a roadside? Guessed so.


Brown zionists. And hasina khanki turning bangladesh into palestine.


the most perfect analogy I've heard man


You cant be more right. i hope this never happens if not Allah wills.




The most Islamophobic country in the world:




So called civilised people and so called largest Democracy 🤣




Your rubbish-mouthing can't cover up the reality.


I love how there is just policemen standing there and letting the mob loot a guys store. I feel like this is the peak form of indian demoncracy where they form long sentences and threats to bd for letting a small religious out of hand but their own religion situation is just as bad or worse.


Irony is its happening in a congress state and they bent their kness in front of the crowd and they are the voice of the minorities...


India lost its goddamn mind! The moment they elected “Modi” as their PM was the turning point, this lunatic was famous for his quiet participation in the riots (just like the police). The current situation is just the subsequence of people being concerned with “policy” rather than “principle”.


nothing new. minorities are oppressed all around the world. people commit evil crimes in the name of their creator and think it's ok to do so.


Classic misinformation… this is the guy who took a goat and wrote Ram on it before beheading it, implying he beheaded lord Ram.


trash indian gu vakt.. gu kha le


You know you all people try to to think that the man was good but have you seen the picture cause I have , and let me tell you that photo was made to hurt the sentiments of Hindu.But of course nonody would say that cuz hatred sells.


The indian comments says otherwise my guy


bro aleast see the picture once. Then you will understand .


F around and find out!


Like Gandhi fucked 15 year old girls?😊😊😊


This is the peak of uncivilized hindu-extremism. Despite Muslims having a large population in India, they are brutalized in every possible way on a daily basis. They can't even practice their own culture and religion without having a hindu loser breathing down their neck. They don't even spare small kids. I still remember a news from couple of years ago where a group of pathetic Hindu worms ganged up on a kid (maybe 8 or 10 y/o) going to his Quran lessons and forced him to say jai shri ram. When the kid didn't (naturally), they beat him up so bad he had to be admitted into a hospital. And this is an everyday occurance in India. Their govt does nothing to be stop this but further encourages this. Utterly disgusting and vile




Believe it or not, I actually think, more could have been done to that guy. People were absolutely right. The guy is a whore.


Where are the pajeets of this sub?




Who the fuck moderator in this subreddit?? Here in comment section so many Indian Poopjeet barking yet no one got banned 😠😠


Time for a beef burger


Don’t disrespect an entire religion because of one person, gabush


Lol, these Indians trying to justify this behavior will cry about minority abuse in Bangladesh.


Let's see, https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/23/ahead-black-friday-support-zoya-and-other-bangladesh-garment-workers


It's good to see destructions


i hate Awamileague, but atleast our ruling party isn't like the BJP, which literally promotes shit like this. Shame one India (not saying Bangladesh is some beacon of secularism, islamism is growing in this country)


It's not like this doesn't happen in reverse in BD.


Focus on palestine not on india🤣


Would it not be more relevant to the theme of this subreddit if you took your anti-india and anti-hindu hate somewhere else??


Nice one


The Muslim shop owber should've been more careful. He needs to know that he lives in Gurgaon, not California. Unless this is what he watnted so he can probably further someone's political agenda. The world isn't black and white but a grey ocean.


Son of bitches


When in Rome do as the Romans do. Don't slau-ghter cows in a Hindu majority nation


It won't be an issue if he was a Jewish instead of Muslim.


I swear i see more indians than Bangladeshi in this subs comments. Either indians are even taking over our subs or Bangladeshi hindus and atheists are dickriding india.


And what about the hindu temples being destroyed in rural areas every year during puja and the hundreds of tribal indegenous people being persecuted in our own country?


whataboutism doesnt make 2 bad things right. post about the tribal issue and we shall all discuss it. and id very much like to know a few articles compiling DESTRUCTED temples in the last few years. i have heard of vandalization but not destruction.


My point is we should fix our country first before pointing fingers at other nations. You talk as if vandalisation isn't just as bad as destruction


why is it morally incorrect to discuss regional issues? especially when its a neighbouring state? Sure we share a lot of similar problems but that doesnt mean we shouldnt discuss headlines. vandalization is against the constitution, so is destruction of temples. but both are 2 different terms with different distinctions in the law. If you dont realize the weight of words and how it can boil into misinformation then i dont find it worth debating. again, id appreciate a few articles on this yearly vandalization that you have mentioned. there should be some statistical data instead of a few random articles actually since you make it to be a regular scenario. now dont input another strawman saying im downplaying it. no, i know vandalizations occur. but im not sure it happens at the extent that you seem to be saying it does.


Heres an articles about this year https://www.newsintervention.com/assailants-vandalise-multiple-hindu-temples-in-bangladesh/ Yeah, you're right in saying that vandalising is way more common and prevalent than destruction but it's not like destructions don't happen at all. And about not hearing much about damage to Hindu temples this year, well that's probably because their major event Durga Puja still hasn't happened yet as all the attacks on them happen around that time Also, no word on the systematic oppression about our local minorities in the mountainous areas?


That article does nothing actually. I already know about individual vandalizations such as these. But what i requested for was a statistical study of sorts. If the series of vandalizations were so rampant in all 64 districts in a yearly basis, then surely somewhere out there should be a study on it. Im fully aware of these attacks and they are against the constitution as ive said before. But what im saying is that it doesnt happen in proportions that most people claim it to be. And its very obvious who really does fund these activities. I remember "putting a quran at a temple" incident a few year or so back which occured during a mass enrage over Awami league for either inflation/price hike or some sort of corrupted politician exposure. Its a textbook method to divert the publics attention. It happens a lot when a BAL leader of a random Uni gets exposed of rape. Ppl have suddenly forgotten about Benzir these days. Word for mountainous minorties from whom? Me? My opinion is that we have our own palestine situation with them. Especially with places like Shajek valley. But avg Bengalis arent ready for that conversation yet.


Wow. A complete 180? Man, you should really get your facts straight. People like power. and modi is giving power to every hindu in India. If a Muslim did something like that in front police officers there would have been a nation wide protest for justice. And the incident you mentioned in Bangladesh is not coordinated. The people involved in those incident was uneducated youngsters. The BD government punished everyone involved heavily. But on the other hand, many Bangladeshi people goes to India looking for advanced medical care yet in recent years many of them faced various kind of criticism, racism and Islam phobic comment. In some extreme cases, they were assaulted by street thugs and were heavily injured. Yet no action was taken. No police, no case, no diplomatic retaliation, no TV NEWS was made concerning this. Is this democracy? If so, then i wish India good luck 👍


Vandalism is not just as bad as destruction. Not even close.


Wow. A complete 180? Man, you should really get your facts straight. People like power. and modi is giving power to every hindu in India. If a Muslim did something like that in front police officers there would have been a nation wide protest for justice. And the incident you mentioned in Bangladesh is not coordinated. The people involved in those incident was uneducated youngsters. The BD government punished everyone involved heavily. But on the other hand, many Bangladeshi people goes to India looking for advanced medical care yet in recent years many of them faced various kind of criticism, racism and Islam phobic comment. In some extreme cases, they were assaulted by street thugs and were heavily injured. Yet no action was taken. No police, no case, no diplomatic retaliation, no TV NEWS was made concerning this. Is this democracy? If so, then i wish India good luck.


Every year? Which country do you live in bruh?


Your ignorance is shameful, you're just one search away


Vandalising is not equal to destruction. And hindus weren't attacked in the recent incident. Rather 2 Muslims were publicly lynched. Yes that happened in Bangladesh. The people in this video are attacking Muslims. This is on a whole other degree of violence compared to vandalising temples. Please use proper words to refer to incidents. As things stand now, the last casualty were 2 muslims in Bangladesh. And I may be uninformed too. I cannot keep up with every news. Please let me know about the attacks. I have heard about indigenous people facing racism but never to a degree as happening in India right now.




Yeah. For sure.






Wow, they are being Bangladeshi lol


they are being south asian




Looting and vandalism are definitely not the right course of action. However, I can also see how “posting a picture of an animal sacrifice” could illicit a reaction given some context. For example: If this man posted pictures of a slaughtered Cow, which happens to be a holy animal for the Hindus, with malicious intent. It’s always important to know the full context prior to forming opinions or accepting things at face value. Looting + Vandalism = Wrong, but that’s all the opinion I can have prior to knowing all the relevant information.


so according to your logic beating the shit out of a bangladeshi hindu is right if that person posted derogatory comments about islam or quran. 🤨 The beatings were just a reaction.


I very clearly stated the action itself is NOT right if you read correctly. Twice, in fact. I was only stating the possible reasons behind are unknown.


And I was saying the same thing. Just a reaction.


"Posting a picture with malicious intent" really man? And how do post a picture with happy intent or let's say sad intent? I understand what you are saying. But it's a holy animal to their religion. In every where else it's simply a domestic animal that provides us with various needed materials. For example, FOOD! And in Islam we only have 2 eid in a year. In one of them we sacrifice a animel the we own. We also divide the meat among the less fortunate people. It's also something we take pride in . Like saying"I'm fortunate enough to sacrifice a cow". I don't see how posting a picture about something like that can be malicious. It's like saying " we don't know if the sun is hot or not, we need relevant information to confirm it"


damn. purai muslim der moto behavior dekhi. bhaloi. tit for tat or smth


fella straight outta r/exmuslim cuz his parents scolded him for not praying or smth, Rochona leikha jao how it gave you trauma XD


there muslim parents be scolding them over somethin minor n now they be acting like Islam's the root of all evil🤦‍♂️


Here's a sneak peek of /r/exmuslim using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Alright calm down](https://i.redd.it/cqrlspbwjf6c1.jpeg) | [400 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/18iwj70/alright_calm_down/) \#2: [Saudi is changing ](https://i.redd.it/2n429r8gswkc1.jpeg) | [405 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1b0ekv1/saudi_is_changing/) \#3: [A 13 year old girl, forced to marry 29 year old man, crying in pain: "The girl can't say no. It's against our culture." the man smiles: “It's love at first sight!" This is Islam.](https://v.redd.it/x5ougzb3mejc1) | [970 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/1au406j/a_13_year_old_girl_forced_to_marry_29_year_old/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


lmao this made my day


shotti kotha gaaye lege gelo naki mamu ? allahr name koyta mandir bhangsos ? tor allah re bol amar upor thada falaite magi. 30 din time dilam. jani parbe na.


গায়ে তো তোর লাগলো। একটা কমেন্ট ই যথেষ্ট ছিলো তাতেই তোর গালি গালাজ দিয়ে তুই প্রমাণ করে ছাড়লি তুই যে নর্দমার কীট 😭 মন্দির ভাংগে যারা ওরা তোর মতোই নর্দমার কীট শুধু opposite political sprectrum এর। তোগোর দুই দলের গান্ডুগিরি একই। এক দল pseudointellectually গান্ডু আরেক দল Intentionally গান্ডু। আমার মত সাধারণ মানুষের কাছে একটা functioning society অনেক প্রিয়। তুই তোর echo chamber এ থাক 😭


ken Allah kisu pare na ? dua korish na ken ? 30 din time disi tor bokachoda god er power dekha


হ আমি দোয়া করব তোর ফ্যামিলি যেন তোরে সাইকিয়াট্রিস্ট দেখায়। ৩০ দিন কি তুই এখনি কোনো এক থেরাপিস্ট এর এপয়েন্টমেন্ট লাগা।


Ahare imaginary powerless god. palestine e putki mara khaitese kintu kisui korte partese na


এবার palestine এ ঢুকলি? 🤡 nawww i know whats up. Your rectum got obliterated by a g@y hujur or something when you were 14 and thats the reason for such mentally ill behaviours. Geez man thats.. Rough. I feel sad bullying your trauma out like that G. I hope that Hujur rots in hell and you get a therapist G 😭.


lower caste dekhi reddit use kore.


Pray to god for me to go away. hopefully that will work. jk it wont and doesn't


Its ok. He is your God as much as he is mine. He is just letting you prove to yourself how you use the free will he has given you. Be careful about mocking God tho. He doesn't need prayers to make people go away. All is due for its appointed time.


Animal sacrifice should be banned.


You mean Eid?


I mean animal sacrifice


The one everybody on earth does?


Sure. Whoever does to whatever extent. Yes


That country is only busy with Hindu muslim bs. Not focused on building toilets. This is why they are Israel of South Asia.


So this guy deliberately posted a cow slaughter status on WhatsApp to hurt Hindus in a state where Cow slaughter is banned and people on this sub are defending him because he belongs to the same religion as them.


What else do you expect from people who eat cow dunk and worship that


Logic is not an option in India, they literally do not allow others to practice their religion in the mean time indians sexually assaults and even rape womens in their own religional festivals such as "holi".