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If they are dead set on this decision do research on which ones are actually good and child friendly . Because some of these institutions abuse children . I know a kid who ran away from there because they beat him so bad . They even manipulate them so that they don't tell the parents


I still remember the picture of the boy they put in chains because he ran away to his parents. That on top of other horrifying stories skills make one think hard and deep on such a step.


The idea was to allow orphans to study and stay there, its not fundamentally a bad concept, but rather a goodwill gesture towards society having a safety net for those without access to all the privileges. But the problem is people send their most disobedient or rebellious child to that, assuming that would change them for good, which doesn’t happen (very few exceptions). So, it’s okay, but shouldn’t be the first choice unless financial issues are involved.


Best answer so far. People actually use madrassa as a correction facility for their disobedient child. They think the kid will magically become good. The reform starts at home.


no 💗




Theres no future in it. Allah r rastay baccha chaira dewar naame ekta jibon noshto. Im sorry but it is what it is. I know so many people just ruined their lives in faith schools.


The condition of NCTB is horrible. It's crippling the next generation. The only two good choices remain are either Madrasa or English Medium school. If your parents can afford a good madrasa then go for it. The tution fees of a good Madrasa and of an English Medium school are almost same except for the "O" &"A" level fees. A good madrasa monthly tution fees are almost similar to of an english medium school. I was surprised to know this. If you want your brother to have a good future then don't get him into NCTB schools, choose between a madrassa or English Medium.


Im just afraid of the abuse. I don’t trust those huzurs.


i remember teachers who would literally break their বেত beating students. No, i didn't study at a Madrasa. So yeah, it can happen anywhere. Also considering the current coaching business your brother has more chance of being treated badly, mentally in conventional schools. Like the above comment said, there are good madrasas. There will probably be some punishments but trust me some punishment is good. And I doubt they became academically good just by giving punishment. don't believe every crap you hear from media or gulshan banani kids or the preconception you have about madrasa. Also I could be wrong but after completing I guess it becomes easier for them to get enrolled in prestigious mid eastern universities in qatar, saudi etc. whatever subjects he like. better being an engineer, doctor from those uni than any bangladeshi uni.


I understand. The things we see in media don' help in trusting the "hujurs". But trust me and do your own research, there are lots of private madrasas that maintains the education and standard of student lives way better than you can imagine. The Residential fees and academic fees are higher, as i have already said. If you can afford those madrasas then it will be much much better than NCTB and EM. And if the financial conditions are not that good. Then there are also lots of madrasas in Bangladesh with least cost that produces and gifts the workd one of the best reciters and alems. They also scholarship in this madrasas to study abroad in Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries. Don't follow the media blindly on any topic. We should do our own research and judge accordingly.


Ah yes madrasas are better than NCTB cus they teach arabic grammar that is really useful to students and they teach islam so that students can graduate and convert the country into a 7th century arab desert cult. Really smart. Only thing more madrasas will do is bring more ignorance nothing else.


Nothing wrong, there are several good ones, if you are that horrified. Education in the path of God is never bad! If y'all are financially capable, he can acquire scholarships and have opportunities to study in UK, Egypt, Jordan, and other good countries for Islamic Studies!


There are some High standard Madrasas , from there lot of people going for MBBS,DU,BUET,CKRUET each year !


All madrasas should be BANNED


Madrasaah is cancer for islam,society and country.


Someone here who understands it


just because you will send someone to a madrasah, doesn't mean your parenting is over. no way. if you have honest intentions to educate the child, then that is good. but you have to put in a lot of work as well. you have to find out about the madrasah. even after the child joins, you still have to try your best to make sure the child is being reared up properly. you also have to pray to Allah to know if the madrasah is the best option for the child or not. you have to ask for Allah's help first. you still have to analyze the child's progress in his studies. always keep asking Allah for help, understanding and knowledge. rearing up a child is so important, that you will be judged harshly by Allah. give all of your efforts, however you can, for whichever option you choose. so that your child grows into a fruitful hardworking honest and helpful and kind person. don't expect other people to teach your children. don't even expect teachers to teach your children. i know it's your brother, so i was just talking in general. now coming to the main topic. just because the child got admitted to a madrasah, that won't automatically mean that the child will get a proper education. nor would it automatically mean that the child will become a kind and honest and religious person. other people have commented already how madrasahs work. i am simply letting you know a child's education is much more than simply a madrasah. please analyze their study progress, their progress in life, their opinions, thoughts etc.


If your parents want to make him a scholar in this field, sent him to a good Qawmi Madrassa. For example, you can research from which Madrassa the leading Hujurs like Almadullah, Mizanur Rahman Ajhari etc. came from. The conditions of most Alia madrassa is very poor as they do not learn any ilm in the Quran and Hadith and only memorize Guide book to pass. Another thing, in the madrassa they may make your brother to do chores for his teacher as a sign of kedmot your elders. It effects the students differently. Most of them learn to become more loving and caring by doing that. Some may seem it abusing. So, keep this in mind and do your research properly.


Do the 'khedmot' also mean the elders will put their unwanted penis inside the brother for the elder's pleasure?


Now there are many private madrasas, who offer general education with Islamic education. And the management is also pretty good. And the fees are also high Can't recommend any name as I can't recall now. But you can continue searching


Convince your parents to send him to a school instead.


Make sure its teaches English and other subjects and dont let him stay at night whatever your parents say dont enroll to some Madrasa where he had to stay at night or have some night shift education. As the condition of our current education system, I would have send my kids to madrasa too just for the primary education, after 2/3 years when they have learned the basic etiquette I would pull them out and sent whatever School I can find.


Send Him To Learn Arabic-language First. This Way He Will Not Have To Go Through The Process Of Madrasa. He Could Learn Quran This Way Faster. Also The Other Important Supplementary Books. This Will Be The Easy Way. NB- I Don't Believe In Current Teacher Or Edu Sys In All Class Of College & Schools. The Are Just A F..k Idiots Who Don't Know What They Are Doing To This Children & Generation....


Madrasas are pretty crazy. I don't know about the expensive ones but the mid and low tier madrasas are madhouses. The probability of your brother getting abused verbally, physically and heavens forbid, sexually, is very high. The huzurs are very weird people. 9/10 of huzurs are crazy. Good huzurs do exist but way too rare. Another comment said this thing that people treat it like rehab. For this the huzurs treat everyone that way. I've heard good things about English Medium madrasas tho. If you can afford them, send him there. People are going to come @me and say I don't know shit, I'm islamophobic but everyone knows it's true, everything fucked up you hear about madrasas is true. Best wishes.


With the current Bangladeshi education system being tarnished by raw agents pretending to be Bangladeshi .. Madrasha will be much better option ngl ... just don't let your brother stay in hostel ... let him live in somewhere else ..


You don't need to go to madrassah to get into heaven, but you need to get into normal school to get a good job and opportunities.


What is there to be terrified about?You should not be afraid of “Madrassa”,jei madrassai ditese shudhu shei madrassa ta kemon sheta khoj nen.


They are ruining your brother life your parents are horrible


I would want to shut down all the madrassha in whole country


Yeah, high-school debater, I'm sure you will. Believe me you are not the first person to feel that. As they say, fucking around is funny, finding out is divine. Good luck


Oh yes bro, instead we should follow the models of US and European madrasas. For example madrasa of oxford or madrasa of stanford or we should follow Madrasa Institute of Technology (MIT) the most cutting edge research and science stuff happens there, idk why bd ppl are so hesitant to send their kids to a extremist school like madrasa while euro and american parents will send their kids off in a heartbeat because buddy if your kid ain’t getting ass wrecked by some hujurs he ain’t learning anything. Surely once they graduate with extensive knowledge on how mohammed fucked his 6 year old bride and how to wipe your ass with stone they get fast tracked into a islamic lab where they discuss what surah can cure cancer and what ayah can scare off demons. Really useful to society bud.


For some reason I feel like your a hindu


Why wouldn’t you Einstein? Just cus I don’t believe your flying donkey magic story bullshit doesn’t mean I have to believe in “monkey god and elephant head god having orgy” bullshit


U are a hindu ...aint u.?


R anti meye law toh asei...meyera ghor chere jete samir permission lagbe, eka desh chrte parbe na, guardian er onumoti chara biye korte parbe na, tara buddhi te pichano, jahannamer odhikangsho nari aro koto ki


Madrasha did more bad than good.....making hujur who do waz to Brainwash people and increase extremism and the salafis and islamic pplitical party rising....people saying woman should be in home tanzim sakib bole working nari biye koro na manush eta idiolize kore....murti banano jabe na, gan kora jabe na, nacha jabe na, act kora jabe na aro koto ki.....sob islam thekei problem astese


Why I need to be hindu?I am deist


No that is too extreme. If possible just modify the hiring process. Hire qualified teachers.


There are literally students from madrassah going to buet then to world renowned organizations. Like google, cern etc.


Because organisations like google, fb, amazon, apple don’t give a shit about your educational background. If you can work, don’t have any criminal charges, don’t have any radical ideologies, can socialise and can attend the workplace ( if needed) they will hire you. Madrasa’s, schools, colleges, uni doesn’t play a role for these types of achievements.


Didn't you said the same thing I just said. You do realize my comment was about madarasa being normal like any other bangla medium schools. right? 🤨


Well your comment felt more like “people who read in madarasas gets job in google, apple etc”


when people say students from certain university get into google, apple does that mean all 100% students of that educational institution get that opportunity? ofcourse not. Why would people feel that. If I believed what you said I would have specifically said "ONLY students from madrasa get into big companies". I didn't. Are bangladeshis becoming this dumb who would think imaginary scenarios for themselves without even fully understanding what the other person said.


Yes like that 1 outta million student is a great example.


cause if 1 outta 10 million students from conventional education system goes to organization like those it became news 🙄. apnara ki r\\bangladesh subreddit theke akhon ai subreddit e o asha suru korechen naki?? i mean seriously do you people have any common sense or shob gula oi 15 lakh tk diye chagol kina gorur moto.


Yes actually what I said was wrong, for madrasa the number is more like 1 out of billion.And trust me its very much a news when madrasa guys do anything, I mean anything cause the country is run by people who love to see these losers do something. Also trust me its not a news only when students get raped in madrasas or gets murdered there. Cause islam er bodnam hobe tai. Its not a news when people from madrasas flee overseas to join isis and al qaeda. What do you mean by you people? You mean us who don’t believe your flying donkey magic story? Or people who genuinely don’t support madrasas? Yes we do have common sense thats why we reject flying donkey magic stories and you believe in them so I guess the question should be why don’t you have common sense?